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there are all these pro Palestine protestors out there accusing Israel of genocide as if they have already, in less than a month, forgotten about the attempted genocide Hamas carried out on Israel Oct 7th.
The entire founding charter of Hamas (the government of Gaza) calls for the killing of every jew... literally genocide as their principle mission. Their slogan "From the river to the sea" means wiping Israel off the map.

Oct 7th shows the lengths they are willing to go, and why they must be stopped. Now and forever.


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there are all these pro Palestine protestors out there accusing Israel of genocide as if they have already, in less than a month, forgotten about the attempted genocide Hamas carried out on Israel Oct 7th.
If they are not uniting with Israelis to end genocide on both sides, and by that I also mean I expect Israelis to also unite with Palestinians to end genocide on both sides I for sure want nothing to do with them.


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If they are not uniting with Israelis to end genocide on both sides, and by that I mean I expect Israelis to also unite with Palestinians to end genocide on both sides I for sure want nothing to do with them.
How does Israel unite with Palestinians whose only stated mission in life is to kill Jews?

Palestinians could have Gaza all to themselves and be left completely alone.... and within a month they would launch rockets into Israel again.

Hamas/Palestine wants to kill Jews and wipe Israel off the map. THAT is genocide.

Israel strikes back hard when attacked, that is self defense and comes with some collateral damage. NOT the same thing as genocide.


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How does Israel unite with Palestinians whose only stated mission in life is to kill Jews?

Palestinians could have Gaza all to themselves and be left completely alone.... and within a month they would launch rockets into Israel again.

Hamas/Palestine wants to kill Jews and wipe Israel off the map. THAT is genocide.

Israel strikes back hard when attacked, that is self defense and comes with some collateral damage. NOT the same thing as genocide.
And the Jews are actively wiping Palestine off the map with groups plotting to ethnically clean them of their existence..... "self defense" goes both ways.

I dont support either side, Im tired of their crap and will always call everything as I see it and talk about it while being neutral. If intervention is a thing, both sides need to go. This stuff is going all over the world. but for whatever reason African children are needed to dig up Tesla batteries before they drop dead of cancer while indigenous groups are slaughtering people all around them but nobody truly gives a crap as long as the lithium or uranium keep getting digged out.

Time to worry about the USA, America first and only America. No more world police. Needs to be 100% over, this country is broke and in deep trouble. I want nothing more but to protect the Jews and everybody else that already live here and have embraced the USA and Constitution. If any Israeli wants to come here and apply I welcome them with open arms to start a new life here if they can contribute positively to our Country and take oath to value our founding laws.


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The whole thing is scriptural. At the end of the day, someone understands that or they dont.
Hey, I respect everyone's choice of religion and ability to practice it, but if people think they need to use violence and bloodbaths to take land to open the skies for Jesus to come back or that some stone or piece of rock says it belongs to so and so, they have no right to point a gun to my head and take my money to fund other people's bloody religious wars, no thanks.


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Israeli Think Tank Lays Out a Blueprint for the Complete Ethnic Cleansing of Gaza

An Israeli think tank with ties to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a report on October 17 promoting the "unique and rare opportunity" for the “relocation and final settlement of the entire Gaza population.”

By Jonathan Ofir (note, he is Israeli decendent)
Global Research, October 26, 2023

In the plan being proposed by the Intelligence Ministry, Palestinians in Gaza would be displaced from Gaza to the northern Egyptian Sinai peninsula. In the report, the ministry described different options for what comes after an invasion of Gaza and the option deemed as “liable to provide positive and long-lasting strategic results” was the transfer of Gaza residents to Sinai. The move entails three steps: the creation of tent cities southwest of the Gaza Strip; the construction of a humanitarian corridor to “assist the residents”; and finally, the building of cities in northern Sinai. In parallel, a “sterile zone”, several kilometers wide, would be established within Egypt, south of the Israeli border, “so that the evacuated residents would not be able to return”.

In addition, similar to the plan described in the original story below, the document calls for cooperation with other countries, in fact “as many as possible” so that they may “absorb” the Palestinians who have been uprooted from Gaza. Among the countries mentioned as possible sites for Palestinians from Gaza are Canada, European countries such as Greece and Spain, and North African countries.

Full story:


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Hey, I respect everyone's choice of religion and ability to practice it, but if people think they need to use violence and bloodbaths to take land to open the skies for Jesus to come back or that some stone or piece of rock says it belongs to so and so, they have no right to point a gun to my head and take my money to fund other people's bloody religious wars, no thanks.
Everything that is happening was written thousands of years ago and it's unfolding exactly as it was said it would.
I don't subscribe to ideas of anti violence because world peace is fictional anyways.
keep in mind that the jews were driven from Israel around 70AD, and that scripture said they'd have their land back. Also, that after many wars in the region, the area of Palestine had been all together deserted for a very long time until Jews started migrating back to the area in the 1800s (as was written thousands of years ago). it was unclaimed, un governed, and available. The Jews created Israel and the surrounding cultures have done what they can to rob them of the land they didn't even want until the Jews came home and turned the region into something habitable.


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That particular region has been a battle ground for thousands of years.
Likely will be for thousands of more, not that I even know if we will even be around for 10s of years, lol


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That particular region has been a battle ground for thousands of years.
To tell you the truth, pretty much the entire planet has been a battleground for thousands of years, amiright? Not much different than the rest. We do have modernized superpowers but these days they just duke it out over resources in other 3rd world weak nations while keeping District 1 relatively in peace.


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To tell you the truth, pretty much the entire planet has been a battleground for thousands of years, amiright? Not much different than the rest. We do have modernized superpowers but these days they just duke it out over resources in other 3rd world weak nations while keeping District 1 relatively in peace.
dude I totally agree
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Holy shyt, was at Grand Central Terminal today and the place was bolbarded with police and National Guard with AR’s….didnt know what the fuq was going in….just wanted to go to my wife’s favorite Oyster place and they wouldn’t let us in without a pre paid subway ticket in the app and they said all the food places were closed. The whole place was overpacked and chaotic (not violent or anything just something was not normal) both inside and out.

Then I found out the entire Main Concord was completely taken over led by a Jewish group called “Jewish Voice For Peace” calling for an immediate cease fire.



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Shyt gonna delete that, was posting checking up on stocks news at the dinner table again lol!
A common occurrance. LOL
One might even say this is indicative of the accuracy and understanding of your 9/11 "research" too. :ROFLMAO::p;)
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Republicrats and MAGA talk like libertarians and govern like big monster sized government authoritarian socialists.....

Full transcript to video below

A Pro-Liberty Speaker

Written by Ron Paul
Monday October 30, 2023

Louisiana Republican Mike Johnson has been chosen as the new Speaker of the House of Representatives, ending the three-week drama. Representative Johnson has a reputation as a fiscal and social conservative. He has at times opposed funding the Ukraine war, suggesting he may be open to non-interventionist arguments or at least unwilling to give the military-industrial complex a blank check. However, he also supports giving Israel "whatever it needs" to defeat Hamas.

Speaker Johnson has suggested that another short-term continuing resolution to avoid a government shutdown may be necessary to ensure the House is not pressured into passing an omnibus spending bill at the end of the year. He has said he wants to pass individual spending bills through the House. This could help restrain spending.

However, Speaker Johnson should not trade away the leverage a potential shutdown gives fiscal conservatives. A Speaker who is truly committed to individual liberty and who understands the urgent need to cut government spending would be willing to shut down the government if that is what it takes to get Congress to make real spending cuts. This hypothetical pro-liberty Speaker would refuse to bring any bill increasing any spending in any area to the House floor unless it offsets the spending increases with equal or greater spending cuts.

A pro-liberty Speaker would work to repeal unconstitutional federal programs, agencies, and departments. Instead of replacing Obamacare with Obamacare Light, a pro-liberty Speaker would work to repeal all federal intervention in healthcare and restore patient control via tax credits and expanded Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). Instead of No Child Left Behind 2.0, a pro-liberty Speaker would work to shut down the unconstitutional Department of Education.

A pro-liberty Speaker would form coalitions with antiwar progressives to defund all unconstitutional military operations, bring the troops home, dramatically cut spending on militarism, and forbid funding for wars not declared by Congress. There could also be a left-right populist coalition formed to end corporate welfare and all other federal regulatory and spending legislation that benefits large financial institutions, pharmaceutical companies, and other big businesses. The savings from those cuts could be used to support those dependent on government programs while Congress phases out the welfare state. Also, young people should be allowed to opt out of Social Security and Medicare in exchange for a payroll tax exemption.

A pro-liberty Speaker would only bring legislation to the floor of the House that protects liberty and is constitutional. A pro-liberty Speaker would work to protect the entire Bill of Rights. That means no more PATRIOT Acts, drug wars, civil asset forfeiture, airport harassment, or government-sponsored online censorship. Instead of responding to mass shootings with thoughts, prayers, and authoritarianism, a pro-liberty Speaker would work to repeal unconstitutional gun control laws that leave innocent Americans defenseless.

Last, but certainly not least, a pro-liberty Speaker would seek to audit and end the Federal Reserve. He should also seek to protect the people’s right to use alternative currencies such as precious metals and cryptocurrency.

The election of a pro-liberty Speaker of the House will not happen until the liberty movement is able to gain more influence in the political climate. This is why all of us who know the truth must continue to spread the ideas of liberty.
Copyright © 2023 by RonPaul Institute. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit and a live link are given.
Please donate to the Ron Paul Institute


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Just watched this insane interview between Piers Morgan and Vivek.

The more I watch Vivek the more I want him to run for President as a Libertarian once Dump takes the top R spot away. I dont agree with all of Vivek's stances but thats life I guess but he sure is least worse running in the R party as of now by far (going by his "word" of course,) but I couldnt vote for him unless he was a Independent or Libertarian. Until then Jacob Hornberger is still my guy in the primaries. Hornberger is the superior Libertarian and Constitutionalist but Vivek would give us a better chance and a good step in the right direction.
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This is how the Israeli government treats its own citizens for expressing peaceful free speech and opposing genocide.

Not exactly the role model “democracy” the US government pretends it is.

Israeli’s deserve better, any freedom loving foreign interventionist would overthrow both Ham-ass and Netanyahu and free both Palestine’s and Israeli’s from their authoritarian oppressors.

(Disclaimer: yes I still support complete non-interventionism :))



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Lifelong Military Industrial Complex promoter Wolf Blitzer is actually visibly shocked Israel knowingly directly bombed a refugee camp.



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Here's a suggestion.... don't throw rocks at a soldier with a gun. Or anyone with a gun! Stupid people shouldn't breed.
Yeah he surely didnt give himself any tactile advantage skipping his homework and study up on the work of Sun Tzu.


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I don't get all the negative press and protests against Israel taking out targets and killing civilians. War was declared on them. Look at the all the great wars. The Allies (good guys) carpet bombed German cities to dust to take out the ability to build war machines. They fire bombed and nuked Japanese cities to break their will. You have to fight to win and if the enemy hides behind civilians, it's the horrible price of war.
I only speak for myself, Inside job 100%, they let it happen. Israel already was on the brink of civil war due to Netenahu’s criminal cases and court siege in the direction of a dictatorship. That strike on top of the warnings was impossible at that level, absolutely impossible.

When all else fails they take you to war.

Other than that besides calling out all the bullshit and sticking up for regular civilians on both sides I want nothing to do with their crap, grow up and learn to live together stop obsessing with race and religion on both sides. In regards to interventionism, I’m for USA only, our money stays here every penny other than individual volunteerism. I do support any peaceful protest of any kind though no matter how offensive it may be, that’s the American way. Just don’t do stupid shyt like block traffic or threaten anyone and we good.
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I'm fiercely anti war, I despise it. You are correct that nothing kills a scandal or unites a nation like a war. It's just unfathomable to me that college age people have no idea how wars are fought when they're fought to win. Not like these endless cash grabs we've been doing since Gulf war 1.
I understand what you are saying now.

Yeah when it comes to war there are no rules, no country gives a crap about the rules. The only objective is to win, that comes above all else. The people who get in the way or happen to be at the wrong place at the wrong time well, most of us are are looked as sheep, including our own governments. There are no limits to how low it can get when it comes to war, guerilla warfare and attacks on civilians all have their purpose, and that includes attacking your own via terrorist (falst flags) to get them on board. Destroy the village at night, blame the enemy and then by day they unknowingly join the very people that killed their children and raped their wives by day. Critical thinking out the door, directed only by emotion. Its sick but thats war. All those rules that are in place for war, well yeah good luck with that, LMFAO they wont give a crap when it comes down to it, its all just "collateral damage" so they call it.
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I don't get all the negative press and protests against Israel taking out targets and killing civilians. War was declared on them. Look at the all the great wars. The Allies (good guys) carpet bombed German cities to dust to take out the ability to build war machines. They fire bombed and nuked Japanese cities to break their will. You have to fight to win and if the enemy hides behind civilians, it's the horrible price of war.
The college Marxists libs now calling for a cease fire. LOL. There WAS a ceasefire before Oct 7th and Hamas attacked. Ceasefire now over!


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The college Marxists libs now calling for a cease fire. LOL. There WAS a ceasefire before Oct 7th and Hamas attacked. Ceasefire now over!
Jeez, get out of your basement bunker and take that tinfoil hat off. If there was any ceasefire at all on the Israeli side it was on October the 7th, the Isreali security is so talented they can take out a swarm of locusts with a Ruger 10/22 with iron scopes if they wanted to. There was no ceasefire, things were getting worse since that dictator took back power. Gettouttaheeare!

From August 21, 2023

U.N.: Over 200 Palestinians and nearly 30 Israelis killed in 2023, highest since 2005

By Associated Press
PUBLISHED 7:30 PM ET Aug. 21, 2023

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has killed over 200 Palestinians and nearly 30 Israelis so far this year – already surpassing last year’s annual figures and the highest number since 2005, the U.N. Mideast envoy said Monday.

  • The U.N. Mideast envoy says the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has killed over 200 Palestinians and nearly 30 Israelis so far this year – already surpassing last year’s annual figures and the highest number since 2005
  • Tor Wennesland told the U.N. Security Council on Monday that the upswing in violence is being fueled by growing despair about the future, with the Palestinians still seeking an independent state

  • He said: “The lack of progress towards a political horizon that addressed the core issues driving the conflict has left a dangerous and volatile vacuum, filled by extremists on all sides”

  • While Israelis and Palestinians have taken some actions toward stabilizing the situation, Wennesland said unilateral steps have continued to fuel hostilities.


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The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has killed over 200 Palestinians and nearly 30 Israelis so far this year – already surpassing last year’s annual figures and the highest number since 2005, the U.N. Mideast envoy said Monday.
I think it's pretty clear you have cornered the market on tin foil. :ROFLMAO: Maybe you think this attack was CGI and never really happened, and they were all crisis actors. LOLOLOLLLL

If each Palestinian killed in this article was in response to an attack on the Israelis.... then the Hamas terrorists are to blame for the continuing violence.

It is Hamas that refuses to accept a two state solution or to ever live peacefully side by side with Israel. In a two state solution, the Palestinians want BOTH states. That is what their chant "From the River to the Sea" means!!

If on Oct 6th the Israelis didn't attack Gaza in any way at all, that is the same as a ceasefire liberals are crying for now, and the Oct 7th attack by Hamas was unprovoked. And it was so ISIS level barbaric, they can never be allowed to cause another.


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I think it's pretty clear you have cornered the market on tin foil. :ROFLMAO: Maybe you think this attack was CGI and never really happened, and they were all crisis actors. LOLOLOLLLL

If each Palestinian killed in this article was in response to an attack on the Israelis.... then the Hamas terrorists are to blame for the continuing violence.

It is Hamas that refuses to accept a two state solution or to ever live peacefully side by side with Israel. In a two state solution, the Palestinians want BOTH states. That is what their chant "From the River to the Sea" means!!

If on Oct 6th the Israelis didn't attack Gaza in any way at all, that is the same as a ceasefire liberals are crying for now, and the Oct 7th attack by Hamas was unprovoked. And it was so ISIS level barbaric, they can never be allowed to cause another.
Its obvious both Israelis and Palestine's for the most part (not everybody) support from the River to the Sea, at this stage it has been Israel that has been accomplishing that, but their genocidal bloodbaths are "good" but when some other race/religion chooses to do that it is "bad" LMFAO at this corrupted logic.

I only support a 1 state solution where everybody is judged by the content of their character and not by the color of their skin or religion. If anybody on either side of this war cant dig that then they are all racist scumbags and both need to be overthrown. Replace it with the dictator of the CIA's choosing to be in charge, history shows that will go really well, duh dum dum duh


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I call for both Israel and Palestine to be overthrown and replaced with Ukrainians since they already lost that war a long time ago and need a new home. Zelensky can run that dump, he can take all his coke mafia thugs with him to, the CIA needs their little drug dealing warlord puppet to run shyt out the Mediterranean.


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Huge speech by Hezbollah happening now, some key highlights so far, still going on. Overthrow them too, fuq Palestine, Fuq Israel and Fuq Lebanon, I say turn it all to Urkaine 2.0 baby! Ukrainians need a home, just like the British Genocidal Bitch from the early 1900's created a home for a race, now its our turn!!!!! RRRROOOFFFALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL



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This is how the system all works and maintains longevity.


The reason this deep state destroyed this man, for speaking the truth about stuff such as above.



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General Wesley Clark (10 days After 9/11)
"We're going to take-out 7 countries in 5 years. (2007)

