Anyone else have a hard time finding slacks that fit right?



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This weekend I went out to about 5 different stores to buy slacks and not one had my size. Very frustrating experience. First of all, only two carried slacks with waist size under 30 (i'm a 29) and of those, not one had a 29 length, all again above 30. I know i'm short (5'8") but damn man, I know there's other guys my height. And forget fitted slacks because my darn legs don't fit in them without feeling like I put a tourniquet on.

So my solution was to buy the 29" waist regular slacks which cost me another $35 to taper and hem them, not to mention the 5 days I had to wait to wear them.

Anyone else with this problem? What do you guys do?


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Depending on where you live, a store called "Old Navy" carries pants with a "built in flex" feature in different fits. like skinny, athletic, regular, boot-cut, baggy. They are my go to for the swole problems, of a small waist and big legs, also they feel like you are wearing sweats.


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I rarely shop in stores. Jeans from Mott and bow, pants from bonobos. Generally, the online stores have a better selection of fits and sizes. Shirts can be tricky. Made to measure is rally the way to go. Proper cloth is a good site, a lot cheaper than having stuff tailored though there is a wait time.

Really noticed this ahead of having alterations done to some suits this past summer. Depending on your build, and I’m built more like a swimmer than a bodybuilder, you may be better off just getting some stuff made to measure. Unless you’re buying on a great sale, once you add the alterations on you’re gonna pay just as much.


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Had the same issue a few months
Back, went into a Levi’s and tried every size and style going and nothing fit or suited me.

I’ve actually found Hollister do a jean called epic flex and they fit great, also I don’t know if you have Zara’s in the US but they do a comfort skinny and that’s good too very similar
To the Hollister actually

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