EndoAmp Max is Fantastic!


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OK, first of all I RARELY give reviews or comments on products--they have to really impress me. Well, EndoAmp Max is GREAT!!!

I had never tried Phosphatydal serine before, but I'm the classic candidate for it: low carb tolerance, central adiposity with lean extremities, etc. I began using it as an experiment during PCT from an Epi/Tren 6 week cycle. I'm now just about at the end of 3 weeks use/PCT, and the effects have been just short of unbelievable for me. I've eaten like a hog for 3 weeks now and I have not gained a pound; in fact I've leaned out some in the gut! My diet has not been super clean to say the least, either.

I also think it has had positive effects on my training and my response to it the last 3 weeks. I look and feel biger, harder, more dense, with tighter more pumped muscles 24/7.

I think this is a VERY underrated supplement--VERY! I also priced other PS only supplements and they all run considerably more per month to use the same dose--and they don't contain any of the other ingredients (e.g., Alpha-GPC, which I use anyway on workout days)!




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agreed man, Endoamp Max is truly one of my favorite products


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BOOO WIU LIFTER STINKS! just kidding hes my brotha :D


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OK, first of all I RARELY give reviews or comments on products--they have to really impress me. Well, EndoAmp Max is GREAT!!!

I had never tried Phosphatydal serine before, but I'm the classic candidate for it: low carb tolerance, central adiposity with lean extremities, etc. I began using it as an experiment during PCT from an Epi/Tren 6 week cycle. I'm now just about at the end of 3 weeks use/PCT, and the effects have been just short of unbelievable for me. I've eaten like a hog for 3 weeks now and I have not gained a pound; in fact I've leaned out some in the gut! My diet has not been super clean to say the least, either.

I also think it has had positive effects on my training and my response to it the last 3 weeks. I look and feel biger, harder, more dense, with tighter more pumped muscles 24/7.

I think this is a VERY underrated supplement--VERY! I also priced other PS only supplements and they all run considerably more per month to use the same dose--and they don't contain any of the other ingredients (e.g., Alpha-GPC, which I use anyway on workout days)!


Thank you for taking the time to post up a review; we really appreciate it! :D

EndoAmp Max really is a fantastic product. Our TRS stack was formulated to assist in recovery efforts via multiple different pathways. Please keep us informed with future updates on your progress. :cheers:


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Agreed good product. It is as expensive as the cheapest PAS product - although these are capped. EA Max has GPC choline and a variety of other phosphylated stuff in it.

GPC choline ... citicoline is better. There are questions whether GPC choline dephosphylates in the gut leaving just choline, in which case choline is just as good and cheaper.

The difficulty is getting a deal that suits. I've a heap of Toco-8 and buying a 'test recovery stack' makes no sense. If you get a deal that suits you then its actually good value.

PAS is a very strong product.

Question above ... no point an expensive use of it. What happens is that it blocks cortisol and elevates test. On cycle you are in test overload (or muscle building hormone overload). Off cycle you need test boosting.


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what would happen if you used this on cycle?
You may experience extreme muscle gains, be careful. haha j/k.

I have used Endo amp before as well and it worked well with the TRS stack.


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You may experience extreme muscle gains, be careful. haha j/k.

I have used Endo amp before as well and it worked well with the TRS stack.
Glad to hear it's worked well for you. :)


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Glad to hear it's worked well for you. :)
The TRS brought my natural testosterone level higher than normal. I was on HCG monotherapy for a while but after I stopped that I used the TRS. When I went for testing my total T levels were over 500; the previous test showed total T at 170. That's a big jump.


The TRS brought my natural testosterone level higher than normal. I was on HCG monotherapy for a while but after I stopped that I used the TRS. When I went for testing my total T levels were over 500; the previous test showed total T at 170. That's a big jump.
Right on...that's impressive.


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well im getting 2 Xtreme Hardcore Muscle Stacks in the mail soon and i am going to give this a go. been just lifting regular since before i joined and was sketchy but i think i have learned enough to try it out now. i did the all natural thing and i am tight but my gut wont go away. pissing me off. got just a tad bigger and everything got really hard. way harder than i used to be but not a lot of size. got 8lbs increase and feel much stronger. i am going to start a cycle next month and then i will have another for later on down the road since it is going to be banned i want to have it around. I will post some pics and try my best to keep everyone updated on what it does for me. i will also be starting a new thread but i will post once again here with the link. wish me luck!

oh yeah the stacks you all prolly know but it is from Primordial Performanceand includes:
Tren liqua-vade
endo amp max
sustain alpha liqua-vade
i figured this was my best bet after all the research and i bought two of em for 174.75 each.

i heard an ad on the radio for complete nutrition and they are selling the tren 2 for 100.00 out the door so i called champaign (bloomington was out) and brice has 6 bottles left. he is holding me two i think (said he was). so i will have some more laying around. my cousin wants to give it a go too. he was on some other stuff i forget what it was and did a couple cycles. he is pretty big now for sure. im rambling,...peace out!!


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Thebigt is. It does everything it claims it does, so why wouldn’t you be.
yup, big fan of endoamp max...have no plan on stopping use.

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