SNS Anabolic XT - Hardcore Natural Anabolic Muscle Builder



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I wanted to let everyone following the thread know that the New Year Sale is now live.

Save 30% off all SNS products including already discounted stacks and multi-packs with coupon code newyears30

We are out of stock of Anabolic XT at the moment, but for anyone that wants to take advantage of the sale price on Anabolic XT, you're welcome to pm me and if you have Cashapp or Zelle, I can help; we just don't have a way to do any type of presale on the restock thru the website - bc the eta on it is approx. 2 weeks but there's just no way to know for sure, so I don't want to do it publicly and risk upsetting people.



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Anabolic XT and Anabolic Effect are both natural anabolics but are two completely different products. I don't think its possible to directly compare the two because they're so different and which you like better between the two will likely depend on what the person is looking for. I think that they will make a great stack together.
Would it be overkill to full dose both AE and AXT stack? Would you still get optimal results half dosing each, or just full dose both?


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Would it be overkill to full dose both AE and AXT stack? Would you still get optimal results half dosing each, or just full dose both?
I never tried any other dosing scheme, but I took a full dose of each first thing in the morning before working out. Absolutely spectacular results. I threw them in for some PCT gains coming off a PH stack, and strength kept climbing. It was explosive the first two weeks, then leveled off but kept going up. It was nuts and I can’t wait to run them again!


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Is there any anti-estrogen or estrogen reducing properties in anabolic XT? Just got back blood work and estradiol was high but total test was in 500 range. Re-testing today to get free test measured and a couple others doc missed


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Is there any anti-estrogen or estrogen reducing properties in anabolic XT? Just got back blood work and estradiol was high but total test was in 500 range. Re-testing today to get free test measured and a couple others doc missed
To my knowledge, nothing will have any real effect on estrogen. If that’s a concern, you may want to add something else to it.


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Would it be overkill to full dose both AE and AXT stack? Would you still get optimal results half dosing each, or just full dose both?
Not overkill at all, Anabolic Effect and Anabolic XT make a great stack.

I would absolutely do the full dose of each; I would not do half doses of either one. The way that the ingredients work, they need to be dosed properly and I'm not saying that you wouldn't get any results if half dosing them, but I think that you'd really be shortchanging yourself.

As soon as I can start training again, this is actually the stack that I'm looking forward to the most.


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Is there any anti-estrogen or estrogen reducing properties in anabolic XT? Just got back blood work and estradiol was high but total test was in 500 range. Re-testing today to get free test measured and a couple others doc missed
Anabolic XT is a great product but if you're looking for something to help reduce estrogen/estradiol, then I would suggest either Inhibit-E or Cloma-Plex.

Cloma-Plex is a great product that shares some similar ingredients to Anabolic XT but is designed to be more like a natural alternative to TRT in the sense that it has natural anabolic properties and helps increase natural testosterone levels while also having ingredients in it to help decrease estrogen.

Cloma-Plex - write up -
Cloma-Plex - intro thread -

Inhibit-E is a very comprehensive estrogen control product that can be stacked with Anabolic XT or almost anything else and has years of great feedback on it for reducing estrogen. We have a lot of positive feedback on it from men who use it on cycle, in PCT, with TRT, and for general health purposes of helping reduce estrogen levels.

A very significant thing with Inhibit-E is that it is designed to help modulate and regulate estrogen, not crush it, and therefore you don't have the worries of estrogen rebound that come along with some things.

Here is a link for the full Inhibit-E write up:

I hope that information helps. If you have any questions, please let me know.


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Anabolic XT is a great product but if you're looking for something to help reduce estrogen/estradiol, then I would suggest either Inhibit-E or Cloma-Plex.

Cloma-Plex is a great product that shares some similar ingredients to Anabolic XT but is designed to be more like a natural alternative to TRT in the sense that it has natural anabolic properties and helps increase natural testosterone levels while also having ingredients in it to help decrease estrogen.

Cloma-Plex - write up -
Cloma-Plex - intro thread -

Inhibit-E is a very comprehensive estrogen control product that can be stacked with Anabolic XT or almost anything else and has years of great feedback on it for reducing estrogen. We have a lot of positive feedback on it from men who use it on cycle, in PCT, with TRT, and for general health purposes of helping reduce estrogen levels.

A very significant thing with Inhibit-E is that it is designed to help modulate and regulate estrogen, not crush it, and therefore you don't have the worries of estrogen rebound that come along with some things.

Here is a link for the full Inhibit-E write up:

I hope that information helps. If you have any questions, please let me know.
Thanks. How far out till restock on anabolic XT arrives?


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Thanks. How far out till restock on anabolic XT arrives?
We hope to have it back in stock within a couple of weeks.

It is and has been our main priority to get back in stock, there were just a lot of projects already in process in front of it - but its in process now so it shouldn't be long if all goes well.


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"About a couple weeks".
We do the best that we can do.

As a company owner, I can promise that no one wants the product back in stock more than I do because every day that a product is out of stock hurts myself and my companies financially and the negativity and comments from some people really bother me personally; so much so that that’s one of the reasons that some days I don’t even log in here anymore.

There is a lot more that goes into making products that people realize, especially products like Anabolic XT that contain multiple branded ingredients and unique specific extracts and ingredients; and especially when a company is fully GMP compliant and does all of the testing that we do.

We aren't one of the companies that are just receiving raw materials in and not testing them and encapsulating and bottling them ourselves.

We are an FDA registered GMP compliant company that only use FDA registered GMP compliant contract manufacturing facilities that follow proper guidelines, testing protocols, etc. This is a process and it has to be done a certain way; and unfortunately, that takes time - especially when having 70+ products.

When I give an ETA, I give the best estimate that I can at the time - and the reason I don't like giving ETA's is that so many things can happen and delay things.

  • One ingredient being late can bump a product from one week's production schedule to the next because the next product on the priority list gets started in its place.
  • Independent testing facilities sometimes get backed up and test results that would normally take 7 to 10 days to get back can sometimes take up to 2 to 3 weeks.
  • Capsule equipment is like any other manufacturing equipment and sometimes breaks or needs unexpected maintenance.
I wish that we were some mega marketing company that could afford massive production runs and unlimited advertisements to sell more products, but that's just not the case. We have to run production runs based off of raw material availability and also the size runs that we can afford to do and then adjust and scale up accordingly. For example, with Anabolic XT, we have the production run in process and then already have 2 more PO's in spaced out periods apart to try to get ahead of it and try to avoid future out of stocks.

But its a process - I missed more work time last year because of my accident than I have in my adult life, and its a process that I've worked 70+ hours every single week since the very first week I was able to get up out of the wheelchair trying to get caught up at work, battle with the supply chain issues trying to get things back in stock, get and keep inventory in stock, and still be active here and try to help people and bring out new products that people want.

My hope and thought had been that we offer enough cool products that as much as being out of stock of something may suck, I hope(d) that people could find other cool things by us to use and try while waiting for others to come back in stock.

I try so hard to help people and give people what they want; I appreciate it and enjoy it when people are excited to try products and looking forward to things being back in stock; but the amount of negativity and comments in the last 6 months here on AM about eta's has made me question whether I want to continue to post here on AM and also whether I even want to continue on in this industry bc they really take a toll on me mentally.

I do the best that I can do but I'm only willing to either do things the right way or not at all.


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We do the best that we can do.

As a company owner, I can promise that no one wants the product back in stock more than I do because every day that a product is out of stock hurts myself and my companies financially and the negativity and comments from some people really bother me personally; so much so that that’s one of the reasons that some days I don’t even log in here anymore.

There is a lot more that goes into making products that people realize, especially products like Anabolic XT that contain multiple branded ingredients and unique specific extracts and ingredients; and especially when a company is fully GMP compliant and does all of the testing that we do.

We aren't one of the companies that are just receiving raw materials in and not testing them and encapsulating and bottling them ourselves.

We are an FDA registered GMP compliant company that only use FDA registered GMP compliant contract manufacturing facilities that follow proper guidelines, testing protocols, etc. This is a process and it has to be done a certain way; and unfortunately, that takes time - especially when having 70+ products.

When I give an ETA, I give the best estimate that I can at the time - and the reason I don't like giving ETA's is that so many things can happen and delay things.

  • One ingredient being late can bump a product from one week's production schedule to the next because the next product on the priority list gets started in its place.
  • Independent testing facilities sometimes get backed up and test results that would normally take 7 to 10 days to get back can sometimes take up to 2 to 3 weeks.
  • Capsule equipment is like any other manufacturing equipment and sometimes breaks or needs unexpected maintenance.
I wish that we were some mega marketing company that could afford massive production runs and unlimited advertisements to sell more products, but that's just not the case. We have to run production runs based off of raw material availability and also the size runs that we can afford to do and then adjust and scale up accordingly. For example, with Anabolic XT, we have the production run in process and then already have 2 more PO's in spaced out periods apart to try to get ahead of it and try to avoid future out of stocks.

But its a process - I missed more work time last year because of my accident than I have in my adult life, and its a process that I've worked 70+ hours every single week since the very first week I was able to get up out of the wheelchair trying to get caught up at work, battle with the supply chain issues trying to get things back in stock, get and keep inventory in stock, and still be active here and try to help people and bring out new products that people want.

My hope and thought had been that we offer enough cool products that as much as being out of stock of something may suck, I hope(d) that people could find other cool things by us to use and try while waiting for others to come back in stock.

I try so hard to help people and give people what they want; I appreciate it and enjoy it when people are excited to try products and looking forward to things being back in stock; but the amount of negativity and comments in the last 6 months here on AM about eta's has made me question whether I want to continue to post here on AM and also whether I even want to continue on in this industry bc they really take a toll on me mentally.

I do the best that I can do but I'm only willing to either do things the right way or not at all.
Have you ever thought of dropping products that don’t really do that well for you so you could focus on the big sellers for you. I can’t imagine all your single ingredient products do well enough to slow down production on some of your real solid sellers.


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Steve, don't let the negativity get you down, some people just can't help it. I as well as a lot of other people enjoy your products and the personal touches you offer, my wife ask me the other day when you texted me "Who's SNS Steve" I said it's the guy that owns the company that makes that Stress & Anxiety supplement you like so much, "Why is he texting you? " my replay Because he cares! Thank you for doing what you do and caring about the people you help !! The industry is a better with you in it!


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Have you ever thought of dropping products that don’t really do that well for you so you could focus on the big sellers for you. I can’t imagine all your single ingredient products do well enough to slow down production on some of your real solid sellers.
Im sure he's aware of what sells .. but restocking no matter what will be difficult.
Just sucks in a time we are living in .. im sure who wouldn't want to continue to restock PA back to back to back and never run out . but once it runs out the cycle starts all over again right.

Pretty positive no solo ingredient will push the date back .. and reason why solo ingredients come out bc of request in the other thread he listens to other people and helps out any and every way for provide the branded ingredient at cheaper cost then other co.


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We do the best that we can do.

As a company owner, I can promise that no one wants the product back in stock more than I do because every day that a product is out of stock hurts myself and my companies financially and the negativity and comments from some people really bother me personally; so much so that that’s one of the reasons that some days I don’t even log in here anymore.

There is a lot more that goes into making products that people realize, especially products like Anabolic XT that contain multiple branded ingredients and unique specific extracts and ingredients; and especially when a company is fully GMP compliant and does all of the testing that we do.

We aren't one of the companies that are just receiving raw materials in and not testing them and encapsulating and bottling them ourselves.

We are an FDA registered GMP compliant company that only use FDA registered GMP compliant contract manufacturing facilities that follow proper guidelines, testing protocols, etc. This is a process and it has to be done a certain way; and unfortunately, that takes time - especially when having 70+ products.

When I give an ETA, I give the best estimate that I can at the time - and the reason I don't like giving ETA's is that so many things can happen and delay things.

  • One ingredient being late can bump a product from one week's production schedule to the next because the next product on the priority list gets started in its place.
  • Independent testing facilities sometimes get backed up and test results that would normally take 7 to 10 days to get back can sometimes take up to 2 to 3 weeks.
  • Capsule equipment is like any other manufacturing equipment and sometimes breaks or needs unexpected maintenance.
I wish that we were some mega marketing company that could afford massive production runs and unlimited advertisements to sell more products, but that's just not the case. We have to run production runs based off of raw material availability and also the size runs that we can afford to do and then adjust and scale up accordingly. For example, with Anabolic XT, we have the production run in process and then already have 2 more PO's in spaced out periods apart to try to get ahead of it and try to avoid future out of stocks.

But its a process - I missed more work time last year because of my accident than I have in my adult life, and its a process that I've worked 70+ hours every single week since the very first week I was able to get up out of the wheelchair trying to get caught up at work, battle with the supply chain issues trying to get things back in stock, get and keep inventory in stock, and still be active here and try to help people and bring out new products that people want.

My hope and thought had been that we offer enough cool products that as much as being out of stock of something may suck, I hope(d) that people could find other cool things by us to use and try while waiting for others to come back in stock.

I try so hard to help people and give people what they want; I appreciate it and enjoy it when people are excited to try products and looking forward to things being back in stock; but the amount of negativity and comments in the last 6 months here on AM about eta's has made me question whether I want to continue to post here on AM and also whether I even want to continue on in this industry bc they really take a toll on me mentally.

I do the best that I can do but I'm only willing to either do things the right way or not at all.
It's not just here, I have seen a steady decline in the level of civility on all the platforms I am on regularly. Individuals who I have interacted with for years have just gone off the deep end. Rudeness, ill-tempered, critical of everything and everybody with an overwhelming level of vitriol and negativity seem to be the new norm. It really is disconcerting.

I can say for certain that the general mental health of the world has gone off a proverbial cliff. The world is unhealthy and that is worrisome.

I try to not take is personally as I know these people are simply unwell but I do look forward to the day when technology allows me to punch people in the nose through a broadband connection.


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Im sure he's aware of what sells .. but restocking no matter what will be difficult.
Just sucks in a time we are living in .. im sure who wouldn't want to continue to restock PA back to back to back and never run out . but once it runs out the cycle starts all over again right.

Pretty positive no solo ingredient will push the date back .. and reason why solo ingredients come out bc of request in the other thread he listens to other people and helps out any and every way for provide the branded ingredient at cheaper cost then other co.
Only mentioned it because Steve has said numerous times that sometimes other older products take priority over new releases/newer products. I’m sure he makes a tad bit more profit off anabolic XT vs vaso6 just as an example. Wasn’t knocking Steve or sns at all, my cupboards are full of his stuff…just throwing ideas out to make his life easier.


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Have you ever thought of dropping products that don’t really do that well for you so you could focus on the big sellers for you. I can’t imagine all your single ingredient products do well enough to slow down production on some of your real solid sellers.
Im sure he's aware of what sells .. but restocking no matter what will be difficult.
Just sucks in a time we are living in .. im sure who wouldn't want to continue to restock PA back to back to back and never run out . but once it runs out the cycle starts all over again right.

Pretty positive no solo ingredient will push the date back .. and reason why solo ingredients come out bc of request in the other thread he listens to other people and helps out any and every way for provide the branded ingredient at cheaper cost then other co.
Only mentioned it because Steve has said numerous times that sometimes other older products take priority over new releases/newer products. I’m sure he makes a tad bit more profit off anabolic XT vs vaso6 just as an example. Wasn’t knocking Steve or sns at all, my cupboards are full of his stuff…just throwing ideas out to make his life easier.
I'll reply to all three of these posts together since they all kind of go together.
And @BillD, no worries, I know you didn't mean anything bad by it and were just trying to be helpful.

We do drop products that don't sell very well and also de-prioritize some that sell well enough to continue to make but not well enough to prioritize and those keep getting pushed back or wind up falling into place in between runs of the others - for example, if there is line time for a quick single ingredient run and its a stock raw material at the cm and they have it on hand and nothing extra needs to be done besides run it, that's how those fall into play. They don't really push back anything else, they just aren't the priority to put in front of anything else and they kind of fall where they fall if that makes sense.

We do have a system in place that prioritizes reorders and PO's - but one has to realize that there is no guarantee how well new releases are going to sell and sometimes we have to see how things sell to know how to scale up production run sizes; and especially when working with a lot of branded and specialty ingredients, that can take time.

But also, some of the products that sell the best aren't necessarily the ones that people think sell the best.

For example, hardly anyone here on AM mentions Thermagize XT and anytime someone does, 3 to 5 people have to bitch and complain about it having Rauwolscine in it, but reality is that its one of our best selling products and overall people love it and we have a lot of positive feedback on it and some really inspirational success stories from people that have lost major amounts of weight on it.

Another example - most would probably be shocked to hear that Choline Citrate powder and PEA-500 Xtreme (phenethylamine hcl), neither of which hardly ever get mentioned here on AM outsell things like Yohimbine HCI that many people on here use for fat loss, but the ones that do apparently aren't supporting us bc they never mention ours. But like for Choline Citrate, its a great choline source and it is actually a lot better of a choline source for stacking with certain advanced nootropics than things like Alpha GPC, but I don't even bother to explain it on here anymore because the attitude of a lot of people when I bring it up is that they don't want to learn, they just want to be right, so I just don't mention it anymore.

GQ is pretty much correct in that single ingredients don't push the other things back very much because they are most commonly the ones that get pushed back, which I hate doing also though bc some people depend on many of them and we do everything we can to get the most popular ones back in stock and keep them in stock the best we can.

And I knew you didn't mention or mean it in a bad way; but what I mean about sometimes older products take priority over new products and new releases is that an existing good seller like Inhibit-E or Inhibit-P may get bumped into the production schedule ahead of a new release like Daily Gains for example because they already sell well, we have customers depending on them, we have backorders from retailers on them, etc.

Kind of like now that Anabolic XT, Phosphatidic Acid XT, Recomp20, and Thermo Scorch are existing products and we have a feel for how to stage production runs for them, they will take priority over new releases like Daily Gains - bc the truth is, a lot of people on here are excited about Daily Gains and I am too, but until it launches, we really have no idea if it will actually sell well or not, so the priority is making sure we have existing sellers in stock first.

^^^^ But on the reverse side, I'll have people make negative or underhanded comments in other threads about how we've been talking about a daily use ergogenic forever, and we have - but the main delay was the insane supply chain price increases on some of the raws - and they are coming back down and making the product more feasible to move forward on now, but it is in no way a priority to bring it out until we get things like Anabolic XT, Recomp20, Phosphatidic Acid XT, Thermo Scorch, and GlycoPhase back in stock if that makes sense.

As for the part where you said about making more profit off Anabolic XT than some other things, that is a great example of a product that costs so much to make that when we sell it wholesale to resellers or people wait for the 30% off sales to buy it, you'd be surprised as we don't make nearly off of it what people may think because we go pretty low margin on that to make it available at a good price. Even though its not a cheap product for consumers to buy, its crazy expensive for us to make and also going back to what I said about us being GMP and doing all the proper testing, we literally have several thousand dollars per batch tied up in testing. And I don't say that in a complaining sense at all because that's something that I'm very happy about - that we're able to offer a great product like this at a price that people can afford.

I hope all of this makes sense.


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I'll reply to all three of these posts together since they all kind of go together.
And @BillD, no worries, I know you didn't mean anything bad by it and were just trying to be helpful.

We do drop products that don't sell very well and also de-prioritize some that sell well enough to continue to make but not well enough to prioritize and those keep getting pushed back or wind up falling into place in between runs of the others - for example, if there is line time for a quick single ingredient run and its a stock raw material at the cm and they have it on hand and nothing extra needs to be done besides run it, that's how those fall into play. They don't really push back anything else, they just aren't the priority to put in front of anything else and they kind of fall where they fall if that makes sense.

We do have a system in place that prioritizes reorders and PO's - but one has to realize that there is no guarantee how well new releases are going to sell and sometimes we have to see how things sell to know how to scale up production run sizes; and especially when working with a lot of branded and specialty ingredients, that can take time.

But also, some of the products that sell the best aren't necessarily the ones that people think sell the best.

For example, hardly anyone here on AM mentions Thermagize XT and anytime someone does, 3 to 5 people have to bitch and complain about it having Rauwolscine in it, but reality is that its one of our best selling products and overall people love it and we have a lot of positive feedback on it and some really inspirational success stories from people that have lost major amounts of weight on it.

Another example - most would probably be shocked to hear that Choline Citrate powder and PEA-500 Xtreme (phenethylamine hcl), neither of which hardly ever get mentioned here on AM outsell things like Yohimbine HCI that many people on here use for fat loss, but the ones that do apparently aren't supporting us bc they never mention ours. But like for Choline Citrate, its a great choline source and it is actually a lot better of a choline source for stacking with certain advanced nootropics than things like Alpha GPC, but I don't even bother to explain it on here anymore because the attitude of a lot of people when I bring it up is that they don't want to learn, they just want to be right, so I just don't mention it anymore.

GQ is pretty much correct in that single ingredients don't push the other things back very much because they are most commonly the ones that get pushed back, which I hate doing also though bc some people depend on many of them and we do everything we can to get the most popular ones back in stock and keep them in stock the best we can.

And I knew you didn't mention or mean it in a bad way; but what I mean about sometimes older products take priority over new products and new releases is that an existing good seller like Inhibit-E or Inhibit-P may get bumped into the production schedule ahead of a new release like Daily Gains for example because they already sell well, we have customers depending on them, we have backorders from retailers on them, etc.

Kind of like now that Anabolic XT, Phosphatidic Acid XT, Recomp20, and Thermo Scorch are existing products and we have a feel for how to stage production runs for them, they will take priority over new releases like Daily Gains - bc the truth is, a lot of people on here are excited about Daily Gains and I am too, but until it launches, we really have no idea if it will actually sell well or not, so the priority is making sure we have existing sellers in stock first.

^^^^ But on the reverse side, I'll have people make negative or underhanded comments in other threads about how we've been talking about a daily use ergogenic forever, and we have - but the main delay was the insane supply chain price increases on some of the raws - and they are coming back down and making the product more feasible to move forward on now, but it is in no way a priority to bring it out until we get things like Anabolic XT, Recomp20, Phosphatidic Acid XT, Thermo Scorch, and GlycoPhase back in stock if that makes sense.

As for the part where you said about making more profit off Anabolic XT than some other things, that is a great example of a product that costs so much to make that when we sell it wholesale to resellers or people wait for the 30% off sales to buy it, you'd be surprised as we don't make nearly off of it what people may think because we go pretty low margin on that to make it available at a good price. Even though its not a cheap product for consumers to buy, its crazy expensive for us to make and also going back to what I said about us being GMP and doing all the proper testing, we literally have several thousand dollars per batch tied up in testing. And I don't say that in a complaining sense at all because that's something that I'm very happy about - that we're able to offer a great product like this at a price that people can afford.

I hope all of this makes sense.
It all 100% makes sense. In the end I enjoy everything I’ve tried from your companies and just want to see you do well and succeed. I give you all the credit in the world for being on here and actually communicating with your customers. You have answered many of my direct messages and and comments on here…stand up guy and company in my eyes…as small as a customer I am.


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It's not just here, I have seen a steady decline in the level of civility on all the platforms I am on regularly. Individuals who I have interacted with for years have just gone off the deep end. Rudeness, ill-tempered, critical of everything and everybody with an overwhelming level of vitriol and negativity seem to be the new norm. It really is disconcerting.

I can say for certain that the general mental health of the world has gone off a proverbial cliff. The world is unhealthy and that is worrisome.

I try to not take is personally as I know these people are simply unwell but I do look forward to the day when technology allows me to punch people in the nose through a broadband connection.
I absolutely agree.

I'm not the typical company owner in this industry - not that there's anything wrong with the ones that are - I just mean that I really enjoy helping people but its that same caring about helping people that can lead me to easily getting my feelings hurt or discouraged when I feel like I'm constantly getting beat to death by negativity and underhanded comments on every little thing.

Like today, my plan for the day besides doing my work was that I was going to create a new tell us what you want thread, a thread about out of stock/in stock status to use as a master thread, a thread of new products that people could expect in 2023, etc. But all of that got thrown off because of some of the negativity in various threads and just really ruined my whole day. It gave me the quick reminder that what I was thinking would be a fun thread of letting people know what to expect from us in 2023 could easily just become a complaining about ETA's getting pushed back or things getting delayed and that I may be better just to keep them to myself like I used to.

I think when I manage to calm down, I'm going to post up a couple of new threads and then just try to check in here every day or two and see how the discussion is going and maybe post some updates, but I've got to have a break from the negativity for my own mental health.

I want to clarify that nothing I'm saying at all is related to @cbr1000rr who asked when Anabolic XT would be back in stock. I'm always glad to answer questions like that; it has to do with the negativity and complaining in a cumulation of threads about stock statuses - when ironically, we're operating at a higher in stock % rate than most companies in the industry as you can probably attest to, being that you have a store.


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It all 100% makes sense. In the end I enjoy everything I’ve tried from your companies and just want to see you do well and succeed. I give you all the credit in the world for being on here and actually communicating with your customers. You have answered many of my direct messages and and comments on here…stand up guy and company in my eyes…as small as a customer I am.
Thank you. I really appreciate that.

I enjoy helping people and am always glad to answer questions and help people in any way that I can.


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Steve, don't let the negativity get you down, some people just can't help it. I as well as a lot of other people enjoy your products and the personal touches you offer, my wife ask me the other day when you texted me "Who's SNS Steve" I said it's the guy that owns the company that makes that Stress & Anxiety supplement you like so much, "Why is he texting you? " my replay Because he cares! Thank you for doing what you do and caring about the people you help !! The industry is a better with you in it!
Thank you. I really appreciate the kind words.

I try really hard not to let things bother me or bring me down; but I think that its the same part of me that cares so much about helping people that leaves me open to getting my feelings hurt or it bringing me down when people make a lot of comments that they do on here.

I'm glad that your wife likes Stress & Anxiety Support; its a great product that I think unfortunately doesn't get nearly enough talk and attention on here.

And that's very nice; I appreciate that. And I really do care.

For me, I love helping people in general and supplements are an extension of that - I love the science and the ingredients and the goal with SNS has always been to help people reach their goals and improve their quality of life and hopefully their self esteem by providing top quality products and the best formulas to people at prices that they could afford.


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I'll reply to all three of these posts together since they all kind of go together.
And @BillD, no worries, I know you didn't mean anything bad by it and were just trying to be helpful.

We do drop products that don't sell very well and also de-prioritize some that sell well enough to continue to make but not well enough to prioritize and those keep getting pushed back or wind up falling into place in between runs of the others - for example, if there is line time for a quick single ingredient run and its a stock raw material at the cm and they have it on hand and nothing extra needs to be done besides run it, that's how those fall into play. They don't really push back anything else, they just aren't the priority to put in front of anything else and they kind of fall where they fall if that makes sense.

We do have a system in place that prioritizes reorders and PO's - but one has to realize that there is no guarantee how well new releases are going to sell and sometimes we have to see how things sell to know how to scale up production run sizes; and especially when working with a lot of branded and specialty ingredients, that can take time.

But also, some of the products that sell the best aren't necessarily the ones that people think sell the best.

For example, hardly anyone here on AM mentions Thermagize XT and anytime someone does, 3 to 5 people have to bitch and complain about it having Rauwolscine in it, but reality is that its one of our best selling products and overall people love it and we have a lot of positive feedback on it and some really inspirational success stories from people that have lost major amounts of weight on it.

Another example - most would probably be shocked to hear that Choline Citrate powder and PEA-500 Xtreme (phenethylamine hcl), neither of which hardly ever get mentioned here on AM outsell things like Yohimbine HCI that many people on here use for fat loss, but the ones that do apparently aren't supporting us bc they never mention ours. But like for Choline Citrate, its a great choline source and it is actually a lot better of a choline source for stacking with certain advanced nootropics than things like Alpha GPC, but I don't even bother to explain it on here anymore because the attitude of a lot of people when I bring it up is that they don't want to learn, they just want to be right, so I just don't mention it anymore.

GQ is pretty much correct in that single ingredients don't push the other things back very much because they are most commonly the ones that get pushed back, which I hate doing also though bc some people depend on many of them and we do everything we can to get the most popular ones back in stock and keep them in stock the best we can.

And I knew you didn't mention or mean it in a bad way; but what I mean about sometimes older products take priority over new products and new releases is that an existing good seller like Inhibit-E or Inhibit-P may get bumped into the production schedule ahead of a new release like Daily Gains for example because they already sell well, we have customers depending on them, we have backorders from retailers on them, etc.

Kind of like now that Anabolic XT, Phosphatidic Acid XT, Recomp20, and Thermo Scorch are existing products and we have a feel for how to stage production runs for them, they will take priority over new releases like Daily Gains - bc the truth is, a lot of people on here are excited about Daily Gains and I am too, but until it launches, we really have no idea if it will actually sell well or not, so the priority is making sure we have existing sellers in stock first.

^^^^ But on the reverse side, I'll have people make negative or underhanded comments in other threads about how we've been talking about a daily use ergogenic forever, and we have - but the main delay was the insane supply chain price increases on some of the raws - and they are coming back down and making the product more feasible to move forward on now, but it is in no way a priority to bring it out until we get things like Anabolic XT, Recomp20, Phosphatidic Acid XT, Thermo Scorch, and GlycoPhase back in stock if that makes sense.

As for the part where you said about making more profit off Anabolic XT than some other things, that is a great example of a product that costs so much to make that when we sell it wholesale to resellers or people wait for the 30% off sales to buy it, you'd be surprised as we don't make nearly off of it what people may think because we go pretty low margin on that to make it available at a good price. Even though its not a cheap product for consumers to buy, its crazy expensive for us to make and also going back to what I said about us being GMP and doing all the proper testing, we literally have several thousand dollars per batch tied up in testing. And I don't say that in a complaining sense at all because that's something that I'm very happy about - that we're able to offer a great product like this at a price that people can afford.

I hope all of this makes sense.
Hey Steve, please excuse my ignorance but I may have missed this mentioned previous. What is the new upcoming product Daily Gains?
Love your work mate, you are a true gentleman and one who obviously care for his customers.


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Hey Steve, please excuse my ignorance but I may have missed this mentioned previous. What is the new upcoming product Daily Gains?
Love your work mate, you are a true gentleman and one who obviously care for his customers.
Thank you for the kind words. I really appreciate it.

Daily Gains is the name of the upcoming daily use ergogenic formula. It will be a formula to cover the muscle building basics at a cost effective price and in one convenient formula.

There are a lot of ingredients now days that are used in pre-workouts for example that are included more for name value and sales purposes, which I understand from a sales perspective, but that people never get the maximum results from these ingredients because they have to be used daily for best results.


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I absolutely agree.

I'm not the typical company owner in this industry - not that there's anything wrong with the ones that are - I just mean that I really enjoy helping people but its that same caring about helping people that can lead me to easily getting my feelings hurt or discouraged when I feel like I'm constantly getting beat to death by negativity and underhanded comments on every little thing.

Like today, my plan for the day besides doing my work was that I was going to create a new tell us what you want thread, a thread about out of stock/in stock status to use as a master thread, a thread of new products that people could expect in 2023, etc. But all of that got thrown off because of some of the negativity in various threads and just really ruined my whole day. It gave me the quick reminder that what I was thinking would be a fun thread of letting people know what to expect from us in 2023 could easily just become a complaining about ETA's getting pushed back or things getting delayed and that I may be better just to keep them to myself like I used to.

I think when I manage to calm down, I'm going to post up a couple of new threads and then just try to check in here every day or two and see how the discussion is going and maybe post some updates, but I've got to have a break from the negativity for my own mental health.

I want to clarify that nothing I'm saying at all is related to @cbr1000rr who asked when Anabolic XT would be back in stock. I'm always glad to answer questions like that; it has to do with the negativity and complaining in a cumulation of threads about stock statuses - when ironically, we're operating at a higher in stock % rate than most companies in the industry as you can probably attest to, being that you have a store.
Yeah, I don’t get the negativity at all. These are insider-oriented threads, all of which we are reading based on interest. People act like their credit card was already charged! I don’t see what’s wrong with waiting for the supply chain to run it’s course, and regardless, why would someone hold that against Steve?

Also we really have to look at the total portfolio of releases, there’s been a ton of them last year, even more than Muscletech or Cellucor (C4). Neither of which has their ceo on here chatting with us.

Steve, I would filter those complaints out as best you can. They don’t really reflect your customer base!


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Also, some products like Yohimbine HCl don’t get mentioned much, Huperzine A, solo Paradoxine, for example, but they are good dependable staples. “No news is good news” right, just know they are in my cabinet, cleanly dosed and consistently high quality. So yeah, it generates solid re-orders more so than conversation, but I run these a lot so I wanted to throw that out there.

Also SNS Paradoxine alone is probably the best fat loss per dollar I’ve ever noticed. 2 caps a day for 10-12 weeks and I’m feeling slim and trim every time


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Was considering stacking XT with Androgin - any thoughts? Looking primarily for muscle and strength gains.


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Also, some products like Yohimbine HCl don’t get mentioned much, Huperzine A, solo Paradoxine, for example, but they are good dependable staples. “No news is good news” right, just know they are in my cabinet, cleanly dosed and consistently high quality. So yeah, it generates solid re-orders more so than conversation, but I run these a lot so I wanted to throw that out there.

Also SNS Paradoxine alone is probably the best fat loss per dollar I’ve ever noticed. 2 caps a day for 10-12 weeks and I’m feeling slim and trim every time
I have never tried SNS Paradoxine sounds like some thing I should check out !


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@BillD @Rocket3015 .. some good stuff, if you do decide too .. wanted to made aware of this amazing deal for you guys to save $ and get extra stuff



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@BillD @Rocket3015 .. some good stuff, if you do decide too .. wanted to made aware of this amazing deal for you guys to save $ and get extra stuff

Just added it to my cart …Dps is my go to


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Nice ! Thanks for looking out!


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How would Anabolic XT compare to Stano plex? I understand it’s hormonal vs non hormonal but if I had 1 product to buy which would be “better” for the money!


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How would Anabolic XT compare to Stano plex? I understand it’s hormonal vs non hormonal but if I had 1 product to buy which would be “better” for the money!
you answered it yourself.

if you want to stay natural = anabolic
unnatural = stanoplex

but honestly stanoplex/epiandro is very mild .. i have seen some crazy gains in 8-12weeks run of AnabolicXT if you want to stay all natty i would say you can def accomplish the same gains as stano plex on AnabolicXT + AE or phosphaticAcidXT stack.


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you answered it yourself.

if you want to stay natural = anabolic
unnatural = stanoplex

but honestly stanoplex/epiandro is very mild .. i have seen some crazy gains in 8-12weeks run of AnabolicXT if you want to stay all natty i would say you can def accomplish the same gains as stano plex on AnabolicXT + AE or phosphaticAcidXT stack.
So anabolic XT is more bang for your buck? I’m not concerned with staying natty…taken all the fun prohormones back in the day (halodrol, pmag, epistane) and some sarms.


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So anabolic XT is more bang for your buck? I’m not concerned with staying natty…taken all the fun prohormones back in the day (halodrol, pmag, epistane) and some sarms.
more bang for natural product i would say
cant compare price of anabolic vs stano plex .. i think stano is found way cheaper
anabolicXT isnt cheap to make i would say $50 is a steal and great bang for bucks with 4+ branded ingridents

i have stacked stano plex w/ natural product ( anabolic effect ) w/ awesome results.


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more bang for natural product i would say
cant compare price of anabolic vs stano plex .. i think stano is found way cheaper
anabolicXT isnt cheap to make i would say $50 is a steal and great bang for bucks with 4+ branded ingridents

i have stacked stano plex w/ natural product ( anabolic effect ) w/ awesome results.
Let me rephrase my question….if you ran each one separately which product would give better results?


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Let me rephrase my question….if you ran each one separately which product would give better results?
ill msg u on the side w/ my thoughts .. its a separate topic and shouldnt be discussed in an introduction thread.


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Is joint support xt every coming back?
Joint Support XT should be one of the next 2 products back in stocks because its either finished being made right now or has been made and just waiting on finished product test results to come back.

I addressed above in this thread that I can promise that no one wants products to be in stock more than we do because every day that they aren't, it affects our income and ability to stay in business and it bothers me personally feeling like people are disappointed and let down.

The reason that a lot of our products work so well is that we use a lot of clinically researched branded ingredients and also some very specific extracts and unique ingredients. That is a great thing for results, but no one had any way of anticipating the Covid situation and the disaster that it would cause on the supply chain in this and many other industries.

In the case of Joint Support XT, it contains 4 clinically researched branded ingredients and unfortunately we cannot help it if a branded ingredient company is out of their own ingredient, which was the reason it has been out of stock and the major reason for the delays getting it back in stock. I can't be upset at the branded ingredient companies bc I know that they themselves didn't want to be out of their ingredient(s); its just part of what has happened in the world and many industries are feeling the effects and aftermath of it.

The only thing that we can do is do everything that we can to get products back in stock as soon as possible and I spend pretty much every waking moment of my life doing that.

The only other options would be to constantly change formulas to remove ingredients that aren't available at the time, do what a lot of companies do and lie about them being in there and just use generic extracts/versions or omit them all together, or just not use many branded ingredients or unique ingredients in formulas to begin with so as to avoid the problem.

^^^ and I'm not willing to do any of those because people depend on our products and as I mentioned in this thread a few posts back, I'm either going to do things the right way or not do them at all.

One thing that we are doing to help with things in the future specific to Joint Support XT is that we will be releasing a joint product under CEL that will be a great product - similar but also very different. It will be a great option for some people that are looking for certain things and also it will be a great option for people in the future if Joint Support XT were to go out of stock again just as Joint Support XT will be a great option for people if the CEL one were to go out of stock.

Another option that I've been considering is that we already offer multi-packs on some things and we will on Joint Support XT when it comes back in stock, but I've been thinking about doing a set percentage off type thing for people that want to buy a 3 or 4 month, 6 month, and 12 month supply of products in order to make sure that they are stocked up in the event of future out of stocks related to supply chain issues. However, if we do this, then some people will inevitably complain because of two things:
1) If we offer a year supply at ___% off, the percentage off may not be much, if any, more than a 4 month or 6 month supply; it would be being done in order to help people get a good discount that want to stock up on items that they like and depend on. Some people will inevitably complain about that and feel like they should get more of a discount for buying a 12 month supply over a 4 month supply for example, but the reality is that to do that, we would either have to increase the markup of the products in order to be able to discount it more or not offer as much of a discount on the smaller supply in order to offer more on the bigger supply - but I don't like doing that because that penalizes the people that may cannot afford a year supply.
2) If we offer advanced discounts on a 6 month or a years supply, then the upside would be that those discounts would be available year round to people, but some people would complain that no additional discount would be able to be given when we do the holiday sales. For example, if we offer a 6 month supply at 30% off then we could not have that eligible to be discounted during a holiday 30% off sale because we would lose money and then wouldn't be in business to be offering products to begin with. I wish that more people would realize that the companies that are able to constantly offer BOGO's or combined discounts are marking their products up enough to do so, whereas we'd rather be able to offer a better price all the time.

I hope I explained that in a way that it makes sense.


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Was considering stacking XT with Androgin - any thoughts? Looking primarily for muscle and strength gains.
There are a lot of great stacking options with Anabolic XT.

The stack that I'm personally looking most forward to using for this purpose is Anabolic XT + Anabolic Effect + Phosphatidic Acid XT.

^^^ I think that you would be super happy with your results from using Anabolic XT with either or both of those.

In my opinion, for people looking for muscle and strength gains, some great stacking options are Anabolic XT + one or more of the following:

SNS Products:
Competitive Edge Labs Products:
Muscle Addiction:
Xtreme Performance Gels:
I may be forgetting some other great options from the above brands as well.

Also, there are some other exciting products that will be coming from them as well that will be exciting and cool new options throughout the year.


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How would Anabolic XT compare to Stano plex? I understand it’s hormonal vs non hormonal but if I had 1 product to buy which would be “better” for the money!
Let me rephrase my question….if you ran each one separately which product would give better results?
I think that they would make for a great stack.

If trying to choose between one or the other, I think it would really just depend on the results that a person is looking for.

Stano-Plex is great for lean muscle, fat loss, strength, and drying out.

Anabolic XT is a great for a huge variety of overall benefits and I think that if a person is looking for a natural anabolic that delivers the absolute largest variety of benefits that Anabolic XT would be hard to beat.


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I ran a PH stack with I think DMZ and MSten. In PCT, I threw in anabolic XT with Anabolic Effect and I kept gaining strength after the cycle. Don’t underestimate these natural options.
that says alot .. my opinion and thoughts from what i have done and seen others in the gym
that natural stack = or more then mild ph cycle .. now throw in PAxt and you will never have to touch hormonals again lol


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Also, some products like Yohimbine HCl don’t get mentioned much, Huperzine A, solo Paradoxine, for example, but they are good dependable staples. “No news is good news” right, just know they are in my cabinet, cleanly dosed and consistently high quality. So yeah, it generates solid re-orders more so than conversation, but I run these a lot so I wanted to throw that out there.

Also SNS Paradoxine alone is probably the best fat loss per dollar I’ve ever noticed. 2 caps a day for 10-12 weeks and I’m feeling slim and trim every time
Thank you. I appreciate that.

I really appreciate how you seem to understand the importance too of supporting companies by buying the basic staples and commodity items from them. I've had times where I've helped people so much and then see them post that they bought Yohimbine HCI and if they did buy ours, not even bother to mention that it was ours that they bought. I know that that may seem like a little thing, but in reality I think a lot of people that post here and read here don't even know about a lot of the products that we make so little things like that can really help and mean a lot overall.

I'm glad that you like our Paradoxine capsules and I agree, it is a great fat loss ingredient and can be added to pretty much any fat loss regimen to increase the results of it and its super inexpensive to add in.


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Yeah, I don’t get the negativity at all. These are insider-oriented threads, all of which we are reading based on interest. People act like their credit card was already charged! I don’t see what’s wrong with waiting for the supply chain to run it’s course, and regardless, why would someone hold that against Steve?

Also we really have to look at the total portfolio of releases, there’s been a ton of them last year, even more than Muscletech or Cellucor (C4). Neither of which has their ceo on here chatting with us.

Steve, I would filter those complaints out as best you can. They don’t really reflect your customer base!
Thank you. I really appreciate you posting that.

I wish more people would see it that way. Most company owners never post here anymore and most of the ones that do only post here to promote their own products and hype their brands (which I understand, they're doing their job) and I do post here to promote products as well, but on top of that I try to post in pretty much any supplement thread that I feel like I can be helpful in, whether it has anything to do with our products or not, and I try to help people in any way that I can.

I like helping people in general, and to me, helping provide people with products to help them achieve their goals and improve the quality of their lives is an extension of that.

What you said about the number of releases and products as compared to larger companies, but their presidents/ceo's not being here interacting with people reminds me of some words of encouragement that someone pm that reads here but doesn't post had pm'd me and said.

They'd said that they enjoy reading my posts because I tried to help people and they enjoyed how I'll sometimes talk about and explain things about the industry and what people need to look out for, and that they could tell I wasn't doing that to help my own business but was doing it to really help people; and they were right because from a strictly business perspective, I'd be better off sending sales emails all day and never even logging into AM. But what really made me think about their pm in relation to what you said was that said they felt like I was so active and such a part of this place and so nice to people that they felt like some people took that for granted and didn't appreciate how rare it was for a company owner to be so accessible and interact the way that I do, and also that because I have been open about how certain things affect me and hurt my feelings that some people seem to enjoy taking little jabs at me because they like knowing that it bothers me and how that goes along with the way that many people unfortunately are now days.

I really do appreciate your post and kind words.
Last edited:


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you answered it yourself.

if you want to stay natural = anabolic
unnatural = stanoplex

but honestly stanoplex/epiandro is very mild .. i have seen some crazy gains in 8-12weeks run of AnabolicXT if you want to stay all natty i would say you can def accomplish the same gains as stano plex on AnabolicXT + AE or phosphaticAcidXT stack.
I must say, I am getting really good results from AE. I am just PCTing after a 8 week Alpha Seven run. Im in my 3rd week of AE and I am blowing up like crazy. Definitely more noticeable size gains from AE than the mild PH.
Can't wait to add the AXT to the stack next week.


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I must say, I am getting really good results from AE. I am just PCTing after a 8 week Alpha Seven run. Im in my 3rd week of AE and I am blowing up like crazy. Definitely more noticeable size gains from AE than the mild PH.
Can't wait to add the AXT to the stack next week.
That's great to hear that you're doing great off of Anabolic Effect. Adding Anabolic XT to that should make for an awesome stack; I'm looking forward to hearing your results.


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I ran a PH stack with I think DMZ and MSten. In PCT, I threw in anabolic XT with Anabolic Effect and I kept gaining strength after the cycle. Don’t underestimate these natural options.
This sounds great, will DM.

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