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No like icon. So, looking forward for new upcoming sups. Until then.


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Any update on the upcoming pre or anabolics?


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Any update on the upcoming pre or anabolics?
we are in the process of attempting a new extract. There is a specific chemical we are targeting here and if successful I think this could be easily on par with Follidrone 2. But for now its just speculation as we havnt tested the extract. Its possible the target chemical might be lost or reduced to unusable % during extraction. Another hurdle is it looks like large doses are needed so we are going to need to make this a 5 cap + a day product. It should be worth it though. It has a bunch of anabolic properties and some surprising other benefits we will talk about more when we get closer.
This should be the next legit natural anabolic.
Follidrone 2 set the bar. I have high hopes this will meet or exceed the standard.

The pre is an ever evolving project. I have hundreds of pages of notes and I have added and removed about 50 ingredients.
Its very difficult to create a viable product like this from the ground up. I see why everyone just clones the commonly used ingredients.
Thats not my style though and Id rather not have a pre than have someone elses pre with my name on it.
It is looking strong currently though and we are just working on one last portion.
Youll be surprised when you see what we used, why we used them and how this is going to effect the way you look at pre workout products.
You guys will be much more demanding and not except the norm after this one ;)
Itll be worth the wait I promise.


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we are in the process of attempting a new extract. There is a specific chemical we are targeting here and if successful I think this could be easily on par with Follidrone 2. But for now its just speculation as we havnt tested the extract. Its possible the target chemical might be lost or reduced to unusable % during extraction. Another hurdle is it looks like large doses are needed so we are going to need to make this a 5 cap + a day product. It should be worth it though. It has a bunch of anabolic properties and some surprising other benefits we will talk about more when we get closer.
This should be the next legit natural anabolic.
Follidrone 2 set the bar. I have high hopes this will meet or exceed the standard.

The pre is an ever evolving project. I have hundreds of pages of notes and I have added and removed about 50 ingredients.
Its very difficult to create a viable product like this from the ground up. I see why everyone just clones the commonly used ingredients.
Thats not my style though and Id rather not have a pre than have someone elses pre with my name on it.
It is looking strong currently though and we are just working on one last portion.
Youll be surprised when you see what we used, why we used them and how this is going to effect the way you look at pre workout products.
You guys will be much more demanding and not except the norm after this one ;)
Itll be worth the wait I promise.
Right on. What's the time frame on the anabolic? Before summer maybe?


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Right on. What's the time frame on the anabolic? Before summer maybe?
It could be as soon as late feb. It depends on a few things.
1. how easy the extraction process turns out to be.
2. how easy it is to obtain large quantities of the raw plant.
3. how early tests go. Follidrone 1 (epicatechin) we went to production about 2 weeks after the first test subject took the extract because it worked so well for the initial testers and was a single ingredient product. Atractylodes macro took months of testing to get the dose right. High doses crushed estrogen and low doses were not super effective so we had to test and re test to find a happy medium @ about 1000mg daily. FD2 was also a long trial period. Longest yet. Months and months of testing each ingredient solo. Then with dozens of different absorption packages. Then with 1,2,3 of the ingredients together etc etc. Its a tiresome process but the end result is so elegant its worth the work on my end.

So...time frame, Id say feb to apr. If all goes well feb. If there are hiccups apr.

I can tell you this. Thus far I havnt see any other single chemical that looked this promising. If we can get enough of it in the extract and people can tolerate the dose of the extract we will have something exceptionally special.


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I have no doubt that both will be more than worth whatever wait is to come.


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I have no doubt that both will be more than worth whatever wait is to come.
Completely agree. BLR products are the best of the best. I am also tired of seeing the same ingredients in PWOs used over and over in every new realease from most other supplement companies. They are basically just a rotation of the same ingredients reconfigured in different proportions from company to company.

Can't wait to see the new anabolic and PWO from BLR!


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Its interesting. When I first started researching for the Pre (about 2 years ago) I realized a few disturbing things.
1. There had been basically 0 innovation in a long time. sometimes we get a new stim but thats pretty much it.
2. 99% of all pre workout products have 50-80% the exact same ingredients.
3. 99% have ingredients that have negative interactions or conflicts of action. This means the majority of the functions the ingredients are meant to offer fail for the most part. So your basically getting flavored caffeine or whatever stim they put in the product.
For about 40$
The reason they get away with this is =
Marketing influences purchase
The vast majority or supp buyers dont fully or even partially understand the label and ingredients.
Everyone believes a pre workout product will benefit their workout so they take one but they dont have really any good choices so they take the most popular ones and hope for the best.

This is really disappointing. You guys deserve better than that. The problem is this....it takes either tens to hundreds of thousands in dollars+ to R&D a new innovative path. Or 2+ years (and lots of funding) of someone like me working like a fiend to try to offer a viable solution.
No company wants to do this when they can just slap a label on whatever garbage the manufacturer offers them.
Just so you guys are aware alot of "formulation" is done by manufacturers (not the brand itself) which is another reason everything looks the same and there is so little innovation.

I can tell you for certain that my pre wont look like anyone elses.
Wont function like anyone elses.
Will be the best on the market. Period. I cant promise you its gonna taste like candy coated unicorn balls like most but its gonna work like no other.


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Lol@candy coated unicorn balls!

I'm so tired of the focus on flavor. It's been getting ridiculous. Much rather have something that works than tastes good. Sh!t, I'd rather have something that tasted like hobos having sex than have more artificial garbage flavor and color added. I put enough chemicals in my body - I prefer them to be functional.


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All pre's are the same out there.


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i do agree with this- the only change is the company brand. its a shame because some coming out with new stuff are just rushing to throw in cit and ag- great just what we need- how about a little innovation?

there are some of us that dont use stims in pwo's and hearing "it has to have a stim in order for it to work or for it to sell" is fycking bullsh1t. sorry but im tired of hearing that. imo that means your either lazy and dont want to research new products or you dont want to spend any money on furthering your brand.

do you all realize just how many pwo's are on the market right now? its insane and most of us dont need more than 1/2 the shyt in the product listing to begin with.


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i do agree with this- the only change is the company brand. its a shame because some coming out with new stuff are just rushing to throw in cit and ag- great just what we need- how about a little innovation?

there are some of us that dont use stims in pwo's and hearing "it has to have a stim in order for it to work or for it to sell" is fycking bullsh1t. sorry but im tired of hearing that. imo that means your either lazy and dont want to research new products or you dont want to spend any money on furthering your brand.

do you all realize just how many pwo's are on the market right now? its insane and most of us dont need more than 1/2 the shyt in the product listing to begin with.

Exactly. If your pre isnt good without the stims it isnt good imo. Otherwise why not just take bulk caffeine or amp etc. They are all available in bulk for fn cheap. Also the formulation of these products is so misguided.

The original high sales pres were based around stimulants. The companies would then add in creatine, citrulline, and eventually we started seeing beta alanine etc. But for the most part this was it. A stim + arg/cit+ beta a and assorted (often needless or non functioning) additions to round it out.
No real rhyme or reason except its what other companies used and those products sell well. (this is of course the primary formulation technique in the supp industry) Read someone elses label, add 1-2 other ingredients so it doesnt look exactly the same (some are so fn lazy they just use the exact same formula down to the fillers) and then release with a bunch of marketing claiming "innovation" "new" "best ever" etc etc etc. Its a joke.

Its not doing you guys any service either.
The supp industry like most giant industries is a money hole. Its designed to get you to spend your hard earned dollars. Ive told this story a hundred times-
When I started building muscle and really getting into bodybuilding I bought every supp on the market that claimed I would build 10 lbs in a week and burn fat and add 2 in to my arms etc etc. Of course 99.99999999% of this is marketing bs and I was sorely disappointed. It left me with a sour taste in my mouth. I started making my own supplements and well this of course turned into BLR. Everyone I knew wanted some and the word spread like wildfire. Anyway I made a promise to myself that I would NEVER sell any product that I didnt 100% believe every claim we made.
I would never sell a product that didnt work.
I would never sell a product that I would not be personally happy paying the price for and I stick with these promises. I stand by these promises.

its not at all about money for me. If it was Id make the cheapest clone products available and spend all my money on marketing.
I do the exact opposite. I make products that often cost me triple what most products cost to make sometimes even more. FD2 costs me 3x what Formeron used to cost and its the same retail price. I make products that make me very little return and then I spend most of the money I make on R&D.

The return for me is knowing that my little brand IS innovative. I make legit products that work exceptionally well and my customers are happy.

The nootropic is another example.
We made a product that we were able to publicly show increased the IQ of our testers up to 25% along with a host of other benefits like memory, reaction times and social interaction.

Wait till you guys see the next products up on deck.
Even Im excited.


brundel - please give us an update. We are itching to but more BLR stuff....


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brundel - please give us an update. We are itching to but more BLR stuff....
Ok quick update.

1. Nootropic product is set to release within a week or so. We have all the raws here and its likely going to start running in a few days.
This is the product we ran the trial for here on the forums. 100% of the testers had a significant increase in IQ, memory and reaction times. One trial subject had a 27 point increase in IQ!!! Pretty crazy. Anyways this will be available shortly.

2. New anabolic. Some very interesting discoveries have been made just in the last 2 weeks. The product keeps evolving and I dont want to release it until Im 100% certain its a viable anabolic product. This means the majority of users see muscle growth not related to placebo. So far its very positive.
I have 7 ingredients currently on the ingredient panel. It will likely drop to 3-5 before launch but the ingredients are VERY solid.
Most if not all of the ingredients use pathways and or ingredients not used by anyone else. Period.
One thing about us is we dont follow the herd. I dont believe there is any honor in doing nothing but reading another brands label and copying it.

3. Pre workout. Currently we are very close with this one. Its a project I have been working on forever and I just cant release it unless its better than everything else and different from everything else. I can promise you this. The way you look at your pre workout products will change after this product is released and those who see why will begin to demand more from companies. Currently there is a sickness upon pre workout products. A total failure.
Ill give a detailed writeup about this then we release.

1. set for release in a week approx.
2. perhaps 60 days.
3. perhaps 90 days.


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good news on updates, how about updated version of incinderine?


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Excellent news brundel. Can't wait for this new anabolic


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jt75 thanks for the heads up on this thread. I didn't know about it.


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Will the new anabolic effect hunger like fd2.0 does?

Edit: I'm hoping it doesn't lol


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Ok quick update.

1. Nootropic product is set to release within a week or so. We have all the raws here and its likely going to start running in a few days.
This is the product we ran the trial for here on the forums. 100% of the testers had a significant increase in IQ, memory and reaction times. One trial subject had a 27 point increase in IQ!!! Pretty crazy. Anyways this will be available shortly.

2. New anabolic. Some very interesting discoveries have been made just in the last 2 weeks. The product keeps evolving and I dont want to release it until Im 100% certain its a viable anabolic product. This means the majority of users see muscle growth not related to placebo. So far its very positive.
I have 7 ingredients currently on the ingredient panel. It will likely drop to 3-5 before launch but the ingredients are VERY solid.
Most if not all of the ingredients use pathways and or ingredients not used by anyone else. Period.
One thing about us is we dont follow the herd. I dont believe there is any honor in doing nothing but reading another brands label and copying it.

3. Pre workout. Currently we are very close with this one. Its a project I have been working on forever and I just cant release it unless its better than everything else and different from everything else. I can promise you this. The way you look at your pre workout products will change after this product is released and those who see why will begin to demand more from companies. Currently there is a sickness upon pre workout products. A total failure.
Ill give a detailed writeup about this then we release.

1. set for release in a week approx.
2. perhaps 60 days.
3. perhaps 90 days.
What about the Gh product you were working on?


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good news on updates, how about updated version of incinderine?
This has been on the back burner. Partially because the fat burner market is so saturated.
EVERYONE has a fat burner these days and alot of them are just super cheap stims. This drives the prices down which makes it difficult to use extremely rare but highly effective ingredients.
Ill try to put it at the top of the list as spring is around the corner.


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Will the new anabolic effect hunger like fd2.0 does?

Edit: I'm hoping it doesn't lol
So far no reports of this but as we all saw with FD2 there can be unseen effects when 10000 people take something compared to 15 people.
For me Letrone is the one that really makes me hungry. Its viscous. Comparable to GHRPs for me personally. Like insta hypo.

This product Im going to run a blind trial. Generally speaking we give product to all testers and just see how they like it but in this case we are really pushing the boundaries of known anabolic/catabolic pathways. Frankly Im not sure how strong of an anabolic effect we can expect from stimulating some of these things so we need to test against a placebo. I can say that at least one of the pathways indicates a min of 15% muscle growth in studies.
So....if you have 100lbs of muscle a 15lbs straight lean muscle mass increase. Sort of scary. But...of course supplemental augmentation of these specific pathways has never been attempted so...who knows whats gonna happen lol. Maybe nothing, maybe something amazing. Ill keep you posted.


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Sort of scary. But...of course supplemental augmentation of these specific pathways has never been attempted so...who knows whats gonna happen lol. Maybe nothing, maybe something amazing. Ill keep you posted.
Is this how ManBearPig gets created? ??


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Any chance of a stim free version once it gets released?


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We're never gonna get the pre :'( lol
Oh itll come. It keeps evolving as I learn more about certain things. As I test ingredients that fail to live up to standards and...as I find more suitable replacements.
Over the last few months Ive figured out something that has eluded 100% of pre workout formulators thus far.
It might take a couple more months but its coming.

The pre is NOT designed around a stim.
Currently there is no stim in the product formula but I plan to add stims for sure.

Maybe Ill work it so there is an option to use stim or not.


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Def a stim and non stim version.


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Having a stim and non-stim version always makes everyone happy. Just be sure that there is a stim version for sure tho...haha!


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subbed for 15% total muscle gain
Keep in mind, like I said, maybe nothing will happen. Impossible to know without extensive testing.
Its exciting though. The potential is exceptional.
If we get even 30-50% of that.....5-7lbs lean muscle mass gain. This would be a huge success.


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Keep in mind, like I said, maybe nothing will happen. Impossible to know without extensive testing.
Its exciting though. The potential is exceptional.
If we get even 30-50% of that.....5-7lbs lean muscle mass gain. This would be a huge success.
Can't wait for this.


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BLR brundel always coming out with top and innovative products. Great job and good luck with the new products that will be coming out!


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In for info


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BLR brundel always coming out with top and innovative products. Great job and good luck with the new products that will be coming out!
He definitely sets the bar high


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Not sure if it got answered but we're you still working on a gh product?


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Not sure if it got answered but we're you still working on a gh product?
My thoughts too!!

I would love to see another good option for a natty GH booster that actually works.

As there is only 1 on the market (org1n) and maybe 2(HGenerate with cyclosome) but the second has almost 0 feedback since switching from the spray version. Which I think is due to lack of trust with hi-tech and its affiliates and even more so specifically with lgscience. Not to mention the scepticism with if hi-tech is actually using cyclosome, as they have provided ZERO proof and cyclosome is a b!tch and half to actually make.

Would be really cool if it could even be stacked with org1n. even if it's not stackable with org1n, I'm stocked about what brundel /BLR can come up with in this product. You know it will be unique for sure!


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From the reviews I've seen on origin I'm not convinced to grab a bottle.


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From the reviews I've seen on origin I'm not convinced to grab a bottle.
I ran it for 8 weeks with no effect, save your money!
BLR will come up with some awesome supplements this year. Cannot wait ?


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I ran it for 8 weeks with no effect, save your money!
BLR will come up with some awesome supplements this year. Cannot wait ��
My wife is about 8 weeks in and nothing also.


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Just gonna stay on FD2 until the new products come out,least I know my money isn't being wasted


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Not sure if it got answered but we're you still working on a gh product?
The GH product had to be canned.

1. Blood testing was spotty. Its impossible to pin down when the GH spike would happen. We had a couple of positives but a bunch of negatives.
This is, I think, because we just dont know exactly when to time the blood draw. At any rate I cant afford to release a product and have people run tests that come back negative. Even if I know that at some point it is working. So....As Ive said before, if I cant prove it works I wont release.

2. Legally it was borderline and I dont need any issues.

Wish had better news on this front but this is the nature of the beast.

not to worry. Lots of goodies coming.

We just added something new to the pre I think. This stuff is epic...I want so badly to talk about it.....Like chomping at the bit.


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Oh...feel free to talk about it...all ears!!

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