USA BIGHULKSMASH $725 Order, No Products Received



Agree. I'm a fat fck myself; however, I don't run 2gs of trenbolone/week lol

Long story...

So what happened is that I had a successful deal, as OP did, last December and was texting the guy, as I do many others on this board, bullsh1ting and whatnot about raising kids, hockey, fatchicks, gear etc...

I liked hulk.
Brandinooooo just finished his "tr3sting the limits" cycle and I wanted to get a hold of dtrest, but everyone was sold out at the time... nutriverse had some coming but it was way down the line

Hulk says he's got some OG OL dtren.... I compare sides and figure why not run tren instead of trest... seems a bigger reward for comparable d1ck risks...

$90 ea...

I paypal $180... a week goes by and it's not in the mail. I've got a good 10 wks to wait anyway, since I was just wrapping up a PCT from a gay as fck SARMS run

After multiple texts, hulk finally sends me tracking info. I live on a ranch in Wyoming and it was like -10 at the time so I was concerned the sh1t would freeze in the mailbox, which is like 4 miles from my house.

As I'm waiting, hulk sets up another deal cause I'm low on whey and creatine. Says he's gonna throw a couple percs in the powder cause we're texting about getting high at the time and I was just starting to mess with kratom so I had a lil jones going on...

The back story is that I mentor at risk teens and oversee their recovery etc... I myself am a recovering heroin addict. Wasn't a good idea, but it sounded good...

I held out on payment until I got the dermatren and was tracking the order... the day it was suppose to arrive, I go to my mailbox and receive a note from the PO saying they got it at the office cause the address wasn't clear... the PO is 30+ miles from my house and I roll into town to pick it up.

I'm texting hulk during this time asking what addy he sent it to.... he texts back the correct addresss and is acting all sket he's out, like he's gonna get popped for sending illegal sh1t in the mail. (To be clear, it was just 2 bottles of dtren).

I get to the PO and sign for an envelope. I already knew from the size of the parcel that he fcked me. When I opened it, it just had one of those freebie samples of some millennial tech PWO...

I called hulk irate and he didn't answer and texted back that the cops were outside his house and sh1t... I sent some heated texts threatening to write a bad review on the good seller/bad seller thread, knowing he's got a good rep and that it might fck him up.

He responds, to paraphrase: "dude, you mentor kids and want me to send you percs and you also run gear: you shame me, I'll shame you." I figured it wasn't worth the drama and that AM is my outlet outside of this little weird world I got here in Wyoming, where I can bullsh1t with normal, like-minded dudes and didn't want to ruin it... so i dropped it and didn't post anything.

I told some of my boys on here to watch out...

Now, OP, that you got fcked I feel bad.. honestly I should have written an honest review but didn't wanna start sh1t.

Hulk said that the dtren was confiscated, as if it was straight tren or something... it was complete bullsh1t

Anyway, that's what happened...
Lmao and when was this?!!

Funny thing is, he told me right when he first "shipped my package" that a lot of his packages get seized and to be careful because hes being watched by the feds and most likely my package will be seized. i said wow seriously okay give me a tracking number so i can follow it and then he said that he lost the receipt and couldn't provide me with any tracking. He tried to say "be careful man i fear for the safety of your family dont text dont call dont message me on the forums. the feds are watching every word we say to each other" i called him out on this saying i spoke with many people about packages being seized and nobody has ever experienced this with domestic orders of legal supplements. It doesnt even sound logical.

I knew it was all BS.


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Lmao and when was this?!!

Funny thing is, he told me right when he first "shipped my package" that a lot of his packages get seized and to be careful because hes being watched by the feds and most likely my package will be seized. i said wow seriously okay give me a tracking number so i can follow it and then he said that he lost the receipt and couldn't provide me with any tracking. He tried to say "be careful man i fear for the safety of your family dont text dont call dont message me on the forums. the feds are watching every word we say to each other" i called him out on this saying i spoke with many people about packages being seized and nobody has ever experienced this with domestic orders of legal supplements. It doesnt even sound logical.

I knew it was all BS.
Rofl.. Now I believe that he's delusional. Poor guy thinks his story is true. We have very good treatment methods for people like him (F***ing thief).


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Rofl.. Now I believe that he's delusional. Poor guy thinks his story is true. We have very good treatment methods for people like him (F***ing thief).
The best treatment would be ? ??


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The best treatment would be �� ����
I didn't explain. So, where I come from, we get the guy butt naked, tie him to a pillar, whip him till he cries for his mother to not have have him brought to the world.

Dang! why the hell am I furious?


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He's going to pay mmorso back?


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He got his money back I was in jail and detox .
Amen buddy... Hope everything works out for you. My life has probably been in worse places than yours right now. People can change
tyga tyga

tyga tyga

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When I came back from Maine I caught a DUI . The money was still in my bank . If it wasn't he wouldn't have gotten it back. I had some personal problems . This is fixed now . My point is I'm apologizing to ZachH for the mishap .
Being irresponsible happens. But, the red herring doesn't hide the fact you SOLD him $425 worth of supplements and never shipped them. Then SOLD him an additional $300 worth of supplements and again never shipped them. But, you got locked up somewhere between the two transactions? Or after? Either way, the original purchase should have went out within three days, not a month long trail of deceit to con $725 out of a board member.

You KNOW your story doesn't add up right?

*made up dates to illustrate*

September 1- $425 supplements sold
- may have went to jail here?
September 15- $300 supplements sold
- may have went to jail here?
September 30- $725 worth of supplements still not received
- may have went to jail end of the month?

Onus was on you to ship what you sold through a written agreement. Clearly you had no intention on sending anything. You would have done it after the original transaction.


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That pic just sums up that fat sad excuse for a lying, cheating d1ckhead. Believe me, if I lived in the States and that piece of lard conned me Id hunt him down and make him pay. BIG TIME!!


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That pic just sums up that fat sad excuse for a lying, cheating d1ckhead. Believe me, if I lived in the States and that piece of lard conned me Id hunt him down and make him pay. BIG TIME!!


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BHS, you shouldn't be on here as it's clear your intentions and actions declare your deceit and untrustworthiness. I don't see how anyone on here would trust you again. It's not just the lying and cheating, but rather also the opportunities taken from others to experience products you've left feedback about. I wouldn't trust any of it, and believe you more than likely never used any of them in lieu of selling them off somewhere else.

You've done a disservice to the people of this forum and the sponsors who generously offer logging opportunities to try out their products. You should probably ban yourself from here too.


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BHS, you shouldn't be on here as it's clear your intentions and actions declare your deceit and untrustworthiness. I don't see how anyone on here would trust you again. It's not just the lying and cheating, but rather also the opportunities taken from others to experience products you've left feedback about. I wouldn't trust any of it, and believe you more than likely never used any of them in lieu of selling them off somewhere else.

You've done a disservice to the people of this forum and the sponsors who generously offer logging opportunities to try out their products. You should probably ban yourself from here too.


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If the feds are after you and your mailing **** your done. Not back out in less than a month with your devices you used to get in the forum.

I've had two friends go to Fed for like 6 years each for selling drugs. Those guy's don't **** around and their shure don't let you back out on the street.

I think you might be mistaken what's going on in your head man for what's going on in the real world,. I don't know if that can happen from running a ****load of gear but you might want to consider just go and clean on everything alcohol everything for a while and see if your head straightened out bro.

Edit:. I'm not directly trying to snipe you either I mean this.


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If the feds are after you and your mailing **** your done. Not back out in less than a month with your devices you used to get in the forum.

I've had two friends go to Fed for like 6 years each for selling drugs. Those guy's don't **** around and their shure don't let you back out on the street.

I think you might be mistaken what's going on in your head man for what's going on in the real world,. I don't know if that can happen from running a ****load of gear but you might want to consider just go and clean on everything alcohol everything for a while and see if your head straightened out bro.

Edit:. I'm not directly trying to snipe you either I mean this.
I have encountered people like this. They string a web of lies together to fit their narrative, and most times will lie for weeks/months before hand to build their story. I believe he knew he was not being watched by the Feds, he put that out there in advance so that when the package never showed up he had something to fall back on as the excuse. If he truly thought he was being watched and continued to send stuff out then I dont even know what to say about that. Play stupid games win stupid prizes?


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I have encountered people like this. They string a web of lies together to fit their narrative, and most times will lie for weeks/months before hand to build their story. I believe he knew he was not being watched by the Feds, he put that out there in advance so that when the package never showed up he had something to fall back on as the excuse. If he truly thought he was being watched and continued to send stuff out then I dont even know what to say about that. Play stupid games win stupid prizes?
I mean... Yeah your right. It could be even the case where you lie so much you think your own story is true.

But hell I've seen people keep up this kind of **** even though they think it's going to go wrong. Usually that's money and or addiction. But I just don't see that could be the case with gear, it's not a craving / self reinforcing class of drugs. So money then. Hard to make assumptions about another man's mind.

Either way / regardless I'm playing devil's advocate again. I'm gonna stop.


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Wow. What a thread. I believe every person can change and I will pray for you, BHS. Maybe it's time to unplug from the internet and focus on what you want in life; to find
what makes you happy. Paint, woodwork, birdwatch. Find that spark that makes you feel like you again. A lot of deserved hate coming your way but you can make it right. It starts with making it right with yourself, though.


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I have encountered people like this. They string a web of lies together to fit their narrative, and most times will lie for weeks/months before hand to build their story. I believe he knew he was not being watched by the Feds, he put that out there in advance so that when the package never showed up he had something to fall back on as the excuse. If he truly thought he was being watched and continued to send stuff out then I dont even know what to say about that. Play stupid games win stupid prizes?
Exactly this. I was going to post something similar, as I have met people like this, too. Every comment and action he made had a purpose. With mmorso, for example, he sent a package with just a sample in it and then said things about the cops watching him. That way, his story could be that he sent the DermaTren along with the sample and the DermaTren was seized. Not only did he send what was paid for, but he added a free sample because he's such a nice guy! In his head, this makes him not only look like a legit seller but also a super generous one because of the free sample he included.

A cold, calculating con artist. Watch out.


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Wow. What a thread. I believe every person can change and I will pray for you, BHS. Maybe it's time to unplug from the internet and focus on what you want in life; to find
what makes you happy. Paint, woodwork, birdwatch. Find that spark that makes you feel like you again. A lot of deserved hate coming your way but you can make it right. It starts with making it right with yourself, though.
Well said. Lives are reversable, reputation takes more time and a ton more good rep than bad. I was all jinked up years back, took rehab to get me off of my favorite sauce. You gotta want it though.

Lifting weights and stuff like feeding hummingbirds (I know it sounds lame but they're cool critters) can really center you. Once your actually standing still tht universe will too. Grow a few bonzai. Don't get discouraged if a few die. I love the care involved. And it self teaches patience - life's #1 virtue


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Do you think the Feds are watching this forum? I got a weird private message from some new member the other day.
Asking me about another member. I told him to ask him instead, why ask me?

Checks outside for discrete white vans parked anywhere nearby. lol.



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Well said. Lives are reversable, reputation takes more time and a ton more good rep than bad. I was all jinked up years back, took rehab to get me off of my favorite sauce. You gotta want it though.

Lifting weights and stuff like feeding hummingbirds (I know it sounds lame but they're cool critters) can really center you. Once your actually standing still tht universe will too. Grow a few bonzai. Don't get discouraged if a few die. I love the care involved. And it self teaches patience - life's #1 virtue
Believe it or not, I love wild birds. Feeding them and watching them. I always have had a bird feeder every place I've ever lived. Their grace and beauty. The fact that they can f**king fly and they don't think anything of it. The fact that they sing so happily every day no matter the storms or crap that goes on around us. It puts me in my place. I'm in awe and wish I could know what it was like to be one of them. (I swear I'm not on drugs)

I'm a big believer that if you hate yourself, you don't care if others hate you. You're more willing to screw people over. You're more willing to do all kinds of things that aren't good for you, your family, your friends, or your future. Every good thing in life starts with loving yourself, forgiving yourself, and wanting to be alive. I don't know the dark slippery path he is on and how far he has traveled down it. I do know that you can get off of it, though, and start the long walk back towards the start of that path. And when you get all the way back, you can turn around and take a better path.


This thread has gone from "help with a scammer" to a full blown intervention for BHS. Nice to see people be understanding about underlying issues within his head that causes these types of behaviors. Not that they are excusable or okay, just understandable. Prayers sent for BHS and may he be blessed on his road to recovery. He just will no longer have a negative impact on this forum or any other in the meantime because this made everyone aware of his true self.


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You have all literally fell into it. Lmao c'mon guys.


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This thread has gone from "help with a scammer" to a full blown intervention for BHS. Nice to see people be understanding about underlying issues within his head that causes these types of behaviors. Not that they are excusable or okay, just understandable. Prayers sent for BHS and may he be blessed on his road to recovery. He just will no longer have a negative impact on this forum or any other in the meantime because this made everyone aware of his true self.
He has to live with the consequences of his actions. He should be banned. He screwed a lot of people over directly and indirectly. I wish him the best but do not believe everyone should hold hands and sing "Kumbaya" and just let him back in to their good graces. I have no more part in this matter and will leave on that note. I'm glad you got your money back.


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I love birds. They taste good. :) j/k Don't hate me. because I'm an omnivore. (It's not a religion, it's a way of life)


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I love birds. They taste good. :) j/k Don't hate me. because I'm an omnivore. (It's not a religion, it's a way of life)
I think deer are pretty creatures too but I could eat bacon-wrapped venison every day. I'm a hypocrite, an animal lover who also loves to eat them. Haha.


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This thread has gone from "help with a scammer" to a full blown intervention for BHS. Nice to see people be understanding about underlying issues within his head that causes these types of behaviors. Not that they are excusable or okay, just understandable. Prayers sent for BHS and may he be blessed on his road to recovery. He just will no longer have a negative impact on this forum or any other in the meantime because this made everyone aware of his true self.
Nah fck hulk. His problem is he's an

We're assuming he's got other issues

I've been strung out and never fcked anyone over. Ever... so addiction isn't an excuse in my book.

He's just a POS. Plain and simple.


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Nah fck hulk. His problem is he's an

We're assuming he's got other issues

I've been strung out and never fcked anyone over. Ever... so addiction isn't an excuse in my book.

He's just a POS. Plain and simple.


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Nah fck hulk. His problem is he's an

We're assuming he's got other issues

I've been strung out and never fcked anyone over. Ever... so addiction isn't an excuse in my book.

He's just a POS. Plain and simple.
Straight to the point! well done.


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You have all literally fell into it. Lmao c'mon guys.
Sure it might all be garbage but if it's not and he's not well, heck I've been there and he needs to hear the words. If not I don't think this was the kind of attention he wanted so no harm done. I don't really mind either way. Cast a large net. Catch different type of fish. (If that makes sense).


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At this point, you can't even believe what he's telling you about going to jail or substance abuse issues. He's lost the credibility to even believe that... Sorry


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Nah fck hulk. His problem is he's an

We're assuming he's got other issues

I've been strung out and never fcked anyone over. Ever... so addiction isn't an excuse in my book.

He's just a POS. Plain and simple.
Maybe he's a POS with other issues. Bad combo. I honestly feel bad for his family as well, and he really needs to get help. I hope he gets the help he needs and learns not to screw over people in his life.

I can totally understand your anger, I'd be mad as hell too!


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Maybe he's a POS with other issues. Bad combo. I honestly feel bad for his family as well, and he really needs to get help. I hope he gets the help he needs and learns not to screw over people in his life.

I can totally understand your anger, I'd be mad as hell too!
I feel bad for OP's family... not for hulk IMHO...


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I feel bad for OP's family... not for hulk IMHO...
I just know that hulk has a son, and it will be really hard for him in the future with a dad who makes up sh1t like that.


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At this point, you can't even believe what he's telling you about going to jail or substance abuse issues. He's lost the credibility to even believe that... Sorry
LMAO I think I read on one of the other pages someone ask him for a mug shot :D

But in all seriousness whatever his issue is I hope he gets some sort of help and figures it out especially considering he has a son.


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LMAO I think I read on one of the other pages someone ask him for a mug shot :D

But in all seriousness whatever his issue is I hope he gets some sort of help and figures it out especially considering he has a son.
I hope he rips someone off in person and gets his sh1t fcked up... instead he's a b1tch and rips people off from behind his computer...


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Very true. That's very cowardly.

I remember him talking some sh1t about hacking and stuff in the past.


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Very true. That's very cowardly.

I remember him talking some sh1t about hacking and stuff in the past.
Was it hacking a spy satellite in a simulator?
I also thought he was working for a 3 letter government organization pushed to a desk job because of being too rough on the bad guys. He'd often post up images of him and his laptop in a room that looked like an agency room doing surveillance.


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Was it hacking a spy satellite in a simulator?
I also thought he was working for a 3 letter government organization pushed to a desk job because of being too rough on the bad guys. He'd often post up images of him and his laptop in a room that looked like an agency room doing surveillance.
Wow, that's just.... wow.


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Our parents were right...

You can be whoever you want to be in life

.....on the internet


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Was it hacking a spy satellite in a simulator?
I also thought he was working for a 3 letter government organization pushed to a desk job because of being too rough on the bad guys. He'd often post up images of him and his laptop in a room that looked like an agency room doing surveillance.
That is really crazy, LOL. You happen to have any of those? LMAO.


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That is really crazy, LOL. You happen to have any of those? LMAO.
Looks like he cleaned all of the pics off, damn. I thought they looked cool. I did a Google search for "Bighulksmash anabolicminds". There are some pics but nothing like those.


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Very true. That's very cowardly.

I remember him talking some sh1t about hacking and stuff in the past.
Real hackers don't brag about being hackers - especially not on bodybuilding forums. Unless they're 15. A lot of them think they're hackers because they know what an IP address is and how to hire a bot net operator to flood packets at someone - paying them BTC. Then they brag about THIER skills and thier botnet. Hah.

Show me a mother ****er who can trick a web server into thinking they're God and I'll show you a very quite person. I sat on a SOC floor and monitored for this crap all day and through the night on shifts. 99% are automated attacks that someone paid a hacker to do - they're super robotic and easy to spot. The actual hacker sits tight at home and just keeps quite and cashes in big time. He doesn't even lift a finger. It's totally automatic. BTC recieved? Script actions kick off. if the dude himself gets directly involved then you find out when your stuff is already pwned. Not before or during the attack. He has been in and out, jizzed on the carpet, stolen your credit cards, and erased all traces. That's rather the whole point. You don't brag, you just crush stuff and disappear.

I really hate it when people lie about that. I'm gonna go ahead and reverse my stance. Addiction - I know that and it's horrible so I feel bad. But pretending to be a hacker? Makes Security guys and Network admins really upset. It also makes me think he's not crazy, and y'all are right and it's a big story.


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Real hackers don't brag about being hackers - especially not on bodybuilding forums. Unless they're 15. A lot of them think they're hackers because they know what an IP address is and how to hire a bot net operator to flood packets at someone - paying them BTC. Then they brag about THIER skills and thier botnet. Hah.

Show me a mother ****er who can trick a web server into thinking they're God and I'll show you a very quite person. I sat on a SOC floor and monitored for this crap all day and through the night on shifts. 99% are automated attacks that someone paid a hacker to do - they're super robotic and easy to spot. The actual hacker sits tight at home and just keeps quite and cashes in big time. He doesn't even lift a finger. It's totally automatic. BTC recieved? Script actions kick off. if the dude himself gets directly involved then you find out when your stuff is already pwned. Not before or during the attack. He has been in and out, jizzed on the carpet, stolen your credit cards, and erased all traces. That's rather the whole point. You don't brag, you just crush stuff and disappear.

I really hate it when people lie about that. I'm gonna go ahead and reverse my stance. Addiction - I know that and it's horrible so I feel bad. But pretending to be a hacker? Makes Security guys and Network admins really upset. It also makes me think he's not crazy, and y'all are right and it's a big story.
When you put it that way, maybe it is all just a big pack of lies!


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Real hackers don't brag about being hackers - especially not on bodybuilding forums. Unless they're 15. A lot of them think they're hackers because they know what an IP address is and how to hire a bot net operator to flood packets at someone - paying them BTC. Then they brag about THIER skills and thier botnet. Hah.

Show me a mother ****er who can trick a web server into thinking they're God and I'll show you a very quite person. I sat on a SOC floor and monitored for this crap all day and through the night on shifts. 99% are automated attacks that someone paid a hacker to do - they're super robotic and easy to spot. The actual hacker sits tight at home and just keeps quite and cashes in big time. He doesn't even lift a finger. It's totally automatic. BTC recieved? Script actions kick off. if the dude himself gets directly involved then you find out when your stuff is already pwned. Not before or during the attack. He has been in and out, jizzed on the carpet, stolen your credit cards, and erased all traces. That's rather the whole point. You don't brag, you just crush stuff and disappear.

I really hate it when people lie about that. I'm gonna go ahead and reverse my stance. Addiction - I know that and it's horrible so I feel bad. But pretending to be a hacker? Makes Security guys and Network admins really upset. It also makes me think he's not crazy, and y'all are right and it's a big story.
The closest I ever got to hacking anything was subscribing to 2600 magazine. It was fun to read, and I wish I had kept all of my issues.


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The closest I ever got to hacking anything was subscribing to 2600 magazine. It was fun to read, and I wish I had kept all of my issues.
Haha nice. Yeah I can not pull any of that off either. I mean yeah I can hire a "stress testing service", but anyone can do that. All the advanced attacks, well that's a totally different bit. I followed a "how to" on Linux priveldge escalations, but that was a guide, and on an old kernel. Anyways.


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Haha nice. Yeah I can not pull any of that off either. I mean yeah I can hire a "stress testing service", but anyone can do that. All the advanced attacks, well that's a totally different bit. I followed a "how to" on Linux priveldge escalations, but that was a guide, and on an old kernel. Anyways.
I played with BACKTRACK a while back but that was over my head, and I've recovered files by using a Live USB loaded with Linux. I prefer to hack my body to see if I can crack the age limit code.


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This thread is not headed in the direction I thought it would


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