Is a Serm neccessary for an Epistane Cycle??? Advice Needed... Im mid cycle!



New member
Ok so im on day 14 of my 4.5 week epistane cycle. (day 7 at 30mg). Ive had no real sides thus far except for the fact that ive put on about 6.5 lbs. MWAHAHAHA:dance:. Nips are a tad bit sensetive but im taking something hormonal so im assuming that going to happen. No pain or anything so im thinking no prob.

I know i probably should have had it set in stone already but Ive Been doing a bit of research and im not sure if i should use a SERM in my PCT. Dont worry i did prepare and i already have one, some liquid tamox citrate just in case. But my question is, for my PCT should i use the serm? Or should i only use it if Gyno flares up?

My pct is as follows:
(alpha drive on hand, if needed... Doubt it)
Fish oil

I may step it up to 40mg for the last week, possible last 2. I not sure. Its my first cycle so i dont want to do anything stupid.

What are your guys thoughts as far as the Serm? If you think an AI or something would be better or worse or what (not really sure what an ai is used for anyways, i know its like a serm but i dont really know the difference.) Also what you think if i should bump to 40. Any discussion would help. Thanks guys!


Anabolic Innovations Rep
  • Established
Is this your first cycle? If it is, I would suggest running the nolva, if not and you have a good idea how you will react to PCT, then you can try without it and add it in if necessary.


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As has been said maybe a thousand times in hundreds of threads on this board alone, YES, YOU NEED A SERM!!
Australian made

Australian made

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Use a SERM always. Get rid of the alpha drive. junk.


New member
ok I was going to use it in the first place but then i heard stuff that epi is so mild you dont need it. But ill use it. Yeah the alphadrive stuff. I dont even know why i got that stuff. It was like 10 bucks or something. Ive had great exp with pwerfull. As far as bumping up to 40mg. If i dont have any sides that shouldnt be a prob correct?


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ok I was going to use it in the first place but then i heard stuff that epi is so mild you dont need it. But ill use it. Yeah the alphadrive stuff. I dont even know why i got that stuff. It was like 10 bucks or something. Ive had great exp with pwerfull. As far as bumping up to 40mg. If i dont have any sides that shouldnt be a prob correct?
First off, you never "NEED" a SERM. A SERM is a good protocol to follow but it is not Necessary. Back in teh day Arnold and his buddies would run 21 week cycles WITH NO PCT! And they recovered fine.

Having said that, a PCT protocol is meant to restore HPTA function as quickly as possible. A SERM blocks estrogen receptors in "Selective" tissues Hence the name, Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator. A SERM does nothing to restore HPTA and it is only part of the equation.

Post Cycle Support will act as an estrogen antagonist and block estrogen receptors in selective tissue (breast). It will also help to boost test with the testosterone mimetic Icariin. This is what makes PCS a better choice than a SERM. You should also take I3C (an estrogen metabolizer) and ZMA for its purported ability to boost GH and IGF-1. Activate Xtreme can also be added to this protocol but I do not have enough research to determine when it should be added. I am hypothesizing that it should be added about the two week mark as test production starts to kick in and SHBG starts to rise. Divanil is an SHBG binder and has a higher affinity to it than testosterone thus freeing up the test to bind to AR's.

Once you get your natural test production up you should engage an AI like 6-oxo to knock down estrogen levels and allow the estrogen to come back slowly and normalize.

I have blood work that shows this to be a solid alternative method to research chemicals.

Good luck bro ...

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