Furuza-A....what is the concensus????



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So, I have searched high and low and all I got was confusion! I am thinking of doing fura solo for about 6 weeks....prob dosing around 300 mg.....yes, I know most say stack it with this and it is worthless at that dose...but I have also read where people have had some great results with it! Anyway, will I need a serm for this cycle? What about if I stacked it with a low dose of 11 oxo? Any suggestions to help get me ripped up for the summer (yes, diet will be spot on...actually just started my diet this week :) ) All help is much appreciated!

If OTC PCT is ok, what do ya'll think about thermolife TBol for pct plus 6 bromo....which I have read both pro's and con's of using bromo in pct as well....so f-ing confusing!!!!!!!


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If you just want to cut I think that would be fine. Results won't be anything crazy, but it will give a little boost. 11 sterone and furaz would be pretty good

an OTC PCT should be fine

I would do:
Inhibit E
PCT Assist
Reduce XT or Suppress C


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^^ Could you comment more on your results plz. Weight gain, BF reductions, lifts etc..... Just curious as I plan to run P-mag + Stano-drol soon


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Epistane, bro. Go with the epistane.


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I really think its not worth it, make sure you get it from lockout, they have it cheapest. Im using 350mg on top of hdrol and feel nothing good from it muscle wise, seems to make me feel alpha though. My nipps were sore the first week of hdrol, than I added 350mg furuza and it went away. If I ran it ever again I would go up to 400 at least. I think the price to gain ratio makes it just not worth it.
So, I have searched high and low and all I got was confusion! I am thinking of doing fura solo for about 6 weeks....prob dosing around 300 mg.....yes, I know most say stack it with this and it is worthless at that dose...but I have also read where people have had some great results with it! Anyway, will I need a serm for this cycle? What about if I stacked it with a low dose of 11 oxo? Any suggestions to help get me ripped up for the summer (yes, diet will be spot on...actually just started my diet this week :) ) All help is much appreciated!

If OTC PCT is ok, what do ya'll think about thermolife TBol for pct plus 6 bromo....which I have read both pro's and con's of using bromo in pct as well....so f-ing confusing!!!!!!!


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Why use otc pct when a bottle of nolva is 30 dollars and proven to work.
I really think its not worth it, make sure you get it from lockout, they have it cheapest. Im using 350mg on top of hdrol and feel nothing good from it muscle wise, seems to make me feel alpha though. My nipps were sore the first week of hdrol, than I added 350mg furuza and it went away. If I ran it ever again I would go up to 400 at least. I think the price to gain ratio makes it just not worth it.

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