BMP Improved Formula & The Solution



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What's all this then? :::best Monty Python impression:::
The Solution

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Mesocycle #13
Week 4 Day 2

Tempo Indication: Eccentric:pause:Concentric:Flex (x:x:x:x)
All Rep Tempo's are 2:1:2:2
Rest Times are 90 Seconds

Incline Braced DB Rows:
50's x 12
50's x 12 ---> 40's x 8 --> 30 KB x 12

Assisted Chins:
BW x Failure (2 Sets)

DB Row: (Full Stretch, Pause, and then all elbow on the pull up.. no momentum, hip swing, or torso rotating)
80's x 8 (2 Sets)
80's x 8 --> 65 x 8 --> 50 x 8

DB Pullover:
70 x 10 (2 Sets)

FacePull (Seated to prevent momentum)
100 x 12 (2 Sets)

Drag Curl
45 x 8
65 x 8 (3 Sets)
65 x 8 --> 55 x 8 --> 45 x 10

Reverse Grip Cable Curl
60 x 10 (4 Sets)

Chocolate Chip Protein Donuts

Still too early to report anything.


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Food in this log already has me hooked to it:)
The Solution

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Mesocycle #13
Week 4 Day 3

Tempo Indication: Eccentric:pause:Concentric:Flex (x:x:x:x)
All Rep Tempo's are 2:1:2:2
Rest Times are 90 Seconds

High Incline DB Bench Press:
50' x 10
65's x 15 (2 Sets)

High Incline Smith Machine Bench
2-25's/Side x 8
3-25's/Side x 8 (2 Sets)

2 Sets to Failure

DB Side Lateral Partials:
30's x 10
40's x 20 (2 Sets)

Bent Over DB Swings:
20's x 10
20's x 20 (2 Sets)

Dual Handle Pushdown:
100 x 12
100 x 12 (2 Sets)
100 x 12 --> 80 x 10 --> 60 x 10

DB Floor Press:
70's x 6 (2 Sets)

Lemon Chicken, Bacon, and Rice Stirfry

BMP Day 3
Still nothing to note.. No increased fullness or anything like many will state after continual use. I will monitor this going into the weekend for my first week recap


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BMP Day 3
Still nothing to note.. No increased fullness or anything like many will state after continual use. I will monitor this going into the weekend for my first week recap
I don't notice too much extra fullness TBH. I would think this is going to take you 2-4 weeks to notice. Are you doing a 1 or 2 bottle run? Around 2-3 weeks I bet you start noticing some increases in strength, at least that was my first run - and by the end of it I regretted not going longer. Now I'm a bit of a zealot for this product, so you may turn out differently.

I have noted SOME acute benefits, but I'm not sure if it's from the Rhodiola or the Ligustramine improving neurological function.

Not true... Hooded sweathsirts with the hood up works well haha


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1 Bottle
After 4 weeks I will be 100% honest with what I got out of it, pictures to see any changes in physique, and give feedback to anything else I notice along the way.
I never doubt your integrity man, you've been straight on this board with all the logs I've seen.

I am honestly believing you will have a good review in the end, and if I am wrong - that would be interesting too. I think 4 weeks will give you enough to tell if it did anything, and I am psyched because you are consistent with everything else.


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1 Bottle
After 4 weeks I will be 100% honest with what I got out of it, pictures to see any changes in physique, and give feedback to anything else I notice along the way.
If we start seeing results by week 3-4, you better damn get another bottle!
The Solution

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Mesocycle #13
Week 4 Day 4

Tempo Indication: Eccentric:pause:Concentric:Flex (x:x:x:x)
All Rep Tempo's are 2:1:2:2
Rest Times are 90 Seconds

Low Cable Rows:
120 x 10 (3 Sets)

Single Arm Supinated Lat Pulldown
35 Each Hand x 8
35 Each Hand x 8 --> 30 x 8 --> 25 x 10

Cable Pullover
100 x 10 (2 Sets)

Incline Braced DB Row:
45's x 10 (2 Sets)

BW x Failure (2 Sets)

EZ Bar Curl
75 x 8 (2 Sets)
75 x 15 --> 65 x 10 --> 55 x 8

Cable Hammer Curl:
55 x 10
70 x 10 --> 55 x 10 --> 40 x 10

Bacon, Spinach, and Feta Stuffed Turkey with a BBQ Hoisin Sauce Stirfry

BMP Day 4

Still, nothing that jumps out at me. Weight is pretty steady, lifts are similar, no change in fullness to note yet.
Maybe see changes in pictures this weekend, but time will tell


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So, just for commenting on my own experience, I have been on BMP for approx. 3 weeks right now. I am trained and my time for training has been dimminished the past 6 months due to some family issues. I am eqting 1800 calories/day with aboyt 130-150 grams protein, which with my sedentary lifestyle should be 300-500 cals per day below maintenance.

Some days I will throw in an ultra low calorie day, maybe 1x per week and eat about 600 calories ans about 100 grams protein.

In the past 3 weeks I have added 10-15 pounds to my "calculated" 1RM on my bench, squat, military presses which are my focus right now.

It isn't roid like, but for me to gain 10-15 pounds a month in strength and not be struggling is unusual.

For me, in a deficit, these gains are pretty similar and maybe even superior to creatine.


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So, just for commenting on my own experience, I have been on BMP for approx. 3 weeks right now. I am trained and my time for training has been dimminished the past 6 months due to some family issues. I am eqting 1800 calories/day with aboyt 130-150 grams protein, which with my sedentary lifestyle should be 300-500 cals per day below maintenance.

Some days I will throw in an ultra low calorie day, maybe 1x per week and eat about 600 calories ans about 100 grams protein.

In the past 3 weeks I have added 10-15 pounds to my "calculated" 1RM on my bench, squat, military presses which are my focus right now.

It isn't roid like, but for me to gain 10-15 pounds a month in strength and not be struggling is unusual.

For me, in a deficit, these gains are pretty similar and maybe even superior to creatine.
WHat rep range are you actually increasing strength in? You mention your calculated 1RM, but you really are not testing your 1RM. What is your actual increase in strength based on, weight or reps?


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WHat rep range are you actually increasing strength in? You mention your calculated 1RM, but you really are not testing your 1RM. What is your actual increase in strength based on, weight or reps?
So, I have been focused on a powerlifting style while recomping. I know this may seem less than ideal, but it's where my life is at right now, and I would like to get a 1300 pound total as a mostly natural (I've used 11-KT, T3 in the past).

My training is also limited by time here so I pick 1 exercise and do 5-6 sets of it. So on day 1 I do squats - warm up with about 185 X 15, semi-warm up with 225 X 15, and then a working set to failure with 285 for 10-15, and then 2-3 sets with 325 to failure in the 2-5 rep range.

I do a similar progression for bench and military presses on days 2 and 3, then either take a day off or repeat.

On July 10th, squats, I got 285 X 10 and 325 X 1. Calculated 1RM of 380.
On July 19th, squats, I got 282 X 12 and 325 X 4. Calculated 1RM of 399.

I've been doing this program since about March, because it's all I have time for - and this past 2 weeks I threw in a day per week of low calories at 600 and my squat has taken a slight hit. Because of this, I dropped back on the squats and focused more on some singles - which I built up to an actual 365 X 1 (PR). Prior to this attempt, my best attempt was 350 X 1 about a month ago. The 15 rep sets to failure throw off the rep calculator and over-inflate those numbers a bit.

On July 11th, Bench Presses, I got 175 X 15 and 225 X 3. (1RM calculated at 262.5)
On July 20th, I got 180 X 15 and 225 X 4. (1RM calculated at 270)
Last night, 7/31, I got 185 X 14 and 235 X 3. (1RM calculated at 271)

My Military Presses, aren't really fair because I just added them in about a month ago as I got more time back in my life, and I am also embarrassed by them, but here it is anyway:

July 12th, 80 X 13 and 105 X 5 (1RM calculated at 122.5)
July 21st, 80 X 15 and 115 X 4 (1RM calculated at 120)
July 26th, 85 X 15 and 115 X 5 and then 125 X 4. (1RM calculated at 142)

I don't want to hijack The Solution's log here - he will do a much better job than me here and this is his show. Maybe I shouldn't have said anything here....


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Subbed for info and food pr0n
The Solution

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Mesocycle #13
Week 4 Day 5

Tempo Indication: Eccentric:pause:Concentric:Flex (x:x:x:x)
All Rep Tempo's are 2:1:2:2
Rest Times are 90 Seconds

Lying Leg Curl
170 x 8 (4 Sets)

350 x 10 (4 Sets)
** Maxed out **

Bulgarian Split Squat:
20's x 8
25's x 8
30'x 8 --> 25's x 10 --> 20's x 20

Leg Press (Low Feet Placement): (3:1:1:1)
4 Plates/Side x 15 (2 Sets)
5 Plates/Side x 15 --> 4 Plates/Side x 10 --> 3 Plates/Side x 12

DB Stiff Leg Deadlift:
100's x 8 (3 Sets)

Salt & Straw Cloudforest Chocolate Hazelnut Cookies & Cream (Vegan)

BMP Day 5
Have not noticed anything to be honest yet. Still early. Will be using orange Beat as a yearly health staple from here on out.
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Drop set leg presses = pain. Wonderful pain.


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Drop set leg presses = pain. Wonderful pain.
the worst part is the climb out of the machine to take the weights off each drop ha... feel like lieutenant dan every time ha


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the worst part is the climb out of the machine to take the weights off each drop ha... feel like lieutenant dan every time ha
Yeah, this is a case where having a training partner is super helpful. In reality - the climb out is a break and can be the best part. If the weight just drops off and you get 5 seconds and have to go at it again, it can be brutal too!
The Solution

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Day 6/7

Weekend Off

- Working today, Relatives in Town from Philly (meeting up with after), so putting family first and skipping the gym to see them.

- Sunday: Take care of grandma day (as many of you don't know She is suffering from Stage 2 breast cancer) and the days are numbered. I try and spend my off day from work with her (grocery shopping, church, yard work) and whatever she needs.

- Monday: May miss the gym this day too, will be in Pittsburgh most of the day and get home late and have to wake up the next morning at 3 AM for work

Let's see if I can get a workout or two in the next 3 days.


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Following. I know this is strictly a BMP log but I will just say that from my experience with BMP, adding in epicatechin really amplifies BMP. I think there is some synergy. 2 caps BMP and 2 caps CEL Epi-Plex preworkout.


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Salt & Straw is the sh*%! They have so many weird flavors!
The Solution

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Mesocycle #13
Week 5 Day 1

Tempo Indication: Eccentric:pause:Concentric:Flex (x:x:x:x)
All Rep Tempo's are 2:1:2:2
Rest Times are 90 Seconds

DB Flat Bench Press:
50's x 8
70's x 8
100's x 8 (2 Sets)

Low Incline Smith Bench Press:
135 x 6
225 x 8-10 (2 Sets)

HS Machine Press:
3 Plates / Side x 8 (2 Sets)
3 Plates / Side x 8 + 5 Partials

HS Machine Fly:
110 x 8 (2 Sets)
110 x 8 + 15 Second Iso-Hold

DB Rear Delt Fly:
2 Sets of 20

DB Partial Lateral's
2 Sets of 20

DB 6-Ways
15's x 8 (2 Sets)

Dual Handle Pushdown:
30 Each Hand x 10
35 Each Hand x 12 (3 Sets)
35 Each Hand x 12 + 15 Second Iso-Hold

Overhead Rope Extension
100 x 8 (3 Sets)
100 x 8 + 6 Partials

Pumpkin Bread

BMP Day 8
There has been no change to note. Strength, Recovery, Pumps everything is steady.


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Fall is coming so gotta start looking at pumpkin spice everything :)
The Solution

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Mesocycle #13
Week 5 Day 2

Tempo Indication: Eccentric:pause:Concentric:Flex (x:x:x:x)
All Rep Tempo's are 2:1:2:2
Rest Times are 90 Seconds

One Arm Barbell Row:
2-25lb Plates x 8 (3 Sets)

Assisted Chins:
BW x Failure (2 Sets)

DB Row:
80's x 5 (5 Sets)

HS Low Row:
50 Each Hand x 8 (3 Sets)

100 x 12 (2 Sets)

Reverse Curl
65 x 12 (3 Sets)
65 x 12 + 5 Partials

Preacher Curl
65 x 8 (3 Sets)
65 x 8 + Iso-Hold

Wegmans Sub

BMP Day 9
No improved recovery, strength, fullness or anything to note yet. My legs are still destroyed from last week leg day
The Solution

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Mesocycle #13
Week 5 Day 3

Tempo Indication: Eccentric:pause:Concentric:Flex (x:x:x:x)
All Rep Tempo's are 2:1:2:2
Rest Times are 90 Seconds

Flat DB Bench
100's x 8 (2 Sets)

High Incline Smith Machine Bench
2-25's/Side x 8
3-25's/Side x 8 (2 Sets)

Stretch Push-Up:
2 Sets to Failure

DB Side Lateral
30's x 10 (2 Sets)

Bent Over DB Swings:
20's x 10
20's x 20 (2 Sets)

Dual Handle Pushdown:
100 x 10 (2 Sets)
100 x 10 + 15 Second Iso-Hold

DB Floor Press:
70's x 6 (2 Sets)

Quest Chips

Day 10 BMP
Still, have yet to find anything noteworthy. Have not seen anything improve over the first 10 days.
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Haven't seen the quest protein chips before! They look good!
The Solution

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Mesocycle #13
Week 5 Day 4

Tempo Indication: Eccentric:pause:Concentric:Flex (x:x:x:x)
All Rep Tempo's are 2:1:2:2
Rest Times are 90 Seconds

Low Cable Rows:
120 x 10 (3 Sets)

Single Arm Supinated Lat Pulldown
35 Each Hand x 8
35 Each Hand x 8 --> 30 x 8 --> 25 x 10

Cable Pullover
100 x 10 (2 Sets)

Incline Braced DB Row:
45's x 10 (2 Sets)

BW x Failure (2 Sets)

EZ Bar Curl
75 x 8 (2 Sets)
75 x 15 --> 65 x 10 --> 55 x 8

Cable Hammer Curl:
55 x 10
70 x 10 --> 55 x 10 --> 40 x 10

Chicken Parm Subs

BMP Day 11
Still have yet to notice any positive side effects, changes, or improvements. Call me an outlier, or maybe it is just too early?


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BMP Day 11
Still have yet to notice any positive side effects, changes, or improvements. Call me an outlier, or maybe it is just too early?
I haven't dug into details but are there any other logs on BMP and if so when did they start to feel it kick in?


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OG BMP kicks in at 2 weeks (for myself and what I have seen in comments / logs over the years).


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Would have like to be hearing that it's at least helping with recovery or something at this point honestly. With these natty supps who knows anymore what works for one vs. another.


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IME, you won't ever "feel" anything with BMP - at least not in the way most people usually expect things. It's a supplement, not a drug after all. Imagine using creatine without the potential water retention.

I can tell you that my original run was about 2 years ago when I had 2 powder bags of it. I was almost through the first bag and thinking about the same thing as The Solution- say 3 weeks in - I didn't notice much. By week 5 or 6 I was pretty upset I didn't buy more.

Pretty much the ONLY things I notice on it (acutely) are an increased rate of progression (if I am adding 5-10 pounds a month on a lift, it suddenly becomes 10-15), and often, not every workout, I have these really strong workouts where I set a PR and it feels easy. Like if I was grinding out deads for 5X405 a couple weeks ago and I will suddenly be doing 5 X 525 and not feel like I am grinding at all. This "not grinding feeling" is hard to explain because it is still to failure - not like I suddenly gained 20 pounds of strength and only added 5 to the bar. But it is a "strong" feeling and I do not ever have it when not on BMP.

Aside from that, I do notice some slight mood improvements potentially but it could be placebo. Progression is my big factor though.

Increased recovery? Never noticed it on BMP so much. It isn't operating like a steroid. If anything, I almost wonder if I need MORE recovery time. It seems to me like my response to a stimulus gets amplified - but that response still takes time.

People expecting to "see" body changes in a month should buy something else. Even creatine won't do this; if you're working out, progression is the best indicator of muscle gain in short time periods. A trained athlete gaining 0.5 pounds of muscle a month would be phenomenal, but you would have a tough time seeing that much difference with that.

I don't want to say too much because The Solution is being honest and I don't want to come out like I am fighting that - it also may not help him, we will just have to see. Maybe we will be shocked in 2 weeks, or maybe we will be disappointed. I still like the approach he is taking and it may yield some value to people out there, even if there are some disappointments.

For me, I bought a case and will be running this product 365 and this and creatine are the only muscle builders I have ever seen anything from.


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Aside from that, I do notice some slight mood improvements potentially but it could be placebo. Progression is my big factor though.
I haven't posted about this yet, because it wasn't the original intent of the product, but since noticing a decent change in the way my mind is working (especially combined with Clear Edge), I have diggin far more into the neural aspects.

and more importantly neurogenesis in hippocampal cells. As we know, the hippocampus is highly active during survival (mostly novel) experiences and is essential for translating short term experience (and memories) into long term, programmed responses that increase survival skills. For modern humans, those memory incorporations and behavioural changes are more nuanced and "abstract" than just snake=bad.

Anyway, this is a key paper here on the subject:

I'll be following up as time allows.


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I haven't posted about this yet, because it wasn't the original intent of the product, but since noticing a decent change in the way my mind is working (especially combined with Clear Edge), I have diggin far more into the neural aspects.

and more importantly neurogenesis in hippocampal cells. As we know, the hippocampus is highly active during survival (mostly novel) experiences and is essential for translating short term experience (and memories) into long term, programmed responses that increase survival skills. For modern humans, those memory incorporations and behavioural changes are more nuanced and "abstract" than just snake=bad.

Anyway, this is a key paper here on the subject:

I'll be following up as time allows.
Ligustrazine and Osthole seem to have neuro-protective effects potentially just based on the studies on Pubmed. Further reason I am looking to run it year round.


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Ligustrazine and Osthole seem to have neuro-protective effects potentially just based on the studies on Pubmed. Further reason I am looking to run it year round.
Yep, this has some pretty far reaching potential, especially combined with the PTP-1b research, on things like Alzheimer's, stroke recovery, and general dementia associated with aging.
The Solution

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Mesocycle #13
Week 5 Day 5

Tempo Indication: Eccentric:pause:Concentric:Flex (x:x:x:x)
All Rep Tempo's are 2:1:2:2
Rest Times are 90 Seconds

Lying Leg Curl
150 x 8 (3 Sets)
150 x 8 + 15 Partials + 10 Second Iso-Hold

Leg Extension:
50 Each Leg x 8 (3 Sets)
50 Each Leg x 8 + 15 Partials + 10 Second Iso-Hold

Leg Press (Low Feet Placement): (3:1:1:1)
4 Plates/Side x 15
5 Plates/Side x 12
6 Plates/Side x 10
6 Plates/Side x 9
6 Plates/Side x 8

Bulgarian Split Squat:
20's x 8
25's x 8
30'x 8 --> 25's x 10 --> 20's x 20

DB Stiff Leg Deadlift:
100's x 8 (3 Sets)

Graeter's Amarena Cherry

Day 12 BMP
Weekend Off..Hoping next week shows any form of progress or noticeable feedback.
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I just started my bmp tonight, first workout tonight, chest... Not sure if just coincidence, but I am so pumped up right now. It's actually to the point where I can't do as many reps because it feels so full and fatigued even though I've only started my workout with supersets as normal
I'm also using x gels


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I just started my bmp tonight, first workout tonight, chest... Not sure if just coincidence, but I am so pumped up right now. It's actually to the point where I can't do as many reps because it feels so full and fatigued even though I've only started my workout with supersets as normal
I'm also using x gels
That's a pretty fast response, for sure, but is one of the first indicators that BMP is working for you.


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I just started my bmp tonight, first workout tonight, chest... Not sure if just coincidence, but I am so pumped up right now. It's actually to the point where I can't do as many reps because it feels so full and fatigued even though I've only started my workout with supersets as normal
I'm also using x gels
I get that experience on X-gels alone just due to the pump and muscle fullness effect that ara has on me.


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I get that experience on X-gels alone just due to the pump and muscle fullness effect that ara has on me.
Yeah I have been getting a bit of pumps with it, been on it for 3 weeks... but nothing like tonight, was intense.


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Yeah I have been getting a bit of pumps with it, been on it for 3 weeks... but nothing like tonight, was intense.
yeah you're right into the sweet spot where I (and most) see a big acute benefit from xgels... sounds like bmp will only exacerbate those effects so woohoo
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