Recent content by JKVol

  1. JKVol

    Pre race cocktail

    A few people said TBol but I always thought TBol had no acute effects and took multiple days for it to even start loading into your body?
  2. JKVol

    EvoMuse Presents: BMP 2023 (writeup)

    BMP makes you lethargic? That’s interesting
  3. JKVol


    Goodness…. Look, I stated what my experience has been and asked the question of what sides other people have had. Not once did I indicate or act like everyone should have the same opinion as me.
  4. JKVol


    I see people talk about side effects from using test on TRT and I don’t understand what sides are causing some of you all issues. I’ve been on TRT for 4 years and I’ve never had any sides that made me consider TRT is not worth the risk. I was using 100mg a week but started going 50mg every 4...
  5. JKVol

    EvoMuse Presents: BMP 2023 (writeup)

    Myo is great but I eat like a horse on it. MK type appetite. Wonder what Recomp20 would do with BMP? I run BMP almost year around.
  6. JKVol

    EvoMuse Presents: BRITE Enhanced 2023 Writeup

    I get a little bloated at times. Probably something I eat that enhances it. Not unbearable but it’s there.
  7. JKVol

    Arimahex 2023 Thread

    I’m sure there’s other areas that are better but I don’t believe your core is a bad location, especially if you are lean.
  8. JKVol

    Topical AndroLotion

    Just picked up two bottles of this for my spring/summer cut. Love it.
  9. JKVol

    Topical AndroLotion

    Well that really sucks. Do you have sensitive skin?
  10. JKVol

    Topical AndroLotion

    I’ve ran up to 6 months without a break on my core. No issues for me.
  11. JKVol

    EvoMuse Presents: BRITE Enhanced 2023 Writeup

    Awesome, I’ll change to that. Question… how long does the GLP-1 take to kick in orally? I’m around 3 weeks in and I have had a little belly bloat, gassy the last few days. It could be completely unrelated but I was thinking that maybe the effects could be in high gear.
  12. JKVol

    EvoMuse Presents: BRITE Enhanced 2023 Writeup

    Let me help out the guy you quoted because you obviously get a lot of questions and may have forgotten….. a poster asked you if adding another dosage 3x3 a day was ok and I believe you said that was fine. So I believe the guy you quoted is asking if 4x2 is ok because he can’t do 3x3.
  13. JKVol

    EvoMuse Presents: BRITE Enhanced 2023 Writeup

    Do you ever drink a soda, regular or diet?
  14. JKVol

    EvoMuse Presents: BRITE Enhanced 2023 Writeup

    Been on this for 3 weeks and no reflux.
  15. JKVol

    XPG - Pump Gel

    I just use it PWO but I really like it.