Decided to live healthy - New Guy


New member
Hi my name is Justin im 18 5,5 weigh 175lbs and started working out for real for the first time in my life 2 months ago! TheFlash on this forum is my workout buddy. My bench started at 150 max and I'm already benching 185x6 for 5-7 sets! when i started i could do 1-3 pull-ups now around 10 I am taking SuperPump250, Xtend, and tea cgc to loose some fat. Next month I will be taking SuperPump, MyoFusion, Prime, and SizeOn. I would like suggestions on workouts or supplements to get me bulk quick as I will be leaving for the Airforce in 3-4 months I dont know if its reallistic but I wanna be benching 250lbs by then!! Thanks for the help :thanks:


  • Established
Hi my name is Justin im 18 5,5 weigh 175lbs and started working out for real for the first time in my life 2 months ago! TheFlash on this forum is my workout buddy. My bench started at 150 max and I'm already benching 185x6 for 5-7 sets! when i started i could do 1-3 pull-ups now around 10 I am taking SuperPump250, Xtend, and tea cgc to loose some fat. Next month I will be taking SuperPump, MyoFusion, Prime, and SizeOn. I would like suggestions on workouts or supplements to get me bulk quick as I will be leaving for the Airforce in 3-4 months I dont know if its reallistic but I wanna be benching 250lbs by then!! Thanks for the help :thanks:
good deal man. Getting healthy and active was the best thing ive ever done in my life, its so important to me. good supplement stack, all natural, and will work great. and congrats on the bench numbers they went up fast.


  • Established
Hi my name is Justin im 18 5,5 weigh 175lbs and started working out for real for the first time in my life 2 months ago! TheFlash on this forum is my workout buddy. My bench started at 150 max and I'm already benching 185x6 for 5-7 sets! when i started i could do 1-3 pull-ups now around 10 I am taking SuperPump250, Xtend, and tea cgc to loose some fat. Next month I will be taking SuperPump, MyoFusion, Prime, and SizeOn. I would like suggestions on workouts or supplements to get me bulk quick as I will be leaving for the Airforce in 3-4 months I dont know if its reallistic but I wanna be benching 250lbs by then!! Thanks for the help :thanks:
That's good to know you're now living a good and healthy life at a young age. It will do you good in the future.


Keep it up! Your positive outlook will take you wherever you want to go.


  • Established
The best supplement you can take to bulk up is FOOD, and plenty of it!! Keep up the good work man -- it takes a lot of discipline and hard work to reach goals, but it is definitely worth it!!!!!!

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