Advice and Info would be appreciated


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I am 6ft one inch tall and weigh 155 I am wondering what a good supplement or steroid (with not to crazy side affects) would be to put on 15 or so pounds. I run a lot and my main problem is that I am not a big eater and cant seem to consume the excess amount of calories needed to gain weight. I have been reading about some steroids that increase apatite as well as muscle growth. I would be interested in something like that as long as it wouldn't shrink my balls or kill my sex drive. There is so much info online i would appreciate the advice from people who have been there done that.
Thanks a lot


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Well the only people that have been there and done that (pertaining to jumping into steroids when they aren't even eating right) are currently too busy trying to find their balls somewhere in the abdomen from ignorant use to post. Ok thats a bit dramatic but you catch my drift.

Your post is an oxymoron. You don't jump into steroids without the foundations of true nutrition and training.

Really you answered your own questions dude. You said you don't eat enough to grow. Without an above maintenance caloric intake you won't grow. You say you run but do you currently do any form of resistance training?

Your goal of muscle gain and size is very obtainable without the help of steroids. Step 1 (assuming you are currently partaking in resistance training) is to man up and get the necessary amount of calories in per day. After that you can look into supplemental aid. Check out the nutritional forums and you will find a vast amount of nutritional info to help you get started on the right foot.


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No steriod is going to put on weight without food, look into a weight gainer or start eating some more calorie dense foods such as whole milk, peanut butter, Olive Oil, etc. Train hard and get your calories in, the weight will come on. While you are doing that, take the time to research the different compounds available and weigh out the pro's and con's of each. Get down your ideas for a cycle with a proper post cycle and the guys on this board will be more than happy to help you perfect it.


  • RockStar
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Ecto's shouldn't do a lot of cardio it they want to gain weight either.

And your considering supplementation or steroids without proper diet and training is really dumb. I concur with the previous post 100%


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Ecto's shouldn't do a lot of cardio it they want to gain weight either.

And your considering supplementation or steroids without proper diet and training is really dumb. I concur with the previous post 100%



New member
I appreciate your criticism but I have been lifting for about three years and have never managed to break above a solid 160 although I would fluctuate 3-4lbs depending on how much water weight I was carrying. I run because I am a Marine and all around fitness is a part of the job description although lately I have been running more because I have a physical fitness test coming up. The family genes I ended up with are extremely lean I can do 20 dead hang pull ups but can never gain serious mass. I am looking into supplements because at some point I am going to need the extra size. Any supplement regiment I start I would include a more in depth nutrition plan but I have metabolism that is stuck in high gear. I eat a decent amount and am just assuming lack of calories is the problem I have tried a ton of different proteins and would drink one after my workout and one before I went to bed on top of my regular eating and it didnt do a damn thing. I know I am a newb but I have to get info from somewhere.


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You may want to look into Anabolic Pump by USPLabs. It is a nutrient partitioner and trust me it will make you hungry. Pretty much you take the pill than 15 minutes later eat at least 50g of complex carbs like oatmeal with some protein. You do this three times a day and each time you are pushing extra nutrients into your muscle cells. One you get use to it you can add in creatine and stuff like that to make the effects more drastic.


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I appreciate your criticism but I have been lifting for about three years and have never managed to break above a solid 160 although I would fluctuate 3-4lbs depending on how much water weight I was carrying. I run because I am a Marine and all around fitness is a part of the job description although lately I have been running more because I have a physical fitness test coming up. The family genes I ended up with are extremely lean I can do 20 dead hang pull ups but can never gain serious mass. I am looking into supplements because at some point I am going to need the extra size. Any supplement regiment I start I would include a more in depth nutrition plan but I have metabolism that is stuck in high gear. I eat a decent amount and am just assuming lack of calories is the problem I have tried a ton of different proteins and would drink one after my workout and one before I went to bed on top of my regular eating and it didnt do a damn thing. I know I am a newb but I have to get info from somewhere.
I see where your coming from bro, but you really got to understand that supplements (I am excluding steroids completely ~ now referencing natural supplements) work in unison (and there success is based on) a proper diet. You may think by adding in a couple of protein shakes here and there makes it high enough but unless you know how many calories your burning (which between your running and metabolism will be very high) so that you can add onto it.

If you are really struggling for gains heres what I suggest you do.

1) Solidify a nutritional plan that meets the above mentioned requirements (enough calories to make sure your over your maintenance when all is said and done).

2) Keep training hard

3) Look into a solidy creatine product to give a jump off point (suggest Ragnarok or Green Magnitude for an all in one formula).

4) Eat some more.

I run a lot myself and am extremely active outside of just resistance/typical gym training and have no problem putting on LBM. Attention to your diet will pay dividends.


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I appreciate your criticism but I have been lifting for about three years and have never managed to break above a solid 160 although I would fluctuate 3-4lbs depending on how much water weight I was carrying. I run because I am a Marine and all around fitness is a part of the job description although lately I have been running more because I have a physical fitness test coming up. The family genes I ended up with are extremely lean I can do 20 dead hang pull ups but can never gain serious mass. I am looking into supplements because at some point I am going to need the extra size. Any supplement regiment I start I would include a more in depth nutrition plan but I have metabolism that is stuck in high gear. I eat a decent amount and am just assuming lack of calories is the problem I have tried a ton of different proteins and would drink one after my workout and one before I went to bed on top of my regular eating and it didnt do a damn thing. I know I am a newb but I have to get info from somewhere.

number 1 there is no such thing as gear without ball shrinkage or any sides. sorry to kick you out of lala land but that doesnt happen.

number 2 your not growing cause you run to much and your not eating like you said yourself.

number 3 your going to hurt yourself. steroids are physically and mentally addictive drugs in the respects that while on your vascularity, strength, endurance and weight shoots up. When coming off vascularity is lost, strenth starts to fall, weight,mass,endurance all of it seems to take a slight fall to a dramatic fall depending on how your diet is.

So with that said if your diet is not in place and your ready to take steroids (so you think) then prepare for a HUGE roller coaster ride to the road to a flucked up health bro. go on, gain 7 measly pounds on stuff most people on this board can do 12-15 pounds off, then lose it all due to poor diet. What do you think your going to do stay on 24/7 to make up for the **** like diet?

No dont work that way. if you want to grow, man up stop complaining about you not growing and EAT. Im 18 almost 19, never touched anything hormonal and I shot up 170-225 in a year. Granted not all of that was lean body mass but I went from a fatty 170 at 6'0 to a 195 lean if I cut properly.

Good luck, and please dont take the roller coaster ride of doom. I see WAY too many people at the gym do it and I would much rather preach you when your mind is open to suggestions rather than you thinking your big **** like some of the guys at the gym.

Honestly Deca,Test,Winstrol and some other **** stacked for 8-10 weeks and the guys just a bit bigger than me by 5-10 pounds. When he comes off he's smaller than me and has no concept of diet. Drinking,roiding up, doing hardcore drugs and partying late at night will for sure shorten his life for the 1-2 years that he is having fun currently.


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thanks for the advice I will look into the blackhole supplement it sounds right up my ally.


  • RockStar
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I actually think the Anabolic Pump idea may be a good one when you get your diet under control. Even though I know very little about the product what I read seems to fall in line with what you are looking "making better use of your nutrition".

Yah running a lot is death to mass building for ecto's such as yourself, I am an endo and I would lose some muscle when I run a lot, I can only imagine what it does to a guy like you.


New member
ya I think I will look into that thanks for the advice everyone

close dogg pain is weakness leaving the body


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something i did to grow faster:
-2 servings milk(skim or 2%)
+cup oats(or more)
+1 scoop whey(chocolate)
+1 scoop casin(chocolate)
+coupple teaspoons olive oil (or replace with fish oil caps)
+2 fat spoonfulls of peanut butter
**Blend (i use stick blender in tall shaker bottle )
1-3 TIMES A DAY!!!
= Cheap as fock weight gainer (mine close to 1000 cals each depending on how much olive oil)
add this to your current diet and in a month you should start to see solid gains


New member
Thanks that sounds pretty good I am sick of buying expensive proteins that taste nasty but what is casin and where can I get it?


  • RockStar
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Yah build your own weight gainer is a good way to get extra calories in.

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