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  1. JKVol

    Pre race cocktail

    A few people said TBol but I always thought TBol had no acute effects and took multiple days for it to even start loading into your body?
  2. JKVol

    EvoMuse Presents: BMP 2023 (writeup)

    BMP makes you lethargic? That’s interesting
  3. JKVol


    Goodness…. Look, I stated what my experience has been and asked the question of what sides other people have had. Not once did I indicate or act like everyone should have the same opinion as me.
  4. JKVol


    I see people talk about side effects from using test on TRT and I don’t understand what sides are causing some of you all issues. I’ve been on TRT for 4 years and I’ve never had any sides that made me consider TRT is not worth the risk. I was using 100mg a week but started going 50mg every 4...
  5. JKVol

    EvoMuse Presents: BMP 2023 (writeup)

    Myo is great but I eat like a horse on it. MK type appetite. Wonder what Recomp20 would do with BMP? I run BMP almost year around.
  6. JKVol

    EvoMuse Presents: BRITE Enhanced 2023 Writeup

    I get a little bloated at times. Probably something I eat that enhances it. Not unbearable but it’s there.
  7. JKVol

    Arimahex 2023 Thread

    I’m sure there’s other areas that are better but I don’t believe your core is a bad location, especially if you are lean.
  8. JKVol

    Topical AndroLotion

    Just picked up two bottles of this for my spring/summer cut. Love it.
  9. JKVol

    Topical AndroLotion

    Well that really sucks. Do you have sensitive skin?
  10. JKVol

    Topical AndroLotion

    I’ve ran up to 6 months without a break on my core. No issues for me.
  11. JKVol

    EvoMuse Presents: BRITE Enhanced 2023 Writeup

    Awesome, I’ll change to that. Question… how long does the GLP-1 take to kick in orally? I’m around 3 weeks in and I have had a little belly bloat, gassy the last few days. It could be completely unrelated but I was thinking that maybe the effects could be in high gear.
  12. JKVol

    EvoMuse Presents: BRITE Enhanced 2023 Writeup

    Let me help out the guy you quoted because you obviously get a lot of questions and may have forgotten….. a poster asked you if adding another dosage 3x3 a day was ok and I believe you said that was fine. So I believe the guy you quoted is asking if 4x2 is ok because he can’t do 3x3.
  13. JKVol

    EvoMuse Presents: BRITE Enhanced 2023 Writeup

    Do you ever drink a soda, regular or diet?
  14. JKVol

    EvoMuse Presents: BRITE Enhanced 2023 Writeup

    Been on this for 3 weeks and no reflux.
  15. JKVol

    XPG - Pump Gel

    I just use it PWO but I really like it.
  16. JKVol

    USA Old Items

    List please
  17. JKVol

    USA Missed goodies 2.0

    Shoutout to the OP. Did business with him twice, he even allowed me to make a single bottle purchase. Would definitely buy from him again.
  18. JKVol

    EvoMuse Presents: BRITE Enhanced 2023 Writeup

    I’m on my 4th day and the appetite suppressant is real but a little different. Meaning at this point I still get hungry but I fill up faster. That seems to be similar to the GLP-1 effect from the shots people take but I can say to this point i haven’t felt bloated. I’ll continue to update once a...
  19. JKVol

    EvoMuse Presents: BRITE Enhanced 2023 Writeup

    Thank you buddy
  20. JKVol

    EvoMuse Presents: BRITE Enhanced 2023 Writeup

    Looks like my order will be delivered today. Dosing protocol? What about around working out or any benefit to taking pre cardio? Ok to take at the same time with BMP? Thanks.