Dhea suppression?


Sorry guys this has probably been asked before. 8 weeks of compounded dhea - 100mg daily. Any suppression or should be able to jump off relatively easy? Loving the mental clarity and focus off it.


No estrogen sides at all. Keeping quite lean as on the carnivore diet.


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No estrogen sides at all. Keeping quite lean as on the carnivore diet.
Interesting…always hear that it converts heavily to estrogen. Guess you’re one of the lucky ones.


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Well if he’s already quite lean he will not aromatize as much as if he were fatter.

People vary in how much they aromatize, but you can bet that leaner you will aromatize less than fatter you.
Great post and I absolutely agree.

And also, the results with oral DHEA can vary wildly from one person to the next anyway.

I have never felt anything from oral DHEA. Even in the past when I used it because my DHEA levels were low in my bloodwork, I never actually felt any different taking it. I tried sublingual and it made me feel horrible - like zombie mode, BUT that is not typical, I think that was just a me thing.

The first time I have ever actually felt any different on a DHEA product was when XPG came out with DHEA-50 Gel, and I've used it daily since it came out. I only use 1 ml per day and I can definitely tell a difference in the way I feel on it - better libido, slightly better daily energy level, and just overall feel better in general.


Thanks guys. First time just using dhea. Have experimented with other forms of dhea but wasn’t sure. Wish it was easier to get topical dhea into Australia..
Ape McGrapes

Ape McGrapes

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Negligible effects on suppression.

Dermacrine is nice if you wanted a more well rounded DHEA product.


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Thanks guys. First time just using dhea. Have experimented with other forms of dhea but wasn’t sure. Wish it was easier to get topical dhea into Australia..
I know someone that lives in Australia and he orders the XPG DHEA-50 Gel from Flexit.

I know he uses it and loves the product. I'm not sure if he's ever had any issues with shipments getting seized or stopped or not, but I do know he's had it go through fine several times bc he's been on it since close to when it came out. A bottle lasts over 3 months, but that would put him having it go through at least 3 or 4 times.

For anyone that likes 7-Keto/7-OXO DHEA better than regular DHEA, XPG will have the FL7 7-OXO Gel out within the next couple of weeks as well.
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