BMP Improved Formula & The Solution



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JEEZUS PEOPLE!!!! SHUT UP ABOUT HOW HE SHOULD RUN HIS LOGS!!!! You don't like it leave, this is a log about the product. The owner of the company if per4fectly fine with how he is running it... The OWNER!!!! He has everything vested and knew how this log was going to be run. He is not complaining but everyone else is. If you want to log it a certain way then you all get the log and do it your way. Clogging up his clinically clean log bitching that he is not fitting into your idea of how things should be is ridiculous. If you don't like his format don't follow ANY OF HIS LOGS!!!! They are always the same... ALWAYS! Going into one of his logs and complaining about how he logs it is just being intentionally disruptive to his log. I swear this happens in so many of his logs... This is how he runs them, always has been. Let him run it this way, if it isn't for you then don't follow it and follow one that someone is changing everything to get the most out of the product. Those are sensational and a lot of fun to watch, but this log gives you more of an idea of just how supplemental supplements actually are. The reality is and should always be percieved this way that changes to nutrition, and training cause far more drastic changes than any natty supplement can make. That is just the facts which seem to be lost on so many... Adjusting those completely masks the actual results or action of the supplement.

Will some perform even better with things tweaked, maybe... however to know if they are actually doing anything there has to be a control, his nutrition and training are the control... If that isn't sensational enough then just delete the subscription. If you value the placebo effect then I definitely recommend staying out of his logs... Placebo has an automatic 30% success rate, however if you start doubting then you will lose that... so make your decision, if you like and would prefer to be able to take advantage of placebo then I would probably avoid his logs all together which would result in those of us interested in seeing this done in a controlled manner with a nice clean log to read.


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Shame there isn't a button he can press so people can't comment or have open discussion on any of his logs.


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Shame there isn't a button he can press so people can't comment or have open discussion on any of his logs.
Nothing wrong with discussions but beating a dead horse and derailing it completely with side conversation of how people wished he would log detracts from those of us who want to actually see the controlled experiment he does with the supplements. Their are literally thousands of other logs to peruse. Yet there is always a group of people damn near forming a digital picket line against how he is logging in his logs... The people sponsoring these logs know he logs this way and want to see the product tested that way, or they would NEVER choose him as a logger. SO why everyone else feels the need to come in and tell him how he should do things and complain when he doesn't is lost on me.

I am not even taking up for @The Solution, he does his own thing, but this is how he logs and he is one of the few that has the courage to log a product this way to try to see what the product brings to the table without changing all the variables. He takes a beating in almost every log he does over this. Some of us just want to see what the product has to offer on it's own. That isn't how many feel, but if that isn't how you feel then lets forget about Bob, who is blunt and can rub some people raw, so people tend to rail against him. Instead just choose to be courteous to those of us who actually want to see a log run this way without all the "you should be logging this this way" BS that clogs them up.


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I think it's great that the solution runs his log this way. You need variation of loggers to see how the product is working. not changing any variables and seeing what the product does is one way to log/take this product.


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Don't question, don't inquire just sit back and watch like good little lemmings 🙄. This is an open, public forum. I see no character assassination just inquiries. Let the people speak


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The solution is a good guy..hustles and lifts at same time... just not sure about the socks in his posing pics..


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The solution is a good guy..hustles and lifts at same time... just not sure about the socks in his posing pics..
Bro that’s the secret. My wife always runs around the house in her undies & lil black nike socks and the dark foot contrast make her already sick calves look even gnarlier. You practically out angle yourself in them!


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Don't question, don't inquire just sit back and watch like good little lemmings 🙄. This is an open, public forum. I see no character assassination just inquiries. Let the people speak
They spoke, they asked questions, he answered, they just kept going because he didn't bend to their will and clearly stated that he was not going to. They continued to the point of being disruptive to the log. Enjopugh so that Admin said he was tired of it. If they can't accept that he said he was staying the course, then they should be courteous to those who want to see the log ran as it is. They obviously don't like how this log is being run so why stick around to be a burr in everyone else's butt?

Yeah I know it is a public forum and they have the right to say whatever they want. I don't deny that. However just because they can does not mean they should choose to keep messing up a log for others because it isn't what they want to see. I mean I have unsubbed from several logs that I thought were BS instead of sticking around complaining about how I think it should be run. I mean why would I choose to ruin it for those who are enjoying following along.


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Yeah, I want to be clear because I feel I set off some of the debate - It is Bob's log and I have no problems with him doing his thing his way.

I disagree with some small items and they have been laid out and people can make their own conclusions from that. We disagreed but I respect his approach.

On this board we often pick apart studies that have been designed by groups of really smart and experienced people with at least some funding. Even those studies have "flaws" that can be debated.

Bob does present his approach in a way that elevates his log above the typical log on here and some criticism is fair because of that - but if this was a typical one of us logging on here, the standard would be much lower. There are people on here talking about how a muscle builder makes them "feel" and that is acceptable. Feels like deca after all.
The Solution

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Final Review

What to Expect

BMP offers an effortless and highly effective/dramatic recomposition effect. A simultaneous increase in muscle and a decrease in fat.

Mood / Energy

Throughout logging BMP I did not notice any changes to mood or energy. My levels stayed very consistent since day 1.


Throughout the log my recovery was pretty steady. Days where I wake up at 3:30 AM I felt a little off when training later in the day, since I am already on my feet 12+ Hours before training.Overall I do rumble roll, stretch, and use a lacrosse ball on my trigger points to help with flexibility.


Very consistent since day 1 on the log. I ran this 6 week routine prior to BMP, and took notes on all my exercises and weights. With the addition of BMP I did not see a significant change to note from the supplement. Since dietary intake and training are consistent I know there was no external variable to skew this (for example adding calories every week, yielding a larger surplus, which could correlate to strength gains)

Weight Change

Over 4 weeks of taking BMP, I did not change my nutrition as my calories and macros stayed the same. During that time I lost around 1.5lbs (give or take depending on scale fluctuation)


Throughout the log I keep my sources very steady. I eat a very low FODMAP Diet, and my overall digestion improved slightly from Day 1. Could it be from losing a bit off my waist? I don't know, but I did want to note that throughout my time while running the product.

I stick away from sources like onions, broccoli, cauliflower, egg whites, or fatty cuts of meats that can leave me gassy and bogged down. I have a food intolerance to fish, so I do not consume it because I know the disaster it can cause.

Body Recomposition

This is my biggest takeaway from the product. Over the 1-Month Run my belt notch went down, my waist is a bit tighter (32 when starting log, 31 when ending), and my overall appearance is leaner. The cuts in my quads are deeper, and I am starting to see some veins run through my chest and shoulders that were not as defined from day 1. Given the short run I would only expect this to amplify the longer you run the product. I don't know the law of diminishing returns on BMP in a controlled nutritional environment, but if you can keep getting leaner, holding strength, and tighten up its always a plus.

I train in a sweatshirt 99% of the time, but moments I did take it off (during leg day when I am pouring sweat) I had some comments on looking bigger, which is a plus.



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So I don’t have the best eye for these things.....but I’d say there’s a definite deference between your before and after pics.

For someone who is as on point with their nutrition and training as you are, I’d say this is a win for BMP.

Based on this log alone, I’d have no problem purchasing this product.

Great job as always Bob!


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Nice log, all drama aside. Thanks for the input dude. Still wana know how you can pose and not look like you just received a surprise colonoscopy.


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Great log as usual. I didn’t comment but I most certainly followed along the entire way.

I agree, there is definite difference in your appearance from the beginning to the end. The fact that one bottle caused that much of a difference, I would say that BMP is a winner!

I’m interested to see how it goes in a bulking environment but anything that can preserve strength/muscle during a cut is always a positive!


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Definitely agree with the findings here... there was definitely a recomp effect here and enhanced physique from initial to end. Might not have been "felt" per-se during the run by you can see it in the end.


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Sorry if I missed it, but did you take measurements of legs/arms etc?
The Solution

The Solution

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Sorry if I missed it, but did you take measurements of legs/arms etc?
only measurement I took was waist went down an inch. Clear indication my belt is on another notch compared to 4 weeks ago


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Nice final review!


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So I don’t have the best eye for these things.....but I’d say there’s a definite deference between your before and after pics.

For someone who is as on point with their nutrition and training as you are, I’d say this is a win for BMP.

Based on this log alone, I’d have no problem purchasing this product.

Great job as always Bob!
There is definitely a difference in his pictures from start to finish. Just check the hams. I can see some separation there. Now I regret not stocking up during the Pre-sale time.


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Given the log before, I am a little suprised at the photos. This entire thing did not go as I expected - would have guessed a couple weeks of nothing notable and then some strength gains, and no visual changes...guess I was pretty much off.

To me the legs, particularly in the side pose, look much harder and grainier than in the beginning, and the back looks harder as well. At first I thought Bob was standing closer to the camera too, he looks bigger, but the wall in the photo shows he is within inches of his spot.


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So @The Solution would you regard this as a successful NATURAL anabolic run? you know your body better than us, how long would it normally take you to get these results? like people said, I can definitely notice your traps and shoulders look tighter, quads look a bit tighter too. Arms is hard to tell because your doing a different pose and that will probably affect your chest too.


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BMP - it did'nt do anything until, all of a sudden, it did lots of things - I mean for a natural supplement.
Reminds me of his Vector run - a number of people thought @TheSolution looked leaner and thicker in his final pics.
Both are great supplements.


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So @The Solution would you regard this as a successful NATURAL anabolic run? you know your body better than us, how long would it normally take you to get these results? like people said, I can definitely notice your traps and shoulders look tighter, quads look a bit tighter too. Arms is hard to tell because your doing a different pose and that will probably affect your chest too.
His belt when down a notch so i'd say it's a good natural anabolic supp for leaning out in a controlled environment.


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Are you going to do a log like this for Anabolic Effect?


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His belt when down a notch so i'd say it's a good natural anabolic supp for leaning out in a controlled environment.
Yeah I know, but he has said that he is not in his best shape, so I was wondering seeing as he is very disciplined and structured, how long that would have taken without the support

max silver

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It seems like Bob made some improvements during his run. Unfortunately the original photos are a bit on the blurry side, and the last set of photos have more of an overall grainy look to them, so it's hard to make a really good comparison based on these alone. Losing a full belt size is a good indication of how much he was able to lean up for sure though. I was a little confused how the log was set up, being at true calorie maintenance is probably just about the hardest scenario that BMP could have been tested against, you would generally expect next to nothing for physique changes in this environment.
The Solution

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It seems like Bob made some improvements during his run. Unfortunately the original photos are a bit on the blurry side, and the last set of photos have more of an overall grainy look to them, so it's hard to make a really good comparison based on these alone. Losing a full belt size is a good indication of how much he was able to lean up for sure though. I was a little confused how the log was set up, being at true calorie maintenance is probably just about the hardest scenario that BMP could have been tested against, you would generally expect next to nothing for physique changes in this environment.
I don't think these are blurry at all.





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being at true calorie maintenance is probably just about the hardest scenario that BMP could have been tested against, you would generally expect next to nothing for physique changes in this environment.
Sorry, but that’s just not true. The point of the supplement is to create a signal for anabolism. This signal will happen regardless of diet setup. If he were eating extra, one would expect extra growth, no doubt. But but even when eating a maintenance amount or even a deficit, you’d still receive the anabolic signal. The result would likely be either retention of muscle while cutting body fat, or possibly utilizing calories from stored fat to try to fuel the anabolism, which seems to be what happened here.

max silver

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I don't think these are blurry at all.



The two sets of photos appear to be taken with a different camera in different lighting conditions. I have them open on a large high resolution monitor though, that certainly would make a difference in how the photos look. I first picked up on the differences in how different your face looks detail wise in the two sets of photos, in the first set details are washed out while the second set has almost a grainy look to them.
The Solution

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The two sets of photos appear to be taken with a different camera in different lighting conditions. I have them open on a large high resolution monitor though, that certainly would make a difference in how the photos look. I first picked up on the differences in how different your face looks detail wise in the two sets of photos, in the first set details are washed out while the second set has almost a grainy look to them.
Same Phone (Iphone XS)
Same Gym, Same Spot, Same lightbulbs
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max silver

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Sorry, but that’s just not true. The point of the supplement is to create a signal for anabolism. This signal will happen regardless of diet setup. If he were eating extra, one would expect extra growth, no doubt. But but even when eating a maintenance amount or even a deficit, you’d still receive the anabolic signal. The result would likely be either retention of muscle while cutting body fat, or possibly utilizing calories from stored fat to try to fuel the anabolism, which seems to be what happened here.
Ok thanks for letting me know that recomposition at maintenance calories is actually easy. My mistake.

max silver

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Same Phone (Iphone XS)
Same Gym, Same Spot, Same lightbulbs
Unfortunately the end result is different though. Could there be a digital zoom affecting results of one set? In one set of photos you appear to be closer to the camera.
The Solution

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Unfortunately the end result is different though. Could there be a digital zoom affecting results of one set? In one set of photos you appear to be closer to the camera.
I put my phone in the same spot on my shaker bottle, put on a 10-second timer, and walk in front of my camera. Same thing I have been doing for years.


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I put my phone in the same spot on my shaker bottle, put on a 10-second timer, and walk in front of my camera. Same thing I have been doing for years.
Have you tried setting it to video record, posing while it takes video footage, and then in video screen shooting the poses?


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Have you tried setting it to video record, posing while it takes video footage, and then in video screen shooting the poses?
Wouldn't that just be more work for the same result? That would keep him in the same position for one set of photos, but then he would have to go through and choose frames to get a still image from.

The hardest part is getting the camera in the same spot and standing the exact same each time, which is nearly impossible for any body when you're doing it days apart. Ideally it would be the exact same for the before and after, which changing to video wouldn't fix.


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Wouldn't that just be more work for the same result? That would keep him in the same position for one set of photos, but then he would have to go through and choose frames to get a still image from.

The hardest part is getting the camera in the same spot and standing the exact same each time, which is nearly impossible for any body when you're doing it days apart. Ideally it would be the exact same for the before and after, which changing to video wouldn't fix.
It would take away having to press a button or use voice activation each time you do a different pose.


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Surprised at the improvements considering how you never noted anything during updates.

Seems like it still had some benefits and now I’m even more intrigued with giving this a shot!


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Surprised at the improvements considering how you never noted anything during updates.

Seems like it still had some benefits and now I’m even more intrigued with giving this a shot!
He said more than once that his weight was getting a bit lower, and that if his pictures showed him looking leaner then he was getting some recomp... it was the basis for a few of the statements in my responses that he had already said he thought he was recomping and wanted to see the final result to be sure. There is no inconsistency with those statements and his review or results.


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Oh yeah by the way @The Solution, great log. Heck I might even have to check into buying some of this and I don't typically entertain the idea of natty anabolics any longer.


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He said more than once that his weight was getting a bit lower, and that if his pictures showed him looking leaner then he was getting some recomp... it was the basis for a few of the statements in my responses that he had already said he thought he was recomping and wanted to see the final result to be sure. There is no inconsistency with those statements and his review or results.
The log only produced results when the pics came out bro. Just like the Vector log...


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The log only produced results when the pics came out bro. Just like the Vector log...
Go reread the parts you missed, or don't bother me with your incorrect info... Everything I said is fact and you can go back and look. If you don't want to then don't bore me with another response directed to me.

Have a wonderful day!


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He said more than once that his weight was getting a bit lower, and that if his pictures showed him looking leaner then he was getting some recomp... it was the basis for a few of the statements in my responses that he had already said he thought he was recomping and wanted to see the final result to be sure. There is no inconsistency with those statements and his review or results.
I was really just indicating it’s interesting to see the changes despite not feeling certain subjective measures.

FWIW he never noted his weight was getting lower until he posted that final review, just stated it was stationary, but it does seem he achieved some recomposition at the end of the day.


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I was really just indicating it’s interesting to see the changes despite not feeling certain subjective measures.

FWIW he never noted his weight was getting lower until he posted that final review, just stated it was stationary, but it does seem he achieved some recomposition at the end of the day.
Again, he certainly did mention it and I responded to it. You must have missed it, if you care to see then go back and look at his updates and the conversations around them. You must have missed it. No reason for me to make something up much less tell people they can verify it by going back to read it.

Here to make things easy, he listed it in his 3rd week update...


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Thank you for a wonderful Log Mr. Solution. I enjoyed your log style and the time and effort you put in.


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Again, he certainly did mention it and I responded to it. You must have missed it, if you care to see then go back and look at his updates and the conversations around them. You must have missed it. No reason for me to make something up much less tell people they can verify it by going back to read it.

Here to make things easy, he listed it in his 3rd week update...


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The two sets of photos appear to be taken with a different camera in different lighting conditions. I have them open on a large high resolution monitor though, that certainly would make a difference in how the photos look. I first picked up on the differences in how different your face looks detail wise in the two sets of photos, in the first set details are washed out while the second set has almost a grainy look to them.
I certainly agree that the post BMP photos have higher contrast and are sharper than the pre BMP photos. Not that I think Bob did that on purpose, but for whatever happened.

Also his skin tone has the look of having been in the sun (almost tan) in the post photos, whereas in the pre photos his skin is rather fair. We all know what a little color can do to enhance the look of our physique!
However, I don’t think Bob snuck in a few tanning sessions. I have also been taking the new BMP, and people have been making comments about my skin and implying that I have been getting some sun- I have not been lately.

I am still trying to gauge my own conclusions about the new BMP (while in PCT), but I find it noteworthy that he lost an inch off his waist without changing anything else. Equally as noteworthy, Bob was apparently not all that interested in extending his run. 🤷‍♂️
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