BDCC's PES AnaBeta-01 Log

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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The thing with AnaBeta-01, and this is becoming more apparent the longer I run it, is that it truly is an Anabolic. I mean I look so freaking full, and wider in the shoulders it's crazy an all natural supplement can do this. There is a definitive and marked increase in LBM.
Perfect stacked with Erase :yup:



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The thing with AnaBeta-01, and this is becoming more apparent the longer I run it, is that it truly is an Anabolic. I mean I look so freaking full, and wider in the shoulders it's crazy an all natural supplement can do this. There is a definitive and marked increase in LBM.
I started on Erase once I finished this and my weight has started averaging around 86kg, despite losing visible water weight after the first two days.

Despite being heavier, there is a visible drop in vascularity muscle hardness which is making me feel smaller, despite the fact my measurements have not dropped at all.

I have never been someone who has noticed pumps from carb loading or any significant differences from supplements in terms of vascularity out of the gym. I didn't realise how pronounced it was on this until I finished.

I have taken numerous glucose disposal agents, creatine products, NO products etc and nothing has been as noticeable as this. I am very keen to get another bottle on board as soon as it is released but am going to experiment with the dosing to try and avoid such severe food cravings. It didn't matter that I ate more as I was visibly leaner afterwards, it was just very strange feeling completely empty an hour after eating. I couldn't leave the house for more than an hour without knowing what I was going to eat or taking snacks with me.


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My first post, possibly a little late - apologies if i am bumping this thread unnecessarily.

I can vouch 100% for Ben Carpenter as a natural athlete, highly dedicated trainer/trainee and also as the most intelligent and advanced personal trainer i have worked with. I have learnt a lot from Ben over the years and he stands head and shoulders above his peers. For those of you reading this thread you have had not only a fantastically detailed blog on a new supplement, but i think even more of value; some fantastic and well structured workouts and lots of useful detailed training narrative. A perfect advertisement for Poliquin's methods if ever there was one.

Well done Ben, thanks. I think i'll have a look into this supplement!
Looking awesome in the pics!


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What a lovely and humbling post James. It is great to have you here with such a positive attitude towards training and learning.

For anyone interested he has just finished a brutal fast of a diet plan with great results.


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Lol awesome 2 year bump

I actually read this whole log and felt like I just traveled through time and watched Ben's journey unfold.
Haha! I hope you enjoyed the journey. I am thinking about an autobiography. ;)


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Lmao please write one. I can see it now!

"Ben Carpenter: From Beta Tester to Anabeta Lover"

"This ravishing tale takes us from the start of a young lads journey as a beta tester for a product that little did he know would soon become a game changer in the supplement industry. We fallow him along his journey through trials and tribulations as he becomes one of the most influential power players in the supplement industry. Power, passion, greed, love, lust, Erase, money, and sex."

I would buy 12 copies, ask you to sign each one, read and memorize each word so I can try out for the role of Ben Carpenter in the motion picture

"Ben Carpenter: The Man, The Myth, The Legend"
Is that a man crush??


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I couldn't stop laughing as I read that.

Mainly because it made me out to be some kind of Lothario playboy figure.

Chapter 2, the reason behind my Justin Bieber fringe.

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