Alpha Gel by XPG - Natural Testosterone & Libido Support Gel - Available Now



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Natural Testosterone & Libido Support
Lean Muscle & Performance Gel

XPG Alpha Gel.png

Alpha Gel contains ingredients that are commonly used to support an increase in natural testosterone levels and a reducing/balancing effect on estrogen levels in order to support lean muscle, strength, improved performance, libido, vitality, positive mood, improved sense of well-being, and more.

Tongkat Ali (200:1 Extract; std. to min 2% Eurycomanone)

Alpha Gel Highlights/Supports:
  • Natural Testosterone Levels
  • Optimal Testosterone to Estrogen Ratio
  • Lean Muscle & Strength
  • Libido, Vitality, Stamina, & Performance
  • Positive Mood & Improved Sense of Well-Being
An Important Note About Estrogen & Optimal Testosterone to Estrogen Ratios:
Maintaining normal estrogen levels and an optimal testosterone to estrogen ratio is important for maintaining libido, positive sense of well-being, muscular recovery, and healthy testicular function.

It is not desirable to overly suppress estrogen levels. The symptoms of low estrogen levels are actually very similar to the symptoms of low testosterone levels – fatigue, tiredness, irritability, mood swings, loss of libido, and more.

The natural anti-estrogens in Alpha Gel support the gentle balancing of estrogen levels without overly suppressing them.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

Can Alpha Gel be Used by Men that Don’t Work Out?
Absolutely. Alpha Gel can be used by men whether they workout or not, in order to help support improved libido and improved natural testosterone levels, as well as an optimal testosterone to estrogen ratio.

Can Alpha Gel be Used as Part of a Natural Testosterone Boosting Regimen?
Absolutely. Alpha Gel can be used as part of a natural testosterone boosting regimen in order to help support improved natural testosterone levels, enhanced libido, and an optimal testosterone to estrogen ratio.

Can Alpha Gel be Used On Cycle?
Yes, Alpha Gel can be used on cycle to help support improved libido and improved natural testosterone levels, as well as an optimal testosterone to estrogen ratio.

Can Alpha Gel be Used During Post Cycle Therapy (PCT)?
Yes, Alpha Gel can be used as part of post cycle therapy to help support improved libido and improved natural testosterone levels, as well as an optimal testosterone to estrogen ratio.

Examining the Ingredients:

Trans-Resveratrol, also known as Resveratrol, is a potent antioxidant that is most commonly known for its cardiovascular, anti-aging, and longevity benefits. In addition, Trans-Resveratrol also has potential testosterone boosting and estrogen ‘blocking’ properties because of its unique chemical structure which allows it to bind to the estrogen receptor and support a reduction in estrogenic activity. These estrogen modulating effects of resveratrol can support an increase in natural testosterone levels.

Trans-Resveratrol also supports cardiovascular health and healthy blood flow, a great potential benefit for any male interested in improving his sexual health.

7,8 Benzoflavone:
7,8-Benzoflavone is commonly used for its natural aromatase inhibiting properties. Many users also report it to have a calming and mood uplifting effect and to have natural aphrodisiac and libido boosting properties.

Tongkat Ali:
Alpha-Gel contains the specialized Bionutricia® Tongkat Extract. This 200:1 extract is standardized to a minimum 2% Eurycomanone content.

What is Eurycomanone?
Eurycomanone is the active compound found in the roots of Tongkat Ali/Eurycoma Longifolia that has been shown to increase the amount of total testosterone and free testosterone available in the bloodstream. At higher concentrations, Eurycomanone may also act as a phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitor and support improved erection quality.

Eurycomanone content ranges for high-quality extracts start at .5% with the upper attainable limits being around 2.7%. Bionutricia® Tongkat Ali contains a minimum of 2% Eurycomanone and as high as 3% Eurycomanone and each batch of raw materials is tested by the Forest Research Institute of Malaysia.

Simply put – Eurycomanone is what makes Tongkat Ali work for testosterone, libido, & erection quality support.

What makes Bionutricia® Tongkat Ali Extract so Special?
Bionutricia® Tongkat Ali extract contains a minimum of 2% Eurycomanone and as high as 3% Eurycomanone and each batch of raw materials is tested by the Forest Research Institute of Malaysia (FRIM) to ensure the levels of several key active ingredients, primarily the Eurycomanone of the extract.

At these strengths, standardized Tongkat Ali can be used as a natural testosterone booster and libido enhancer with high dosages also being used as a PDE5 inhibitor to support improved erection quality.

In addition to its high Eurycomanone percentage, Bionutricia® Tongkat Ali extract also contains 30 – 38% Glycosaponins, 28 – 32% Polysaccharides, and 18 – 24% Protein – a truly fully disclosed extract.

Also, Bionutricia® Tongkat Ali extract is extracted using ultrasonic hot water extraction to obtain the water-soluble active ingredients (Eurycomanone, polysaccharides, protein, Glycosaponins) and doesn’t use any harsh solvents or chemicals that some brands use in order to try to achieve higher extract ratios while cutting costs.

Amentoflavone is a popular ingredient that has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and is commonly used to help enhance muscle pumps and vascularity, aid in fat loss during dieting, increase muscular strength and endurance, and improve erection quality.


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Alpha Gel is now available to retailers and is already in transit to both DPS and Flexit Nutrition, and other retailers should be ordering soon.

And the best part is that you can expect to see it available for an incredible price of around 39.99 per bottle.


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wow i wanted trans-resv & 7,8-benzo .. other 2 are great addition

can't wait to give this a run.


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Definitely want to try this but looks like dps is already out of stock :/.


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Definitely want to try this but looks like dps is already out of stock :/.
no thats just a place holder listing i believe .. its being shipped to retailers


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Definitely want to try this but looks like dps is already out of stock :/.
It's in transit to them and should arrive tomorrow. I'll email them and see if I can get them to turn the listing on live to buy.


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It's in transit to them and should arrive tomorrow. I'll email them and see if I can get them to turn the listing on live to buy.
Let me know I need to order a couple things and will throw this in! I take it is a one month supply?


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Let me know I need to order a couple things and will throw this in! I take it is a one month supply?
Great question.

The suggested dosage is:

Apply 1 to 2 pumps (1 to 2 ml) to the skin twice daily, preferably spaced out 8 to 12 hours apart.

So, at 4ml per day it would be a 25 day supply and at 2 ml per day it would be a 50 day supply


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Great question.

The suggested dosage is:

Apply 1 to 2 pumps (1 to 2 ml) to the skin twice daily, preferably spaced out 8 to 12 hours apart.

So, at 4ml per day it would be a 25 day supply and at 2 ml per day it would be a 50 day supply
Is it weight dependent? I am about 140 lbs 5’ 4”.


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Great news! I assume the recommended application sites are the usual suspects (clavicles, tops of feet, rib cage, inner arms). Are there advantages/disadvantages to scrotal application (will the carrier set the boys aflame)?


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Is it weight dependent? I am about 140 lbs 5’ 4”.
i would say start at 1ml and increase to 2ml on 2nd week .. i think you will enjoy it.


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Haha yeah it looks good.
hey sorry bro if i came at in a wrong way and didnt meant it directed to 140lbs would only need 1-2.

i apologize if i sounded negative def didnt meant it that way .. i just always like to start low dose and then ramp it up.

Trans-Rev & Amento are quite healthy for you and provides great out of gym-daily benefits.


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hey sorry bro if i came at in a wrong way and didnt meant it directed to 140lbs would only need 1-2.

i apologize if i sounded negative def didnt meant it that way .. i just always like to start low dose and then ramp it up.

Trans-Rev & Amento are quite healthy for you and provides great out of gym-daily benefits.
Never took it like that. I know even natural products can be dose dependent on weight. Appreciate the apology but absolutely no need.


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Here is an image of the bottle directions.

XPG-Alha Gel-R.png


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Is it weight dependent? I am about 140 lbs 5’ 4”.
I would start off with 1 ml twice per day and see how you like it, and then possibly go up from there.

A lot of times things like this aren't so much weight dependent as they are just individual response dependent.

Please let me know how you like it.


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Haha did you contact dps?
I sent them an email but hadn't heard back yet. Worst case is they will make it live when they receive it tomorrow.

If you're ordering anything from us during the Memorial Day sale, pm me and I can get it included with that. The XPG website isn't finished yet, but I have Alpha Gel here and can work out a way for you to pay and get it included. But if you prefer to order from DPS, they should have it available for sale no later than tomorrow.


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Great news! I assume the recommended application sites are the usual suspects (clavicles, tops of feet, rib cage, inner arms). Are there advantages/disadvantages to scrotal application (will the carrier set the boys aflame)?
Yes, the same as the usual spots.

That's one of those things that technically we can't suggest doing (applying it to scrotum), but I feel like a lot of people will try using it that way. The only drawback I can think of would be if it were to dry out or irritate your skin down there. For most people, that wouldn't be an issue, but for people with sensitive skin it may be - probably not from doing it occasionally but maybe if they do it everyday.


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I sent them an email but hadn't heard back yet. Worst case is they will make it live when they receive it tomorrow.

If you're ordering anything from us during the Memorial Day sale, pm me and I can get it included with that. The XPG website isn't finished yet, but I have Alpha Gel here and can work out a way for you to pay and get it included. But if you prefer to order from DPS, they should have it available for sale no later than tomorrow.

So if I order some products from you for Memorial Day I can also order the gel as well?


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So if I order some products from you for Memorial Day I can also order the gel as well?
I can do that. If you have Cashapp or Zelle, pm me and we can do it that way. If you don't, just order an X-Gels from the website because 49.99 with 20% off code will be 39.99 and make sure to include in the order notes to put an Alpha Gel instead of X-Gels and then send me the order # so I can make sure it gets swapped out.


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I sent them an email but hadn't heard back yet. Worst case is they will make it live when they receive it tomorrow.

If you're ordering anything from us during the Memorial Day sale, pm me and I can get it included with that. The XPG website isn't finished yet, but I have Alpha Gel here and can work out a way for you to pay and get it included. But if you prefer to order from DPS, they should have it available for sale no later than tomorrow.
Thanks bud! I will have to see as some stuff is dps specific (vitamins, minerals, etc). I will definitely let you know if I want to do that so thanks for offering.


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Flex it has put it up in stock

Spend over $200 and you save 25% currently sale ends tommorow midnight


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Alpha Gel is now available to retailers and is already in transit to both DPS and Flexit Nutrition, and other retailers should be ordering soon.

And the best part is that you can expect to see it available for an incredible price of around 39.99 per bottle.
Man this looks excellent!! Glad you did the release for us here Steve!!


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I think this is the 1st Lonjack transdermal product I have seen. Interesting


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DPS just listed in stock



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This your brand Steve? 😯
I'm very involved with it and handle raw material sourcing and am part of their science/research and development side.

There's more to XPG than just myself, as there is a really good group of very intelligent people behind the scenes that help with formulation, research and development, and the science behind the exact carrier specifics.

When XPG first started, they started with 2 products - Suppress-C, which was originally my product I introduced under CEL many years ago and then Ab-Solved, which was originally an Avant Labs product many years ago. They licensed Suppress-C from me and Ab-Solved from Avant, and have grown from there.

There are a lot of cool things that I really like about XPG, especially the commitment to raw material quality testing and that all XPG products utilize the Avant Labs carriers, which a lot of people, especially those that remember Avant Labs, consider to be the gold standard of carriers.


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I'm very involved with it and handle raw material sourcing and am part of their science/research and development side.

There's more to XPG than just myself, as there is a really good group of very intelligent people behind the scenes that help with formulation, research and development, and the science behind the exact carrier specifics.

When XPG first started, they started with 2 products - Suppress-C, which was originally my product I introduced under CEL many years ago and then Ab-Solved, which was originally an Avant Labs product many years ago. They licensed Suppress-C from me and Ab-Solved from Avant, and have grown from there.

There are a lot of cool things that I really like about XPG, especially the commitment to raw material quality testing and that all XPG products utilize the Avant Labs carriers, which a lot of people, especially those that remember Avant Labs, consider to be the gold standard of carriers.
how do you feel this product compares to oral Longjac? Was really in process of picking up TestFix just for a little boost for 2 months. But with the release of this I am considering getting AlphaGel and adding Fadogia XT for 2 months.


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how do you feel this product compares to oral Longjac? Was really in process of picking up TestFix just for a little boost for 2 months. But with the release of this I am considering getting AlphaGel and adding Fadogia XT for 2 months.
I think that its just a matter of preference for Tongkat Ali. It doesn't need to be taken topically, but its a nice addition to the other ingredients in this formula imo.

I think that it would make a nice stack with Test Fix personally. If so, I would start off with only 2 pumps of Alpha Gel per day.


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I think that its just a matter of preference for Tongkat Ali. It doesn't need to be taken topically, but its a nice addition to the other ingredients in this formula imo.

I think that it would make a nice stack with Test Fix personally. If so, I would start off with only 2 pumps of Alpha Gel per day.
I plan to stack it with m test 💪


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Great news! I assume the recommended application sites are the usual suspects (clavicles, tops of feet, rib cage, inner arms). Are there advantages/disadvantages to scrotal application (will the carrier set the boys aflame)?
Nothing quite like that ball burn. Been there and done that! It was with a epiandro/androsterone gel. Never again.


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Better get over to flexit with that 25% off over 200 and free shipping. my entire order was SNS and CEL. ha!


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This looks like a truly amazing product. Definitely something I would hop on if I wasn’t newly committed to gear, and/or had money. ;)


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I'm very involved with it and handle raw material sourcing and am part of their science/research and development side.

There's more to XPG than just myself, as there is a really good group of very intelligent people behind the scenes that help with formulation, research and development, and the science behind the exact carrier specifics.

When XPG first started, they started with 2 products - Suppress-C, which was originally my product I introduced under CEL many years ago and then Ab-Solved, which was originally an Avant Labs product many years ago. They licensed Suppress-C from me and Ab-Solved from Avant, and have grown from there.

There are a lot of cool things that I really like about XPG, especially the commitment to raw material quality testing and that all XPG products utilize the Avant Labs carriers, which a lot of people, especially those that remember Avant Labs, consider to be the gold standard of carriers.
Sounds cool man.
It’s unfortunate that there aren’t retailers(to my knowledge) carrying your stuff or much of any stuff from brands around here in Australia. I used to regularly purchase from Caveman but looks like he’s got into some issues recently and doesn’t carry much of anything anymore.


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If I wasn’t planning to run Ursagel next month I’d pick this up to add, so maybe in a couple months I will.

Super intrigued with the Amentoflavone in a topical. I love the SNS capsules, but I wonder how topical use would compare.

This stuff looks like feel good gel. 😁


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If I wasn’t planning to run Ursagel next month I’d pick this up to add, so maybe in a couple months I will.

Super intrigued with the Amentoflavone in a topical. I love the SNS capsules, but I wonder how topical use would compare.

This stuff looks like feel good gel. 😁
Agree about Amento.
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