Any supplements (that you could find at GNC) work similar to steroids ?


New member
Title. Obviously, I highly doubt any would match AAS, but I wanted some answers.

I've heard creatine works well for mass gains. I'm not sure about test boosters or HGH boosters.

Also, what do you think about the Crazy Bulk/Flexx Labs "legal steroids"

I'm 24, 5'4 and 120 ish lbs if it matters. Obviously I haven't built s solid base of muscle yet, so I'm not ready to use the real AAS, but if there's stuff that you know for sure will give me a boost then I'm all for that.

I've been training and eating for six months now, consistently.



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Time and food brother, put the money you would be spending at gnc in a savings account and in 5-6 years you'll have an aas account , not trying to be rude in anyway but plain and simple time and food is the only thing you need right now. Maybe some protein to get more calories and a preworkout for an extra edge or some staples but even on those do research before going to gnc and spending some unnecessary amount on some creatine


New member
Time and food brother, put the money you would be spending at gnc in a savings account and in 5-6 years you'll have an aas account , not trying to be rude in anyway but plain and simple time and food is the only thing you need right now. Maybe some protein to get more calories and a preworkout for an extra edge or some staples but even on those do research before going to gnc and spending some unnecessary amount on some creatine
Hmm well I'm skinny fat, DEXA gave me 17%. So I'm afraid to bulk but I don't want to cut because I don't want to weigh 110 lbs.

It's like I never got any noob gains, basically went from 100 lbs @ 7-8 body fat to 122 @ 17%, even though my lifts all doubled.


  • Established'll make WAY better gains at the grocery store.....think about THIS: if there was OTC products at gnc that worked like aas,ds, or legit ph, then EVERYONE would take them and looked jacked af. I just don't want you to waste your time and money on scam products at gnc


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Trust me everyone called me skinny fat all day, I started out 160 with 36 in stomach and 11 inch arms I ate till I couldn't eat no more and then ate some more spent all my time researching and trying out new things failed a bunch of times but around 4 years later I'm now 200 with 34 in gut and 16.5 in arms I've gotten up to 220 strong as hell but fat as f*ck and down to 180 looking lean and still strong . My stats are nothing crazy I know but the point is it takes time. I spent the beginning 2 years looking for that magic pill never found it now I spend almost all day tryna learn more and more about different ways to train and eat and how to use supps to aid my progress but the most important thing is learning what training and dieting methods work for you , at our age we have years and years to get to where we want, you got plenty of time for trial and error , try this clean foods and hit macros 200p 180-200c and 60f that's 1960 calories start from there with a specific training program and keep track of weight gain at first it should be fast but try to keep it steady and look at the mirror if you feel you're adding more chunk then muscle try playing with the carbs first and throw up a training log on here if you'd like there's a lot of people with useful advise who will chime in if they see opportunities to help


New member
0'll make WAY better gains at the grocery store.....think about THIS: if there was OTC products at gnc that worked like aas,ds, or legit ph, then EVERYONE would take them and looked jacked af. I just don't want you to waste your time and money on scam products at gnc
Thanks for the tip.

Is it realistic to try to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time ?


New member
Trust me everyone called me skinny fat all day, I started out 160 with 36 in stomach and 11 inch arms I ate till I couldn't eat no more and then ate some more spent all my time researching and trying out new things failed a bunch of times but around 4 years later I'm now 200 with 34 in gut and 16.5 in arms I've gotten up to 220 strong as hell but fat as f*ck and down to 180 looking lean and still strong . My stats are nothing crazy I know but the point is it takes time. I spent the beginning 2 years looking for that magic pill never found it now I spend almost all day tryna learn more and more about different ways to train and eat and how to use supps to aid my progress but the most important thing is learning what training and dieting methods work for you , at our age we have years and years to get to where we want, you got plenty of time for trial and error , try this clean foods and hit macros 200p 180-200c and 60f that's 1960 calories start from there with a specific training program and keep track of weight gain at first it should be fast but try to keep it steady and look at the mirror if you feel you're adding more chunk then muscle try playing with the carbs first and throw up a training log on here if you'd like there's a lot of people with useful advise who will chime in if they see opportunities to help
Hmm well I guess I have it better than you, much better with a 27 waist and 12 arms. Although I'm only 5.4 so a 27 waist is like a 30 on other (taller) people.


New member
Thanks for the tip.

Is it realistic to try to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time ?
It's extremely realistic if your diet at the moment isn't what it needs to be and then you correct it. I went from a skinny fat 135 with no sign of abs, to 160 with a decent 6 pack coming in (so I was obviously gaining mass while losing fat) all in 6 months just by eating 200g of protein a day, around 300g of clean carbs, and healthy fats. I grew up thinking that just working out was enough and never put anything into diet, but after that I preach diet to everyone. Trust me and these guys when we say perfect your diet and give it time.


Well-known member
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Thanks for the tip.

Is it realistic to try to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time ?
At 24 you should have good T levels. T boosters generally work better the more your T is away from baseline. So if you're suppressed, they will work to restore you natural level, but the closer you get to baseline, the less effective they are.
Creatine is a supplement I recommend. Good for natty workouts, on cycle, on weekdays, no weekends, at the office, at the beach, at the movie theatre ... it's that good!

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