PCT question



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I’m about to come off my test cyp cycle. I have nolva/clomid on hand.

I plan on running

clomid - 50/50/25/25
Nolva - 25/25/10/10

could I run clomid lower than starting with 50?

also, anyone have any natty supp recommendations I could toss in my PCT?


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I’m about to come off my test cyp cycle. I have nolva/clomid on hand.

I plan on running

clomid - 50/50/25/25
Nolva - 25/25/10/10

could I run clomid lower than starting with 50?

also, anyone have any natty supp recommendations I could toss in my PCT?
For natural recommendations, there are a lot of things you could use.

For estrogen modulation, Inhibit-E is a great choice.

For natural testosterone support, any combination of M-Test, Optimize-T, and Cloma-Plex is a great choice.

A lot of people have posted extremely positive feedback when stacking Anabolic XT and Anabolic Effect in PCT for it helping them feel better and not only keep their gains, but continue to make better progress.


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You can start the clomid lower if you want, especially since you're also running nolva. You can start at 37.5mgs or do 25/25/12.5/12.5.

As far as natural supplements I just started PCT and using Optimize T and Anabolic XT for 8 weeks alongside a SERM for 4 weeks. I'm also using Phosphatidic Acid XT for 8 weeks.
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