What is Brown Noise and How Does It Benefit You?



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You’ve heard of white noise, right? Well, how about brown noise? Not as common, right?
Let’s call a spade a spade and just say that the world is filled with noise pollution and distractions, and it is not surprising that people have started seeking different types of sounds to boost their productivity.
There are different types of sounds that you may have heard of. White noise, like the sound of a fan or air conditioner, is familiar, but it’s just one type of ambient noise. There are many other “colors” of noise, each with its own unique characteristics based on sound wave patterns.
These colors cover a range of frequencies that we can hear, typically from 20 to 20,000 hertz.
Brown noise, for instance, has recently gained significant popularity. This is largely due to ongoing research and the widespread sharing of personal experiences on social media.
In this article, we will dive deeper into brown noise and unpack its many benefits you can experience through its use.

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