Seeking Experience and Advice on Low-Dose Anavar and Epistane, Concerns About Fertility


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Hello everyone,

I've recently acquired 14 tablets of Anavar (10mg each) and am considering taking them at a reduced dose of 5mg per day. Given the limited quantity and low dosage, I'm curious about whether it would even be effective. I’m particularly concerned about any long-term effects, such as potential impacts on fertility. Has anyone here tried a similar low dose of Anavar? What were your experiences, especially regarding any effects on hormone levels and fertility?
In addition, I’ve also obtained a product from Olympus Labs called Ep1stane, available here: Olympus Labs Ep1stane. I’m looking for guidance on how best to use this product, including suggested cycles. I'm also worried about the recovery phase post-cycle and the implications it might have on returning hormone levels to normal. If anyone has personal experience or insights with Ep1stane regarding effective cycling, managing side effects, and post-cycle recovery, especially in terms of hormonal balance and fertility, I would greatly appreciate your advice.

Thank you all in advance for your help and looking forward to learning from your experiences!


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I don’t think even women use a dose that low….complete waste in my opinion


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I don’t think even women use a dose that low….complete waste in my opinion
Lol women do for a first cycle…which usually gets bumped to 10mg before the end out of impatience

This really seems like a troll post. Not the man wondering if 5mg tabs of Var will do anything (lots of ignorant people wish to believe they can use ridiculously low doses, especially with SARMs), but just all of the remarkably vague questions about the entire steroid use process.


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Well you have enough anavar to get you through the first 3 days of your cycle. So that's a start.


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Just in case it's not a troll post - if you're that worried about long term effects from a tiny dose, it's perhaps a sign that steroids are not for you mate


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14×10mg anavar- theres nothing usefull you can do with this. Save it till you buy more.

Epistane will need a dose of 20-40mg a day

For any Is tangible results, actual muscle tissue, 6-8 weeks

Some guys can take steroids at Ridiculous doses for years on end and never lose their fertility. Some guys cant. If a little epistane run effects your fertility its likely your fertility is already a issue.

Low estrogen may be a problem on a epistane only cycle, this might occur between weeks 3-6, low estrogen is just as bad as high estrogen. Something like 4 andro the whole cycle will help

Pct=serm, nolva, clomid, enclo. Pick 1. I vote nolva or a combo of nolva and enclo


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Some guys can take steroids at Ridiculous doses for years on end and never lose their fertility. Some guys cant. If a little epistane run effects your fertility its likely your fertility is already a issue
Agreed here. It's the same as one guy could run a cycle and blood work be fine afterwards and another guy runs the same cycle and bloodwork be off the charts.

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