Classic Kleen - The Road To Competition Fall 2024



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Thank you Gentlemen!

I did a good feeler full body push session Friday, and am doing a feeler pull session today. Everything held up yesterday, and my chest and shoulders got a little sore. I am looking forward to seeing how everything holds up today after a pull session then will be kicking things right back up in intensity and volume. I am going to start some of the worrisome areas with 3 straight sets instead of failure for a couple sessions probably limiting effort to right around 2RIR. Make sure form stays at all times and I am not pushing so hard that aggravation of these areas is overly likely.

We started Prep this week, decent size caloric drop here. Mostly by cutting a lot of fats back out of the diet.

Previous Daily Macros:
Calories - 4114 - Macros - 445g Carb, 300g Protein, 126g Fat

New Daily Macros:
Calories - 3581 - Macros - 438g Carb, 293g Protein, 73g Fat

Other changes
- Cardio goes from 25x5 a week to 30x5 a week.

This is my current bloodwork as of 4/11/24. All in all not that bad many of the things I expected to still see up are up. Some of the other stuff is so good I am very surprised. I am not overly worried about the higher creatinine levels, relatively common for me, and the EGFR improved over the last month but the one here in the metabolic section is not the one I am looking to read off of. I did the cystatin c to get a more accurate EGFR reading. I will make a few comments as I go through. However I am pretty sure some of this does put me off from starting the push with gear for a few more weeks. Going with the coach's decisions here.

TSH is high and out of range, this means my metabolism is running a little slow right now. I know being on gear raises this number so maybe just a matter of time. I will also look into some ways to boost this. Possibly add some real cranberry juice, and more iodized salt to my diet. I had been wondering if only using Himalayan Sea Salt would lower levels. Not sure if that is the case but if iodine levels are lower that could also have something to do with that.

HCT is a little high but I warned coach this will not dip below 50 on 210mg of testosterone a week. So not sure what his intentions will be here.

Platelets are a little low, and MPV is just a touch out of range, curious if this has anything to do with the baby aspirin or the fact I donated a few weeks back.

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My Cystatin C is only .01 out of range, but eGFR is in range which is good. Uric Acid and all urine analysis looks good feeling confident to move on. I was half expecting to see things looking worse here.

These are the best lipids I have seen in years for me. Look at that HDL, that is pretty good for me especially after having been on 600-1200mg of gear from Oct 1- March 23rdish with only 3 weeks down at 200mg of test. I am very impressed with that.

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All in all I am pretty happy with the blood work as mentioned it has been a long run and blood work has looked pretty good throughout. Between the diet, and the consistent cardio it makes sense, but I am impressed with the numbers anyway. I am looking forward to stopping my statins after the prep to see if I even need them any more as long as I maintain cardio, healthy diet, and leanness.

Here are some shots of the reversal point after a total gain of 26.8 lbs @221.2 lbs!!! Not too bad after a down week from injury.
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Incredible work! You have been working so hard and man it shows big time!


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Good looking out, I was looking forward to your feedback regarding the Cystatin C test. I need to read up a bit more on tren and kidney function. Since I was never really that interested in running it due to the temperament issues I haven't really super educated myself on it, and why it would be worse on the kidneys than other compounds. I will go have a look and educate myself on that a bit more. I imagine he will be able to bring me in with a good package tren or no tren.

Thanks you Sir! We made it, and did pretty good even with having to drop doses from 1200mg down to 800mg a week during the final push instead of increasing it. Does kind of make me wonder where we would have ended up if we hadn't had to drop and were able to push up further instead.

Either way, I am really looking forward to cutting weight back down and getting ripped AF!!!
Modern preps by and large are varying amounts and esters of test & mast and/or primo. The details are athlete and coach response and preference.

Then some Tren last 4-8 weeks and/or dry orals last 4-6. Or sometimes rarely DHB in lieu of Tren, but if DHB is giving you knots that’s going to make for a poor look on stage and inability to flex/pose optimally.

A lot of coaches who don’t use Tren to finish will go with just Winny or some combo of Winny, Var, Proviron, and/or Halo. Sometimes Superdrol is an option in the mix.

I would have said Winny and Var, because Var is the only other AAS besides Tren that really inhibits the glucocorticoid receptor similarly, but it’s primarily metabolized by the kidneys so in your case it actually doesn’t make sense.

I don’t know why Tren can be hard on kidneys, possibly how hard it is on BP?

But on test & mast, with Proviron last 6 weeks and Winstrol last 4, maybe also Halo last 2, you should be able to get hard as nails if you’re truly conditioned.


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With an eGFR that low even with cystatin C, I would not touch Tren. Not over something like 10mg/day purely for glucocorticoid inhibition. If you can’t get stage ready on test & mast with Winny and some halo besides that, then so be it.
Do you think his eGFR number would improve after a few weeks on lower cals?


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Thank you Gentlemen!

I did a good feeler full body push session Friday, and am doing a feeler pull session today. Everything held up yesterday, and my chest and shoulders got a little sore. I am looking forward to seeing how everything holds up today after a pull session then will be kicking things right back up in intensity and volume. I am going to start some of the worrisome areas with 3 straight sets instead of failure for a couple sessions probably limiting effort to right around 2RIR. Make sure form stays at all times and I am not pushing so hard that aggravation of these areas is overly likely.

We started Prep this week, decent size caloric drop here. Mostly by cutting a lot of fats back out of the diet.

Previous Daily Macros:
Calories - 4114 - Macros - 445g Carb, 300g Protein, 126g Fat

New Daily Macros:
Calories - 3581 - Macros - 438g Carb, 293g Protein, 73g Fat

Other changes
- Cardio goes from 25x5 a week to 30x5 a week.

This is my current bloodwork as of 4/11/24. All in all not that bad many of the things I expected to still see up are up. Some of the other stuff is so good I am very surprised. I am not overly worried about the higher creatinine levels, relatively common for me, and the EGFR improved over the last month but the one here in the metabolic section is not the one I am looking to read off of. I did the cystatin c to get a more accurate EGFR reading. I will make a few comments as I go through. However I am pretty sure some of this does put me off from starting the push with gear for a few more weeks. Going with the coach's decisions here.

TSH is high and out of range, this means my metabolism is running a little slow right now. I know being on gear raises this number so maybe just a matter of time. I will also look into some ways to boost this. Possibly add some real cranberry juice, and more iodized salt to my diet. I had been wondering if only using Himalayan Sea Salt would lower levels. Not sure if that is the case but if iodine levels are lower that could also have something to do with that.

HCT is a little high but I warned coach this will not dip below 50 on 210mg of testosterone a week. So not sure what his intentions will be here.

Platelets are a little low, and MPV is just a touch out of range, curious if this has anything to do with the baby aspirin or the fact I donated a few weeks back.

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My Cystatin C is only .01 out of range, but eGFR is in range which is good. Uric Acid and all urine analysis looks good feeling confident to move on. I was half expecting to see things looking worse here.

These are the best lipids I have seen in years for me. Look at that HDL, that is pretty good for me especially after having been on 600-1200mg of gear from Oct 1- March 23rdish with only 3 weeks down at 200mg of test. I am very impressed with that.

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View attachment 241474

All in all I am pretty happy with the blood work as mentioned it has been a long run and blood work has looked pretty good throughout. Between the diet, and the consistent cardio it makes sense, but I am impressed with the numbers anyway. I am looking forward to stopping my statins after the prep to see if I even need them any more as long as I maintain cardio, healthy diet, and leanness.

Here are some shots of the reversal point after a total gain of 26.8 lbs @221.2 lbs!!! Not too bad after a down week from injury.
View attachment 241476
Looking good mate! Bloodwork is pretty good for a blast too!


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Do you think his eGFR number would improve after a few weeks on lower cals?
Cystatin C isn’t going to increase or decrease based on caloric load. Protein intake certainly doesn’t. That’s not a value you should expect to ever come down - so if his glomular filtration is actually only 61 based on that, then that’s probably what he’s got to make it with for the rest of his life (assuming no further decrease in function).

That’s what I mean when I say, I would be very cautious about what I put into my body at that point. And I would be monitoring bp religiously when changes are made to ensure that stays controlled.

@MrKleen73 are you taking Astragalus? Definitely want to add that in if not, although I thought you were already on it. Good, cheap support.


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Modern preps by and large are varying amounts and esters of test & mast and/or primo. The details are athlete and coach response and preference.

Then some Tren last 4-8 weeks and/or dry orals last 4-6. Or sometimes rarely DHB in lieu of Tren, but if DHB is giving you knots that’s going to make for a poor look on stage and inability to flex/pose optimally.

A lot of coaches who don’t use Tren to finish will go with just Winny or some combo of Winny, Var, Proviron, and/or Halo. Sometimes Superdrol is an option in the mix.

I would have said Winny and Var, because Var is the only other AAS besides Tren that really inhibits the glucocorticoid receptor similarly, but it’s primarily metabolized by the kidneys so in your case it actually doesn’t make sense.

I don’t know why Tren can be hard on kidneys, possibly how hard it is on BP?

But on test & mast, with Proviron last 6 weeks and Winstrol last 4, maybe also Halo last 2, you should be able to get hard as nails if you’re truly conditioned.
Thats what I was under the impression of. The constant elevated BP just working, taxing and stressing the kidney beans. Work tax stress. Tren mimics American life!


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I wrote out replies to everyone last night and apparently didn't hit post. Thanks for the compliments. As far as tren and the kidneys, the higher BP it causes seems to be the culprit when i looked up why it was so hard on the kidney. I didn't find anything like it being processed specifically by the kidneys or anything. Just the mentions of high BP.

Coach said we can do the prep without tren, or just run it extremely low but sounds like we will more than likely bump the orals up a little bit to get the same effects.

I did my cardio yesterday, but for some reason my knee was hurting from the time I woke up until I got off work. So I decided to hold off on working legs and let the inflammation or whatever shake out. It is feeling better today so going to do some legs at the gym across the street. Nothing crazy just get some volume and blood pumping, test the leg out and see if it is willing to play today.


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So one of the things with my bloodwork I am a little perplexed with is my TSH being so high at a time we were pushing calories. Why metabolism would be downregulating at 4200 calories doesn't really make sense even with me having been on so long it is a little surprising to me and my coach. I considered possibly I need to increase my iodine intake. I have not been salting with iodized salt, been using mostly Himalayan salt, so do you all think I could have just gradually ran through iodine stores after so long without really using iodized salt? If so I could easily replace some of the carbs from morning meal with a couple oz of 100% pure Cranberry juice to get a big jolt of iodine in the morning, and then maybe do half of my sodium intake via iodized salt instead of the Himalayan.

Does anyone have any specific supps they might suggest for metabolism health? Coach told me to look at Revive's line up to see if they have a metabolism product, which I found one but he has no experience with it either. It looks to be relatively cheap but will be a pain in the arse to use for metabolism specifically. They suggest putting one drop of it in an oil carrier and injecting that into a capsule to take twice a day. I wonder if i could just inject it into one of my fish capsules right before taking it or something. Otherwise I might just put a drop of it into a 1/4tsp of olive oil and swallow it or something.

Anyway, looking for suggestions on something to increase metabolism and lower TSH if anyone has any suggestions. Kind of crazy to think how well cardio is going and then to think metabolism is running slow for some reason. Definitely not something you want going into a cut. This is the first time my TSH has ever been out of range but to be fair I have never run gear for 20+ weeks straight either.


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It’s probably the extended gear use. Did you look at your T4 and T3 levels? You don’t really have the whole picture just with TSH, just conjecture that it should be lower when bulking and higher when cutting.

I take a ~2oz shot of pure Cranberry juice every morning I am training (3 days per week). If I wasn’t fasting the other mornings, I would just take 1oz daily - that’s plenty for daily use.

As an enhanced athlete, you should be taking Selenium every morning to support the thyroid’s deiodinase enzymes. You take androgens it turns things up, so it’s understandable you in turn need more substrate for all processes (more calories, more minerals, vitamins, choline etc). I take Swanson 200mcg first thing every day, after my Nattokinase.

Most of the year I also take 250mg of CEL TUDCA (or 500 sometimes later in blast) at the same time. You don’t need much of it, but it facilitates D2 deiodinase expression, which in turn increases intracellular T3 expression. I got both that and the Selenium from Alex Kikel - taking it in the morning supports a healthy nighttime cascade taking place.

TLDR; I take a shot of cranberry any morning I’m not fasting, and I take a cap of selenium and CEL TUDCA daily first thing.


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This is great information! Thanks @Hyde! I do have some CEL TUDCA I was saving for when I got on orals I can throw into the mix. I will order some selenium, and go pick up some cranberry juice. See what happens.

My bloodwork did not have any T3 tests, but here is what it said for my T4 levels, down at the bottom of the range, so I am sure not optimal.

@Hyde, did you see any reason to take more astralagus than the 2g in Kidney Support XT?

I worked legs yesterday at the gym across the street. I was precautious and didn't kill myself with intensity on the leg press. Went for TUT and volume there instead.

Leg Press Machine - 220x10, 280x10, 340x10, 380x10, 380x10, 380x10, 380x10, 380x10 - The last 3 sets were hars, and the last 2 sets were grinders on the last several reps.

DB Walking Lunges - 40x8, 40x8

Leg Curls - 100x20, 110x15, 120x10, 90x17

Leg Extensions 90x20, 100x15, 100x15, 100x12

My legs are not sore yet, but they definitely are tired / feel heavy. So I know the session did the trick.


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DB Walking Lunges - 40x8, 40x8
are you running these in a front rack / clean position or farmers carry style?
I've been thinking about bringing lunges back in on my lower day to break up the monotony of my habitual machine use post deads/squats and maybe get some better adductor glute engagement.


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@Hyde, did you see any reason to take more astralagus than the 2g in Kidney Support XT?
The dose for Astragalus specifically for kidney support/restoration starts at 3-4g daily. Some people have used much higher. I always use at least 3g/day on blast, and most of the year. That’s why the dose is such as it is with the full dose of Kidney Support. All of those ingredients will realize more efficacy at the full dose as listed.

For you, I would pick up some Swanson Astragalus root when you order your Selenium. Add 3 caps of that along with your half serving of Kidney Support XT to get the Astragalus up.

Although I think you are mad if you go on blast with those values and don’t bump it up to run the full dose. Kidneys going to be the thing that takes you out of the game if there’s anything that could. You have to keep them supported and BP controlled. Those ingredients help with both when administered over 2 doses/day.


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are you running these in a front rack / clean position or farmers carry style?
I've been thinking about bringing lunges back in on my lower day to break up the monotony of my habitual machine use post deads/squats and maybe get some better adductor glute engagement.
I do them like a Farmer Carry, and I only use my front leg to come out of the hole, I literally pick my rear foot off the ground as soon as I start to the way up. It really gets the glute / ham tie in and my adductors pretty nocely and quads always get toasty.
The dose for Astragalus specifically for kidney support/restoration starts at 3-4g daily. Some people have used much higher. I always use at least 3g/day on blast, and most of the year. That’s why the dose is such as it is with the full dose of Kidney Support. All of those ingredients will realize more efficacy at the full dose as listed.

For you, I would pick up some Swanson Astragalus root when you order your Selenium. Add 3 caps of that along with your half serving of Kidney Support XT to get the Astragalus up.

Although I think you are mad if you go on blast with those values and don’t bump it up to run the full dose. Kidneys going to be the thing that takes you out of the game if there’s anything that could. You have to keep them supported and BP controlled. Those ingredients help with both when administered over 2 doses/day.
Ah Makes sense, I obviously made a mistake with the dosing on the Kidney XT, which explains a lot. I didn't realize I was running half a dose at 6 caps a day. I will definitely bump this... Damn it Man, that makes a lot of sense... I read somewhere it was 6 caps but didn't realize that was for multiple doses. Feeling a bit dumb over that one. So I have been half protected the entire time I was running my blast... No wonder things aren't looking so great. I will take 6 more tonight when i get home then switch to 3-4 doses throughout the day. Looks like I will be buying another 3 or 6 pack of this stuff if they have a sale for Memorial Day. Thanks for always taking time to explain things thoroughly @Hyde. It is the details that can save a person sometimes. Hopefully increasing the dose will help things improve or at a minimum not get any worse.


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I do them like a Farmer Carry, and I only use my front leg to come out of the hole, I literally pick my rear foot off the ground as soon as I start to the way up. It really gets the glute / ham tie in and my adductors pretty nocely and quads always get toasty.
i ran some today in front rack position but it was a bit "stretchy" on the knee cap. I haven't really done "functional" leg work in so long I need to ease back into that rom I think... but doing things like that is showing me where I've neglected certain work.


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I do them like a Farmer Carry, and I only use my front leg to come out of the hole, I literally pick my rear foot off the ground as soon as I start to the way up. It really gets the glute / ham tie in and my adductors pretty nocely and quads always get toasty.

Ah Makes sense, I obviously made a mistake with the dosing on the Kidney XT, which explains a lot. I didn't realize I was running half a dose at 6 caps a day. I will definitely bump this... Damn it Man, that makes a lot of sense... I read somewhere it was 6 caps but didn't realize that was for multiple doses. Feeling a bit dumb over that one. So I have been half protected the entire time I was running my blast... No wonder things aren't looking so great. I will take 6 more tonight when i get home then switch to 3-4 doses throughout the day. Looks like I will be buying another 3 or 6 pack of this stuff if they have a sale for Memorial Day. Thanks for always taking time to explain things thoroughly @Hyde. It is the details that can save a person sometimes. Hopefully increasing the dose will help things improve or at a minimum not get any worse.
2 doses x6 caps is what you want. I believe that’s the optimal dosing, compared to 1 or 3x. But in a pinch, all at once is better than nothing. Get them all in daily is the golden rule for support.

I had lower urea and creatinine on my last bloods than I’ve seen in a decade after using full dose Kidney Support XT for months straight.


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Awesome hopefully I will see some better results at the full dose. I imagine I will. What an oversight... Oh well I am sure the half dose was better than nothing. :)

Thanks again for all of the advice and guidance!


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Awesome hopefully I will see some better results at the full dose. I imagine I will. What an oversight... Oh well I am sure the half dose was better than nothing. :)

Thanks again for all of the advice and guidance!
It was, for sure.

I want to see you keep your health, and hopefully accomplish your goals too!


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It was, for sure.

I want to see you keep your health, and hopefully accomplish your goals too!
I have sat down and started to reply / update the thread several times now but I keep getting pulled every which way and forgot to finish. Things are a bit hectic at work, and lots of busy body nonsense going on at home. So I haven't really had much time outside of work, sleep, training and eating to do anything else.

Things are going well, lower back has recovered decently, I do have to be careful with it but the good news is I am able to train most things with very high intensity.

Calories dropped again this week so in 2 weeks we went from 4200 to 3581 to 3358 expecting to see some drop off the coming week or two. Interestingly enough my bodyweight has gone up this week. I have weighed in at a fasted 224lbs the last 2 mornings which is surprising.

Resting Heart Rate and BP are lowering as well. RHR 60, BP 125/75. Really hoping my next bloods come back in at an acceptable level to get things going again on the gear front.

Had a great chest and biceps session yesterday. Been eating and drinking to fuel my training after work. Really looking forward to working my legs today.


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I have sat down and started to reply / update the thread several times now but I keep getting pulled every which way and forgot to finish. Things are a bit hectic at work, and lots of busy body nonsense going on at home. So I haven't really had much time outside of work, sleep, training and eating to do anything else.

Things are going well, lower back has recovered decently, I do have to be careful with it but the good news is I am able to train most things with very high intensity.

Calories dropped again this week so in 2 weeks we went from 4200 to 3581 to 3358 expecting to see some drop off the coming week or two. Interestingly enough my bodyweight has gone up this week. I have weighed in at a fasted 224lbs the last 2 mornings which is surprising.

Resting Heart Rate and BP are lowering as well. RHR 60, BP 125/75. Really hoping my next bloods come back in at an acceptable level to get things going again on the gear front.

Had a great chest and biceps session yesterday. Been eating and drinking to fuel my training after work. Really looking forward to working my legs today.
I hope bloods are good for you too, and training is great.

Took my bp yesterday and we’re basically twinning lol - 124/73 and pulse of 56.


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Glad to hear things are going well, been waiting for an update!!

your lower weight higher volume hypertrophy work has been on my mind a lot lately.


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Hey everyone, sorry I haven't been updating, between this project at work getting toward the final big push, and being busy with things at home I really haven't had time to do much but eat, deal with things at home, work and train. I am back down to 217 as of right now. I kind of expected to be leaner by now, but I know on the way down things just look different.

We dropped calories again this week from 3358 down to 3160, new macros are 301 P, 345 C, 64 F.

I will be going to get blood work again later this week to see when we can kickstart this gear back in. This is the go / no go blood test here so if things are not good enough for him to feel comfortable moving forward the contest will be delayed and I will have another 6 weeks at cruise doses. Then aim for the December shows which will be harder competitions. Hopefully things are looking better. I really don't want to extend this if not necessary.

Hopefully we will finish this project up in the next few weeks and I will have more time to run a decent log.


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Here are some of my recent sessions, some I didn't record the weight and reps because they were feeling it out type of workouts where I had to select exercises based on what wasn't bothering me at the time. Lower back is still an issue for me and forces me to cut my leg sessions off after lunges and do hamstrings separately. It just gets a bit too tight by the end of the bigger compound lower body movements. Still able to get enough stimulation and volume to get my thighs slightly sore for a couple days after so I know I am stimulating hypertrophy but having to adjust everything to keep things moving along.

Shoulders & Triceps - Thursday, May 02, 2024 at 7:55pm

Shoulder Press (Machine Plates)
Set 1: 85 lbs x 10 @ 10 rpe [Failure]
Set 2: 65 lbs x 11 @ 10 rpe [Failure]

Standing Lateral Raise
Set 1: 15 lbs x 20 @ 7.5 rpe
Set 2: 30 lbs x 15 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 3: 30 lbs x 10 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 4: 15 lbs x 19 @ 10 rpe [Failure]

Incline DB Rear Delt Flyes
Set 1: 30 lbs x 20 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 30 lbs x 20 @ 9 rpe
Set 3: 30 lbs x 20 @ 10 rpe

Shrug (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 60 lbs x 20 @ 7.5 rpe
Set 2: 60 lbs x 20 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 3: 60 lbs x 20 @ 9 rpe
Set 4: 60 lbs x 16 @ 10 rpe [Failure]

SA Triceps Rope Extension
Set 1: 50 lbs x 15 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 60 lbs x 11 @ 10 rpe
Set 3: 50 lbs x 10 @ 10 rpe [Failure]

Triceps Dip
Set 1: 15 reps
Set 2: 13 reps

Back & Hamstrings - Saturday, May 04, 2024 at 9:02pm

Seated Leg Curl (Machine)
Set 1: 80 lbs x 20 @ 10 rpe
Set 2: 85 lbs x 15 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 3: 95 lbs x 10 @ 10 rpe
Set 4: 65 lbs x 14 [Failure]

Low Row Supported Back Shrug
Set 1: 90 lbs x 17 @ 9 rpe
Set 2: 45 lbs x 25 @ 9 rpe
Set 3: 45 lbs x 20 @ 9 rpe

Arsenal Wide grip Pronated Chest Supported Row
Set 1: 50 lbs x 10 @ 7 rpe
Set 2: 50 lbs x 10 @ 8 rpe
Set 3: 50 lbs x 10 @ 9.5 rpe

Single Arm Cable Row
Set 1: 50 lbs x 15 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 50 lbs x 15 @ 8.5 rpe

Pullover (Machine)
Set 1: 100 lbs x 10 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 2: 100 lbs x 4 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 3: 100 lbs x 3 @ 10 rpe

Glute Ham Raise
Set 1: 6 reps

Arms - Garage Session
Triceps Extension 4 sets
Kickbacks 20 x 20 x 3 sets
Skull Crushers - 60x15, 15, 13
Dip Attachment 180x20, x2 sets

Preacher Curls 25x10, 10, 10
EZ bar Curls 55x15, 15, 13

Chest & Biceps - Monday, May 06, 2024 at 5:32pm

Incline Chest Press (Machine)
"Muscle rounds"
Set 1: 90 lbs x 12 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 2: 90 lbs x 5 @ 9 rpe
Set 3: 90 lbs x 2 @ 10 rpe [Failure]
Set 4: 70 lbs x 8 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 5: 70 lbs x 4 @ 9 rpe
Set 6: 70 lbs x 2 @ 10 rpe [Failure]

Iso-Lateral Chest Press (Machine)
Set 1: 70 lbs x 8 @ 9 rpe
Set 2: 70 lbs x 8 @ 9 rpe
Set 3: 70 lbs x 5 @ 10 rpe
Set 4: 45 lbs x 6 @ 10 rpe [Drop]
Set 5: 45 lbs x 2 @ 10 rpe [Drop]

Bench Press (Cable)
Set 1: 60 lbs x 15 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 2: 60 lbs x 12 @ 10 rpe [Failure]
Set 3: 60 lbs x 11 @ 10 rpe

Chest Fly (Machine)
Set 1: 100 lbs x 21 @ 9 rpe
Set 2: 100 lbs x 18 @ 10 rpe
Set 3: 80 lbs x 21 @ 8.5 rpe

Spider Curl (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 30 lbs x 10 @ 7 rpe
Set 2: 35 lbs x 10 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 3: 35 lbs x 7 @ 10 rpe

Bicep Curl (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 20 lbs x 15 @ 9 rpe
Set 2: 20 lbs x 13 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 3: 20 lbs x 11 @ 10 rpe

Legs - 5/7/24

Belt Squats 90x10, 135x10, 180x6 Failure, 135x8 RPE10

Leg Press 430x20 x 3 sets

Bodyweight Lunges - 2 sets until failure

Lower back was getting lit up and knee was feeling pretty tricky so I decided the safest bet was to call it.

About to go do cardio which I have been doing very good at keeping up with. Diet is going well, losing in the 2lbs per week area. Calories are down from 4200 to just over 2900 at this point. Saturday Fasted BW was 215.4lbs, but has been around 217 the rest of the week.

Blood Work - I got my results back and everything had improved other than HCT and Hemoglobin being out of range. Cystatin C, and eGFR are now in normal ranges and eGFR increased by 4 points which is nice. My creatinine and bun are still high but their ratio is well within range. My HCT and hemoglobin are at a spot that if I go donate now which I can it will have me back in normal ranges. Lipids are still looking pretty good, 160 total and 43 HDL. The HDL dropped some with the lack of cardarine assisting that number. So just waiting for coach to have a look and decide if we should just get started and I go donate, or if we need to put things off until the end of the year. I am really hoping for the moving forward as i got my mind wrapped around being done with this in August so carrying it on until December is just a lot longer than I was expecting and will definitely take me a lot more willpower to muscle my way through it. Not stressing it too much but I definitely have my preference of being done sooner rather than later.

Also good news, well for me anyway. The project is wrapping up now, and next week we have several new hires I have to prepare for but after that I should have more time to get on here update and catch up on some of your logs.
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Here are some of my recent sessions, some I didn't record the weight and reps because they were feeling it out type of workouts where I had to select exercises based on what wasn't bothering me at the time. Lower back is still an issue for me and forces me to cut my leg sessions off after lunges and do hamstrings separately. It just gets a bit too tight by the end of the bigger compound lower body movements. Still able to get enough stimulation and volume to get my thighs slightly sore for a couple days after so I know I am stimulating hypertrophy but having to adjust everything to keep things moving along.

Shoulders & Triceps - Thursday, May 02, 2024 at 7:55pm

Shoulder Press (Machine Plates)
Set 1: 85 lbs x 10 @ 10 rpe [Failure]
Set 2: 65 lbs x 11 @ 10 rpe [Failure]

Standing Lateral Raise
Set 1: 15 lbs x 20 @ 7.5 rpe
Set 2: 30 lbs x 15 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 3: 30 lbs x 10 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 4: 15 lbs x 19 @ 10 rpe [Failure]

Incline DB Rear Delt Flyes
Set 1: 30 lbs x 20 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 30 lbs x 20 @ 9 rpe
Set 3: 30 lbs x 20 @ 10 rpe

Shrug (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 60 lbs x 20 @ 7.5 rpe
Set 2: 60 lbs x 20 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 3: 60 lbs x 20 @ 9 rpe
Set 4: 60 lbs x 16 @ 10 rpe [Failure]

SA Triceps Rope Extension
Set 1: 50 lbs x 15 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 60 lbs x 11 @ 10 rpe
Set 3: 50 lbs x 10 @ 10 rpe [Failure]

Triceps Dip
Set 1: 15 reps
Set 2: 13 reps

Back & Hamstrings - Saturday, May 04, 2024 at 9:02pm

Seated Leg Curl (Machine)
Set 1: 80 lbs x 20 @ 10 rpe
Set 2: 85 lbs x 15 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 3: 95 lbs x 10 @ 10 rpe
Set 4: 65 lbs x 14 [Failure]

Low Row Supported Back Shrug
Set 1: 90 lbs x 17 @ 9 rpe
Set 2: 45 lbs x 25 @ 9 rpe
Set 3: 45 lbs x 20 @ 9 rpe

Arsenal Wide grip Pronated Chest Supported Row
Set 1: 50 lbs x 10 @ 7 rpe
Set 2: 50 lbs x 10 @ 8 rpe
Set 3: 50 lbs x 10 @ 9.5 rpe

Single Arm Cable Row
Set 1: 50 lbs x 15 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 50 lbs x 15 @ 8.5 rpe

Pullover (Machine)
Set 1: 100 lbs x 10 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 2: 100 lbs x 4 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 3: 100 lbs x 3 @ 10 rpe

Glute Ham Raise
Set 1: 6 reps

Arms - Garage Session
Triceps Extension 4 sets
Kickbacks 20 x 20 x 3 sets
Skull Crushers - 60x15, 15, 13
Dip Attachment 180x20, x2 sets

Preacher Curls 25x10, 10, 10
EZ bar Curls 55x15, 15, 13

Chest & Biceps - Monday, May 06, 2024 at 5:32pm

Incline Chest Press (Machine)
"Muscle rounds"
Set 1: 90 lbs x 12 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 2: 90 lbs x 5 @ 9 rpe
Set 3: 90 lbs x 2 @ 10 rpe [Failure]
Set 4: 70 lbs x 8 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 5: 70 lbs x 4 @ 9 rpe
Set 6: 70 lbs x 2 @ 10 rpe [Failure]

Iso-Lateral Chest Press (Machine)
Set 1: 70 lbs x 8 @ 9 rpe
Set 2: 70 lbs x 8 @ 9 rpe
Set 3: 70 lbs x 5 @ 10 rpe
Set 4: 45 lbs x 6 @ 10 rpe [Drop]
Set 5: 45 lbs x 2 @ 10 rpe [Drop]

Bench Press (Cable)
Set 1: 60 lbs x 15 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 2: 60 lbs x 12 @ 10 rpe [Failure]
Set 3: 60 lbs x 11 @ 10 rpe

Chest Fly (Machine)
Set 1: 100 lbs x 21 @ 9 rpe
Set 2: 100 lbs x 18 @ 10 rpe
Set 3: 80 lbs x 21 @ 8.5 rpe

Spider Curl (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 30 lbs x 10 @ 7 rpe
Set 2: 35 lbs x 10 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 3: 35 lbs x 7 @ 10 rpe

Bicep Curl (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 20 lbs x 15 @ 9 rpe
Set 2: 20 lbs x 13 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 3: 20 lbs x 11 @ 10 rpe

Legs - 5/7/24

Belt Squats 90x10, 135x10, 180x6 Failure, 135x8 RPE10

Leg Press 430x20 x 3 sets

Bodyweight Lunges - 2 sets until failure

Lower back was getting lit up and knee was feeling pretty tricky so I decided the safest bet was to call it.

About to go do cardio which I have been doing very good at keeping up with. Diet is going well, losing in the 2lbs per week area. Calories are down from 4200 to just over 2900 at this point. Saturday Fasted BW was 215.4lbs, but has been around 217 the rest of the week.

Blood Work - I got my results back and everything had improved other than HCT and Hemoglobin being out of range. Cystatin C, and eGFR are now in normal ranges and eGFR increased by 4 points which is nice. My creatinine and bun are still high but their ratio is well within range. My HCT and hemoglobin are at a spot that if I go donate now which I can it will have me back in normal ranges. Lipids are still looking pretty good, 160 total and 43 HDL. The HDL dropped some with the lack of cardarine assisting that number. So just waiting for coach to have a look and decide if we should just get started and I go donate, or if we need to put things off until the end of the year. I am really hoping for the moving forward as i got my mind wrapped around being done with this in August so carrying it on until December is just a lot longer than I was expecting and will definitely take me a lot more willpower to muscle my way through it. Not stressing it too much but I definitely have my preference of being done sooner rather than later.

Also good news, well for me anyway. The project is wrapping up now, and next week we have several new hires I have to prepare for but after that I should have more time to get on here update and catch up on some of your logs.
Glad you’re still hitting it hard….Definitely understand work and life getting too busy to update. Hopefully with your bloodwork looking pretty good your coach will let you push on for the earlier competition.🏆


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It's good to see an update from you, and a lot of positives in there!!

Still able to get enough stimulation and volume to get my thighs slightly sore for a couple days after so I know I am stimulating hypertrophy
that's great man, you answered my question before I even asked it. as you were describing it all my mind was immediately trying to imagine all the potential alternatives to get that pumpy pump.


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So we are officially off to the races with the prep. Got final input we were moving on and it was time to start my prep cycle. Originally we were going to wait a couple weeks but he said let's kick this off now. As of today when I get home tonight the prep cycle starts. We are kicking it off at 350mg Test, and 525 mast. This should really help me fill back out while leaning up. Also feeling reinvigorated with motivation now that I know we are indeed going for it now. The wishy-washy feeling of not knowing what was next was starting to suck and mess with my head a little.

Recent diet changes: calories are now down to 2752 macros 293p, 279c, 51.5f down from almost 4200 3 weeks ago.
Cardio: Elliptical 135-150 BPM, 35 minutes 6 times a week.
Gear: Test 100mg EOD / Mast 150mg EOD total = 825mg

I am about to go do my cardio here soon. get that knocked out but won't be able to train legs today. I am going to my daughters Cosmetology Graduation tonight, and won't have the option. So just pushing lower body to tomorrow and will be all caught back up by the end of the weekend on lifting sessions. very excited for Sage completing this portion of her education. She still has a couple of college courses to complete to get her Associates of Applied Sciences Degree in December, but she has completed the actual cosmetology training which is awesome.

Shoulders & Triceps Friday, May 10, 2024 at 8:43pm

Shoulder Press (Machine Plates)
"2nd work set 2 rest pauses"
Set 1: 95 lbs x 10 @ 9.5 rpe [Failure]
Set 2: 70 lbs x 9 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 3: 70 lbs x 3 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 4: 70 lbs x 2 @ 10 rpe

Standing Lateral Raise
Set 1: 50 lbs x 20 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 60 lbs x 15 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 3: 70 lbs x 10 @ 9 rpe
Set 4: 50 lbs x 13 @ 10 rpe [Failure]

Incline DB Rear Delt Flyes
Set 1: 25 lbs x 20 @ 7.5 rpe
Set 2: 25 lbs x 20 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 3: 25 lbs x 20 @ 9.5 rpe

Upright Row - Cable
Set 1: 100 lbs x 11 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 70 lbs x 15 @ 8 rpe
Set 3: 70 lbs x 15 @ 10 rpe
Set 4: 70 lbs x 10 @ 10 rpe [Failure]

Cross Cable Tricep Extension
Set 1: 50 lbs x 15 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 2: 50 lbs x 12 @ 10 rpe
Set 3: 50 lbs x 10 @ 10 rpe [Failure]
Set 4: 30 lbs x 5 @ 10 rpe [Drop]


Back & Hamstrings - Saturday, May 11, 2024 at 9:09pm

Standing Leg Curls
Set 1: 40 lbs x 20 @ 7 rpe
Set 2: 60 lbs x 15 @ 7.5 rpe
Set 3: 80 lbs x 10 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 4: 50 lbs x 20 @ 9.5 rpe

Romanian Deadlift (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 55 lbs x 20 @ 7 rpe
Set 2: 55 lbs x 20 @ 9 rpe

Arsenal Wide grip Pronated Chest Supported Row
Set 1: 100 lbs x 9 @ 10 rpe
Set 2: 70 lbs x 11 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 3: 70 lbs x 10 @ 10 rpe

Single Arm Cable Row
Set 1: 50 lbs x 15 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 2: 50 lbs x 12 @ 10 rpe

Pullover (Machine)
Set 1: 100 lbs x 12 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 2: 100 lbs x 5 @ 10 rpe
Set 3: 100 lbs x 4 @ 10 rpe


Chest & Biceps - Monday, May 13, 2024 at 6:48pm

Incline Chest Press (Machine)
Set 1: 180 lbs x 12 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 180 lbs x 4 @ 8 rpe [Drop]
Set 3: 180 lbs x 2 @ 8 rpe [Drop]
Set 4: 150 lbs x 9 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 5: 150 lbs x 3 @ 8.5 rpe [Drop]
Set 6: 150 lbs x 2 @ 9 rpe [Drop]

Iso-Lateral Chest Press (Machine)
Set 1: 145 lbs x 7 @ 9 rpe
Set 2: 130 lbs x 7 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 3: 90 lbs x 12 @ 9 rpe
Set 4: 90 lbs x 6 @ 9.5 rpe [Drop]

Bench Press (Cable)
Set 1: 70 lbs x 12 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 70 lbs x 12 @ 8 rpe
Set 3: 70 lbs x 9 @ 10 rpe [Failure]

Chest Fly (Machine)
Set 1: 105 lbs x 21 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 2: 105 lbs x 21 @ 9 rpe
Set 3: 105 lbs x 21 @ 10 rpe [Failure]

Spider Curl (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 30 lbs x 10 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 30 lbs x 10 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 3: 30 lbs x 11 @ 10 rpe [Failure]

Bicep Curl (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 20 lbs x 15 @ 9 rpe
Set 2: 20 lbs x 9 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 3: 20 lbs x 8 @ 10 rpe [Failure]

Training has been good, still having to take a lot of care with my lower back. I have adjusted away from pushing to failure on certain sets and exercises just to keep myself in a position I can avoid injury a little better. Hinging movements are limited and relegated to lower weight and slightly higher reps. Still getting plenty of stimulation and minor DOMS with training so I am happy with things right now. Since having to take tonight off, I will be training legs tomorrow which would normally be my day off of training. So things are at least evening out well even with the change.


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That’s awesome man….it definitely helps to have some clarity and a date to hit your goals. With where your physique is already at, that Mast will really help tighten things up and really harden the muscles. You definitely added some more mass on your bulk without really sacrificing abs, so you should really notice that new muscle as you cut.
And congratulations to Sage, and you proud Dad.
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Congrats to both you and Sage!
Sounds like things are really moving fast forward now, getting real in here!

Recent diet changes: calories are now down to 2752 macros 293p, 279c, 51.5f down from almost 4200 3 weeks ago.
Cardio: Elliptical 135-150 BPM, 35 minutes 6 times a week.
Gear: Test 100mg EOD / Mast 150mg EOD total = 825mg
It would be really interesting, maybe at the end, to look at like the weekly or bi weekly average weight change you go through to peak bulk down to stage ready. what are you weighing in at now with only 2752 cals? I mean... that's my bulking level lol. But you're down like 25%+? 30%?

love that cardio break down too. of course the gear means nothing to me, I read everything you guys say and out side of the TDs/epi the rest is still greek to me lol


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So we are officially off to the races with the prep. Got final input we were moving on and it was time to start my prep cycle. Originally we were going to wait a couple weeks but he said let's kick this off now. As of today when I get home tonight the prep cycle starts. We are kicking it off at 350mg Test, and 525 mast. This should really help me fill back out while leaning up. Also feeling reinvigorated with motivation now that I know we are indeed going for it now. The wishy-washy feeling of not knowing what was next was starting to suck and mess with my head a little.

Recent diet changes: calories are now down to 2752 macros 293p, 279c, 51.5f down from almost 4200 3 weeks ago.
Cardio: Elliptical 135-150 BPM, 35 minutes 6 times a week.
Gear: Test 100mg EOD / Mast 150mg EOD total = 825mg

I am about to go do my cardio here soon. get that knocked out but won't be able to train legs today. I am going to my daughters Cosmetology Graduation tonight, and won't have the option. So just pushing lower body to tomorrow and will be all caught back up by the end of the weekend on lifting sessions. very excited for Sage completing this portion of her education. She still has a couple of college courses to complete to get her Associates of Applied Sciences Degree in December, but she has completed the actual cosmetology training which is awesome.

Shoulders & Triceps Friday, May 10, 2024 at 8:43pm

Shoulder Press (Machine Plates)
"2nd work set 2 rest pauses"
Set 1: 95 lbs x 10 @ 9.5 rpe [Failure]
Set 2: 70 lbs x 9 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 3: 70 lbs x 3 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 4: 70 lbs x 2 @ 10 rpe

Standing Lateral Raise
Set 1: 50 lbs x 20 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 60 lbs x 15 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 3: 70 lbs x 10 @ 9 rpe
Set 4: 50 lbs x 13 @ 10 rpe [Failure]

Incline DB Rear Delt Flyes
Set 1: 25 lbs x 20 @ 7.5 rpe
Set 2: 25 lbs x 20 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 3: 25 lbs x 20 @ 9.5 rpe

Upright Row - Cable
Set 1: 100 lbs x 11 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 70 lbs x 15 @ 8 rpe
Set 3: 70 lbs x 15 @ 10 rpe
Set 4: 70 lbs x 10 @ 10 rpe [Failure]

Cross Cable Tricep Extension
Set 1: 50 lbs x 15 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 2: 50 lbs x 12 @ 10 rpe
Set 3: 50 lbs x 10 @ 10 rpe [Failure]
Set 4: 30 lbs x 5 @ 10 rpe [Drop]


Back & Hamstrings - Saturday, May 11, 2024 at 9:09pm

Standing Leg Curls
Set 1: 40 lbs x 20 @ 7 rpe
Set 2: 60 lbs x 15 @ 7.5 rpe
Set 3: 80 lbs x 10 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 4: 50 lbs x 20 @ 9.5 rpe

Romanian Deadlift (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 55 lbs x 20 @ 7 rpe
Set 2: 55 lbs x 20 @ 9 rpe

Arsenal Wide grip Pronated Chest Supported Row
Set 1: 100 lbs x 9 @ 10 rpe
Set 2: 70 lbs x 11 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 3: 70 lbs x 10 @ 10 rpe

Single Arm Cable Row
Set 1: 50 lbs x 15 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 2: 50 lbs x 12 @ 10 rpe

Pullover (Machine)
Set 1: 100 lbs x 12 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 2: 100 lbs x 5 @ 10 rpe
Set 3: 100 lbs x 4 @ 10 rpe


Chest & Biceps - Monday, May 13, 2024 at 6:48pm

Incline Chest Press (Machine)
Set 1: 180 lbs x 12 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 180 lbs x 4 @ 8 rpe [Drop]
Set 3: 180 lbs x 2 @ 8 rpe [Drop]
Set 4: 150 lbs x 9 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 5: 150 lbs x 3 @ 8.5 rpe [Drop]
Set 6: 150 lbs x 2 @ 9 rpe [Drop]

Iso-Lateral Chest Press (Machine)
Set 1: 145 lbs x 7 @ 9 rpe
Set 2: 130 lbs x 7 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 3: 90 lbs x 12 @ 9 rpe
Set 4: 90 lbs x 6 @ 9.5 rpe [Drop]

Bench Press (Cable)
Set 1: 70 lbs x 12 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 70 lbs x 12 @ 8 rpe
Set 3: 70 lbs x 9 @ 10 rpe [Failure]

Chest Fly (Machine)
Set 1: 105 lbs x 21 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 2: 105 lbs x 21 @ 9 rpe
Set 3: 105 lbs x 21 @ 10 rpe [Failure]

Spider Curl (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 30 lbs x 10 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 30 lbs x 10 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 3: 30 lbs x 11 @ 10 rpe [Failure]

Bicep Curl (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 20 lbs x 15 @ 9 rpe
Set 2: 20 lbs x 9 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 3: 20 lbs x 8 @ 10 rpe [Failure]

Training has been good, still having to take a lot of care with my lower back. I have adjusted away from pushing to failure on certain sets and exercises just to keep myself in a position I can avoid injury a little better. Hinging movements are limited and relegated to lower weight and slightly higher reps. Still getting plenty of stimulation and minor DOMS with training so I am happy with things right now. Since having to take tonight off, I will be training legs tomorrow which would normally be my day off of training. So things are at least evening out well even with the change.
Good news on both fronts there Sir!
No more limbo of “when am I competing” and nothing is better than being a proud Dad. It’s great to see one of your own reach a milestone!!!



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Some big news indeed! Congrats to Sage, and to you for helping bring your child up to be able to achieve this accomplishment.

Excited for you to officially begin - how many weeks out from the show are you??


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That’s awesome man….it definitely helps to have some clarity and a date to hit your goals. With where your physique is already at, that Mast will really help tighten things up and really harden the muscles. You definitely added some more mass on your bulk without really sacrificing abs, so you should really notice that new muscle as you cut.
And congratulations to Sage, and you proud Dad.
Thanks, I am very excited to see what the finished product looks like.
Congrats to both you and Sage!
Sounds like things are really moving fast forward now, getting real in here!

It would be really interesting, maybe at the end, to look at like the weekly or bi weekly average weight change you go through to peak bulk down to stage ready. what are you weighing in at now with only 2752 cals? I mean... that's my bulking level lol. But you're down like 25%+? 30%?

love that cardio break down too. of course the gear means nothing to me, I read everything you guys say and out side of the TDs/epi the rest is still greek to me lol
Thanks! I believe his goals are about 2lbs a week but we also have to take into consideration the reintroduction to gear. If we don't drop calories too fast I may be able to regain whatever I probably lost during my maintenance period while on cruise doses.

As far as the gear set up, this particular mix of lower test to masteron is set up to have a bit lower increases in the things testosterone brings on in the way of increased RBC, hematocrit, and additional water. The masteron will drive anabolism while managing / lowering estrogen. We want estrogen relatively low to tighten things up and also assist in mitigating gyno symptoms for a better look on stage. The total dose at 825mg for the week is starting relatively moderate for a prep or blast for an experienced user but would be toward the top end of what I would suggest for a 2nd cycle to give an idea of where it lies in the spectrum. That being said we could easily be over 2 grams by contest time. Just depends on how my system handles everything.

Good news on both fronts there Sir!
No more limbo of “when am I competing” and nothing is better than being a proud Dad. It’s great to see one of your own reach a milestone!!!

Thanks, and totally agree on both accounts!
Some big news indeed! Congrats to Sage, and to you for helping bring your child up to be able to achieve this accomplishment.

Excited for you to officially begin - how many weeks out from the show are you??
Thanks, very excited for Sage, she goes to take her official board certification June 7th after she gets back from Florida. She has to fly home the 2nd to be in her summer class that starts on the 3rd. JoAnn and I will be staying a few extra days in Florida to enjoy ourselves since we are making such a long drive we want to stick around and enjoy it a little more.

Totally stoked about my contest now, that final date being nailed down really helps bring back the urgency that was hard to hold on to while questioning when this was actually going to take place. I kept doing what was needed but the mental fortitude was getting harder and harder to muster not knowing.

Also great news, tested my masteron and BOOM good to go! It was definitely something else that was causing the liver values to go up. Feeling pretty confident and am going to have coach give me a number of vials he thinks we will need of each product and get a larger order in. I currently have enough test and masteron for the next 2ish months depending on how high we take the doses.

Right now we are 14.5 weeks out.

I was sick yesterday, had to eat dinner out Tuesday night, and got close to my macros but something in the food didn't agree with my stomach. Caused me to hurl which then gave me a migraine most of the night. I had diarrhea most of the day yesterday so I didn't make it in to train and just ate and rested all day. I am going to throw in about 6 sets of leg press today just to get the volume and hypertrophy stimulus for my legs then knock out my shoulders and triceps. If I have a little more juice after that I may add in some more lower body work.

My body seems to have got the notice we are making changes. Woke up this morning at 215.2, and looking noticeably tighter. Actually tighter than I did at 215 2 weeks ago. I think I was just super flat and dehydrated that day because I feel as though I look better right now. Still putting myself in the 17-20% category just closer to the 17% now compared to closer to the 20% when we started cutting.


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I don't think that's what your coach had in mind for dropping 2lbs a week!
I think you are correct in that assumption, but I will take it. LOL Whatever brings the progress brings the progress.

Weight was down to 215 on the dot this morning but then I had a massive download so somewhere in the 214 range. Progress is coming. Things are tightening up, most noticeable right now in my arms and legs, vascularity is really improving in both areas. Abs are tighter and showing a little more but as we know that fat is first to come back and some of the last to go.

Shoulders & Triceps - Thursday, May 16, 2024 at 7:09pm

Shoulder Press (Machine Plates)
"2nd set was a myorep match set"
Set 1: 60 lbs x 15 @ 10 rpe
Set 2: 60 lbs x 11 @ 10 rpe
Set 3: 60 lbs x 4 @ 9 rpe

Medial Delt Swings
Set 1: 25 lbs x 20 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 2: 25 lbs x 20 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 3: 25 lbs x 15 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 4: 25 lbs x 15 @ 10 rpe [Failure]

Incline DB Rear Delt Flyes
Set 1: 25 lbs x 20 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 25 lbs x 15 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 3: 25 lbs x 15 @ 10 rpe

Snatch Grip Shrugs
Set 1: 145 lbs x 25 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 145 lbs x 20 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 3: 145 lbs x 17 @ 10 rpe

SA Triceps Rope Extension
Set 1: 25 lbs x 20 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 25 lbs x 17 @ 10 rpe
Set 3: 25 lbs x 14 @ 10 rpe [Failure]

PowerTec Dip Attachment
"2nd set myorep match"
Set 1: 180 lbs x 16 @ 10 rpe
Set 2: 180 lbs x 12 @ 10 rpe [Failure]
Set 3: 180 lbs x 4 @ 10 rpe

This was a great session in the garage. I got to the gym last night and a severe weather warning popped up on my phone saying horrible weather was imminent, and then a tornado warning followed immediately after. So I decided to take my happy ass right back to the house. About 15 minutes after I got home chaos ensued, and we had massive dumps of rain and extremely strong winds. I just closed the garage up and went for it regardless of the chaos outside. Good thing I went home because it was nasty.

I came into work today to find out I was supposed to stay home because our building was hit by a tornado. The buildings across the street got it worse than ours. We only lost about 15 windows total here, but these two buildings are literally across the street from my building and are wrecked. The last picture of kind of a peach building is our building, we only lost about 15 windows, but those are supposedly hurricane rated windows, so it takes a ridiculous amount of force to break them.



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I think you are correct in that assumption, but I will take it. LOL Whatever brings the progress brings the progress.

Weight was down to 215 on the dot this morning but then I had a massive download so somewhere in the 214 range. Progress is coming. Things are tightening up, most noticeable right now in my arms and legs, vascularity is really improving in both areas. Abs are tighter and showing a little more but as we know that fat is first to come back and some of the last to go.

Shoulders & Triceps - Thursday, May 16, 2024 at 7:09pm

Shoulder Press (Machine Plates)
"2nd set was a myorep match set"
Set 1: 60 lbs x 15 @ 10 rpe
Set 2: 60 lbs x 11 @ 10 rpe
Set 3: 60 lbs x 4 @ 9 rpe

Medial Delt Swings
Set 1: 25 lbs x 20 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 2: 25 lbs x 20 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 3: 25 lbs x 15 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 4: 25 lbs x 15 @ 10 rpe [Failure]

Incline DB Rear Delt Flyes
Set 1: 25 lbs x 20 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 25 lbs x 15 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 3: 25 lbs x 15 @ 10 rpe

Snatch Grip Shrugs
Set 1: 145 lbs x 25 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 145 lbs x 20 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 3: 145 lbs x 17 @ 10 rpe

SA Triceps Rope Extension
Set 1: 25 lbs x 20 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 25 lbs x 17 @ 10 rpe
Set 3: 25 lbs x 14 @ 10 rpe [Failure]

PowerTec Dip Attachment
"2nd set myorep match"
Set 1: 180 lbs x 16 @ 10 rpe
Set 2: 180 lbs x 12 @ 10 rpe [Failure]
Set 3: 180 lbs x 4 @ 10 rpe

This was a great session in the garage. I got to the gym last night and a severe weather warning popped up on my phone saying horrible weather was imminent, and then a tornado warning followed immediately after. So I decided to take my happy ass right back to the house. About 15 minutes after I got home chaos ensued, and we had massive dumps of rain and extremely strong winds. I just closed the garage up and went for it regardless of the chaos outside. Good thing I went home because it was nasty.

I came into work today to find out I was supposed to stay home because our building was hit by a tornado. The buildings across the street got it worse than ours. We only lost about 15 windows total here, but these two buildings are literally across the street from my building and are wrecked. The last picture of kind of a peach building is our building, we only lost about 15 windows, but those are supposedly hurricane rated windows, so it takes a ridiculous amount of force to break them.

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Sounds like everything is moving in the right direction, and you’re still getting really good volume in. Interested to see where you end up after your cut….. I think you’re going to kill it at your comp.
Hopefully nobody was hurt in the tornadoes. We get a lot of tornadoes here in Georgia, but the craziest time was when Atlanta got hit a few years ago. It went right through Midtown and Centennial Park blowing out windows and debris was everywhere. Good thing you followed your gut and went home.


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Wow. That’s some crazy weather. Crazy how gut instinct is usually spot on.
And I see you are KILLIN IT as usual!!!
Do you have the entire Powertec leverage gym? I have been squirreling some funds aside to either put into the bike or into the home gym. Decisions decisions


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Sounds like everything is moving in the right direction, and you’re still getting really good volume in. Interested to see where you end up after your cut….. I think you’re going to kill it at your comp.
Hopefully nobody was hurt in the tornadoes. We get a lot of tornadoes here in Georgia, but the craziest time was when Atlanta got hit a few years ago. It went right through Midtown and Centennial Park blowing out windows and debris was everywhere. Good thing you followed your gut and went home.
We had a total of 7 deaths from the tornadoes.
Holy guacamole, that is no joke! Man in the hard hat is probably wishing he had just called in sick today
Oh I am sure of it. I know I was but how do you justify going back home once you get in. LOL I got a lot done and still caught up on some of people on here so it worked out well for me.
Wow. That’s some crazy weather. Crazy how gut instinct is usually spot on.
And I see you are KILLIN IT as usual!!!
Do you have the entire Powertec leverage gym? I have been squirreling some funds aside to either put into the bike or into the home gym. Decisions decisions
Yes Sir, I have the whole thing, my son bought it for me and got me every attachment too. If you ever want to chat about positives and negatives of the set up let me know, but I do enjoy it.
Dang glad you and the family are ok! Some crazy weather and yeah you guys down there been getting lots of rain!
Yeah it has been pretty wild here.
Whoa dude, that's crazy!
No doubt!

I had a whoosh this week down to 210.4, I knew I had made more progress the last couple of weeks on the fat loss front than was showing on the scale. Waist thickness has gone down and arm and leg definition are obviously up. Abs looking much better, and the skin hasn't really even had time to start tightening up yet. Showing some good thickness still, pretty happy with that.





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Oh hell yeah, great place to be starting prep!

I know these are just progress pics, but your most muscular isn’t doing you justice - turn your elbows out a bit more/bring them more forward so you can better display the full width of your arm (it will be greater in visual effect than the thickness).


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We had a total of 7 deaths from the tornadoes.
Oh I am sure of it. I know I was but how do you justify going back home once you get in. LOL I got a lot done and still caught up on some of people on here so it worked out well for me.
Yes Sir, I have the whole thing, my son bought it for me and got me every attachment too. If you ever want to chat about positives and negatives of the set up let me know, but I do enjoy it.
Yeah it has been pretty wild here.
No doubt!

I had a whoosh this week down to 210.4, I knew I had made more progress the last couple of weeks on the fat loss front than was showing on the scale. Waist thickness has gone down and arm and leg definition are obviously up. Abs looking much better, and the skin hasn't really even had time to start tightening up yet. Showing some good thickness still, pretty happy with that.

View attachment 242312
View attachment 242313View attachment 242314
View attachment 242315View attachment 242316
When you get the time I’d love to hear the good and bad about the Powertec


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Oh hell yeah, great place to be starting prep!

I know these are just progress pics, but your most muscular isn’t doing you justice - turn your elbows out a bit more/bring them more forward so you can better display the full width of your arm (it will be greater in visual effect than the thickness).
Agreed, good eye! I noticed it when I was looking at it after I had already got dressed. I have been messing with it lately trying to figure out which way looks best, this one definitely wasn't it. It makes my triceps and shoulders disappear. Thanks for the tips, I am planning to start working with someone for posing as soon as I get back from Florida in a couple weeks. My nephew is getting married then Jo and I are going to spend a few days with the family then a few days on our own. I will be shopping and meal prepping as soon as I get there and will have plenty of protein powder and karbolyn on hand to fill in the gaps.
That’s some progress Like A Boss!!!
When you get the time I’d love to hear the good and bad about the Powertec
Absolutely. i'll PM you.


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We had a total of 7 deaths from the tornadoes.
Oh I am sure of it. I know I was but how do you justify going back home once you get in. LOL I got a lot done and still caught up on some of people on here so it worked out well for me.
Yes Sir, I have the whole thing, my son bought it for me and got me every attachment too. If you ever want to chat about positives and negatives of the set up let me know, but I do enjoy it.
Yeah it has been pretty wild here.
No doubt!

I had a whoosh this week down to 210.4, I knew I had made more progress the last couple of weeks on the fat loss front than was showing on the scale. Waist thickness has gone down and arm and leg definition are obviously up. Abs looking much better, and the skin hasn't really even had time to start tightening up yet. Showing some good thickness still, pretty happy with that.

View attachment 242312
View attachment 242313View attachment 242314
View attachment 242315View attachment 242316
You’re definitely starting your cut part of your prep in a great place. Your muscle fullness looks good, and already have good separation.


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Agreed, good eye! I noticed it when I was looking at it after I had already got dressed. I have been messing with it lately trying to figure out which way looks best, this one definitely wasn't it. It makes my triceps and shoulders disappear. Thanks for the tips, I am planning to start working with someone for posing as soon as I get back from Florida in a couple weeks. My nephew is getting married then Jo and I are going to spend a few days with the family then a few days on our own. I will be shopping and meal prepping as soon as I get there and will have plenty of protein powder and karbolyn on hand to fill in the gaps.
Absolutely. i'll PM you.
Solid progress Kleen! Glad to hear you talk a little about the posing element too. I know you've gone through the show part before, but I think a little more presentation on the angles will help bring all of your hard work to light. Lat spread as example looks like you're pulled up really high - best way I could think about it is pulling the shoulder/trap area down might accentuate your lat flare.

Again, I'm no expert though, just going based on pics I see of others who do it. As always, mad respect to those who step on stage to do it!


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DUDE glad you were not harmed during the tornadoes, I had no idea that was going on down there this past weekend.
The update pics are looking super firm already in that double bicep. I didn't even realize how monstrous your traps are looking till that most muscular there. I echo hyde, great place to be going from!


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WOW, LMAO talk about a whirlwind of life going on right now. Prep, work stuff, family life, getting ready to leave for vacation while trying to figure out just how I am going to get all of my training in. I have hopped on and started to respond and post up training several times only to lose what I am posting. I am already doing two-a-days with lifting and cardio. I imagine most of these while traveling will have to be combined into one big long painful workout. My last 2 sessions have been this way and let me tell you the cardio is brutal as an add on. Also legs are dead tired, I have to train them today so planning to take it a little light on the pressing movements and add some volume with Leg Curls and Extensions. I don't want to be nursing lower back issues during the 18 hour drive to Lakeland but I have no problem with my legs being sore.

Things are moving along more quickly now. We dropped calories again. My current macros are 225c, 291p, 56f for a total of 2568 calories. Weight is doing it's best to hang on even while I tighten back up. I know the gear levels picking up are the reason for tis but my brain is trying to get a little panicked by loss, then climb, then loss, then climb, and then loss. Knowing I am tightening up but also knowing I was heavier this week than the week before even though I can see I am tighter. Now I was 213.4 this morning and looking thick but I was 210.4 2 weeks ago. Assuming this is mostly extra glycogen retention, maybe some rebound muscle from being back on the gear.

Coach told me he was getting fukking excited with the package he thinks we are going to be able to bring into the show. Which in turn makes me even more excited. Between this and knowing I will be working with someone on posing when I get back I am just getting excited to know all of this hard work is about to come to a culmination in a ridiculous looking physique and hopefully a few trophies or medals.

Here are some recent training dumps.

Back & Hamstrings (- Saturday, May 18, 2024 at 6:34pm

Standing Leg Curls
Set 1: 50 lbs x 20 @ 7 rpe
Set 2: 60 lbs x 15 @ 7.5 rpe
Set 3: 90 lbs x 10 @ 10 rpe
Set 4: 50 lbs x 19 @ 10 rpe [Failure]

Arsenal Power Squat Good Mornings
Set 1: 340 lbs x 15 @ 7 rpe
Set 2: 340 lbs x 15 @ 8.5 rpe

Arsenal Wide grip Pronated Chest Supported Row
Set 1: 100 lbs x 10 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 100 lbs x 10 @ 9 rpe
Set 3: 100 lbs x 8 @ 10 rpe

Single Arm Cable Row
Set 1: 50 lbs x 15 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 50 lbs x 14 @ 10 rpe

Pullover (Machine)
Set 1: 110 lbs x 12 @ 9 rpe
Set 2: 100 lbs x 4 @ 10 rpe
Set 3: 100 lbs x 3 @ 10 rpe


Arms - Sunday, May 19, 2024 at 3:35pm

SA Triceps Rope Extension
Set 1: 50 lbs x 20 @ 9 rpe
Set 2: 50 lbs x 15 @ 10 rpe
Set 3: 60 lbs x 10 @ 9 rpe
Set 4: 40 lbs x 15 @ 10 rpe

Triceps Kickback (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 25 lbs x 12 @ 10 rpe
Set 2: 15 lbs x 15 @ 10 rpe
Set 3: 15 lbs x 12 @ 10 rpe [Failure]

EZ Bar Skullcrusher
Set 1: 50 lbs x 15 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 2: 50 lbs x 9 @ 10 rpe
Set 3: 40 lbs x 10 @ 10 rpe

Diamond Push Up
Set 1: 11 reps
Set 2: 9 reps
Set 3: 6 reps

Single Arm Preacher Curl
"HS machine"
Set 1: 45 lbs x 8 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 2: 35 lbs x 8 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 3: 35 lbs x 4 @ 10 rpe [Failure]

EZ Bar Biceps Curl

Set 1: 40 lbs x 15 @ 8.5 rpe

Set 2: 40 lbs x 15 @ 10 rpe

Set 3: 40 lbs x 10 @ 10 rpe [Failure]


Chest & Biceps -Monday, May 20, 2024 at 7:30pm

Chest Press (Machine)
Set 1: 130 lbs x 8 @ 9 rpe
Set 2: 115 lbs x 7 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 3: 85 lbs x 10 @ 10 rpe [Failure]

Incline Iso-lateral Chest Press
Set 1: 100 lbs x 13 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 2: 100 lbs x 11 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 3: 100 lbs x 3 @ 10 rpe

Bench Press (Cable)
Set 1: 57.5 lbs x 11 @ 9 rpe
Set 2: 50 lbs x 10 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 3: 50 lbs x 7 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 4: 50 lbs x 3 @ 9.5 rpe

Chest Fly (Machine)
Set 1: 85 lbs x 11 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 2: 55 lbs x 15 @ 9 rpe
Set 3: 55 lbs x 13 @ 10 rpe

Spider Curl (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 30 lbs x 11 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 2: 30 lbs x 11 @ 9 rpe
Set 3: 30 lbs x 11 @ 10 rpe

Bicep Curl (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 20 lbs x 15 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 2: 20 lbs x 12 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 3: 20 lbs x 10 @ 10 rpe


Legs - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 at 4:37pm

Leg Press (Machine)
"Knee was getting tired. Stopped for safety."
Set 1: 730 lbs x 12 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 730 lbs x 12 @ 9 rpe
Set 3: 730 lbs x 9 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 4: 730 lbs x 3 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 5: 730 lbs x 5 @ 6 rpe

Walking Lunge (Dumbbell)

Romanian Deadlift (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 60 lbs x 15 @ 7 rpe
Set 2: 70 lbs x 12 @ 9 rpe
Set 3: 70 lbs x 11 @ 9.5 rpe

Lying Leg Curl (Machine)
Set 1: 60 lbs x 20 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 65 lbs x 15 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 3: 70 lbs x 10 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 4: 45 lbs x 15 @ 10 rpe [Failure]


Shoulders & Triceps - Friday, May 24, 2024 at 8:34pm

Shoulder Press (Machine Plates)
Set 1: 95 lbs x 9 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 2: 95 lbs x 3 @ 10 rpe [Drop]
Set 3: 60 lbs x 11 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 4: 60 lbs x 4 @ 10 rpe

Standing Lateral Raise
Set 1: 50 lbs x 20 @ 10 rpe
Set 2: 50 lbs x 15 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 3: 60 lbs x 10 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 4: 40 lbs x 14 @ 10 rpe
Set 5: 40 lbs x 4 @ 10 rpe [Drop]

Incline DB Rear Delt Flyes
Set 1: 20 lbs x 20 @ 10 rpe
Set 2: 20 lbs x 15 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 3: 20 lbs x 16 @ 10 rpe

Upright Row (Dumbbell)
"Cable ez bar"
Set 1: 60 lbs x 17 @ 9 rpe
Set 2: 80 lbs x 14 @ 9 rpe
Set 3: 80 lbs x 11 @ 10 rpe
Set 4: 50 lbs x 12 @ 10 rpe [Failure]

Cross Cable Triceps Extension
Set 1: 50 lbs x 15 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 2: 50 lbs x 10 @ 10 rpe [Failure]
Set 3: 30 lbs x 18 @ 10 rpe

Triceps Dip
Set 1: 12 reps
Set 2: 15 reps


Back - Saturday - 5/25/24

Seated Leg Curls - rep scheme 20, 15, 10, 20

DB RDL - Shrug Super Set
65x15/15 x3 sets

Supported Seated Row x 4 sets

Single Arm Cable Rows x2 sets

Pullover machine - 110x13, RP 4, RP 3


Arms - Sunday, May 26, 2024 at 8:40pm

SA Triceps Rope Extension
Set 1: 50 lbs x 20 @ 9 rpe
Set 2: 50 lbs x 15 @ 10 rpe
Set 3: 60 lbs x 8 @ 10 rpe
Set 4: 40 lbs x 16 @ 10 rpe

EZ Bar Skullcrusher
Set 1: 20 lbs x 15 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 2: 20 lbs x 8 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 3: 20 lbs x 8 @ 10 rpe

Single Arm Preacher Curl
Set 1: 35 lbs x 10 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 2: 35 lbs x 8 @ 10 rpe
Set 3: 25 lbs x 9 @ 10 rpe [Failure]

EZ Bar Biceps Curl
"First set wide grip"
Set 1: 40 lbs x 10 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 2: 40 lbs x 15 @ 9 rpe
Set 3: 40 lbs x 11 @ 10 rpe [Failure]


Chest & Biceps - Monday, May 27, 2024 at 7:19pm

Incline Chest Press (Machine)
Set 1: 90 lbs x 10 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 90 lbs x 8 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 3: 90 lbs x 8 @ 8.5 rpe

Iso-Lateral Chest Press (Machine)
Set 1: 110 lbs x 10 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 150 lbs x 5 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 3: 120 lbs x 8 @ 9 rpe
Set 4: 90 lbs x 11 @ 9 rpe [Drop]

Bench Press (Cable)
Set 1: 60 lbs x 12 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 50 lbs x 15 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 3: 50 lbs x 11 @ 10 rpe

Chest Fly (Machine)
Set 1: 90 lbs x 21 @ 7 rpe
Set 2: 90 lbs x 21 @ 8 rpe
Set 3: 90 lbs x 21 @ 9.5 rpe

Spider Curl (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 30 lbs x 10 @ 7 rpe
Set 2: 30 lbs x 12 @ 8 rpe
Set 3: 30 lbs x 12 @ 9 rpe

Bicep Curl (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 15 lbs x 20 @ 9 rpe
Set 2: 15 lbs x 15 @ 9 rpe
Set 3: 15 lbs x 13 @ 10 rpe


I have legs today, going to take the pressing a little light as mentioned earlier in the post. I need my lower back to be in good driving condition for the 18 hours on the road. I don't want to push the lower back too hard before stressing it like that. It is going to be a very chaotic and challenging situation to be on prep during this trip but I will make it work.

Oh yeah, tried something a little different with my MM I think it looks a bit better. Once the rest of the fat comes off things will clean up under my pecs making this look much better.


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WOW, LMAO talk about a whirlwind of life going on right now. Prep, work stuff, family life, getting ready to leave for vacation while trying to figure out just how I am going to get all of my training in. I have hopped on and started to respond and post up training several times only to lose what I am posting. I am already doing two-a-days with lifting and cardio. I imagine most of these while traveling will have to be combined into one big long painful workout. My last 2 sessions have been this way and let me tell you the cardio is brutal as an add on. Also legs are dead tired, I have to train them today so planning to take it a little light on the pressing movements and add some volume with Leg Curls and Extensions. I don't want to be nursing lower back issues during the 18 hour drive to Lakeland but I have no problem with my legs being sore.

Things are moving along more quickly now. We dropped calories again. My current macros are 225c, 291p, 56f for a total of 2568 calories. Weight is doing it's best to hang on even while I tighten back up. I know the gear levels picking up are the reason for tis but my brain is trying to get a little panicked by loss, then climb, then loss, then climb, and then loss. Knowing I am tightening up but also knowing I was heavier this week than the week before even though I can see I am tighter. Now I was 213.4 this morning and looking thick but I was 210.4 2 weeks ago. Assuming this is mostly extra glycogen retention, maybe some rebound muscle from being back on the gear.

Coach told me he was getting fukking excited with the package he thinks we are going to be able to bring into the show. Which in turn makes me even more excited. Between this and knowing I will be working with someone on posing when I get back I am just getting excited to know all of this hard work is about to come to a culmination in a ridiculous looking physique and hopefully a few trophies or medals.

Here are some recent training dumps.

Back & Hamstrings (- Saturday, May 18, 2024 at 6:34pm

Standing Leg Curls
Set 1: 50 lbs x 20 @ 7 rpe
Set 2: 60 lbs x 15 @ 7.5 rpe
Set 3: 90 lbs x 10 @ 10 rpe
Set 4: 50 lbs x 19 @ 10 rpe [Failure]

Arsenal Power Squat Good Mornings
Set 1: 340 lbs x 15 @ 7 rpe
Set 2: 340 lbs x 15 @ 8.5 rpe

Arsenal Wide grip Pronated Chest Supported Row
Set 1: 100 lbs x 10 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 100 lbs x 10 @ 9 rpe
Set 3: 100 lbs x 8 @ 10 rpe

Single Arm Cable Row
Set 1: 50 lbs x 15 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 50 lbs x 14 @ 10 rpe

Pullover (Machine)
Set 1: 110 lbs x 12 @ 9 rpe
Set 2: 100 lbs x 4 @ 10 rpe
Set 3: 100 lbs x 3 @ 10 rpe


Arms - Sunday, May 19, 2024 at 3:35pm

SA Triceps Rope Extension
Set 1: 50 lbs x 20 @ 9 rpe
Set 2: 50 lbs x 15 @ 10 rpe
Set 3: 60 lbs x 10 @ 9 rpe
Set 4: 40 lbs x 15 @ 10 rpe

Triceps Kickback (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 25 lbs x 12 @ 10 rpe
Set 2: 15 lbs x 15 @ 10 rpe
Set 3: 15 lbs x 12 @ 10 rpe [Failure]

EZ Bar Skullcrusher
Set 1: 50 lbs x 15 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 2: 50 lbs x 9 @ 10 rpe
Set 3: 40 lbs x 10 @ 10 rpe

Diamond Push Up
Set 1: 11 reps
Set 2: 9 reps
Set 3: 6 reps

Single Arm Preacher Curl
"HS machine"
Set 1: 45 lbs x 8 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 2: 35 lbs x 8 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 3: 35 lbs x 4 @ 10 rpe [Failure]

EZ Bar Biceps Curl

Set 1: 40 lbs x 15 @ 8.5 rpe

Set 2: 40 lbs x 15 @ 10 rpe

Set 3: 40 lbs x 10 @ 10 rpe [Failure]


Chest & Biceps -Monday, May 20, 2024 at 7:30pm

Chest Press (Machine)
Set 1: 130 lbs x 8 @ 9 rpe
Set 2: 115 lbs x 7 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 3: 85 lbs x 10 @ 10 rpe [Failure]

Incline Iso-lateral Chest Press
Set 1: 100 lbs x 13 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 2: 100 lbs x 11 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 3: 100 lbs x 3 @ 10 rpe

Bench Press (Cable)
Set 1: 57.5 lbs x 11 @ 9 rpe
Set 2: 50 lbs x 10 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 3: 50 lbs x 7 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 4: 50 lbs x 3 @ 9.5 rpe

Chest Fly (Machine)
Set 1: 85 lbs x 11 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 2: 55 lbs x 15 @ 9 rpe
Set 3: 55 lbs x 13 @ 10 rpe

Spider Curl (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 30 lbs x 11 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 2: 30 lbs x 11 @ 9 rpe
Set 3: 30 lbs x 11 @ 10 rpe

Bicep Curl (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 20 lbs x 15 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 2: 20 lbs x 12 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 3: 20 lbs x 10 @ 10 rpe


Legs - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 at 4:37pm

Leg Press (Machine)
"Knee was getting tired. Stopped for safety."
Set 1: 730 lbs x 12 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 730 lbs x 12 @ 9 rpe
Set 3: 730 lbs x 9 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 4: 730 lbs x 3 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 5: 730 lbs x 5 @ 6 rpe

Walking Lunge (Dumbbell)

Romanian Deadlift (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 60 lbs x 15 @ 7 rpe
Set 2: 70 lbs x 12 @ 9 rpe
Set 3: 70 lbs x 11 @ 9.5 rpe

Lying Leg Curl (Machine)
Set 1: 60 lbs x 20 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 65 lbs x 15 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 3: 70 lbs x 10 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 4: 45 lbs x 15 @ 10 rpe [Failure]


Shoulders & Triceps - Friday, May 24, 2024 at 8:34pm

Shoulder Press (Machine Plates)
Set 1: 95 lbs x 9 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 2: 95 lbs x 3 @ 10 rpe [Drop]
Set 3: 60 lbs x 11 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 4: 60 lbs x 4 @ 10 rpe

Standing Lateral Raise
Set 1: 50 lbs x 20 @ 10 rpe
Set 2: 50 lbs x 15 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 3: 60 lbs x 10 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 4: 40 lbs x 14 @ 10 rpe
Set 5: 40 lbs x 4 @ 10 rpe [Drop]

Incline DB Rear Delt Flyes
Set 1: 20 lbs x 20 @ 10 rpe
Set 2: 20 lbs x 15 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 3: 20 lbs x 16 @ 10 rpe

Upright Row (Dumbbell)
"Cable ez bar"
Set 1: 60 lbs x 17 @ 9 rpe
Set 2: 80 lbs x 14 @ 9 rpe
Set 3: 80 lbs x 11 @ 10 rpe
Set 4: 50 lbs x 12 @ 10 rpe [Failure]

Cross Cable Triceps Extension
Set 1: 50 lbs x 15 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 2: 50 lbs x 10 @ 10 rpe [Failure]
Set 3: 30 lbs x 18 @ 10 rpe

Triceps Dip
Set 1: 12 reps
Set 2: 15 reps


Back - Saturday - 5/25/24

Seated Leg Curls - rep scheme 20, 15, 10, 20

DB RDL - Shrug Super Set
65x15/15 x3 sets

Supported Seated Row x 4 sets

Single Arm Cable Rows x2 sets

Pullover machine - 110x13, RP 4, RP 3


Arms - Sunday, May 26, 2024 at 8:40pm

SA Triceps Rope Extension
Set 1: 50 lbs x 20 @ 9 rpe
Set 2: 50 lbs x 15 @ 10 rpe
Set 3: 60 lbs x 8 @ 10 rpe
Set 4: 40 lbs x 16 @ 10 rpe

EZ Bar Skullcrusher
Set 1: 20 lbs x 15 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 2: 20 lbs x 8 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 3: 20 lbs x 8 @ 10 rpe

Single Arm Preacher Curl
Set 1: 35 lbs x 10 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 2: 35 lbs x 8 @ 10 rpe
Set 3: 25 lbs x 9 @ 10 rpe [Failure]

EZ Bar Biceps Curl
"First set wide grip"
Set 1: 40 lbs x 10 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 2: 40 lbs x 15 @ 9 rpe
Set 3: 40 lbs x 11 @ 10 rpe [Failure]


Chest & Biceps - Monday, May 27, 2024 at 7:19pm

Incline Chest Press (Machine)
Set 1: 90 lbs x 10 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 90 lbs x 8 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 3: 90 lbs x 8 @ 8.5 rpe

Iso-Lateral Chest Press (Machine)
Set 1: 110 lbs x 10 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 150 lbs x 5 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 3: 120 lbs x 8 @ 9 rpe
Set 4: 90 lbs x 11 @ 9 rpe [Drop]

Bench Press (Cable)
Set 1: 60 lbs x 12 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 50 lbs x 15 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 3: 50 lbs x 11 @ 10 rpe

Chest Fly (Machine)
Set 1: 90 lbs x 21 @ 7 rpe
Set 2: 90 lbs x 21 @ 8 rpe
Set 3: 90 lbs x 21 @ 9.5 rpe

Spider Curl (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 30 lbs x 10 @ 7 rpe
Set 2: 30 lbs x 12 @ 8 rpe
Set 3: 30 lbs x 12 @ 9 rpe

Bicep Curl (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 15 lbs x 20 @ 9 rpe
Set 2: 15 lbs x 15 @ 9 rpe
Set 3: 15 lbs x 13 @ 10 rpe


I have legs today, going to take the pressing a little light as mentioned earlier in the post. I need my lower back to be in good driving condition for the 18 hours on the road. I don't want to push the lower back too hard before stressing it like that. It is going to be a very chaotic and challenging situation to be on prep during this trip but I will make it work.
Awesome to hear and sounds like a busy schedule you got going! I’m excited for you as well!! Awesome job man 💪🏻


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Thank you Sir!


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Looking like a Beast 💪…….You definitely have a busy schedule, but all sounds good. I think you’re going to crush it, and definitely bring home a trophy. And it’s always a good sign when the coach is extra excited because he knows he chose a winner.🏆 The timing sounds good with the gear and the intensity bringing you down the home stretch to the show. And as far as training, with the gear being added in, your body should respond really well to everything, even if you have to get creative with body weight exercises while on vacation,
Hope you have a great vacation, and have fun man, you deserve it.

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