Religious beliefs?



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I think, therefore I am; created in the image of God.

Our bodies are simply temporary temples of the Holy Spirit.
Indeed. You are as wise as you are mysterious, David Dunn!

Man is Spirited humus (dirt.) Humus-man, or Human for short.


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"The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and you say, 'Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and "sinners."' Luke 7:34

I can just see God himself hanging with the boys, eating a double cheeseburger with a Budweiser in his hand.

I beleive as Christians we should strive to do the right thing. But spending all your time stressing over small details is stupid. Most people know if something their doing is wrong. Try to do whats right, always, but if you slip, repent and get on with it.

fit guy

New member
I absolutely have no problem with those who choose NOT to juice, as I chose not to for many years. Folks, we must understand that each person should "work out his own salvation with fear and trembling." If you have a problem with something, then you should not let down your guard and participate in things that will cause you to fall. For example, there is nothing wrong with having a drink, but there IS something wrong with being a drunkard. Therefore, if you have a problem with alcohol, then "don't give place to the devil" by trying to have one drink.
Personally, I feel if we are wrong for juicing, then we'd be wrong for women having pierced ears, because GOD did not put holes in their ears. They, in essence, mutilate themselves by shoving something foreign in their earlobes and then place ornaments on it. Just my opinion.


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"The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and you say, 'Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and "sinners."' Luke 7:34

I can just see God himself hanging with the boys, eating a double cheeseburger with a Budweiser in his hand.

I beleive as Christians we should strive to do the right thing. But spending all your time stressing over small details is stupid. Most people know if something their doing is wrong. Try to do whats right, always, but if you slip, repent and get on with it.
What a man puts in his mouth is not what makes him unclean - it is what comes out that does.


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If the bible was written for men then why do people believe there are great mysteries? God gave us the power of reason. I do not beleive that i worship a schizophrenic God. If Jesus spoke to his father, then there was a conversation between two people. Period. If people believe that God died while on earth, then i say thats not my God. My God is the alpha and the omega and has no beginning or end(death). Jesus was the first born of all creation and all other things were created through him. I do not believe God would be crazy enough to walk around speaking to himself or in second person. The bible was written for us to understand and it is in plain black and white. I would never follow a god who by human standards should be medicated for being crazy. God's only begotten "son" died. Not God. If three beings in one is hard to grasp, your right and have been lied to by your preacher/parent. The bible has been translated in all different ways but never-the-less was still written for us to comprehend and understand. Too many people read parts of the bible and not the full context. Some translations are a mess, so a brain is needed to read and understand the whole thing. Eventually to make God seem less crazy to some, the reference to Gods son will be taken out and he'll be called God instead, on the same reasoning, why has "your" bible omitted Gods name from it and put a title in its place. The devil would not have taken God to a mountain to tempt him with things that God already created and owned. Even the devil isn't that dumb.

fit guy

New member
Good point, Omni! the deity is hard for some to grasp. However, it doesn't take away taht truth just because our puny finite minds cannot fully understand. "HIS ways are far beyond our ways or thoughts." From the beginning, God said, "let US make man in our image and OUR likeness." who is US if there is no deity? Further, when Christ was sending the Holy Spirit, He said, I will go to the Father and send you another comforter. My math isn't perfect, but I can count to 3.
Also, scripture says to " rightly divide the word of truth." I always say, " if you can rightly divide, then you can certainly wrongly divide it." I have found over my years that people want to use one scripture to justify a religion/belief.
Context is of the essence. IF man studies for their own benefit, they run a risk of manipulating the word for selfish desires.
GOd SENT Jesus to be tempted. It wasn't only mere fleshly desires that was tempting to Christ, it was the temptation to disobey. That's why scripture says, "Chist was tempted 'in all points' as we are, yet without sin."


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The only reason i can't grasp the ideah of a deity is because Jesus never taught it. It wasn't until the 4th century that the ideah even came about. There are more scriptures in the bible to disprove the ideah than there is to prove it. There is no scripture that says the holy spirit is God. Even Jesus acknowledged that he was in submission to God. Even the apostles said that nobody had ever seen God-The ideah of a deity came from pagan religions like alot of other things in modern christianity. Organized religion is a mess. If God wanted to be worshipped as a deity he would've come out and said it. The worshipping of Mary wasn't made oficial until !954. That Mary worship isn't in the bible either. God is a jealous a God and wants exclusive devotion, not to his son, Mary or any other pagan ideah. If its not in the bible, plane black and white, commanded or taught by the original apostles, then its a theory and just not true. IMO


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I'm just kind of curious how many of you guys (particularily the juicers of the board) consider themselves Christians?
I consider myself a very devoted Christian man.
I try put Jesus first in everything I do.


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"What do you want with us, Son of God?" they shouted. "Have you come here to torture us before the appointed time?" Matt. 8:29

What does that verse have to do with the discussion? :dunno: I dont know, I just like it! :nervous:


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TOuchy subject, like talking to girlfriends dad about politics, lets not go there


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"What do you want with us, Son of God?" they shouted. "Have you come here to torture us before the appointed time?" Matt. 8:29

What does that verse have to do with the discussion? :dunno: I dont know, I just like it! :nervous:
Yeah! Son of God! Not God!


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The only reason i can't grasp the ideah of a deity is because Jesus never taught it. It wasn't until the 4th century that the ideah even came about. There are more scriptures in the bible to disprove the ideah than there is to prove it. There is no scripture that says the holy spirit is God. Even Jesus acknowledged that he was in submission to God. Even the apostles said that nobody had ever seen God-The ideah of a deity came from pagan religions like alot of other things in modern christianity. Organized religion is a mess. If God wanted to be worshipped as a deity he would've come out and said it. The worshipping of Mary wasn't made oficial until !954. That Mary worship isn't in the bible either. God is a jealous a God and wants exclusive devotion, not to his son, Mary or any other pagan ideah. If its not in the bible, plane black and white, commanded or taught by the original apostles, then its a theory and just not true. IMO
So what group is responsible for this religious breach and all the misinformation? Who has commandeered the organized church and injected all this paganism?


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Philippians 2:5-7 "Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bond-servant, and coming in the likeness of men."

John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God..." 1:14 "And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us,"

John 10:30-33 "I and the Father are one."

There are many verses teaching that Jesus and God are ONE.

This will be my last post on the topic as I do not wish to fight or debate over it. I realize how these topics can get out of hand and then both parties end up saying things they regret later. I would rather not this thread enter a mode like that.

I just wanted to say my peace about the subject of Jesus and God being one. Which they are.

Here is a nice link for those interested....

God Bless


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Im catholic and subscribe to the "Futurama" theory of God. God does just enough to guide you along and make you wonder if hes even there in your life. If he does too much, you become dependent and lazy, if he does too little, you lose hope. He opens the doors, but you must do the walking. I dont think juicing is anything to be considered sinful, as long as it and lifting are not your Gods or "false idols."

fit guy

New member
Jesus said, "I am the way the truth and the life. NO man comes to the Father BUT BY ME." That is as plain black and white as you can get, friend. Further, In John 10, Jesus makes reference to Him(Christ) being the door( or way to God) and states emphatically, " if any man attempts to come any other way, he is as a thief and robber."
Those are not the words of Mary, Paul, Peter, Pope John, me, or Obama, but they're the words of an infinite part of the Godhead trinity, Jesus Christ.
I don't take what anyone has taught me. I study and understand for myself. Modern religion and formality could corrupt good worship. however, I choose to worship in Spirit and Truth.
You claim that Pagans have created the worship of Christ? Well, as I see it in the scripture below and postings by others, it wasn't pagans or modern church that started the worship of Christ-- It was God Himself!
John 14:9
Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Show us the Father?


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The more you study the character shortcoming of the first Adam and the character strength of the second Adam, The Christ - Jesus you see several things:

Adam accepted passivity (what was his wife doing unprotected from the deception of the serpent), rejected responsibility (it wasn't me - the woman you gave me told me to eat it), and relinquished his leadership role (disobedience).

Christ on the other hand rejected passivity, accepted responsibility, lead courageously - anticpating the greater reward; God's reward.

"Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death - even death on a cross! Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."

He embodied the paradox principle - Die to Live!


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Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. - Genesis 1:29

Just sayin'.
out of idle curiousity, how does this then translate to opium and marijuana?

i like Ghandi's quote the best "If Christians behaved like Christians, there would be no other religion".


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out of idle curiousity, how does this then translate to opium and marijuana?

i like Ghandi's quote the best "If Christians behaved like Christians, there would be no other religion".
Gandhi was a smart old dude it seems! ;)

The Bible seems to legitimize any seed bearing plant/herb for man, at least for "food" applications, doesn't it? Applications that are not nourishing in intent obviously give rise to potential misapplications.

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