Classic Kleen - The Road To Competition Fall 2024



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So coach gave me an option for a show August 24th, and or Dec 7th. Dec 7th is the last opportunity to qualify for nationals. Going to discuss with him and the wife. Trying do decide if we should wait for December and try to put some extra size on with the 3 extra months or schedule to possibly do 2 shows to have 2 shots to make nationals.
would it be too taxing and expensive to do both? seems to me like both would be optimal and treat August like your warm-up


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would it be too taxing and expensive to do both? seems to me like both would be optimal and treat August like your warm-up
That’s the biggest consideration in my mind, do you want to foot the bill. I think doing more shows is better from the perspective of getting stage experience before nationals. I don’t think the extra 3 months of mass-gaining will make the difference in your placing considering your size already.


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would it be too taxing and expensive to do both? seems to me like both would be optimal and treat August like your warm-up
Well looking at them he is giving me 3 months in between so I would get a small recover, and rebuild window there. So, I don't think too taxing on me, taxing yes for sure but I think it is doable for sure.

Monetarily, I am willing to do up to 2 shows to try to qualify for nationals. Got a little money going off to the side for that purpose now. Preferably I can qualify at the first show and if things go really well there I may not do the 2nd show and hold off for nationals so I am not doing 2 peak weeks in a row. I believe nationals are the following week after the Dec 5th show. However, if I still need stage polishing then we will do it anyway.
That’s the biggest consideration in my mind, do you want to foot the bill. I think doing more shows is better from the perspective of getting stage experience before nationals. I don’t think the extra 3 months of mass-gaining will make the difference in your placing considering your size already.
This was my thought too. I won't lie and say the move to open doesn't make me want to get even bigger, but how much extra could I really grow in that time with how much I have already grown this year. I think you are likely correct that there would not be much of a noticeable difference. However the stage experience could do wonders for what I present at Nationals if I qualify. Jo is on board, and thinks it makes sense for me to do 2 attempts to qualify for nationals, and her support is enough for me.

So as of right now it is looking like this will be the show I will be doing first. Johnnie Jackson Classic 8/24/24 so 7 months and 3 weeks from now. Having a date in mind makes it even a little more real. Kind of curious how we will run the cycling. If there will be a cruise in the middle or will we go straight from mass gaining right into the prep cycle. I told him I am all in this year to make a serious run at it so I am curious how we will approach that. Going to ask him this week if he can give me a list of what compounds he thinks we will be using for the remainder of the year so I can put in an order to make sure I have everything ready. Plus my test is going fast, and I am going to need to re-up sooner than later, since I wasn't expecting to be pushing test this high as early as it got there. At 3.5ml's per week those 5ml bottles are going fast! I do still have 4 of them, and then 3 300/ml 10ml bottles of Test e but they will go quickly. So just want to get my ducks in a row.


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Got a little money going off to the side for that purpose now. Preferably I can qualify at the first show and if things go really well there I may not do the 2nd show and hold off for nationals so I am not doing 2 peak weeks in a row. I believe nationals are the following week after the Dec 5th show. However, if I still need stage polishing then we will do it anyway.
The Johnnie Jackson is in PA? are both shows going to be long travel situations? I can see how that becomes financially more challenging if you're talking about flights and hotels for both. oh I see another listing at Ft Worth, that would save some $$


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The Johnnie Jackson is in PA? are both shows going to be long travel situations? I can see how that becomes financially more challenging if you're talking about flights and hotels for both. oh I see another listing at Ft Worth, that would save some $$
No, they might have one up there too, this one is in Ft. Worth Texas, close to Dallas so a 5ish hour drive. The second option is in Irving Tx, which is also just outside of Dallas. That is where the nationals will be too.


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two shows in Texas helps!!
I have a buddy getting ready for the Emerald Classic out here. I looked at that like 10 years ago when I had the conditioning but walked away being natty cause I knew I'd never have the size and fullness lol 😅


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two shows in Texas helps!!
I have a buddy getting ready for the Emerald Classic out here. I looked at that like 10 years ago when I had the conditioning but walked away being natty cause I knew I'd never have the size and fullness lol 😅
Back then you would have been good for fitness but now fitness is where people go when they outgrow Classic bodybuilding but need some more work before going into the open BB. Some of those guys are monsters.


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Back then you would have been good for fitness but now fitness is where people go when they outgrow Classic bodybuilding but need some more work before going into the open BB. Some of those guys are monsters.
yeah I had talked to a couple coaches back then and they liked my conditioning but they said for that show in particular as a natty lifter I didn't stand a chance even in physique class, so I hung it up and trained with my geared buddy while he got on stage. It worked well for us both, I stayed lean and got a bit stronger. His strength gains pushed me and my conditioning pushed him. He did a great job at his first show and finally this spring is getting ready to make another run at it. honestly I don't think he even did much outside of SARMS, but he was a few years younger than me and naturally kept some much better mass in his arms. with his nutritional discipline and hard work ethic in the gym, he has built a great frame.


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Well looking at them he is giving me 3 months in between so I would get a small recover, and rebuild window there. So, I don't think too taxing on me, taxing yes for sure but I think it is doable for sure.

Monetarily, I am willing to do up to 2 shows to try to qualify for nationals. Got a little money going off to the side for that purpose now. Preferably I can qualify at the first show and if things go really well there I may not do the 2nd show and hold off for nationals so I am not doing 2 peak weeks in a row. I believe nationals are the following week after the Dec 5th show. However, if I still need stage polishing then we will do it anyway.

This was my thought too. I won't lie and say the move to open doesn't make me want to get even bigger, but how much extra could I really grow in that time with how much I have already grown this year. I think you are likely correct that there would not be much of a noticeable difference. However the stage experience could do wonders for what I present at Nationals if I qualify. Jo is on board, and thinks it makes sense for me to do 2 attempts to qualify for nationals, and her support is enough for me.

So as of right now it is looking like this will be the show I will be doing first. Johnnie Jackson Classic 8/24/24 so 7 months and 3 weeks from now. Having a date in mind makes it even a little more real. Kind of curious how we will run the cycling. If there will be a cruise in the middle or will we go straight from mass gaining right into the prep cycle. I told him I am all in this year to make a serious run at it so I am curious how we will approach that. Going to ask him this week if he can give me a list of what compounds he thinks we will be using for the remainder of the year so I can put in an order to make sure I have everything ready. Plus my test is going fast, and I am going to need to re-up sooner than later, since I wasn't expecting to be pushing test this high as early as it got there. At 3.5ml's per week those 5ml bottles are going fast! I do still have 4 of them, and then 3 300/ml 10ml bottles of Test e but they will go quickly. So just want to get my ducks in a row.
Awesome man, I'm stoked for you! And who knows, a show down around Dallas I might even be able to swing a trip there to root for ya!


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Your plan makes a lot of sense, as far as if you win the first show either not doing the second or use it as a tuneup, and if you don’t win the first you have the second to fall back on to qualify. The biggest thing is your wife is all on board. With seven months to go you should really be in great condition at the rate you are going. It will be interesting to see how a top level coach approaches your gear and training. I’m sure he will probably have a short cruise in between two blasts, and that would give your body a chance to get primed again for the second blast going into the August show. I know having the actual shows in front of you now really has you pumped.💪🏆


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Sounds like a good plan and you got time! Makes it nice to the wife is on board and supportive of your goals, awesome deal.
Definitely, I was completely open with her about what this was going to take and how big of a sacrifice it will be. I told her if she wasn't onboard with it then I simply would not do it. She is excited for me and really wants to see this competition go well. She remembers how frustrated I was when everything went awry for my first show. It was rough, on top of the bad peak week shrinking me and leaving me flat, I had massive home issues and was having to replace my flat roof by myself with the help of 2 13 year olds. So there was nothing but chaos the last several weeks leading up to the competition. It was just a really rough time.
Awesome man, I'm stoked for you! And who knows, a show down around Dallas I might even be able to swing a trip there to root for ya!
Man, that would be awesome!
Your plan makes a lot of sense, as far as if you win the first show either not doing the second or use it as a tuneup, and if you don’t win the first you have the second to fall back on to qualify. The biggest thing is your wife is all on board. With seven months to go you should really be in great condition at the rate you are going. It will be interesting to see how a top level coach approaches your gear and training. I’m sure he will probably have a short cruise in between two blasts, and that would give your body a chance to get primed again for the second blast going into the August show. I know having the actual shows in front of you now really has you pumped.💪🏆
Oh yeah, it definitely adds to things. Last night I was just exhausted and things ended up to where I had to go to the gym to finish hamstrings and cardio when I got home. It took everything in me to get my ass back out the door and on the way to the gym not taking anything for energy because I didn't want to wreck my sleep. Knowing things were now even closer than before was a huge motivating factor in getting me moving. I opted to finish this week out with evening workouts. I don't want to burn the candle at both ends here by not getting to sleep until 11 and getting up at 3:30 to lift again. So, I slept in this morning which will make getting all meals in a little harder but I think it was the better option than exhausting myself and possibly having unproductive or less productive training the rest of the week.

I asked him to send me a list of compounds I would likely need for prep. Looks like the compounds in play will be
Sustanon, primo, mast p, winstrol, tren ace, halotestin, Adex, caber, nolva, and clenbuterol, then for orals, anadrol for early end of prep, and either anadrol or superdrol for peak week. I have plenty of SD so that won't be an issue.

I am curious why on the sustanon, I have heard over and over that it is not ideal for bodybuilding. Also, I have never even considered halo, I think I remembered seeing it was a big time aggression kind of thing. Going to have to look into it more now.

Legs - Wednesday, Jan 03, 2024 at 4:41am

Arsenal Belt Squat
Set 1: 180 lbs x 8 @ 10 rpe [Failure] -
Set 2: 160 lbs x 10 @ 10 rpe [Failure]

Leg Press (Machine)
Set 1: 505 lbs x 12 @ 8 rpe -
Set 2: 515 lbs x 12 @ 9 rpe - +10lbs
Set 3: 525 lbs x 12 @ 10 rpe - +10lbs

Walking Lunge (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 40 lbs x 8 @ 8.5 RPE
Set 2: 40 lbs x 8 @ 9.5 RPE

Romanian Deadlift
Set 1: 225 lbs x 10 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 225 lbs x 10 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 3: 225 lbs x 10 @ 9 rpe -
Finally got to use some real weight here, not crazy weight but enough to actually feel my upper back doing more work. Still had a very minor sensitivity towards the end of the sets as I fatigued but no pain, just a hey, be careful kind of feeling.

Lying Leg Curl (Machine)
Set 1: 50 lbs x 20 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 2: 60 lbs x 15 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 3: 70 lbs x 10 @ 10 rpe
Set 4: 40 lbs x 20 @ 10 rpe -
+5lbs on all sets but the last.

Standing Calf Raise
Set 1: 30 reps
Set 2: 30 reps
Set 3: 30 reps

Elliptical - 35 minutes - level 13-15 - HR 135-150BPM -
10 minutes added to make up for part of missed session.

Oh yeah, by the way, I have some PIP in my right outer quad, the gear definitely crystalized in there and OUCH! It hurt all day yesterday with every step I took, but today it is on top of some quad DOMS, and oh boy is it fun! Hurts like hell to even pick my foot up. I have been massaging it, and hope it resolves quickly.


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As far as the Sustanon, he is probably thinking less pinning because of the long half life, and you will already be pinning quite a bit with the other compounds. And when he has you run Tren A, he will probably have you running Mast P with it, as those two are great together and Mast helps with estrogen. Superdrol would be great to finish with a few weeks before the show, because it will shuttle glycogen into the muscles and help give that full look without adding fat or bloating. As far as the Halo, besides aggression and strength boost, I’m not sure what else it would add. I’m sure Hyde can give you more answers on all of it, especially the Halo.


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As far as the Sustanon, he is probably thinking less pinning because of the long half life, and you will already be pinning quite a bit with the other compounds. And when he has you run Tren A, he will probably have you running Mast P with it, as those two are great together and Mast helps with estrogen. Superdrol would be great to finish with a few weeks before the show, because it will shuttle glycogen into the muscles and help give that full look without adding fat or bloating. As far as the Halo, besides aggression and strength boost, I’m not sure what else it would add. I’m sure Hyde can give you more answers on all of it, especially the Halo.
Halotestin is used by bodybuilders at the very end of prep to help keep strength in the gym up & your general drive going when you’re otherwise exhausted from being depleted. It definitely raises aggression, which that & the instant neurological supercharging is why powerlifters often use it at end of prep/during comp, pre-lift. Bodybuilders actually need to be more careful in the gym using it at end of prep - this and Tren Ace are largely how you hear of guys doing stupid things like repping 585 on squats 2 weeks out for lifetime PRs when they’re most vulnerable to injury.

The big advantage for bodybuilding, the #1 reason it’s really used, is because for an athlete who is absolutely peeled, Halo can condition the muscles with an extremely hard/dense/grainy look temporarily. Tren makes you dry & full, SD makes you stupid full, but Halo adds a level of cosmetic density beyond what just Mast, Winny, and Proviron can do.


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You need to test your Sustanon, Primo, and Halo btw. All of those get faked often. Sust is actually more complicated to brew so it’s easier to just put prop or enth in there, and the latter 2 are just expensive compounds.

Mast P sometimes gets faked with Test P I’ve seen, so test that too. If all those are good, trust your Anadrol & Tren.


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As far as the Sustanon, he is probably thinking less pinning because of the long half life, and you will already be pinning quite a bit with the other compounds. And when he has you run Tren A, he will probably have you running Mast P with it, as those two are great together and Mast helps with estrogen. Superdrol would be great to finish with a few weeks before the show, because it will shuttle glycogen into the muscles and help give that full look without adding fat or bloating. As far as the Halo, besides aggression and strength boost, I’m not sure what else it would add. I’m sure Hyde can give you more answers on all of it, especially the Halo.
That would make sense on the Sustanon. Everything else makes sense to me for sure.
Halotestin is used by bodybuilders at the very end of prep to help keep strength in the gym up & your general drive going when you’re otherwise exhausted from being depleted. It definitely raises aggression, which that & the instant neurological supercharging is why powerlifters often use it at end of prep/during comp, pre-lift. Bodybuilders actually need to be more careful in the gym using it at end of prep - this and Tren Ace are largely how you hear of guys doing stupid things like repping 585 on squats 2 weeks out for lifetime PRs when they’re most vulnerable to injury.

The big advantage for bodybuilding, the #1 reason it’s really used, is because for an athlete who is absolutely peeled, Halo can condition the muscles with an extremely hard/dense/grainy look temporarily. Tren makes you dry & full, SD makes you stupid full, but Halo adds a level of cosmetic density beyond what just Mast, Winny, and Proviron can do.
Ah, that makes a lot of sense regarding the halo. I will just have to watch aggression between that and the Tren Ace.
You need to test your Sustanon, Primo, and Halo btw. All of those get faked often. Sust is actually more complicated to brew so it’s easier to just put prop or enth in there, and the latter 2 are just expensive compounds.

Mast P sometimes gets faked with Test P I’ve seen, so test that too. If all those are good, trust your Anadrol & Tren.
Yeah, I will have to get some tests. Can you recommend somewhere to get the tests? Is it one test that changes color depending on what compound is in it, or is it that they look for the specific compound for each test kit?


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Yeah, I will have to get some tests. Can you recommend somewhere to get the tests? Is it one test that changes color depending on what compound is in it, or is it that they look for the specific compound for each test kit?
Roidtest, and just buy them off their website is best deal. Colorimetrics is the brand that owns the product I believe.

You will get different “refill” kits for each product. They sell a big kit that has some of a lot in it, but that’s actually not going to be cost effective unless someone is practically testing an entire product suite from a source.

So you would get a kit for Halo, Primo, Mast, Sustanon, etc. You crack an ampule open from the specific kit, put a few drops of the oil or some ground powder from the pill (depending on which compound you’re testing) into the solution, then compare color to the chart. Then there is a second test ampule usually, same thing but you will check initial and 15 min color vs chart. It’s very easy to use.


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Roidtest, and just buy them off their website is best deal. Colorimetrics is the brand that owns the product I believe.

You will get different “refill” kits for each product. They sell a big kit that has some of a lot in it, but that’s actually not going to be cost effective unless someone is practically testing an entire product suite from a source.

So you would get a kit for Halo, Primo, Mast, Sustanon, etc. You crack an ampule open from the specific kit, put a few drops of the oil or some ground powder from the pill (depending on which compound you’re testing) into the solution, then compare color to the chart. Then there is a second test ampule usually, same thing but you will check initial and 15 min color vs chart. It’s very easy to use.
Thanks @Hyde!


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Still having some issues getting all of my food down. Been working on this meal for 30 minutes now and keep having to take little breaks, let my stomach relax a minute then go back to the food. Going to go do my cardio here in about 45 minutes. Then, I will come back and work for a bit then force my next meal down around 4:30, and be ready to go train when I get home around 6:00.


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Out of curiosity I checked the results from this years Johnnie O Jackson Classic.

This was the overall bodybuilding open class winner.


He is a heavy-weight, and has good size and shape but I am surprised to see he took the overall until I looked at some of the other competitors. If this is an accurate depiction of the competitors that typically show up for that show, it gives me a little more confidence. I feel I already have size to compete against someone with this level of mass. So I just have to show up in better condition which I just don't see as being a problem.

Now this is the winner from my actual weight class from this year. He must be tall, good conditioning, just needs more muscle on his frame. I think as long as I show up in condition I can beat this physique.

Now I am not saying in anyway that I think this will be a walk in the park. You never know who is going to show up that day and how they are going to look. So I have to just stay in the zone like I am fighting for my life and see how the cards fall on that day. It is nice to have something to look back on to get an idea of what to expect at the show. This one is a smaller show, so I feel my chances are probably better at securing a Nationals spot in this show over the one in December which is a huge show where everyone is making their last attempt to make it into the nationals.


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I think as long as I show up in condition I can beat this physique.
I agree. He holds decent mass in his arms compared to his legs but your legs show far better and I think you would crush both of those guys in terms of conditioning. The overall winner has great mass, great competitor there, but from what I have seen I honestly think you will out condition him as well.

The open winner's physique seems like he's the one you should be competing with. The guy in your class obviously f'ing busted his ass, but doesn't look like he holds nearly as much lean mass as you especially in the legs. I know he might not be presenting well but I still don't think he's got what you got.


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dang man seein the 2 classes and the winners. Then comparing them to your physique now and that’s how many months out? I think you have very good odds!


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I agree. He holds decent mass in his arms compared to his legs but your legs show far better and I think you would crush both of those guys in terms of conditioning. The overall winner has great mass, great competitor there, but from what I have seen I honestly think you will out condition him as well.

The open winner's physique seems like he's the one you should be competing with. The guy in your class obviously f'ing busted his ass, but doesn't look like he holds nearly as much lean mass as you especially in the legs. I know he might not be presenting well but I still don't think he's got what you got.
Thanks, I am hoping so!
dang man seein the 2 classes and the winners. Then comparing them to your physique now and that’s how many months out? I think you have very good odds!
Thank You Sir, honestly, it is like I said though, anyone could show up at that show. The next big phenom could be there. You just never know who is going to show up. I definitely feel I could beat the guy in light heavyweight at the same level of conditioning. The heavyweight that won the overall is a different story. If he showed up in better condition that would probably be a hell of a fight for the overall. I think we have similar proportions and mass for our frames, so it would come down to lines, and definition which is where I think I have a decent leg up on most people in the abs department. Even at 12-ish% at the peak of my cut my abs are as or even more visible than a lot of people in show shape. Drop another 7% and they will be sick...


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The heavyweight is poorly conditioned and the class winner lacks the legs and arms, going off the single photos here of course. The heavyweight has great proportions, just needs about 4 more hard weeks of diet, plus another 100mg of DHT oral, and more Nolvadex in that time. And probably less water last 24 hours.


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To your point, that heavy brought in properly would be hard to take on size & symmetry. But here, he’s beatable from amateur mistakes.

It’s always about who shows up and in what condition, just like powerlifting. Sometimes monsters show up. Sometimes you beat guys who are stronger because they show up hurt, or make stupid decisions while you have a perfectly executed smooth plan.


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The halo is for the last weeks weeks or so like @Hyde Said. Be careful with it because you will go from full blown prep brain to wanting to lift everything in the gym. The only legit brand I know of is dragon pharma. If your legit peeled the hardness and density of the halo combined with the fullness of the anadrol is unmatched


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Out of curiosity I checked the results from this years Johnnie O Jackson Classic.

This was the overall bodybuilding open class winner.

View attachment 239289

He is a heavy-weight, and has good size and shape but I am surprised to see he took the overall until I looked at some of the other competitors. If this is an accurate depiction of the competitors that typically show up for that show, it gives me a little more confidence. I feel I already have size to compete against someone with this level of mass. So I just have to show up in better condition which I just don't see as being a problem.

Now this is the winner from my actual weight class from this year. He must be tall, good conditioning, just needs more muscle on his frame. I think as long as I show up in condition I can beat this physique.
View attachment 239290

Now I am not saying in anyway that I think this will be a walk in the park. You never know who is going to show up that day and how they are going to look. So I have to just stay in the zone like I am fighting for my life and see how the cards fall on that day. It is nice to have something to look back on to get an idea of what to expect at the show. This one is a smaller show, so I feel my chances are probably better at securing a Nationals spot in this show over the one in December which is a huge show where everyone is making their last attempt to make it into the nationals.
Some good points already brought up as far as the two winners. And like Hyde said the heavyweight has some good size and symmetry, but his abs look soft. and his conditioning appears subpar for a first place. I think your quads already have more of a sweep than his, you already have good symmetry that should only get better, and obviously you’ll add even more mass by then….I think given you have seven months, you could definitely compete with him and take him when you finish your final cut before the show. As far as the winner of your class, I think if you had to compete against him, after a cut you would absolutely beat him….you have more size, better symmetry, and muscles are much more fuller, and he really looks flat. Truthfully just looking at and comparing pictures, most people would think you were in a higher weight class than him. Just looking at the pictures I would say you are sitting really good seven months out, especially as good as your prep has already been.


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The heavyweight is poorly conditioned and the class winner lacks the legs and arms, going off the single photos here of course. The heavyweight has great proportions, just needs about 4 more hard weeks of diet, plus another 100mg of DHT oral, and more Nolvadex in that time. And probably less water last 24 hours.
Agreed, he has an amzing physique just a little short on conditioning. An easy fix, and could have been a tune up show for him too.
To your point, that heavy brought in properly would be hard to take on size & symmetry. But here, he’s beatable from amateur mistakes.

It’s always about who shows up and in what condition, just like powerlifting. Sometimes monsters show up. Sometimes you beat guys who are stronger because they show up hurt, or make stupid decisions while you have a perfectly executed smooth plan.
The halo is for the last weeks weeks or so like @Hyde Said. Be careful with it because you will go from full blown prep brain to wanting to lift everything in the gym. The only legit brand I know of is dragon pharma. If your legit peeled the hardness and density of the halo combined with the fullness of the anadrol is unmatched
Nice! Things are going to get freaky!
Some good points already brought up as far as the two winners. And like Hyde said the heavyweight has some good size and symmetry, but his abs look soft. and his conditioning appears subpar for a first place. I think your quads already have more of a sweep than his, you already have good symmetry that should only get better, and obviously you’ll add even more mass by then….I think given you have seven months, you could definitely compete with him and take him when you finish your final cut before the show. As far as the winner of your class, I think if you had to compete against him, after a cut you would absolutely beat him….you have more size, better symmetry, and muscles are much more fuller, and he really looks flat. Truthfully just looking at and comparing pictures, most people would think you were in a higher weight class than him. Just looking at the pictures I would say you are sitting really good seven months out, especially as good as your prep has already been.
Yeah, my guess is he is closer to 6 foot, but at that weight just not as filled out looking. Some of his other poses are more impressive and show a little more thickness and he is definitely in good condition.

Speaking of condition... I dropped a total of 4lbs last week, down to 206.4 this weekend. The stomach bug finally got me last week, and I had to call in on Friday. I was fighting it off as long as I could but it took me out. I haven't lifted since Thursday, was going to try to push and do Friday and Saturday training either Saturday or over Saturday and Sunday. Coach responded to my check in right as I pulled into the gym and said don't train again until I no longer feel fatigued or overly tired and could get my food in. He said he didn't want this dragging out over this next month during our last big push before prep. That we will have to push things during prep but now is not that time. He basically told me to stay home and sleep as much as my body wanted and or allowed to get over this stuff completely. So I slept most of Saturday, and Sunday. I feel a little less fatigued this morning but hoping the energy level stays throughout the day so I can train tonight.

I was able to get some more calories in Saturday evening and yesterday, and have refilled back up to 208.5 this morning. Looking leaner, but not quite as full. Hoping I can get all my calories in today, really going to work at it. Today s the first day I have been able to finish my whole breakfast in one sitting. I feel so full, but going to push my 2nd meal even if not hungry and try to get back in the groove.

I also talked with the wife and we decided until my shift changes it will be better for me to train at night and be able to sleep a couple more hours a night. I have just been burning the candle at both ends and the family sees it and is like hey you can't keep this pace up without some rest. So, I will be getting up at 6:00AM instead of 3:30AM, and will most likely end up in bed about the same time. I will be taking my pre-workout when I leave work so I can drop the wife at home and head right to the gym so I can get home and start winding down as quickly as possible to get to sleep at a reasonable time.


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Agreed, he has an amzing physique just a little short on conditioning. An easy fix, and could have been a tune up show for him too.
Nice! Things are going to get freaky!

Yeah, my guess is he is closer to 6 foot, but at that weight just not as filled out looking. Some of his other poses are more impressive and show a little more thickness and he is definitely in good condition.

Speaking of condition... I dropped a total of 4lbs last week, down to 206.4 this weekend. The stomach bug finally got me last week, and I had to call in on Friday. I was fighting it off as long as I could but it took me out. I haven't lifted since Thursday, was going to try to push and do Friday and Saturday training either Saturday or over Saturday and Sunday. Coach responded to my check in right as I pulled into the gym and said don't train again until I no longer feel fatigued or overly tired and could get my food in. He said he didn't want this dragging out over this next month during our last big push before prep. That we will have to push things during prep but now is not that time. He basically told me to stay home and sleep as much as my body wanted and or allowed to get over this stuff completely. So I slept most of Saturday, and Sunday. I feel a little less fatigued this morning but hoping the energy level stays throughout the day so I can train tonight.

I was able to get some more calories in Saturday evening and yesterday, and have refilled back up to 208.5 this morning. Looking leaner, but not quite as full. Hoping I can get all my calories in today, really going to work at it. Today s the first day I have been able to finish my whole breakfast in one sitting. I feel so full, but going to push my 2nd meal even if not hungry and try to get back in the groove.

I also talked with the wife and we decided until my shift changes it will be better for me to train at night and be able to sleep a couple more hours a night. I have just been burning the candle at both ends and the family sees it and is like hey you can't keep this pace up without some rest. So, I will be getting up at 6:00AM instead of 3:30AM, and will most likely end up in bed about the same time. I will be taking my pre-workout when I leave work so I can drop the wife at home and head right to the gym so I can get home and start winding down as quickly as possible to get to sleep at a reasonable time.
That’s is quite a balancing act. I applaud your efforts. Rest up and hydrate.


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Agreed, he has an amzing physique just a little short on conditioning. An easy fix, and could have been a tune up show for him too.
Nice! Things are going to get freaky!

Yeah, my guess is he is closer to 6 foot, but at that weight just not as filled out looking. Some of his other poses are more impressive and show a little more thickness and he is definitely in good condition.

Speaking of condition... I dropped a total of 4lbs last week, down to 206.4 this weekend. The stomach bug finally got me last week, and I had to call in on Friday. I was fighting it off as long as I could but it took me out. I haven't lifted since Thursday, was going to try to push and do Friday and Saturday training either Saturday or over Saturday and Sunday. Coach responded to my check in right as I pulled into the gym and said don't train again until I no longer feel fatigued or overly tired and could get my food in. He said he didn't want this dragging out over this next month during our last big push before prep. That we will have to push things during prep but now is not that time. He basically told me to stay home and sleep as much as my body wanted and or allowed to get over this stuff completely. So I slept most of Saturday, and Sunday. I feel a little less fatigued this morning but hoping the energy level stays throughout the day so I can train tonight.

I was able to get some more calories in Saturday evening and yesterday, and have refilled back up to 208.5 this morning. Looking leaner, but not quite as full. Hoping I can get all my calories in today, really going to work at it. Today s the first day I have been able to finish my whole breakfast in one sitting. I feel so full, but going to push my 2nd meal even if not hungry and try to get back in the groove.

I also talked with the wife and we decided until my shift changes it will be better for me to train at night and be able to sleep a couple more hours a night. I have just been burning the candle at both ends and the family sees it and is like hey you can't keep this pace up without some rest. So, I will be getting up at 6:00AM instead of 3:30AM, and will most likely end up in bed about the same time. I will be taking my pre-workout when I leave work so I can drop the wife at home and head right to the gym so I can get home and start winding down as quickly as possible to get to sleep at a reasonable time.
Changing your schedule looks like a good call. You definitely need your rest, especially as hard as you have been pushing it. I have a really good immune system, but usually when I get sick it’s after I’ve missed a lot of sleep. Hopefully after some rest, and like PH said hydrate, you’ll be ready to go.👍


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That’s is quite a balancing act. I applaud your efforts. Rest up and hydrate.
Thank you Sir, I also have to applaud my wife's level of support. She told me she would rather me do my training at night than run myself down trying to be there for them right now. That they can sacrifice a little time with me for my goals since I was obviously sacrificing sleep for them. She made the observation when I do 2 a days on this early schedule I just go until I crash then try to push through that. So this is basically a forced Deload this last few days. Would have been nice to keep my calories higher for some growth but this has leaned me down a little so I have more room to grow without getting too high in body fat. The easier digesting food the last several days is also a part of the recovery, protein powder is a lot easier to digest than beef especially when sick to your stomach. Then I just used olive oil to make up for the fats. I think that was a help to my recovery and should at least make eating a lot a bit easier again since I haven't been beating on my gut with hard to digest foods while ill. I would say I was able to keep calories in the 2500-3000 range most days with one probably around 2000 on the worst day. So not too bad at forcing food in regardless of how I felt.
Changing your schedule looks like a good call. You definitely need your rest, especially as hard as you have been pushing it. I have a really good immune system, but usually when I get sick it’s after I’ve missed a lot of sleep. Hopefully after some rest, and like PH said hydrate, you’ll be ready to go.👍
Same here, I just ran myself into the ground, I was already feeling it before I got sick. I think this rest will do me some good going forward. At least get me back to a level I need to be at anyway.


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Agreed, he has an amzing physique just a little short on conditioning. An easy fix, and could have been a tune up show for him too.
Nice! Things are going to get freaky!

Yeah, my guess is he is closer to 6 foot, but at that weight just not as filled out looking. Some of his other poses are more impressive and show a little more thickness and he is definitely in good condition.

Speaking of condition... I dropped a total of 4lbs last week, down to 206.4 this weekend. The stomach bug finally got me last week, and I had to call in on Friday. I was fighting it off as long as I could but it took me out. I haven't lifted since Thursday, was going to try to push and do Friday and Saturday training either Saturday or over Saturday and Sunday. Coach responded to my check in right as I pulled into the gym and said don't train again until I no longer feel fatigued or overly tired and could get my food in. He said he didn't want this dragging out over this next month during our last big push before prep. That we will have to push things during prep but now is not that time. He basically told me to stay home and sleep as much as my body wanted and or allowed to get over this stuff completely. So I slept most of Saturday, and Sunday. I feel a little less fatigued this morning but hoping the energy level stays throughout the day so I can train tonight.

I was able to get some more calories in Saturday evening and yesterday, and have refilled back up to 208.5 this morning. Looking leaner, but not quite as full. Hoping I can get all my calories in today, really going to work at it. Today s the first day I have been able to finish my whole breakfast in one sitting. I feel so full, but going to push my 2nd meal even if not hungry and try to get back in the groove.

I also talked with the wife and we decided until my shift changes it will be better for me to train at night and be able to sleep a couple more hours a night. I have just been burning the candle at both ends and the family sees it and is like hey you can't keep this pace up without some rest. So, I will be getting up at 6:00AM instead of 3:30AM, and will most likely end up in bed about the same time. I will be taking my pre-workout when I leave work so I can drop the wife at home and head right to the gym so I can get home and start winding down as quickly as possible to get to sleep at a reasonable time.
Good call man.

One thing the hospital cardiologist told me that has stuck in my mind: a lot of systemic recovery happens between midnight and morning.


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Glad you are getting rested up and making a recovery! I had a feeling it got you when I didn’t see you posting. Definitely think the night routine will be beneficial on your sleep. Maybe even more productive sessions ( not that I’m saying your morning ones weren’t, just being in the evening and more fuel in you they might be better)


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Good call man.

One thing the hospital cardiologist told me that has stuck in my mind: a lot of systemic recovery happens between midnight and morning.
Oh good to know, I mean I know how important sleep is and if always tired then you are never fully recovered. However great to know more of my sleep will be during those hours instead of before and not much after.
Glad you are getting rested up and making a recovery! I had a feeling it got you when I didn’t see you posting. Definitely think the night routine will be beneficial on your sleep. Maybe even more productive sessions ( not that I’m saying your morning ones weren’t, just being in the evening and more fuel in you they might be better)
I think you are right. My evening or afternoon sessions are always better, a little more in the tank from a lot more food eaten before training those days. Honestly, If this thing works out with me training in the later evening I might put my shift change off, it would definitely save extra money on our commutes to still ride in together. However the earlier shift would give me more time with family which is a more important to me than the budget being a bit tighter.


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Coach checked in on me just a little bit ago, and told me he thinks I should take one more day off before pushing things. I already did cardio today so I will just be going home and relaxing tonight. Getting excited to get back in the gym too which is a good thing. Very happy with being able to eat and not feeling like death. Found out that the PT at the gym had COVID last week, so have probably been fighting that off which would explain the extreme lethargy even in the face of no obvious high temp. I did sweat a lot during sleep last week so I may have been running a low grade fever just never checked it. Now my wife is experiencing what I had last week with the extreme lethargy and upset stomach. Hers was a couple days behind mine but seems to be following the same pattern.


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I got all of my food in yesterday per meal plan, with no substitutions. First time since early last week. I feel a bit more rested, but still feel like I can't get completely hydrated or my electrolytes are off. My muscles are tight and almost feel a little on the verge of cramping or something. It is getting better but, I think whatever I had threw off my electrolytes worse than I thought in the first place. I reached out to coach to find out if he wants me to give it one more day or go ahead and start pushing. Considering he wants me fully recovered and I am not sure if this is quite it or not. A little nervous to work legs with how tight they feel right now. If he wants me to train, I will likely pick back up with chest and let my legs be the thing that miss a session this week. Just for safety. Although, I imagine with what he said he will want me to give it one more day.

With how this is going, I kind of feel like it might have been COVID. Last time I had it, I also felt like it was harder to feel fully hydrated. Plus the extreme lethargy fit right in. The wife is down now,

1/9/23 - Fasted Weight 210.2 - Well, one day at full calories and I am right back up to 210.2. I feel like I look a little leaner than 210 last week, but it is hard to tell. Really going to work on getting all my water in today, only got 5 liters yesterday, which isn't a little bit, but it also isn't the required 7 liters. Hard to get that in when you are so full from food.


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man I hope you and the wife are feeling better asap, what a drag! glad you're getting the cals in tho.

only got 5 liters yesterday, which isn't a little bit, but it also isn't the required 7 liters. Hard to get that in when you are so full from food.
sorta funny to think how trying to drink more water when dieting/cutting is intentional to make you feel full, then you try to do it for the health while simultaneously choking down more calories. I feel your pain. when I'm cutting sparkling water helps a lot, so if I were trying to get MORE calories in, yeah that would be a challenge!


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I got all of my food in yesterday per meal plan, with no substitutions. First time since early last week. I feel a bit more rested, but still feel like I can't get completely hydrated or my electrolytes are off. My muscles are tight and almost feel a little on the verge of cramping or something. It is getting better but, I think whatever I had threw off my electrolytes worse than I thought in the first place. I reached out to coach to find out if he wants me to give it one more day or go ahead and start pushing. Considering he wants me fully recovered and I am not sure if this is quite it or not. A little nervous to work legs with how tight they feel right now. If he wants me to train, I will likely pick back up with chest and let my legs be the thing that miss a session this week. Just for safety. Although, I imagine with what he said he will want me to give it one more day.

With how this is going, I kind of feel like it might have been COVID. Last time I had it, I also felt like it was harder to feel fully hydrated. Plus the extreme lethargy fit right in. The wife is down now,

1/9/23 - Fasted Weight 210.2 - Well, one day at full calories and I am right back up to 210.2. I feel like I look a little leaner than 210 last week, but it is hard to tell. Really going to work on getting all my water in today, only got 5 liters yesterday, which isn't a little bit, but it also isn't the required 7 liters. Hard to get that in when you are so full from food.
I know stomach bugs really zap electrolytes and minerals. Probably be a good idea to load up on some magnesium, zinc, electrolytes, glutamine, and probiotics for the gut, and give it another day. And if you had a little Covid along with a stomach bug, which that has been happening around here, that’s all the more reason to load up. Hopefully your wife feels better as well.


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man I hope you and the wife are feeling better asap, what a drag! glad you're getting the cals in tho.

sorta funny to think how trying to drink more water when dieting/cutting is intentional to make you feel full, then you try to do it for the health while simultaneously choking down more calories. I feel your pain. when I'm cutting sparkling water helps a lot, so if I were trying to get MORE calories in, yeah that would be a challenge!
Yeah for sure, heck just getting in 7 liters even while on lower calories is no easy task. It seems like nonstop drinking and peeing.
I know stomach bugs really zap electrolytes and minerals. Probably be a good idea to load up on some magnesium, zinc, electrolytes, glutamine, and probiotics for the gut, and give it another day. And if you had a little Covid along with a stomach bug, which that has been happening around here, that’s all the more reason to load up. Hopefully your wife feels better as well.
Good point, I forgot about adding in some magnesium. I definitely got over 20g of glutamine a day during my illness with all of the whey, every scoop has about 4g and I was relying on it for protein while sick. I am getting a solid 16g a day from it daily now. I might go pick up a small tub though to feed the ol immune system a little more. However I am sure my salt and potassium got wrecked while not eating seasoned food, and less potassium containing foods on top of water loss from the gut issues. I do have some ZMA at home I have been taking at night recently. Maybe I will double dose it tonight and tomorrow to get a little more built back up.


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I have decided to go ahead and take one more day to recover, supplement some magnesium, and focus on water and electrolyte consumption today. I am just nervous about being so tight feeling like something is about to pull or cramp up. The muscles are binding up in stretched positions like the want to cramp, as if they are fighting the stretch for some reason. Just not a good or confidence inspiring feeling.

Mentally, I am ready to attack some weights, I am itching to get back to them honestly. Which is a good sign after illness. Wednesday is normally a day off but I will plan to lift, do something like 6 sets for chest, 3 for biceps, 4-5 for quads and 3 for hamstrings. Then pick up my shoulder and triceps training as normal on Thursday.


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Coach checked in on me just a little bit ago, and told me he thinks I should take one more day off before pushing things. I already did cardio today so I will just be going home and relaxing tonight. Getting excited to get back in the gym too which is a good thing. Very happy with being able to eat and not feeling like death. Found out that the PT at the gym had COVID last week, so have probably been fighting that off which would explain the extreme lethargy even in the face of no obvious high temp. I did sweat a lot during sleep last week so I may have been running a low grade fever just never checked it. Now my wife is experiencing what I had last week with the extreme lethargy and upset stomach. Hers was a couple days behind mine but seems to be following the same pattern.
My wife and I had COVID the week of Christmas. It was more of a flu feeling this time than the last time we had it. I ran a fever one day this go around and it was 100. We just felt like shitt and were congested so I’m sure that’s what you had.


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Seems there has been some weird funk going around for everyone lately.
For sure, my mom and brother were both down hard in Dec. Dad got sick, I had something but didn't really tell anyone until it passed. it was the first time in years that I reached for a dayquil. My buddy actually told me to toss the dayquil and take allergy meds instead for the antihistamine and that cleared my head up within 30 minutes. but it did last for about 2 weeks. oh actually now that I think of it, I picked it up the day after thanksgiving and I remember it cause my wifes surgery was dec 5th so I basically had to steer clear of her for almost 2 weeks to make sure she wasn't sick when she went in.


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Yeah, I am thinking it was possibly COVID, my poor wife is down and out now. I think she is getting hit harder with it than I was. She has other health issues that make her one of the toughest individuals I know when it comes to working through it consistently. So when she is down I know she is really down. She is sleeping more than I was already, and says she feels awful in about every way.

1/10/24 - 209.8lbs - Looking pretty tight this morning. I was about 45g of carbs short for the day but considering no training and not burning as much I am not as worried about it. I added 4g of olive oil to my beef concoction at my last meal to make up calories and moved on. It is still hard to get it all in, and it got so late I had to decide between severe heartburn disrupting my sleep, or pushing the food volume so the extra 4g of fats was a no brainer.

I made sure to get my electrolytes up, and took a double dose of ZMA last night, so 1g of magnesium total. I feel less on the verge of cramping today, and will definitely be getting in some training today! Happy because my back is starting to get that stiffness I normally get from low activity after years of abuse. So the exercise is seriously welcome!!! Stoked to be going back to the gym!!!


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Glad you’re feeling better and able to get back at it….hopefully your wife will start feeling better. My wife is the same way, I can catch something and it won’t hit me anywhere near as hard as her, and she has MS and spinal cord issues, so she’s very tough as far as pain threshold, so if she is down, I know it hit her bad. There is a lot of funky stuff going around.


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Glad you’re feeling better and able to get back at it….hopefully your wife will start feeling better. My wife is the same way, I can catch something and it won’t hit me anywhere near as hard as her, and she has MS and spinal cord issues, so she’s very tough as far as pain threshold, so if she is down, I know it hit her bad. There is a lot of funky stuff going around.
Yeah, MS is no joke, we had to take care of Jo's Mother for about a year when she had a really bad episode. We had to work with her to teach her how to walk, and feed herself again. Now she is in remission, well in between it's bad cycles and is doing great, they seem to have her meds right. She still has issues but nothing like when it really ticks up. It is really awesome to know she is doing so well now, and we were actually able to help regardless of how hard and challenging it was during that time.

I did not get to the gym last night. Something popped up at work I had to take care of and by the time I got off work my goals were to get my last meal in and get to bed.

I did manage to get my cardio done at lunch yesterday.

Elliptical = 30 minutes - level 15 - 341 calories - 135-155BPM

1/11/23 - Fasted Weight 208.5 -
Looking pretty tight too. Pushing water back up the last 2 days has brought some of the initial water regain after being dehydrated back down. My muscles are feeling better and my back popped doing some body weight jefferson curl type of movement to stretch it out yesterday and released a lot of the tightness I had in my erectors. So feeling even better today.

I think I am going to do some chest press during my shoulder and triceps session, then add in belt squats to start out my hamstring day tomorrow just get a little bit of stimulation to the chest and quads this week without doing full make up sessions. Maybe 3 sets of each with 2 rest pauses per set. I think that will be enough to stimulate some growth after a week out of the gym.


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Glad you are on the mend, hope your wife feels better soon too! Yesterday when we had it I was doing a yeti cup big one full water electrolyte packet roughly every hour and still felt I was losing ground. Me and the wife would take turn mixing cups for us so we could both stay hydrated and try to encourage each other to keep drinking. It was like a drinking game from hell.


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I hate you’ve both been sick!! I got sick around thanksgiving and again right before Christmas! So glad you’re starting to feel better!


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I worked out in the garage last night, it was getting late by the time I got home and I wanted to shave the drive time off of my workout. I didn't log my reps, but remember what I did pretty well. I didn't feel like building a new workout in my program. So I just followed the principles for what I needed to do, figured out what I thought my working weights were and went after it.

PowerTec Isolateral Chest Press
WU: 25x12, 45x10, 70x6, 90x6
100x7@F>RP x2, RP xF
70x13@RPE10>RP x5, RP x2

PowerTec Isolateral Super Incline / Shoulder Press -
All sets were done trying to squeeze handles together for more clavicular pec activation
45x15 = RPE9 - Reverse grip
45x14 = Failure - Neutral grip outside of shoulders
45x7 = failure - Pronated & slightly wider grip

DB Standing Medial Delt Raises -
20x20 RPE8
20x15 RPE9
20x10 RPE10
10x20 -
Last 5 were lower 2/3-3/4 reps to complete set, still good form and stimulation

DB Rear Lateral Raises
- last 2-3 reps were lower 2/3-3/4 reps to complete set
25x16 - last 4-5 reps were lower 2/3-3/4 reps then failed to get to an acceptable partial on attempt #17

My shoulders were so pumped they almost felt injured with all of the burning in them. I am definitely starting to get some delt caps too. Just a little pump changes the entire look completely. Chest and delt pump was looking sick. I needed to do triceps also but it was getting late, and I still needed to eat and start winding down. So I decided I could blast them after cardio at lunch today. We have a functional trainer, real dips, and an assisted dip machine the gym across the street, so I will be set.

1/12/24 - Fasted Weight 208.8 - One thing for sure, the illness took off a little fat. I think coach will be pleased with the increased tightness. Not sure if he will increase calories or not though since I definitely had a few lower calorie days this past week...

I need to go get bloods done this coming week so he can see where we are so we can push things a bit more.


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Glad you are on the mend, hope your wife feels better soon too! Yesterday when we had it I was doing a yeti cup big one full water electrolyte packet roughly every hour and still felt I was losing ground. Me and the wife would take turn mixing cups for us so we could both stay hydrated and try to encourage each other to keep drinking. It was like a drinking game from hell.
Sounds like it, but a smart move.
I hate you’ve both been sick!! I got sick around thanksgiving and again right before Christmas! So glad you’re starting to feel better!
Thanks Kat!

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