Arimatest instead of Nolva or Clomid?



New member
Howdy all! New to this forum, but not lifting. I could use some insight.
I'm 43 and have been lifting for years. Problem is, I'm 43 and have been lifting for years, which means I'm stuck. I can't break a plateau to save my nuts (no pun intended). I've tried some test boosters with some success, thinking at my age it couldn't hurt. Arimatest works pretty good (doesn't actualy produce test, but works and it's also a decent AI.)

So, here's my question...
To try to kick start things I'm going to run a cycle of Epistane. I'm not in a hurry to bulk or anything so I'm just going to pulse it. Again, I just want to give the plateau a kick in the pants. I've got a pretty decent support plan with Liver Protection and Cycle Support - there's just plain a lot of good, beneficial stuff in that. I've been hitting the Liver Pro and Armimatest pre cycle as a precaution and that brings me to this...

I'm not intrested in Nolva if I can help it. Since I'm pulsing, how does the idea of using Arimiatest along with Hexagen (for IFG-1) as a part of a simple PCT following the pulse cylce along with Cycle Support and Liver Pro? Arimatest is a pretty good test booster and AI. I don't really want to get into the whole Nolva thing if I can help it. Does this sound alike a decent plan or is it lacking?


  • Established
id get something else to be honest some 6oxo and Stoked! would be good, the 6oxo will block aromatase but not damage e2 levels as well asincrease testosterone. and the Stoked will help bind to the receptors and increase test aswell

plus the stoked has great health benifits... win win situation right there
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