ForceOfNature's 1st log with Purus labs Sangria lemonade Condense!!


Hey guys! This is my first log on AM so bear with me here. First off I would like to give a HUGE thanks to Grambo and Purus labs for this opportunity. Now, onto condense!

I'll admit it, the first time I saw this formula I thought it was bs and was basically flavoured caffeine, but don't be fooled by the simplicity of this product like I was, this thing packs a serious punch!

Mixability: 10
The powder was very fine and had no clumps at all, I dropped it in, gave it a few shakes and it instantly dissolved. No problem here what so ever.

Taste: 9
Soo good!! This is EASILY the best tasting pre workout I had so far! It's hard to put my finger on the taste but the I would say it tastes like fruit punch mixed with lemonade. The only reason it's not a 10 is because it is a little bit on the sweeter side, I would recommend going with 10-12oz for 1 scoop and 16-18oz for 2 scoops. Other than that you can expect a light, refreshing lemonade flavour. I will give a more accurate description of the taste after a couple of days.

Energy/focus: 8
I was very impressed with the amount of energy I had with this and how smooth it was. With 1 scoop, I had very smooth, consistent energy. It was nothing insane but I like it, it's like a kick start. The focus was kind of like a gradual, sinking deeper as time goes on type focus. Again very smooth and consistent but nothing crazy. I also noticed my endurance was up, I could push for an extra Rep or 2 than I normally could. Now for 2 scoops, this was amazing! The Energy kicked in instantly, it was a rush if energy but still smooth, the energy with 2 scoops is like a fast flowing River, it just keeps going! The focus was great too! I could notice I had a greater mind muscle connection and rest times were at a minimum, but this wasn't the cream of the cake, my endurance was was through the roof and my strength was noticeably elevated. I did squats and Deadlifts in the same workout and finished my entire leg workout in an hour... It usually takes me 1h20mins to finish without Deadlifts. I don't know if this was a placebo effect but I noticed with 2 scoops it was easier to breath.

Pumps: 9.5
With one scoop the pumps are great, but with 2 scoops there freakin' insane!! I could notice feel the blood flowing through my veins, the best feeling in the world! Very very pleased with this aspect of the product!

So far, this product is looking solid and I would invest in this in the future. The performance enhance and pump you get from this is amazingly awesome! Stay tuned for my daily updates, I will go more in depth on the effects and taste of this product. I will log this product for about a week and then it's gonna be time for my stim break. I'm really gonna put this product to the test so subscribe!


Forgot to mention this but there was no crash even with 2 scoops, it was just a gradual decline but it leaves you in a good and energetic mood.


I hit some back and shoulders today but I was a bit sleep deprived so I took 2 scoops of condense. Holy sh!t, the pump I had was unforgettable! I couldn't put my arms down because my back got too wide and couldn't put my arms up because my shoulders had too much blood in them lol. I didn't know what it was like to have a painful pump till this day, also I worked in the higher Rep ranges today and my endurance again was through the roof! The energy again kicked fast and was clean. My most enjoyable experience with this product so far. The workout I did:

T bar rows 4x12 (last set triple dropset)
Wide grip Lat pull down 4x10-12
One arm dB row 3x10
Seated cable row 4x12
Db shoulder press 3x10
Side lateral raises seated 3x12
Chest supported incline rear delt flyes 4x12
Single arm shoulder press on machine 2x10
Cable side laterals superset with cable rear do flyes 3x10-12


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Ha those painful pumps are serious when they hit! Thanks for taking the time to put up the review.


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Nice initial review. In for the final review!


Sorry for the delay, but here is my full final review of Condense.

Taste: 9
I found this taste best with 16-18oz of cool water for 2 scoops. When you take the first sip, you will get a bit of a tart fruit punch type taste then immediately after, a sweet lemonade taste takes over. This is by far my favourite tasting pre workout ever! Although I'll admit it is just a little bit sweeter than I think it should be, it's still a amazing new unique take on lemonade flavouring, this is the first pre workout that I didn't have to start choking down, one word that perfectly describes the taste is refreshing.

Mixability: 10
No issues at all here, very fine powder that instantly dissolves and leaves no clumps and pretty much no residue.

Energy/focus: 8
I take 2 scoops which is 400mg of caffeine. If you need more than that to get you going, see a doctor. It's an instant rush of energy that lasts about 2 hours but no crash, just an easy let down. The focus again is solid and smooth. Nothing crazy but it gets the job done and I really like that it hits you fast and brings you down slow.

Pumps/endurance: 10
This is where this product is the best in class. My endurance with 2 scoops is through the roof! Holy, it makes a HUGE impact on my endurance. At 2 scoops you can expect a painful pump! I might get hate for this but for me this provided a better pump than any other products I tried including high volume. The pump I get is just ridiculous, I mean it's just amazing!

To sum it up, if your looking for a product that will improve your performance in the gym and give you a memorable pump that will last quite awhile, look no further. Did I mention the amazing taste? Now obviously this not high in Stims, all it has us caffeine but trust me, 400mg of caffeine will go a long way. I'm definitely gonna be on the look out for deals on this product, I absolutely love it!
Thank you to Grambo and Purus labs for sending this out to me, it's awesome, great job on this product!


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Great review! Glad you liked it


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Thanks for the review.

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