Initiating Oral R-DHEA+Epi-DHEA with TRT year-round (IML Andro Hard and h0$p1r@ TC)

Beavis Bungocchi

Beavis Bungocchi

Looking to run the AH at the original Primordial dose, TC is @ 200mg weekly.
I’m also using preg@balin and g@bapentin so hopefully the AH’s interaction with GABA is a positive one (I have to look it up again)

Due to ALL this lyme **** and the severe spinal issues, I am very underweight, weak, and in constant pain, in MANY ways.
The whole lyme situation is full of eerie corruption; there are several rabbit holes on thine www if any is bored one day.
Anyway, this might help me with sleep.
And not to sound like a dink but lyme and co infections are one of the worst things you can get, when I say co infections, there are a f*ckload.

Theres a great deal of info about people with lyme needing to manage endocrine dysfunction In many ways, and a good deal of it is about dhea and pregnenlone.

Hopefully the potency of dhea isomers is not an issue.

Give your thoughts if you want to.
Hypnotic traveling

Hypnotic traveling

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I don’t really understand what you’re trying to run in conjunction with your trt, epiandro and r andro? This would be to assist you with weight gain? My daughter (now 8) was hospitalized with Lyme a few years ago at 5 years old, her joint/leg pain became so severe that she couldn’t support her own weight. And her personality (unbeknownst to us) was unrecognizable on part of Lyme as well. Dealing with doctors is a bit of a nightmare because chronic Lyme isn’t really recognized by the medical Community. So when symptoms arise that we know are associated with her Lyme it can be difficult to get a dr to prescribe an appropriate course of antibiotics, let alone do testing for it. It can be very frustrating.


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Aren’t those cutting prohormones and not weight gain ones?
Beavis Bungocchi

Beavis Bungocchi

I don’t really understand what you’re trying to run in conjunction with your trt, epiandro and r andro? This would be to assist you with weight gain? My daughter (now 8) was hospitalized with Lyme a few years ago at 5 years old, her joint/leg pain became so severe that she couldn’t support her own weight. And her personality (unbeknownst to us) was unrecognizable on part of Lyme as well. Dealing with doctors is a bit of a nightmare because chronic Lyme isn’t really recognized by the medical Community. So when symptoms arise that we know are associated with her Lyme it can be difficult to get a dr to prescribe an appropriate course of antibiotics, let alone do testing for it. It can be very frustrating.
Yes and perhaps facial bloat;
And yea that’s what I was eluding to about how corrupt and eerie it is with the corrupt IDSA vs the honest ILADS people . It is clearly political and something is being covered up.

I am no stranger to gear; Lyme and the co infections have ruined my body including my gut and ability to gain weight. I can’t lift let alone do other things without pain like the typing I’m doing. There’s too much to explain with lyme. Spinal cord compression degeneration in back and neck in MANY ways and sections (MRI)
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Have you seen Iconic Formulations Ultra Hard? This was modeled after the 3:1 Ratio PP used for the OG AndroHard V3

each application contains 125mg Androsterone + 375mg Epiandrosterone in the gel carrier used by Primoridal Performance for AndroEnhance

if you're trying to run something similar to OG PP, then you should checkout Ultra Hard - you may like some of our other topicals...we license the OG Primordial formulations and carriers


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I take pregabalin daily. I've noticed bpc 157 having an effect
Beavis Bungocchi

Beavis Bungocchi

Have you seen Iconic Formulations Ultra Hard? This was modeled after the 3:1 Ratio PP used for the OG AndroHard V3

each application contains 125mg Androsterone + 375mg Epiandrosterone in the gel carrier used by Primoridal Performance for AndroEnhance

if you're trying to run something similar to OG PP, then you should checkout Ultra Hard - you may like some of our other topicals...we license the OG Primordial formulations and carriers
I’ve used icon one, ultra hard, and sustain alpha. I like iconic because it’s a straight up primordial clone.

I’m actually already going to do andro hard oral and ultra hard year round;

I was literally just mentioning the differences between things, and their behavior after IM, vs their behavior after passing through the liver.

For instance, the differences people note from taking DB orally vs IM.

Which I can’t think of off the top of my head, yet is in some MPMD video.

There’s lots of literature on lyme dhea pregnenolone as well as way more endocrine **** like how bad it wrecks igf-1, igf-bp, GH, testosterone, much more endocrine ****, and much more than just hormones.

A side not about the med world, AAS, and helping people that are wasting away such as myself, F*** the mumbling POS in power who ruined AAS for everybody, in the name of sports that he, and many other politicians likely bet on, and invest in, ..likely in the form of cranking his winning team on GH AAS and undetectable stims

( ….Idk that’s my gut feeling at least.)
Beavis Bungocchi

Beavis Bungocchi

I take pregabalin daily. I've noticed bpc 157 having an effect
I heard compounding pharms aren’t allowed to compound any sarms, peptides, etc. , any word on that?

Also, Idk if I trust ug waterB. stuff


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Also, Idk if I trust ug waterB. stuff
I do use ug stuff. The product is as good as the source. You can buy supplements on Amazon and they test horrible on what is thought to be in the ingredients. Find a good source, it takes time and effort... or go compounding as well. I personally haven't went that route and don't know their regulations

I'll even plug a sponsor here. They sell bpc and other peptides. It's a clearnet price tag but legit products.... used for research purposes.

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