Add Stanodrol to Osta+Formeron..??


  • Established
I just started a 12 week cycle of ostanish...20 mg for the first few days, then 10 mg for the remainder. I will sporadically use formeron to keep estrogen down, and use it solely for several weeks in pct. I'm tempted to try pulsing stanodrol every once in awhile for the agression/focus, strength and enhanced hardening/fat loss for my recomp. Does this sound like a good idea, or will this conflict with the osta? Will they work against each other for receptors, or will it be synergistic? I don't want to use S4 because of the vision sides and some of the concerning unknowns, so i was thinking stanodrol would sort of replace the androgenic part that incorporating S4 would provide. I've used osta for an 8 week cycle before, with great results. I used formeron in pct, but honestly don't think i really had to. I did not have a blood test, but did not feel shut down afterwards...besides VERY MINOR shrinkage during the end, that bounced right back. Anyways...what do you guys think about pulsing a little stano..?


  • Established
Did i post this in the wrong section, or is it just that nobody has any idea?


Well-known member
I guess I'll chime in..i think osta with forma is a bad ass combo..I'd run both straight thru, not just using the forma sporadically. I don't see there being a problem with the stano, not really sure about pulsing it tho. I'd at least run as a stack, moderately dosed..


Where did u order your ostanish from? I ordered from elite muscles directly may 3rd and still haven't recieved my order nor do I get any response. Worst customer service (or strong lack thereof) I've ever encountered. ****ed up my summer cycle. Looks like I'm running stano solo fml.

I was gonna run a very similar stack to you except with 6-bromo instead of forma and with the addition of finaflex 550-xd for a lil extra recomp.

That being said from the 550 n stano alone I've gone from 196lbs to 190 and im only day 11. So with osta would be bloody gold. I say go for it.

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