Search results

  1. Where to buy mk677?

    I'm looking to buy from somewhere other than rc sites. I know for awhile there were several supplement companies that offered this, but now I don't see them anymore. Does anyone currently sell mk677?
  2. Nipple Stimulation with Forskolin-95?

    Has anyone else had this happen? I took FS-95 for 2-3 weeks and my nipples were hard almost the whole time. It got really old lol. I was taking 2-3 pills a day. I lowered it to 1 pill a day for a few days, with no improvement. My nipples eventually started getting puffy, so I aborted the run. I...
  3. Add Stanodrol to Osta+Formeron..??

    I just started a 12 week cycle of ostanish...20 mg for the first few days, then 10 mg for the remainder. I will sporadically use formeron to keep estrogen down, and use it solely for several weeks in pct. I'm tempted to try pulsing stanodrol every once in awhile for the agression/focus, strength...