Mitradopa test



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Greetings all. I was allowed to try out some doses of Mitradopa. First off, some stats:

bodyweight: 183
height: 68”
yrs training; about 25

June 6 - Monday: I decided to go with 4 caps. Dose was taken along with breakfast consisting of 2 pieces of toast with peanut butter. About 40 mins later, felt a little bit of a warmth - not enough to break a sweat though. Also felt was a bit of a “head change.” As the minutes went by, I noticed I was more in a chipper mood, more chatty, very easy going feeling. At about the 1 hr mark, tasks just were less mundane and felt like it required less brain power or processing to do certain tasks. Euphoric? Definitely happier, felt sharper. I feel like the effects tapered off over the span of about 5 hours.

Tuesday: I decided to go with 6 caps today. Breakfast was a serving of cereal with barely any milk. Dose was taken about 2 hours after food. Warm feeling came on just as day before - as did the other positive mood boosting effects. Although, it started well - the 6 caps might’ve been a little bit too much for me. I felt a slight nauseousness - the kind of feeling when you take too much Kratom. It wasn’t too intense - on a scale of 1-10, a 2.. maybe 3. That feeling lasted a couple hours.

Thursday dose: Decided that 4 caps is a good dose for now. Dose was taken along with a donut - someone brought donuts to work. The feeling of warmth wasn’t present, nor was the feeling of something kicking in, but the other positive effects remained - positive mood, ease of movement and thinking, chattiness.

Considering my day starts at 3:30 in the morning and am at work usually by 430, the days that I dosed the samples made for very positive mornings. I am NOT a morning by any means - I get ready for work with very little lights on, I don’t like conversations or loud noises either during this time. I also work on a production line, rebuilding washers and dryers - we’re currently 3 guys short also.

Very noticeable first dose results. A lot of my morning start off with me moving machines back n forth for an hour or so - some days unboxing machines to rebuilding them. Mitradopa helped to keep me on-task with great focus and solid feelings of positivity. I will continue to dose and update in the coming days.

thank you!

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