Rest or Not to rest after a Vigorous Soccer Game


New member
Hey there Im new to this forum and wanna learn from you all.I want to lose my pathetic belly and wanna be fit but I will get in that later as Im having my University Exams.From the next moth I will start...
For now, I have a question....
Yesterday I played a soccer game for 2 hours nearly after a 2 months of sedentary life.After the match I was too much tired to do anything and as soon as possible I ate lots of Rice and slept...

In the morning ,...literally,... All my body parts ...thighs, gluts, back is paining like hell ! This happened with me before when I tried to do some kind of workout....

So, What should I do ? Should I rest completely for 1day and again play/workout the next day ? Or I sholud stop playing/workout untill all the body pain is healed !!?
What should I need to know about this matter !?


Rest up. Your body needs time to recover. It's natural to feel pain especially the first week you get into exercising.


New member
For how long I should rest !? 1 day gap or 2 day gap or I shall wait untill the body pain subsides completely !?
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