SNS Pepti-plex Log/Review


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Couple quick notes before all the background:
-First two months of use will be Pepti-plex plus PA-XT and nothing else "exotic" or that I haven't used extensively. If it goes well I will keep running Pepti-plex as the backbone of anything else I run for the forseable future and will keep updating this log/review.
-I don't train like most people do traditionally. Everything I do is documented, backed by some reason, and a lot is based on lots of auto-regulated processes I have adjusted based on my own reactions over the years, so if something doesn't seem to make sense feel free to ask and I can explain.
-I have been training for nearly 20 years now (and I've always taken it seriously, but I am always evolving my approach) and I am natural so gains are very slow and I also probably focus about 50-50 on performance-hypertrophy (with that shifting a bit from one side to another depending on training cycle and current goals).

-Currently 5 days per week. M-F, weekends off.
-Brief overview of roughly how it will at least be starting->
-This review might be updated for a long duration so this will change and I'll note any time it does->
M- Snatch, Squat, Hard Circuit
Tu- Upper Pull/Push, Bike/Row
W- Mixed Duration Bike/Row
Th- Clean+Jerk, Deadlift, Hard Circuit
F- Upper Push/Pull, Bike/Row
-10-12 week training block focusing on Chest/Back (Push/Pull). When I have a Push centered workout on a Tuesday the hard circuit the day before will have minimal pushing and more pulling and when it is a Pull centered workout the hard circuit the day before will have more pushing and less pulling. Same for the Thursday/Friday layout. One week will be Push Tuesday and Pull Friday then swapped the following week.
-Circuits/Cardio are at a higher intensity than I have been doing the previous months. I tested the first week with a "Test A" circuit then second week with "Test B". Following weeks until retest will have one "harder" A circuit workout and one "more moderate" B circuit with the intensity flipping for them the following week.
-Bike/Row alternate weekly, first week hard training Bike Tuesday and easy Row on Friday, then flip the following week.
-Tested several time domains for a few Wednesdays in a row, then just moderate/hard work on Wednesdays to build this capacity in multiple time domains.
-Snatch, Clean, Squat (currently Front), and Deadlift are a little more on the "backburner", but I auto regulate most things so they'll go up as they go up, just not pushing them directly.

Will link to posts when training changes/if possible.

-Using Macrofactor App.
-Set for very (very) slow gaining. Hoping to gain a few pounds through the end of the year (I'm very lean, been training for a very long time, and gains are very slow at this point).
-Will delve into specifics as I go.

AM: 2 Stress and Anxiety Support, 1 Sabroxy XT + 150mg-200mg Caffeine, 1 pump XPG Curcuprime
Pre: 4 Pepti-plex, 4 PA-XT, 2g Peak O2
During Training: 50g Carbs (HBCD) + 15g Recover EAA + 3g Betaine + 3g Creatine +6g Cit Mal + 1g Agmatine
PM: 2 Cardiovascular Support, 400mg Magnesium Glycinate
-Will note changes as they come.

Current Training Block:
-Increase performance and hypertrophy of the upper body.
-Shift "conditioning" to bias higher intensities (moving up the delivery hierarchy with more respiratory work as well).
-Put another few pounds on before shifting gears again around Thanksgiving/New Year.
Supplement (Pepti-plex focus):
-Test improvements to recovery, growth, and interactions with my style of training.


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Initial Month Review of Pepti-plex:

Supplements Schedule for first month use (bold emphasizes natural anabolics and more novel ingredients for the month):
AM: 2 Stress and Anxiety Support, 1 Sabroxy XT + 150mg-200mg Caffeine, 1 pump XPG Curcuprime
Pre: 4 Pepti-plex, 4 PA-XT, 2g Peak O2
During Training: 50g Carbs (HBCD) + 15g Recover EAA + 3g Betaine + 3g Creatine +6g Cit Mal + 1g Agmatine
PM: 400mg Magnesium Glycinate
*2 caps Pepti-plex + 2 caps PA-XT AM and PM on off days
**I loaded double dose PA-XT the first week when I was still on my previous training cycle's final week.
***I have used Soy Lecithin extensively (didn't love it) and PA-XT before for a very short run.

Objective Measures:
*There is some definite measurement error so just take these more as hey it grew or didn't versus specifics.
Tape Measure:
-Thighs +, Chest ++, Waist neutral, Arms +(small), Hips (around Glutes) neutral, Calves neutral (not currently directly training them so..)
Weekly average of .27lbs for just over 1lbs this month and a bit extra for the 5 weeks I've been using.
*I don't currently have any reasonable way to measure bodyfat.
-It is a little hard to give cool eye popping numbers for 4 weeks, but on literally every exercise I have bumped the weight up and exceeded the initial reps I was doing with the lower weight. Example: Accessory movements +10lbs reps going from 15-15-14 to 18-16-14 (one specific progression, but most have been very similar)
-A movement like Paused Front Squats, which has been in my training plan for several months so no quick gains due to getting used to it again, has gone from 275 x 6 to 295 x 5 this week.
-Endurance is a bit tough to fully measure improvements in just 4 weeks as it is a short time frame and my alternating week workout structure means I've only repeated a small amount, so I'll have more comments in subjective measures later.

Subjective Thoughts:
-So it has only been a short time frame, but I was pretty surprised to see the tape measure moved as much as it did. My chest and upper back feel like they are in a constant state of a slight pump, so that makes sense I guess. Adding some focus to them the last month has definitely led to them feeling firmer and just more engaged all the time. My glutes have been taking a beating though (in a good way, they've had some interesting DOMS from lots of workouts this month) so I was kind of blown that my hip measure wasn't up at all. I should probably measure thighs at an upper and lower area because this upper area is definitely from some adductor growth (they've seen more attention this month) and hamstring work.
-Bodyweight moved right as I'd hope, maybe a little better than I expected. I am still using the Macrofactor app and it has me aiming for these small surpluses*, but each week I had to add a little more to stay on target and the expenditure estimate pretty much went on an upward trajectory as soon as I added PA and Pepti-plex. It had kind of leveled 1-2 weeks before use and then weight went consistently up again.
-Some of my movements are "new" so I expected it wouldn't be too hard to add to them, but I also started at 2 rir and I am pretty good at gauging this and have been very happy with progress so far. Week 5 (this current week) I feel super dialed in as far as to ease of movements.
-I haven't retested endurance measures yet, but one of the biggest things I am noticed right away is an improved breathing pattern and while I am getting pumps I am also able to not "burn out" once the burn starts and push through quite well.
*I am focusing on a VERY slow progression (as advised by MF) similar to how I have kind of done in the past, but probably even more dialed in this time. I've too often gone too fast and added too much weight with too much being fat only to have to cut it off at this point in my career.

Overall Timeline of Effects and Final Thoughts:
-First week I noticed immediate benefits to my endurance and noticed an immediate pump benefit (maybe the new tea extract?).
-It took til around 2-3 weeks for me to start to notice a marked decrease in DOMS, but I am doing a bunch of "newer" movements again and hit the gas pretty quick (single intro week then progressed directly week to week). My current DOMS don't last long, but even when I am getting them I am noticing no decreased workout performance in subsequent sessions (I am only improving everywhere).
-Weeks 3-4 I am getting a pretty pronounced overall increase in amount of vascularity* and muscle fullness. It is a bit hard to fully describe (and it is only a month or so anyways) different compared to other things I've used (recently). Whereas with something like Anabolic Effect where I get a deep muscle fullness or Anabolic XTwhere I get more of like what feels like a tighter feeling around the muscle (I don't want to say necessarily decreased bloat or water loss, but similar I'd guess if you need an explanation), on Pepti-plex + PA-XT so far it feels like the muscles have "filled out" or kind of similar to what it feels like when you increase glycogen storage or get back on creatine. I've noted I get pretty full and pumped just doing cardio right now, but not in a debilitating way (feels great). Even on days off I feel there is a slight increase in tone and fullness in anything worked.
*So quick kind of note on this that is related a bit to some outside influences. I feel like I see "more" veins right now, but they aren't as pronounced. It is finally in the 30-40s in the morning and so when I go train the gym is cool-cold. During the summer even in the morning it was HOT. Don't want to get too far on a tangent, but when it is warmer you easily appear more vascular (cooling the body off through the skin via increased blood flow and other factors). If I wear my sweatshirt and get nice and toasty before taking things off they appear more pronounced again for a bit. Fwiw I like training in pants and a sweatshirt anyways and fall is like PR season for me due to being my "preferred" temps.
-Weeks 4-5 I feel like I have hit the groove. My workouts feel super productive, like I am digging into some deeper levels of work on everything and it leaves me fatigued later in the day (that kind of slight meh feeling in worked muscles), I wake up sore the following day, then usually feel pretty good by that night to next day, and regardless I have zero issues crushing things again when I next hit the gym.
-Slightly notable is that I made my Wednesday (mid-week) quite intense cardio wise (to move hard cardio further from lifting sessions) when it is normally easy and haven't had any disturbances to the rest of my training.
-Only current negative is that there isn't a ton of "feels" with this. Obviously I mentioned the pump, endurance, and strength, but there is nothing super acute with dosing. There isn't really any reason to think it would or marketing towards that, but definitely doesn't have an energizing effect like Anabolic XT for me or the mood boost of something like Alpha-Gel or Optimize-T (so maybe some sort of combo with those will be amazing).

I know that is a lot so TLDR:
-Immediate benefits to endurance and pumps.
-Increased muscle fullness in the entire body by weeks 2-3.
-Easy strength progressions and feeling recovered despite new movements and slight change to split.
-Weight gain right on target and measures of expenditure increased over duration of first month.
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Initial Month Review of Pepti-plex:

Quick heads up this won't be super in depth because honestly I feel I can sum this experience up without boring people about too many specifics, but always glad to go more in depth if anyone wants.

Supplements Schedule for two month use:
AM: 2 Stress and Anxiety Support, 1 Sabroxy XT + 150mg-200mg Caffeine, 1-2 pumps XPG Curcuprime
Pre: 4 Pepti-plex, 4 PA-XT, 2g Peak O2 +25g Carbs (HBCD) + 15g Recover EAA + 3g Betaine + 3g Creatine +6g Cit Mal + 1g Agmatine
*2 caps Pepti-plex + 2 caps PA-XT AM and PM on off days

Objective Measures:
*I need to go back and double check these, but tape measure didn't move as much as the first month, but I feel like subjectively I had a bit more improvement here (fwiw).
Weight increased 1.9lbs from the start of the 8 weeks.
*Caloric expenditure based on Macrofactor says it has increased 110 calories above what it was to start 8 weeks ago.
*This was right on track with my goal and intake so this is a positive, I wasn't planning on some massive change if anyone feels that is a low number.

-Pause Front Squat e1rm added 17lbs. I managed a non-max 350 and some 335 x 2 for actual lifts. This wasn't my focus and minimal volume, so happy with the gains.
-Went +20lbs on pause bench over the course of the two months. Strength wasn't a focus, but progress was welcome.
-Went from +20lbs x 12 on pull ups to +45lbs x 12 this final week (some is acquaintance to weighted pull ups again).
-Added +30lbs (down from 10 to 8 reps) on bent over row to chest.
-Added +10-20lbs on other accessory movements for similar rep counts across sets (most were within 12-20 rep range).
-Will try to come back and update endurance training numbers after repeating my tests soon, but added length and/or intensity to all endurance training.

Subjective Thoughts:
-I feel I have added some actual growth to my chest and shoulders (probably back, but its harder to "see"). They have been the focus so that is good.
-Beyond just how well everything has actually improved I feel training has just felt more productive every session as well.
-Around the 7 week point I did start to notice very slight signs of needing a deload soon, but I have been training very hard with no break yet and making constant improvements every week.

Overall 2 Month Thoughts:
-If I had to sum this up I feel like it basically revitalizes me in regards to training.
-Going to sound maybe a bit weird, but hang with me for a second, this feels to my body what Sabroxy XT felt like to my mind. I've been training for a very long time and I don't want to act like my training isn't great, but I feel like every workout with this combo has me feeling just a bit more "oomph". I still get a little DOMS, but they almost feel refreshing, I feel recovered from every session to the point I almost feel like I have just that tiny bit extra to give every session. It isn't something like a massive feeling, just that I feel every session is just building momentum and always pushing me forward.
-I can train hard every session and feel like I don't have to worry about being ready for the next one.
-Muscles all feel more full and just more revitalized. It will sound dumb, but almost like I feel younger or like how my sessions felt 5-10 years ago.
***Bonus attribute is that my joints feel great. I know some people mention this and I tried to hold off mentioning, but ya I am starting to feel some very tiny inklings of fatigue build up and very slight stiffness, but I feel sooooooo much better than a few months ago it is pretty cool.

Overall I think the simplest way to express how pleased I've been is that I pretty much plan to run Pepti-plex indefinitely and use PA-XT any time I am running a similar training plan as I am running currently.
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Probably don't need this one, but saving just in case. :)


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I'm looking very forward to hearing how you like it thus far and your updates.

I like how you went into great detail about your training and training history. It helps add context and I think its important to realize that when supplements have a great impact on people that have trained consistently for as long as you have, they're going to likely work even better for people that are newer to it.

I'm curious with the hard training that you do, how much of a difference you'll notice with your recovery.

Also, I'm curious to see if you feel any nagging muscle aches and pains feel better through use. I have a partial tear in my right biceps that has been there for 10+ years and I've been pretty surprised that its improved in a short period of time.


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Thanks for the sub.

I'm looking very forward to hearing how you like it thus far and your updates.

I like how you went into great detail about your training and training history. It helps add context and I think its important to realize that when supplements have a great impact on people that have trained consistently for as long as you have, they're going to likely work even better for people that are newer to it.

I'm curious with the hard training that you do, how much of a difference you'll notice with your recovery.

Also, I'm curious to see if you feel any nagging muscle aches and pains feel better through use. I have a partial tear in my right biceps that has been there for 10+ years and I've been pretty surprised that its improved in a short period of time.
Definitely. I don't mean it as an excuse, I still make quite a lot of progress on the things I am focused on, but if I put 5lbs on in a month it isn't going to be very lean no matter what I do at this point. So it is important for people to keep that in mind, you won't be finding any 10-15lbs "gains" in my logs. :)

That said my strength is already trending nicely. Some 330lbs pause front squats for 2 sets of 2 last week and then 295 for 5 this week is quite nice. ;)


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Thanks for the sub.

Definitely. I don't mean it as an excuse, I still make quite a lot of progress on the things I am focused on, but if I put 5lbs on in a month it isn't going to be very lean no matter what I do at this point. So it is important for people to keep that in mind, you won't be finding any 10-15lbs "gains" in my logs. :)

That said my strength is already trending nicely. Some 330lbs pause front squats for 2 sets of 2 last week and then 295 for 5 this week is quite nice. ;)
I think its always important for people to distinguish things like that.

I think some people get so caught up in hearing big number gains that they don't realize that many people that have been training for many years consistently are so close to their genetic potential, that a couple lb. gain for someone like you or @TheMrMuscle is more significant than a 10 lb. gain for someone that is a beginner or inconsistent.


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In on this!


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Nice in for the ride


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Thanks for the subs guys. Just keep in mind I won't be daily updating like a frequent log, more like a long standing review with updates as I go.


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Initial Month Review of Pepti-plex:

Supplements Schedule for first month use (bold emphasizes natural anabolics and more novel ingredients for the month):
AM: 2 Stress and Anxiety Support, 1 Sabroxy XT + 150mg-200mg Caffeine, 1 pump XPG Curcuprime
Pre: 4 Pepti-plex, 4 PA-XT, 2g Peak O2
During Training: 50g Carbs (HBCD) + 15g Recover EAA + 3g Betaine + 3g Creatine +6g Cit Mal + 1g Agmatine
PM: 400mg Magnesium Glycinate
*2 caps Pepti-plex + 2 caps PA-XT AM and PM on off days
**I loaded double dose PA-XT the first week when I was still on my previous training cycle's final week.
***I have used Soy Lecithin extensively (didn't love it) and PA-XT before for a very short run.

Objective Measures:
*There is some definite measurement error so just take these more as hey it grew or didn't versus specifics.
Tape Measure:
-Thighs +, Chest ++, Waist neutral, Arms +(small), Hips (around Glutes) neutral, Calves neutral (not currently directly training them so..)
Weekly average of .27lbs for just over 1lbs this month and a bit extra for the 5 weeks I've been using.
*I don't currently have any reasonable way to measure bodyfat.
-It is a little hard to give cool eye popping numbers for 4 weeks, but on literally every exercise I have bumped the weight up and exceeded the initial reps I was doing with the lower weight. Example: Accessory movements +10lbs reps going from 15-15-14 to 18-16-14 (one specific progression, but most have been very similar).
-A movement like Paused Front Squats (no belt), which has been in my training plan for several months so no quick gains due to getting used to it again, has gone from 275 x 6 week 1 to 295 x 5 this week (around +15lbs to e1rm). Also a 330lbs double (for two sets) which I think is a beltless PR for Paused.
-Endurance is a bit tough to fully measure improvements in just 4 weeks as it is a short time frame and my alternating week workout structure means I've only repeated a small amount, so I'll have more comments in subjective measures later.

Subjective Thoughts:
-So it has only been a short time frame, but I was pretty surprised to see the tape measure moved as much as it did. My chest and upper back feel like they are in a constant state of a slight pump, so that makes sense I guess. Adding some focus to them the last month has definitely led to them feeling firmer and just more engaged all the time. My glutes have been taking a beating though (in a good way, they've had some interesting DOMS from lots of workouts this month) so I was kind of blown that my hip measure wasn't up at all. I should probably measure thighs at an upper and lower area because this upper area is definitely from some adductor growth (they've seen more attention this month) and hamstring work.
-Bodyweight moved right as I'd hope, maybe a little better than I expected. I am still using the Macrofactor app and it has me aiming for these small surpluses*, but each week I had to add a little more to stay on target and the expenditure estimate pretty much went on an upward trajectory as soon as I added PA and Pepti-plex. It had kind of leveled 1-2 weeks before use and then weight went consistently up again.
-Some of my movements are "new" so I expected it wouldn't be too hard to add to them, but I also started at 2 rir and I am pretty good at gauging this and have been very happy with progress so far. Week 5 (this current week) I feel super dialed in as far as to ease of movements.
-I haven't retested endurance measures yet, but one of the biggest things I am noticed right away is an improved breathing pattern and while I am getting pumps I am also able to not "burn out" once the burn starts and push through quite well.
*I am focusing on a VERY slow progression (as advised by MF) similar to how I have kind of done in the past, but probably even more dialed in this time. I've too often gone too fast and added too much weight with too much being fat only to have to cut it off at this point in my career.

Overall Timeline of Effects and Final Thoughts:
-First week I noticed immediate benefits to my endurance and noticed an immediate pump benefit (maybe the new tea extract?).
-It took til around 2-3 weeks for me to start to notice a marked decrease in DOMS, but I am doing a bunch of "newer" movements again and hit the gas pretty quick (single intro week then progressed directly week to week). My current DOMS don't last long, but even when I am getting them I am noticing no decreased workout performance in subsequent sessions (I am only improving everywhere).
-Weeks 3-4 I am getting a pretty pronounced overall increase in amount of vascularity* and muscle fullness. It is a bit hard to fully describe (and it is only a month or so anyways) different compared to other things I've used (recently). Whereas with something like Anabolic Effect where I get a deep muscle fullness or Anabolic XTwhere I get more of like what feels like a tighter feeling around the muscle (I don't want to say necessarily decreased bloat or water loss, but similar I'd guess if you need an explanation), on Pepti-plex + PA-XT so far it feels like the muscles have "filled out" or kind of similar to what it feels like when you increase glycogen storage or get back on creatine. I've noted I get pretty full and pumped just doing cardio right now, but not in a debilitating way (feels great). Even on days off I feel there is a slight increase in tone and fullness in anything worked.
*So quick kind of note on this that is related a bit to some outside influences. I feel like I see "more" veins right now, but they aren't as pronounced. It is finally in the 30-40s in the morning and so when I go train the gym is cool-cold. During the summer even in the morning it was HOT. Don't want to get too far on a tangent, but when it is warmer you easily appear more vascular (cooling the body off through the skin via increased blood flow and other factors). If I wear my sweatshirt and get nice and toasty before taking things off they appear more pronounced again for a bit. Fwiw I like training in pants and a sweatshirt anyways and fall is like PR season for me due to being my "preferred" temps.
-Weeks 4-5 I feel like I have hit the groove. My workouts feel super productive, like I am digging into some deeper levels of work on everything and it leaves me fatigued later in the day (that kind of slight meh feeling in worked muscles), I wake up sore the following day, then usually feel pretty good by that night to next day, and regardless I have zero issues crushing things again when I next hit the gym.
-Slightly notable is that I made my Wednesday (mid-week) quite intense cardio wise (to move hard cardio further from lifting sessions) when it is normally easy and haven't had any disturbances to the rest of my training.
-Only current negative is that there isn't a ton of "feels" with this. Obviously I mentioned the pump, endurance, and strength, but there is nothing super acute with dosing. There isn't really any reason to think it would or marketing towards that, but definitely doesn't have an energizing effect like Anabolic XT for me or the mood boost of something like Alpha-Gel or Optimize-T (so maybe some sort of combo with those will be amazing).

I know that is a lot so TLDR:
-Immediate benefits to endurance and pumps.
-Increased muscle fullness in the entire body by weeks 2-3.
-Easy strength progressions and feeling recovered despite new movements and slight change to split.
-Weight gain right on target and measures of expenditure increased over duration of first month.

Super excited to see where the next 4-6 weeks leave me as I finish out this block of training.


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Also, I'm curious to see if you feel any nagging muscle aches and pains feel better through use. I have a partial tear in my right biceps that has been there for 10+ years and I've been pretty surprised that its improved in a short period of time.
I didn't want to make a specific note on this as I hadn't thought of it until you brought it up. This past week in particular I've noticed an improvement, but going to keep an eye on it more.

I got my psoas a little aggravated to start the summer when I started running again (I needed new shoes and when I got them I felt great and probably should have "rebooted" my running progression but didn't so a minor issue kind of stuck around). It flares up every now and then (for awhile not just recently), but this last week has felt solid again (but cutting running out completely probably helped too).

My shoulders feel great though and I've had zero knee discomfort despite feeling like I've regained some ROM in all my squatting movements with the hips feeling better.


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Maybe ironic, but I had new shoulder veins while brushing my teeth last night almost as if my body was taunting me for saying my vascularity was less pronounced. ;)


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Ok maybe a few updates here.

First, it was in the 70s this morning and my veins decided they wanted to tell me they are more numerous and pronounced right now, it is just the cold hiding them at times. Even my calves were looking crazy today.

Second, 330 x 3 on the front squat and everything felt light, so that recovery and strength progression is really moving.

Third, my endurance was up. Increased pace 10% today on my circuit and maintained pretty much the same heart rate levels as two weeks ago.


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Mixed D3 Submax Repeats

8 Rounds @ 8:
4 Double Kettlebell Front Squats 32kg
16 Double Unders
4 Bar Muscle-Ups
12 Calorie Row
1:30 Rest

Sorry if the handwriting sucks and I was a bit too lazy to type it all out. First is today, second note is last time. Total round time, Row time, HR when I got off rower, HR average, HR peak.

Fwiw I also do a comprehensive "warm up" for the circuit before starting, rest 2-3 minutes then hit it so my heart rate is already "ready" or in the zone at the start. Noticed today my peaks were a bit high at the start as I was more "psychologically aroused" for the circuit then usual after the heavy squats.



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Today's 330lbs plus some random musings/notes.

I've adjusted the diet a little. I realized I am not eating as many calories as I used to (I mean I KNOW that, but more like realized that it meant I need some adjustments) so I've swapped out some less fibrous foods for more fibrous foods. When you are eating 450g carbs you can't always eat high fiber options without consequences. Now that my carbs are down closer to 350ish I have switched more corn, beans, higher fiber breads, etc. in. I (obviously) feel fuller and a bit better overall.

I also realized I am not eating much fish right now. I usually eat lots of salmon and go out for sushi quite often, but prices of things are a little prohibitive now so I haven't. Decided to start up some fishoil again at 2g combined EPA+DHA.



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Small update:

First image is Wednesday's workout. I managed to hit 6 rounds when two weeks ago I had to cut it at 4.

Second image is today's. Managed +10lbs cleans + 1 extra round for pretty much same difficulty/heart rate values.

Feeling really good overall. Hips and legs don't feel any aches and pains (knock on wood) and feel ready to go every day to train. It is hot again though, I was really enjoying the cool temps. Hoping they come back, I had to chalk up more than I preferred during today's circuit so as to not lose the bar.




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Fwiw I did clean + jerk and deadlifts before the second workout too, it isn't just a circuit. ;)
I was about to make a joke about your curves membership but you saved yourself with this

Thank you for the log, following along intently.


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Quick updates because I don't feel motivated to write up anything major at the moment.

-Hit a 350lbs pause front squat single Monday and felt great.
-Switched my "intra" shake to all pre. I've been working out pretty consistently before breakfast, so I'm just doubling down on that as a "meal" instead then drinking some more carbs + electrolytes during training. I don't think it will make a big difference, but was worth noting.
-I was lazy to start this log and had been meaning to do it for awhile, but I started adding some countermovement jumps on my force plates this week. Usually use them more for rehab purposes, but I wanted to test a bit of them measuring recovery/training readiness. Probably won't be super important for this log (especially since they are added in so late), but just something I am playing around with and will note if anything seems applicable.
-My increased fiber and changing of some food source, plus some more soup-like/chili style meals (because it is getting cold again), have be feeling a bit bloated. Not in like a way that I look bloated, if anything I look leaner lately, but my stomach feels full or a bit blah. No gas or anything though, so we'll see if I need to adjust diet again anytime soon. Weight kind of stagnating, so lets see what MF does.

Just slowly moving along as usual. Plan to pick up a couple more bottles to run these both through the end of the year.


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No one will accuse me of being a bodybuilder because I have no idea how to get good angles for photos. Shoulders are super separated and picture was bad but triceps were looking striated/lined on the back. I took my sweatshirt off towards the end of my workout and was surprised at the leanness I’m holding.

Another very solid week. Keep making small progress with the weights. It’s maybe impressive that I am because I’m really focusing on my technique on a lot of my movements similar to how the RP guys do stuff. Lots of control and pausing at times and loading the stretch, etc. I’m always meticulous with my technique, but this is just “different” I guess.

I took the “guardrails” off my deadlift this week and finished my EMOM at 355 x 3 with a pause just off the floor for each rep. My butt was on fire more than usual with deadlifts.

Weight kind of flatlined this week so hoping another bump in calories hits with my weekly check in.

Kind of just a mindless update post since I don’t have anything major to say, several weeks from major testing too.


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No one will accuse me of being a bodybuilder because I have no idea how to get good angles for photos. Shoulders are super separated and picture was bad but triceps were looking striated/lined on the back. I took my sweatshirt off towards the end of my workout and was surprised at the leanness I’m holding.

Another very solid week. Keep making small progress with the weights. It’s maybe impressive that I am because I’m really focusing on my technique on a lot of my movements similar to how the RP guys do stuff. Lots of control and pausing at times and loading the stretch, etc. I’m always meticulous with my technique, but this is just “different” I guess.

I took the “guardrails” off my deadlift this week and finished my EMOM at 355 x 3 with a pause just off the floor for each rep. My butt was on fire more than usual with deadlifts.

Weight kind of flatlined this week so hoping another bump in calories hits with my weekly check in.

Kind of just a mindless update post since I don’t have anything major to say, several weeks from major testing too.
Heck yeah man triceps looking great and so are the shoulders!!


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Thanks guys, I'll say taking two full days off on the weekends can be a bit tough when you feel ready to hit the gym again so soon. ;)


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Thanks guys, I'll say taking two full days off on the weekends can be a bit tough when you feel ready to hit the gym again so soon. ;)
Same! I tell myself though rest is just as important as a full workout. Especially giving the nervous system a rest.


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Incredible shape and the fact that you out train all of us on top of that is just amazing.
I don't know if I out train lots of people. 😅

Dog sitting from this past weekend til about Thursday-Friday this week. He is sweet, but has some anxiety so sleep is a little worse right now, hoping he'll settle a bit and that I don't have too many issues with this week's training.


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Working on an update. The last 6-7 days have been pretty horrible though. Not training wise, but one of those life just smacking you around kind of weeks.

Weight had hit a plateau a little before, but I jumped up a pound this week. Stress definitely hitting me hard. I've almost doubled up on the Stress and Anxiety XT (still might if it keeps up staying stressful), but I did add extra KSM-66 I had laying around in the evenings to try and combat it. I can't "tell" I've added a little weight, so maybe just water that will drop, but it is what it is.

Outside of that though training is still on overdrive. I thought this would effect my training, but if anything things just keep ramping up. Idk exactly how to absorb the info, but I hit a new countermovement jump best on the force plates today, increased weights or reps on every movement so far this week, and hit some bests on today's rowing and biking.

I'll try to have some more specifics when time allows.


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So despite this weeks stress my training was very productive and everything was improved upon.

Today was one of those days that just “felt” like everything was right.

Picture bc I felt cool for once.
Delts and biceps are popping!


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Mulling over when I'll do a big update. This will be 8 weeks on the program, 9 using the PA + Pepti-plex. I still have probably 1-3 weeks before I retest all my endurance tests so I may wait until then to have a comprehensive review. I am grabbing some Growth Factor XT though so I may just do a full 2 bottle PA + Pepti-plex review before I start that, we'll see.

Switching up Snatch and Clean movements. I ran a 1 rep 3 rep alternating week cycle up to @8 rpe on them. Considering I am pretty low volume with them and not working the technique a lot I decided against pushing to @9-10 over the next couple weeks and just chose to switch to some accessory movements instead. Strength feels great on them, but I don't think there are PRs in the next couple weeks and I'd rather push to maxes when I feel my technique is more dialed in.

Hit 335 x 2 yesterday on Front Squats. Depth was solid, but the pauses were barely pauses so I feel a bit self conscious posting them. 😭

Endurance was rocking in my circuit though, longer duration, same/better pacing, with overall lower average HR.

Popped 2 Vasoforce Rush this morning instead of my usual Ghost Energy and the added pump ingredients have me a little over pumped, my lats were feeling it a ton on bench. I am thinking of using more Vasoforce Rush or Pump Addict on my upper body days since they are a little more pump oriented and the "conditioning" on those days isn't too crazy (I don't like too much stim on days I do certain cardio).

Weight has stabilized (still going up but more back in line).

Lots of rambling here. I may also add belted movements back in this coming week or I'll wait til I fully conclude this training cycle. A lot kind of in the air as I feel out wrapping up the training block. It is getting cold again so belt, sleeves, etc. are all things I'd probably like to get back to using if only just to keep me warm ha.


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Initial Month Review of Pepti-plex:

Quick heads up this won't be super in depth because honestly I feel I can sum this experience up without boring people about too many specifics, but always glad to go more in depth if anyone wants.

Supplements Schedule for two month use:
AM: 2 Stress and Anxiety Support, 1 Sabroxy XT + 150mg-200mg Caffeine, 1-2 pumps XPG Curcuprime
Pre: 4 Pepti-plex, 4 PA-XT, 2g Peak O2 +25g Carbs (HBCD) + 15g Recover EAA + 3g Betaine + 3g Creatine +6g Cit Mal + 1g Agmatine
*2 caps Pepti-plex + 2 caps PA-XT AM and PM on off days

Objective Measures:
*I need to go back and double check these, but tape measure didn't move as much as the first month, but I feel like subjectively I had a bit more improvement here (fwiw).
Weight increased 1.9lbs from the start of the 8 weeks.
*Caloric expenditure based on Macrofactor says it has increased 110 calories above what it was to start 8 weeks ago.
*This was right on track with my goal and intake so this is a positive, I wasn't planning on some massive change if anyone feels that is a low number.

-Pause Front Squat e1rm added 17lbs. I managed a non-max 350 and some 335 x 2 for actual lifts. This wasn't my focus and minimal volume, so happy with the gains.
-Went +20lbs on pause bench over the course of the two months. Strength wasn't a focus, but progress was welcome.
-Went from +20lbs x 12 on pull ups to +45lbs x 12 this final week (some is acquaintance to weighted pull ups again).
-Added +30lbs (down from 10 to 8 reps) on bent over row to chest.
-Added +10-20lbs on other accessory movements for similar rep counts across sets (most were within 12-20 rep range).
-Will try to come back and update endurance training numbers after repeating my tests soon, but added length and/or intensity to all endurance training.

Subjective Thoughts:
-I feel I have added some actual growth to my chest and shoulders (probably back, but its harder to "see"). They have been the focus so that is good.
-Beyond just how well everything has actually improved I feel training has just felt more productive every session as well.
-Around the 7 week point I did start to notice very slight signs of needing a deload soon, but I have been training very hard with no break yet and making constant improvements every week.

Overall 2 Month Thoughts:
-If I had to sum this up I feel like it basically revitalizes me in regards to training.
-Going to sound maybe a bit weird, but hang with me for a second, this feels to my body what Sabroxy XT felt like to my mind. I've been training for a very long time and I don't want to act like my training isn't great, but I feel like every workout with this combo has me feeling just a bit more "oomph". I still get a little DOMS, but they almost feel refreshing, I feel recovered from every session to the point I almost feel like I have just that tiny bit extra to give every session. It isn't something like a massive feeling, just that I feel every session is just building momentum and always pushing me forward.
-I can train hard every session and feel like I don't have to worry about being ready for the next one.
-Muscles all feel more full and just more revitalized. It will sound dumb, but almost like I feel younger or like how my sessions felt 5-10 years ago.
***Bonus attribute is that my joints feel great. I know some people mention this and I tried to hold off mentioning, but ya I am starting to feel some very tiny inklings of fatigue build up and very slight stiffness, but I feel sooooooo much better than a few months ago it is pretty cool.

Overall I think the simplest way to express how pleased I've been is that I pretty much plan to run Pepti-plex indefinitely and use PA-XT any time I am running a similar training plan as I am running currently.


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Awesome detailed summary and explanation.


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pretty much plan to run Pepti-plex indefinitely and use PA-XT any time I am running a similar training plan as I am running currently.
Seems like you enjoyed and it and worked out well for you! Good to hear!


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Thanks guys.

Just a couple quick notes.

I do plan to keep updating this, it just might be sporadic at this point and only when I feel something is worth mentioning.

I also started Growth Factor XT this week so that is part of the reason to "conclude" this 2 month introduction.

I also hit 305 x 6 front squats and +50lbs x 12 for pull ups today, so still going strong. :)


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Random update:

Was going to try and link video of my +50lbs x 12 pull ups, but can't figure the video out and gave up.

Switched from high bent over row to aiming towards the belly button today (since they had started to stall out in weight progression) and felt like my lats were going to explode and tear off my body. Pumps were gross today on back and pulling.

Hoping to test next week or the week after thanksgiving and then start up some new stuff after that when I decide where to go.

Pepti-plex is the truth though.


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Ok been a bit.

I am still deciding what to combine with Pepti-plex next, keeping Growth Factor XT, but I need to make a decision before all these sales stop haha

I finally hit a "deload" this week. I literally just finished finalizing my game plan going forward. I won't be updating a ton in here, but just for sake of some transparency.

I'll retest a few of my metabolic tests I did to start the log and finally be able to see how far that has come in the last 10-12 weeks. One test next week then the following the week after (with a cyclical test probably next week too).

I decided to keep kind of the upper emphasis so I'll be sticking with most of the movements I have been doing with some minor tweaks, including some rep range changes. Throwing in dips for a second chest movement later in the week, etc.

I'll be keeping weightlifting the same and simple.

Add one new metabolic test to test then retest after about 8 weeks.

I'll be prepping the Front Squat for a cycle after this, but I may take a PR attempt during this cycle if it shows itself. I'd like 400lbs this year. :)

I'll keep pushing the bodyweight slowly up then try to get absolutely shredded in the spring with a deadlift focused block looking for a PR around then too.

Ok enough rambling now I just need to decide what to add next, but planning a full Pepti-Plex year for 2024. ;)

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