Recent content by Ronnie

  1. Ronnie

    Whats the best energy drink?

    5 Hour Energy is where its at!
  2. Ronnie

    When will 3-AD be avail....

    Yeah Im gona do two bottles and for PCT im gona use Post Cycle Support and Diesel Test Hardcore.
  3. Ronnie

    Insulin Information Here!

    Why do you say to not massage after injection??
  4. Ronnie

    When will 3-AD be avail....

    I know I wonder why Nutra gets the stuff later than most places or delays the updates?
  5. Ronnie

    When will 3-AD be avail....

    Yeah I knew the normal price was gona be around $50 but I was just wondering if there was a set date to be for sale? I dont like seeing it for sale for over a week at $99! Guess Im just being impatient on putting in an order.
  6. Ronnie

    When will 3-AD be avail....

    At a normal price? Anybody?
  7. Ronnie

    December 06 167lbs to June 07 205lbs 7% BF!!!

    No more cycles here of lately and Ive not been getting to the gym as much as I would like due to work and partying. But Im at 207 right now and the only real thing that has changed is my chest is finally getting proportionate to the rest of my body.
  8. Ronnie

    gut health and lyndasy lohan

    Wheres the pics?
  9. Ronnie

    Halo clones: Hemadrol vs. H-drol

    CEL. Only about 8lbs.
  10. Ronnie

    MDROL if your a diabetic?

    I am diabetic and took M-drol. No bloodsugar concerns on it but it did store carbs like nothing else. I had to quit after 15 days @20mg because the sides were so bad.
  11. Ronnie

    Halo clones: Hemadrol vs. H-drol

    I tried both H-drol and Halovar. I have done two cycles of halovar @50mg for 30 days and I did one cycle of H-drol @75mg and didn't see near the results (weight and strength) from H-Drol. That's just my opinion though.
  12. Ronnie

    Old Legal Gear products

    If you can get the OG super then why fukc with something thats not the OG and more expensive? Personally I would just go with M-Drol.
  13. Ronnie


    Im currently taking 6 per day after a epi/h-50 cycle and would highly recommend that!
  14. Ronnie

    What Keeps You Motivated

    To stay single and be able to get hot chicks with ease.
  15. Ronnie

    Fitted T-Shirts

    Affliction Shirts are great for me at 6'2" 210. Perfect length and width at the bottom. Shows off the guns also.