Iconic Formulations - Icon One and Transdermal Melatonin (Beta) - Beau's Review



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My thanks to @delsolrob for providing me with the opportunity to log Icon One and the Transdermal Melatonin beta test product.

Like many of us, I have been working from home for the last year. For me, that has resulted in longer hours worked, and less time away from the computer. My “workouts” have been limited to cardio (exercise bike).

Since July, I have been spending most of my non work hours taking care of my Mother’s estate, disposition of her financial assets, non-financial assets, auto, home, etc. My Mom passed away in July 2020. Her home (the one I grew up in) sold in February, but that involved a lot of time making and coordinating repairs, repainting, etc. The good news is the house sold quickly and for an amount that exceeded the listing price.

So, here I am, much more out of shape and heavier than I have been in some time (12.5 lbs up from one year ago), and a bit snarlier than usual. Work stress has turned sleep into a routine of sleeping for three of four hours, waking up after some sort of "can't get there from here" dream, and then trying to find some means to fall back asleep. This despite taking sublingual melatonin and an OTC (Costco) sleep aid. It probably does not help that I am one of the older member of this forum. While aging sucks, it seems much better than the alternative.

On March 29th I decided to revert back to a high (healthy) fat, high protein diet. I do and feel much better on this diet, but since it tends to take some additional coordination with my wife and takes up time I haven’t had recently, I had not been following this diet recently (OK, for a long time). I am now also monitoring calories, shooting for a slight reduction. In terms of caloric reduction, my focus has been on avoiding the easy to grab and eat carb-based products. If I said I didn’t miss the peanut butter filled pretzels, I would be lying.

So, sleepy and somewhat disguised with having replaced legitimate muscle with “table muscle”, here I am:. My objectives in using the Icon One and the Transdermal Melatonin product (along with the high fat/high protein/low carb diet) are:

• Lose weight/more lean mass/reduce body fat/reduce waist diameter
• Increase strength
• Improve emotional outlook
• Improve sleep/more energy
• At least maintain (and hopefully increase) libido.

The Icon One and the Transdermal Melatonin arrived on Friday, April 2nd.

Since then I have applied 5 pumps of Icon One each day, mostly to my shoulder blades, chest area and ribs. Shortly after application, my chest and arm muscles appear more full and more vascular. 5 days in, at this point, my weight has dropped about 1.5 lbs. I ‘think” I am generally feeling a bit more optimistic, but I generally “seem to feel better” whenever I increase healthy fats (odd?). Libido seems about the same.

Icon One, like the other Iconic Formulations TD products I have used, is easy to apply, dries quickly and does not leave an objectionable smell. Once it is dry, there is no wet or greasy feeling. There is also no skin irritation.

As to the Transdermal Melatonin: Friday night, I applied ½ ml (5 mg), split between my inner forearms. While I fell asleep easily, and slept longer than usual, I was pretty darn groggy most of Saturday.

Beginning Saturday night (and continuing through Monday night) I reduced the amount to 0.25 ml, split between both inner arms. Each night I pre-cleaned the area, applied a small amount of DMSO, and then applied the TD by putting it on my wrists, and rubbing my wrists against the inner arm (of the opposite arm). After it dried, it has a nice “earthy” TD smaller, and was absorbed well (no greasy feeling). I waited about 20 minutes after it dried, and then applied a light coating of a menthol/aloe gel (doing so is supposed to increase TD absorption).

Since cutting back to 0.25 ml (2.5 mg) the ability to fall asleep easily continues but without any grogginess the next day. Regardless of the amount (i.e., 0.5 ml or 0.25 ml) my dream activity has continued about the same as it was previously. I have not also been taking zinc and magnesium pre-bed, but I would imagine the combo of TD melatonin, zinc and magnesium might result in a dream (or nightmare) filled night’s sleep.

So far, that is my initial reaction. Product quality is good, it applies and dries easily and so far – placebo or not – seems to be making a positive impact. More to follow.


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go beau....yes, that was intended to rhyme....just sayin :p


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Great start


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Have you ever tried ashwaghanda for sleep? It seems like it hits people very differently, but the lower quality extracts (bulknutrition’s huge inexpensive bags @ dose of 1-5g, & some brands of KSM-66) help me get to sleep or fall back asleep once my mind gets cranking and keeps me awake. I never get a sedation feeling, but it turns off busy, sort of racing thoughts that sometimes keep me from dozing off, never a hangover feeling.
I’ll check the Iconic TD melatonin threads going currently and ask how dosing is going, I work in sleep and we recommend dosing strategies with melatonin and rozerem that most people aren’t patient enough to stick with to see results.
If your OTC sleep aid contains an antihistamine, I would recommend against it. The sedating feeling seems desirable, but the inconsistent effects, effects on sleep staging, and increases in EMG activity (particularly leg movements) during sleep is obvious on sleep studies and causes more disruptions than it is worth.

Interested in your results! I hope the melatonin becomes a stock item with IF, and I’m sitting on some Icon One that I’m jazzed about running later this year with a bottle of their 3-AD I got, just gotta drop some more body fat beforehand. Such high quality products!
Thank you for all of the terrific information. You are correct, the OTC sleep aid is 25 mg of Doxylamine succinate.

Last night I used 1/2 ml of Transdermal Melatonin applied to the tops of my feet (another very good area for TD applications).
I pre-cleaned the area, applied a small amount of DMSO, and then applied the TD. A few minutes later I applied a drop of jojoba oil mixed with the the menthol gel (a Dollar Store purchase - I have also used a hot arthritis cream, but I am out). Well, last night was an excellent night sleep. Really nice.

Icon One: Yesterday I took a very hot shower, dried my chest, clavicles and inner arms, and applied Icon One (and later applied the menthol gel). I don't know if Icon One is known for causing veiny vascularity (especially in my arms), but it is notable. Generally (and the sleep may be playing a part), I feel generally better and more tolerant of things that don't go exactly to plan. I haven't weighed myself in the last few days, so I cannot comment on that. But, using my Levi's as a benchmark, things appear to be going in the right direction - they fit a bit more loosely. At the same time, upper body musculature appear fuller.

Back to sleep for a moment: I am trying different pre-bed concoctions at different times. Products used include at various times include 5-HTP, Magnesium/Ashwaghanda, sublingual melatonin, GABA, Glycine, and Taurine. I just bought a bottle of Shoden Ashwaghanda that allegedly assists sleep (I've not used it yet).
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Thank you for all of the terrific information. You are correct, the OTC sleep aid is 25 mg of Doxylamine succinate.

Last night I used 1/2 ml of Transdermal Melatonin applied to the tops of my feet (another very good area for TD applications.
I pre-cleaned the area, applied a small amount of DMSO, and then applied the TD. A few minutes later I applied a drop of jojoba oil mixed with the the menthol gel (a Dollar Store purchase - I have also used a hot arthritis cream, but I am out). Well, last night was an excellent night sleep. Really nice.

Icon One: Yesterday I took a very hot shower, dried my chest, clavicles and inner arms, and applied Icon One (and later applied the menthol gel. I don't know if Icon One is known for causing veiny vascularity (especially in my arms), but it is notable. Generally (and the sleep may be playing a part), I feel generally better and more tolerant of things that don't go exactly to plan. I haven't weighed myself in the last few days, so I cannot comment on that. But, using my Levi's as a benchmark, things appear to be going in the right direction - they fit a bit more loosely. At the same time, upper body musculature appear fuller.

Back to sleep for a moment: I am trying different pre-bed concoctions at different times. Products used include at various times include 5-HTP, Magnesium/Ashwaghanda, sublingual melatonin, GABA, Glycine, and Taurine. I just bought a bottle of Shoden Ashwaghanda that allegedly assists sleep (I've not used it yet).
yup...increased vascularity is one of the 1st things users report on icon one.


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Update: I continue to be impressed with Icon One. The vascularity is really nice, as if the feeling of muscle fullness. Regarding fullness, I have no idea what is going on, weight-wise. I stepped on the scale t find that I have GAINED weight, despite being slightly calorie deficient and higher fat/protein, and lower carb.

Now then, sleep. For the past three nights I have slept between 4 hours and 5 hours a night, and I am really tired. I am not taking any stimulants or stimulating supps after about 1PM. I continue to use 1/2ml of the transdermal melatonin, and have had not had a problem falling asleep. But, 4 to 5 hour slater (frequently after the conclusion of some sort of whack job dream) I wake up. Not wanting to wake my wife, I come downstairs, find a spot on the sofa, cover up and turn on the TV at a low volume and - eventually - fall back asleep for several short spurts. I am tired and the novelty of this is wearing thin. This I know, this is not the result of the TD melatonin. Maybe tonight I will up the dose to about 3/8 ml - I don't know.

On a more positive note, one of my three grandchildren was Baptized yesterday and shortly thereafter we found out that our newly Baptized little gal will be joined by a baby brother or sister in about 6 months.
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CONGRATS...grandkids are the icing on the cake of life!!!


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Update: I continue to be impressed with Icon One. The vascularity is really nice, as if the feeling of muscle fullness. Regarding fullness, I have no idea what is going on, weight-wise. I stepped on the scale t find that I have GAINED weight, despite being slightly calorie deficient and higher fat/protein, and lower carb.

Now then, sleep. For the past three nights I have slept between 4 hours and 5 hours a night, and I am really tired. I am not taking any stimulants or stimulating supps after about 1PM. I continue to use 1/2ml of the transdermal melatonin, and have had not had a problem falling asleep. But, 4 to 5 hour slater (frequently after the conclusion of some sort of whack job dream) I wake up. Not wanting to wake my wife, I come downstairs, find a spot on the sofa, cover up and turn on the TV at a low volume and - eventually - fall back asleep for several short spurts. I am tired and the novelty of this is wearing thin. This I know, this is not the result of the TD melatonin. Maybe tonight I will up the dose to about 3/8 ml - I don't know.

On a more positive note, one of my three grandchildren was Baptized yesterday and shortly thereafter we found out that our newly Baptized little gal will be joined by a baby brother or sister in about 6 months.
First congrats on the baptism.

So how do you think this would compare to brown eye?


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First congrats on the baptism.

So how do you think this would compare to brown eye?
TD Melatonin is really good.
Icon One also seems really good.
Poor sleeping is not good.
Brown Eye (now with twice as much Starfish Extract as the Original Brown Eye) is (or course) a perennial favorite.

A Baptism - like nothing else.

Now from the TMI department: I was sprinkle baptized as an infant. 48 years later, after having gone through a lot of "life" (including my divorcing a two time adultness) I was submerged in a Baptism a week prior to marrying my wife. I took it upon myself to study what Baptism really entails, and knew that an infant was not capable of doing those things. So as a fully cooked adult, I was Baptized. Although merely my opinion, I see my granddaughter's Baptism as a wonderful ceremony; one of a dedication made by the parents, godparents and grandparents (and I will certainly do whatever I can) - but I hope that she studies enough on her own when she is older to better understand what the commitment really entails, and make the decision herself - as an adult.

I hate to "get all serious" on this forum, since I have long since established myself as a satirical horse's a$$, but in this case I felt I needed to.


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While doing cardio today, it seemed like my sweat factor was increased by about 50%. After the cardio, I felt really good.

Unlike other similar products, with Icon One I do not feel any increase in snarly-ness or being on edge. Nice.

Sleep: Last night I increased the TD Melatonin to 3/8ml. I fell asleep soundly. As with the prior few nights, I woke up about 4 hours later. This time, however, I was able to fall back asleep much more quickly and deeply. When I awoke this AM, I did not feel groggy at all. So, tonight we will go with 3/8ml, and hope for the best.


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Sleep update: Last night I continued the TD Melatonin dosage at 3/8ml. I usually read at night, pre-bed. Last night I made it through about 8 pages of the book (try not to laugh, it was Agatha Christie's first murder mystery), and then it was good-night Irene. Sleep was much better. I woke (I hate to use that word now) up after about 5 1/2 hours, went downstairs and fell back asleep soundly. As you might expect, tonight will be another night of 3/8ml. I like this stuff.

Icon One: Today, I decided to skip cardio, and instead I "designed" and mixed yet another home brew pre-workout from bulk powder. It consisted of: 200mg Niacin, 3.5Gr Citrulline Malate, 2.5Gr Betaine (TMG). 1.25Gr Agmatine, 2.0Gr Pomegranate extract, 2.0Gr Tyrosine, 1.25Gr DMAE, 2.25Gr Beta Alanine, and an Emergen C packet.

It didn't take long - and then I sort of got walloped by the combo on Niacin and Beta Alanine, both of which have a harmless tingly/burning skin sensation, and (I believe) increased vasodilation. So, I thought "Hey, I look like a tomato and feel like I have the world's worst sunburn, I know what I'll do next" ... that's right - time to slather on 5 pumps of Icon One.

Now, I can't say for sure - but I think increased vasodilation from the Niacin and Beta Alanine really increased the rate at which Icon One was absorbed. I felt it within a very few minutes and realized that I really, really wished my wife was home. It seemed to hit my libido like a tone of bricks.

So, any of you stupid enough to take a home brew pre-work with Niacin and Beta Alanine out on an empty stomach, and then smear your torso with Icon One - well, you might want to make sure a receptive partner is somewhere close.


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Sleep update: Last night I continued the TD Melatonin dosage at 3/8ml. I usually read at night, pre-bed. Last night I made it through about 8 pages of the book (try not to laugh, it was Agatha Christie's first murder mystery), and then it was good-night Irene. Sleep was much better. I woke (I hate to use that word now) up after about 5 1/2 hours, went downstairs and fell back asleep soundly. As you might expect, tonight will be another night of 3/8ml. I like this stuff.

Icon One: Today, I decided to skip cardio, and instead I "designed" and mixed yet another home brew pre-workout from bulk powder. It consisted of: 200mg Niacin, 3.5Gr Citrulline Malate, 2.5Gr Betaine (TMG). 1.25Gr Agmatine, 2.0Gr Pomegranate extract, 2.0Gr Tyrosine, 1.25Gr DMAE, 2.25Gr Beta Alanine, and an Emergen C packet.

It didn't take long - and then I sort of got walloped by the combo on Niacin and Beta Alanine, both of which have a harmless tingly/burning skin sensation, and (I believe) increased vasodilation. So, I thought "Hey, I look like a tomato and feel like I have the world's worst sunburn, I know what I'll do next" ... that's right - time to slather on 5 pumps of Icon One.

Now, I can't say for sure - but I think increased vasodilation from the Niacin and Beta Alanine really increased the rate at which Icon One was absorbed. I felt it within a very few minutes and realized that I really, really wished my wife was home. It seemed to hit my libido like a tone of bricks.

So, any of you stupid enough to take a home brew pre-work with Niacin and Beta Alanine out on an empty stomach, and then smear your torso with Icon One - well, you might want to make sure a receptive partner is somewhere close.
you don't disappoint---i was expecting a entertaining log!!! :p


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Sleep update: Last night I continued the TD Melatonin dosage at 3/8ml. I usually read at night, pre-bed. Last night I made it through about 8 pages of the book (try not to laugh, it was Agatha Christie's first murder mystery), and then it was good-night Irene. Sleep was much better. I woke (I hate to use that word now) up after about 5 1/2 hours, went downstairs and fell back asleep soundly. As you might expect, tonight will be another night of 3/8ml. I like this stuff.

Icon One: Today, I decided to skip cardio, and instead I "designed" and mixed yet another home brew pre-workout from bulk powder. It consisted of: 200mg Niacin, 3.5Gr Citrulline Malate, 2.5Gr Betaine (TMG). 1.25Gr Agmatine, 2.0Gr Pomegranate extract, 2.0Gr Tyrosine, 1.25Gr DMAE, 2.25Gr Beta Alanine, and an Emergen C packet.

It didn't take long - and then I sort of got walloped by the combo on Niacin and Beta Alanine, both of which have a harmless tingly/burning skin sensation, and (I believe) increased vasodilation. So, I thought "Hey, I look like a tomato and feel like I have the world's worst sunburn, I know what I'll do next" ... that's right - time to slather on 5 pumps of Icon One.

Now, I can't say for sure - but I think increased vasodilation from the Niacin and Beta Alanine really increased the rate at which Icon One was absorbed. I felt it within a very few minutes and realized that I really, really wished my wife was home. It seemed to hit my libido like a tone of bricks.

So, any of you stupid enough to take a home brew pre-work with Niacin and Beta Alanine out on an empty stomach, and then smear your torso with Icon One - well, you might want to make sure a receptive partner is somewhere close.
Interesting how the effects get increased.


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Subbed. I ran Icon One earlier this year, but wasn't dialed in with both diet and training to utilize it properly.

Just got done with an Ultra Epi cycle. Grabbed as many bottles as I could when they offered that great deal to get rid of old stock. I'm gonna wait about four weeks and then run Alpha Seven with Ultra Hard.

Hope your cycle goes well, Beau. Iconic Formulations is by far my most favorite and trusted supplement company. I love topicals.


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Subbed. I ran Icon One earlier this year, but wasn't dialed in with both diet and training to utilize it properly.

Just got done with an Ultra Epi cycle. Grabbed as many bottles as I could when they offered that great deal to get rid of old stock. I'm gonna wait about four weeks and then run Alpha Seven with Ultra Hard.

Hope your cycle goes well, Beau. Iconic Formulations is by far my most favorite and trusted supplement company. I love topicals.
appreciate the iconic formulations love @ricroc


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whats the good word @Beau


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Well mostly good.

After having several consecutive crappy nights sleep, I decided to increase the TD Melatonin dosage back to 1/2ml. That has helped - A LOT. Although I am slower to fully wake up in the morning, I am far more well rested. I will continue at 1/2ml until I get another crazy idea, and then I will try something else (hopefully not). I like this stuff, and I believe it has a better overall effect than dose oral or sublingual melatonin.

I am nearing the end of the run on Icon One. I like it as well, and it gives me both a more vascular and more full look (sounds odd, since they sound as if they would be on opposed sides of one another). Still no "alpha anger". Libido has most definitely up-ticked (see what I did there?). I have also maintained more of a positive outlook (and that has been a challenge with continued work stress and increased world stupidity).

So, I have a very favorable opinion on both, and a very favorable effect from both.


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Well mostly good.

After having several consecutive crappy nights sleep, I decided to increase the TD Melatonin dosage back to 1/2ml. That has helped - A LOT. Although I am slower to fully wake up in the morning, I am far more well rested. I will continue at 1/2ml until I get another crazy idea, and then I will try something else (hopefully not). I like this stuff, and I believe it has a better overall effect than dose oral or sublingual melatonin.

I am nearing the end of the run on Icon One. I like it as well, and it gives me both a more vascular and more full look (sounds odd, since they sound as if they would be on opposed sides of one another). Still no "alpha anger". Libido has most definitely up-ticked (see what I did there?). I have also maintained more of a positive outlook (and that has been a challenge with continued work stress and increased world stupidity).

So, I have a very favorable opinion on both, and a very favorable effect from both.
That’s what we like to hear


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Well mostly good.

After having several consecutive crappy nights sleep, I decided to increase the TD Melatonin dosage back to 1/2ml. That has helped - A LOT. Although I am slower to fully wake up in the morning, I am far more well rested. I will continue at 1/2ml until I get another crazy idea, and then I will try something else (hopefully not). I like this stuff, and I believe it has a better overall effect than dose oral or sublingual melatonin.

I am nearing the end of the run on Icon One. I like it as well, and it gives me both a more vascular and more full look (sounds odd, since they sound as if they would be on opposed sides of one another). Still no "alpha anger". Libido has most definitely up-ticked (see what I did there?). I have also maintained more of a positive outlook (and that has been a challenge with continued work stress and increased world stupidity).

So, I have a very favorable opinion on both, and a very favorable effect from both.
i like the chaka khan report---you have told me something good :D

seriously, very happy to hear that both products have/are treating you so well!!!


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i like the chaka khan report---you have told me something good :D

seriously, very happy to hear that both products have/are treating you so well!!!
Chaka Khan - nicely done.

Many years ago (1976) I went to a large festival concert at Anaheim Stadium. The headliner, the only band I cared about, was The Who (the original line up). But the opening acts were Rufus with Chaka Khan, Little Feat and the Steve Gibbons Band. What kind of crazy collection of bands is that?


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Chaka Khan - nicely done.

Many years ago (1976) I went to a large festival concert at Anaheim Stadium. The headliner, the only band I cared about, was The Who (the original line up). But the opening acts were Rufus with Chaka Khan, Little Feat and the Steve Gibbons Band. What kind of crazy collection of bands is that?
lol...sounds like the old top ten AM radio stations, kiss and then the stylistics---remember casey kasem?


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lol...sounds like the old top ten AM radio stations, kiss and then the stylistics---remember casey kasem?
Yup. Of the many concerts I have been to, that line up was the most eclectic.

We used to have a local FM station from Long Beach CA that would play a song lists like Rick Nelson, then the Angry Samoans, then Black Flag, then The Monkeys, etc. - they were all over the place - and awesome.


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Yup. Of the many concerts I have been to, that line up was the most eclectic.

We used to have a local FM station from Long Beach CA that would play a song lists like Rick Nelson, then the Angry Samoans, then Black Flag, then The Monkeys, etc. - they were all over the place - and awesome.
in the days before FM the AM stations used to play every genre...bad bad leroy brown and then diana ross and the supremes.


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While doing cardio today, it seemed like my sweat factor was increased by about 50%. After the cardio, I felt really good.

Unlike other similar products, with Icon One I do not feel any increase in snarly-ness or being on edge. Nice.

Sleep: Last night I increased the TD Melatonin to 3/8ml. I fell asleep soundly. As with the prior few nights, I woke up about 4 hours later. This time, however, I was able to fall back asleep much more quickly and deeply. When I awoke this AM, I did not feel groggy at all. So, tonight we will go with 3/8ml, and hope for the best.
There is a wakefulness rebound with melatonin at 2-4 hours. That might explain a lot!
I never take it at bedtime for this reason. I take mine when I wake up in the night but only if there's less than 3 or at most 4 hours to go. If not I wait it out. If I wake up 1 hour early, there's no hope for me to make it to my goal.
I seem to get the rebound at 3 hours.
This rebound is somewhat separate from the muddy heavy feeling which often lasts into the next day if you take too much melatonin


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There is a wakefulness rebound with melatonin at 2-4 hours. That might explain a lot!
I never take it at bedtime for this reason. I take mine when I wake up in the night but only if there's less than 3 or at most 4 hours to go. If not I wait it out. If I wake up 1 hour early, there's no hope for me to make it to my goal.
I seem to get the rebound at 3 hours.
This rebound is somewhat separate from the muddy heavy feeling which often lasts into the next day if you take too much melatonin
have you used transdermal melatonin?


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no I haven't but the melatonin particle is certainly more than small enough to be absorbed that way and would be absorbed rapidly. True, there would be a lingering presence on your skin hypothetically: maybe a smoother rebound, and maybe 4 hours instead of 3?

I will give it a try, but not until my current bottle is done.

Try using the melatonin TD the first time you wake up at night instead of bedtime and see how it goes!


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no I haven't but the melatonin particle is certainly more than small enough to be absorbed that way and would be absorbed rapidly. True, there would be a lingering presence on your skin hypothetically: maybe a smoother rebound, and maybe 4 hours instead of 3?

I will give it a try, but not until my current bottle is done.

Try using the melatonin TD the first time you wake up at night instead of bedtime and see how it goes!
i never wake up at night...my issue has always been falling asleep.


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Personally I wake up constantly during the night.


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Excellent log dude!! I may have to try the melatonin. I have some KSM powder that's been sitting for about a year. Didn't realize the sleep benefits.


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Excellent log dude!! I may have to try the melatonin. I have some KSM powder that's been sitting for about a year. Didn't realize the sleep benefits.
If you haven't tried Shoden, blows KSM out of the water. IMO


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I am overdue for an update.

Icon One - towards the end my libido (and associated blood-flow related reactions) were noticeably increased. The increase in sweating (some related, some unrelated to libido) continued. The vascularity increased as well, although my efforts to lose weight have not been rewarded.

The stress level has been pretty high. In addition to my obligations to proudly serve my cooperate master, we had to put our 16+ year old dog down (we put our Lab down 4 years ago). Charlie was a bichon - miniature poodle mix, and was gregarious and really a handsome dog. Huge personality. He was originally a dog I purchased for my then 80 year old Mom, who decided she needed a dog. Although I knew she wasn't going to be able to handle it, I bought her the dog with the full expectation that he would be mine. That is what worked out, but each time I went to see my Mom (several times each week) I took Charlie to viit with her. Charlie eventually became blind, then deaf, and then (we believe) got dementia. We were happy to carry him up and down the stairs in our home and make a bunch of other age-related accommodations, but recently he started to decline very rapidly. After staying up all night with him on Monday night, it was obvious that he was in inconsolable pain, and I made the decision to end things peacefully and with dignity. We had him 16 years. The house seems empty. As much as he liked me, he was CRAZY about my wife. She was his favorite. My wife cried. I did too (and I am not a "crier"). We stayed with him until he was gone.

TD Melatonin - I really like this stuff, a lot. I fell asleep without it one night, and boy was that a mistake - a few hours later it was me and some car hot rod building show(s) - and for several hours. Oddly, both this Tuesday and last night were pretty darned good sleep-wise. I'll chalk that up to the combination of (1) TD Melatonin, (2) mental and physical exhaustion, and (3) Pinot Noir.

I have completed my cycle of Icon One. I like it. It was more subtle than Ultra Hard, but I most certainly noticed a positive impact.


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I am overdue for an update.

Icon One - towards the end my libido (and associated blood-flow related reactions) were noticeably increased. The increase in sweating (some related, some unrelated to libido) continued. The vascularity increased as well, although my efforts to lose weight have not been rewarded.

The stress level has been pretty high. In addition to my obligations to proudly serve my cooperate master, we had to put our 16+ year old dog down (we put our Lab down 4 years ago). Charlie was a bichon - miniature poodle mix, and was gregarious and really a handsome dog. Huge personality. He was originally a dog I purchased for my then 80 year old Mom, who decided she needed a dog. Although I knew she wasn't going to be able to handle it, I bought her the dog with the full expectation that he would be mine. That is what worked out, but each time I went to see my Mom (several times each week) I took Charlie to viit with her. Charlie eventually became blind, then deaf, and then (we believe) got dementia. We were happy to carry him up and down the stairs in our home and make a bunch of other age-related accommodations, but recently he started to decline very rapidly. After staying up all night with him on Monday night, it was obvious that he was in inconsolable pain, and I made the decision to end things peacefully and with dignity. We had him 16 years. The house seems empty. As much as he liked me, he was CRAZY about my wife. She was his favorite. My wife cried. I did too (and I am not a "crier"). We stayed with him until he was gone.

TD Melatonin - I really like this stuff, a lot. I fell asleep without it one night, and boy was that a mistake - a few hours later it was me and some car hot rod building show(s) - and for several hours. Oddly, both this Tuesday and last night were pretty darned good sleep-wise. I'll chalk that up to the combination of (1) TD Melatonin, (2) mental and physical exhaustion, and (3) Pinot Noir.

I have completed my cycle of Icon One. I like it. It was more subtle than Ultra Hard, but I most certainly noticed a positive impact.


your experience with charlie is eerily similar to my experience with my dog sid-i loved that dog but my wife was his favorite-i still get worked up and mushy when i think of him...

glad you had a nice experience with icon one but in all honesty it really shines on 2nd bottle.

i'm really digging the td melatonin also, and this is from someone who never got much out of my several goes at using it orally....in td form it seems like a different ingredient altogether.


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I am overdue for an update.

Icon One - towards the end my libido (and associated blood-flow related reactions) were noticeably increased. The increase in sweating (some related, some unrelated to libido) continued. The vascularity increased as well, although my efforts to lose weight have not been rewarded.

The stress level has been pretty high. In addition to my obligations to proudly serve my cooperate master, we had to put our 16+ year old dog down (we put our Lab down 4 years ago). Charlie was a bichon - miniature poodle mix, and was gregarious and really a handsome dog. Huge personality. He was originally a dog I purchased for my then 80 year old Mom, who decided she needed a dog. Although I knew she wasn't going to be able to handle it, I bought her the dog with the full expectation that he would be mine. That is what worked out, but each time I went to see my Mom (several times each week) I took Charlie to viit with her. Charlie eventually became blind, then deaf, and then (we believe) got dementia. We were happy to carry him up and down the stairs in our home and make a bunch of other age-related accommodations, but recently he started to decline very rapidly. After staying up all night with him on Monday night, it was obvious that he was in inconsolable pain, and I made the decision to end things peacefully and with dignity. We had him 16 years. The house seems empty. As much as he liked me, he was CRAZY about my wife. She was his favorite. My wife cried. I did too (and I am not a "crier"). We stayed with him until he was gone.

TD Melatonin - I really like this stuff, a lot. I fell asleep without it one night, and boy was that a mistake - a few hours later it was me and some car hot rod building show(s) - and for several hours. Oddly, both this Tuesday and last night were pretty darned good sleep-wise. I'll chalk that up to the combination of (1) TD Melatonin, (2) mental and physical exhaustion, and (3) Pinot Noir.

I have completed my cycle of Icon One. I like it. It was more subtle than Ultra Hard, but I most certainly noticed a positive impact.


Sorry to hear about your dog. It’s been a long time since I had one. Still to this day I miss him.


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Sad to hear about the dog. Don't know if you guys follow Calum Von Moger but I saw he had to put his dog down recently as well. My dog is family so I can't imagine when that time comes :(


  • First Up Vote
I am overdue for an update.

Icon One - towards the end my libido (and associated blood-flow related reactions) were noticeably increased. The increase in sweating (some related, some unrelated to libido) continued. The vascularity increased as well, although my efforts to lose weight have not been rewarded.

The stress level has been pretty high. In addition to my obligations to proudly serve my cooperate master, we had to put our 16+ year old dog down (we put our Lab down 4 years ago). Charlie was a bichon - miniature poodle mix, and was gregarious and really a handsome dog. Huge personality. He was originally a dog I purchased for my then 80 year old Mom, who decided she needed a dog. Although I knew she wasn't going to be able to handle it, I bought her the dog with the full expectation that he would be mine. That is what worked out, but each time I went to see my Mom (several times each week) I took Charlie to viit with her. Charlie eventually became blind, then deaf, and then (we believe) got dementia. We were happy to carry him up and down the stairs in our home and make a bunch of other age-related accommodations, but recently he started to decline very rapidly. After staying up all night with him on Monday night, it was obvious that he was in inconsolable pain, and I made the decision to end things peacefully and with dignity. We had him 16 years. The house seems empty. As much as he liked me, he was CRAZY about my wife. She was his favorite. My wife cried. I did too (and I am not a "crier"). We stayed with him until he was gone.

TD Melatonin - I really like this stuff, a lot. I fell asleep without it one night, and boy was that a mistake - a few hours later it was me and some car hot rod building show(s) - and for several hours. Oddly, both this Tuesday and last night were pretty darned good sleep-wise. I'll chalk that up to the combination of (1) TD Melatonin, (2) mental and physical exhaustion, and (3) Pinot Noir.

I have completed my cycle of Icon One. I like it. It was more subtle than Ultra Hard, but I most certainly noticed a positive impact.


I am overdue for an update.

Icon One - towards the end my libido (and associated blood-flow related reactions) were noticeably increased. The increase in sweating (some related, some unrelated to libido) continued. The vascularity increased as well, although my efforts to lose weight have not been rewarded.

The stress level has been pretty high. In addition to my obligations to proudly serve my cooperate master, we had to put our 16+ year old dog down (we put our Lab down 4 years ago). Charlie was a bichon - miniature poodle mix, and was gregarious and really a handsome dog. Huge personality. He was originally a dog I purchased for my then 80 year old Mom, who decided she needed a dog. Although I knew she wasn't going to be able to handle it, I bought her the dog with the full expectation that he would be mine. That is what worked out, but each time I went to see my Mom (several times each week) I took Charlie to viit with her. Charlie eventually became blind, then deaf, and then (we believe) got dementia. We were happy to carry him up and down the stairs in our home and make a bunch of other age-related accommodations, but recently he started to decline very rapidly. After staying up all night with him on Monday night, it was obvious that he was in inconsolable pain, and I made the decision to end things peacefully and with dignity. We had him 16 years. The house seems empty. As much as he liked me, he was CRAZY about my wife. She was his favorite. My wife cried. I did too (and I am not a "crier"). We stayed with him until he was gone.

TD Melatonin - I really like this stuff, a lot. I fell asleep without it one night, and boy was that a mistake - a few hours later it was me and some car hot rod building show(s) - and for several hours. Oddly, both this Tuesday and last night were pretty darned good sleep-wise. I'll chalk that up to the combination of (1) TD Melatonin, (2) mental and physical exhaustion, and (3) Pinot Noir.

I have completed my cycle of Icon One. I like it. It was more subtle than Ultra Hard, but I most certainly noticed a positive impact.


So when you say more subtle than Ultra Hard, what kind of results did you get from it compared to Icon-1?


  • First Up Vote
I am overdue for an update.

Icon One - towards the end my libido (and associated blood-flow related reactions) were noticeably increased. The increase in sweating (some related, some unrelated to libido) continued. The vascularity increased as well, although my efforts to lose weight have not been rewarded.

The stress level has been pretty high. In addition to my obligations to proudly serve my cooperate master, we had to put our 16+ year old dog down (we put our Lab down 4 years ago). Charlie was a bichon - miniature poodle mix, and was gregarious and really a handsome dog. Huge personality. He was originally a dog I purchased for my then 80 year old Mom, who decided she needed a dog. Although I knew she wasn't going to be able to handle it, I bought her the dog with the full expectation that he would be mine. That is what worked out, but each time I went to see my Mom (several times each week) I took Charlie to viit with her. Charlie eventually became blind, then deaf, and then (we believe) got dementia. We were happy to carry him up and down the stairs in our home and make a bunch of other age-related accommodations, but recently he started to decline very rapidly. After staying up all night with him on Monday night, it was obvious that he was in inconsolable pain, and I made the decision to end things peacefully and with dignity. We had him 16 years. The house seems empty. As much as he liked me, he was CRAZY about my wife. She was his favorite. My wife cried. I did too (and I am not a "crier"). We stayed with him until he was gone.

TD Melatonin - I really like this stuff, a lot. I fell asleep without it one night, and boy was that a mistake - a few hours later it was me and some car hot rod building show(s) - and for several hours. Oddly, both this Tuesday and last night were pretty darned good sleep-wise. I'll chalk that up to the combination of (1) TD Melatonin, (2) mental and physical exhaustion, and (3) Pinot Noir.

I have completed my cycle of Icon One. I like it. It was more subtle than Ultra Hard, but I most certainly noticed a positive impact.


I am overdue for an update.

Icon One - towards the end my libido (and associated blood-flow related reactions) were noticeably increased. The increase in sweating (some related, some unrelated to libido) continued. The vascularity increased as well, although my efforts to lose weight have not been rewarded.

The stress level has been pretty high. In addition to my obligations to proudly serve my cooperate master, we had to put our 16+ year old dog down (we put our Lab down 4 years ago). Charlie was a bichon - miniature poodle mix, and was gregarious and really a handsome dog. Huge personality. He was originally a dog I purchased for my then 80 year old Mom, who decided she needed a dog. Although I knew she wasn't going to be able to handle it, I bought her the dog with the full expectation that he would be mine. That is what worked out, but each time I went to see my Mom (several times each week) I took Charlie to viit with her. Charlie eventually became blind, then deaf, and then (we believe) got dementia. We were happy to carry him up and down the stairs in our home and make a bunch of other age-related accommodations, but recently he started to decline very rapidly. After staying up all night with him on Monday night, it was obvious that he was in inconsolable pain, and I made the decision to end things peacefully and with dignity. We had him 16 years. The house seems empty. As much as he liked me, he was CRAZY about my wife. She was his favorite. My wife cried. I did too (and I am not a "crier"). We stayed with him until he was gone.

TD Melatonin - I really like this stuff, a lot. I fell asleep without it one night, and boy was that a mistake - a few hours later it was me and some car hot rod building show(s) - and for several hours. Oddly, both this Tuesday and last night were pretty darned good sleep-wise. I'll chalk that up to the combination of (1) TD Melatonin, (2) mental and physical exhaustion, and (3) Pinot Noir.

I have completed my cycle of Icon One. I like it. It was more subtle than Ultra Hard, but I most certainly noticed a positive impact.


So when you say more subtle than Ultra Hard, what kind of results did you get from it compared to Icon-1?
