Semi-sponsored Log - BLR Incinderine


Life will always throw curve balls. I dont see any setback. You didnt regain any weight which is surprising considering you ate out exclusively. Just regroup and keep pushing forward. The diet is always going to be the primary mover. If its off, everything is off.
Now that you are able to dial it in again things will continue to move in the desired direction.
I have another week of travel next week, but I think I will be able to get away with fasting during that week of meetings as it is more locked in and decidedly less social, but for now I am focusing on having a solid week of dietary intake and activity level. I have realized I don't particularly enjoy work travel, it throws too many things off kilter in life, but it is a part of the job. I'll just do what I can to mitigate the drawbacks and keep on keeping on.


10/17/2023 Chest day

Incline DB sets of 10, rack run from 50-90, only got 9 reps on the 90s until shoulder felt a bit unstable

Flat barbell bench sets of 5 135, 155, 175, 195. attempted 215 but only got one rep before shoulder felt unstabel

Tricep cable pressdown 7 plate stack 4x16

single arm cross body press down 3 plate stack 4x8-12

Single arm overhead db tricep extension, 12, 10, 8, 8 reps with 15lb, 20, 20, 20

Weight was 295 post workout today, so I hope to get in the low 290s before my week away to keep things trending in the right direction


Career demands required I go to the office early today, so no gym. Will be eating less today to compensate.


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Career demands required I go to the office early today, so no gym
Gym > Career ;) Jk career pays the bills so unfortunately that equation doesn't work for most.


When I made half as much money as present I had much more time for the gym lol, funny how that works. . .


Leg press all sets of 12-14 with 4-2-4-0 tempo, 6 plates, 8 plates, 10 plates

Pendulum squat machine 4x8, 45, 70, 70, 70

Ham curl 4x10 130, 140, 150, 150

Leg extension 4x15 130, 140, 140, 140

Weight post workout was 292.8. Plan is to keep the weekend pre-travel really tight fiet wise and sneak in another day or two of lifting after tomorrows gym session before I am gone for another week.


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When I made half as much money as present I had much more time for the gym lol, funny how that works. . .


Leg press all sets of 12-14 with 4-2-4-0 tempo, 6 plates, 8 plates, 10 plates

Pendulum squat machine 4x8, 45, 70, 70, 70

Ham curl 4x10 130, 140, 150, 150

Leg extension 4x15 130, 140, 140, 140

Weight post workout was 292.8. Plan is to keep the weekend pre-travel really tight fiet wise and sneak in another day or two of lifting after tomorrows gym session before I am gone for another week.
Yah man when I was bodybuilding it took up my whole life. Eating 6 to 7 times. Training. Even If you train for an hour there is still drive time and prep etc. Usually takes up 2 hrs of the day and I like to train around 1pm. It was really difficult to have a normal job.

Now I'm massively more financially successful but I can't even afford the time to go to the gym. I had to build one at one of the warehouses.

Something I didn't factor in until relatively recent was how much being sore and beat up effects work.
Last year around this time I hurt my back and stopped training. I felt so good not being sore and run down I just continued to not train.

Now I'm just easing back into it and it immediately effects my ability to work.....there is always a tradeoff in my experience.

Finding the balance is tough but it can be done. Just keep plugging forward. You are making really good progress.


Doing a Friday picture check in because Monday I'll be flying again.


Axle OHP all for sets of 3: 120, 140, 170, 190, 210, 225 (only got 2 on the last set

Arnold db press, sets of 10: 45, 50, 60, 70

Rear DB delt fly, sets of 10: 25, 30, 35, 35

Shoulder shockers 3 sets, 30 reps each

Weight is stable at 292.8, as of post workout this AM



At this point I am at the midway point of my log of BLR Incinderine, so I figured I would give my honest feedback now. I have about 4 days worth of doses left as I have missed the odd day of taking it between the start and now, but this feels as good a time as any to do a review before I break into my second bottle in a couple of days.

Overall impression:

This is an effective product. I love that it is not stimulating, and I can take it on an empty stomach, or with food and I don't have any trouble. For me, this is as easy as weight has fallen off during a cut, and I attribute a lot of it to this product. The only other time weight has come off this quickly was before my wedding, and tren, T3, and copious cardio were involved. This stuff just works, and I haven't added cardio in any real way so far on this cut.

Gym Energy:

Energy is as solid as it can be considering the lifestyle constraints that exist for me. I don't feel particularly put out by this cut in terms of my energy in the gym. I am able to get in, get work done, and get out without feeling light headed or having any real trouble I have experienced in the past. Considering I take my first capsule on an empty stomach with my pre at 3:45 each morning, I consider this an absolute win.

Dietary considerations:

This supplement really does cut cravings. I have a sweet tooth, and I am unbothered by the tray of cupcakes downstairs in my office right now. Fasting helps as well, but I don't feel inclined to work sweets into my daily intake for the last month while taking this. I consider it a nice fringe benefit to everything else it does.

Muscle retention:

I will qualify this section by noting my use of TRT test, and occasional low dose gh, as well as say that the long layover after my surgery left me in a state primed to recoup some muscel tissue from muscle memory. All of that said, my lifts are improving, and my body composition is improving before my eyes as I cut the weight off. My arms are fuller, my shoulders have widened out, and many of my lifts are up in spite of the pounds that have come off in terms of scale weight. This is not anything I have experienced before outside of PED use.

Finally, to make it easy on everyone, I will post a side by side of my starting weight of 305, compared to my weight this morning post gym of 293. Pictures are taken in the same spot with the same mirror under the same lighting at the same time of morning after my workout, and I feel they reflect the progress made while using incinderine. I am open to commennts from any and all, but so far I am pleased and have actually recommended this supplement to some friends already.



Yah man when I was bodybuilding it took up my whole life. Eating 6 to 7 times. Training. Even If you train for an hour there is still drive time and prep etc. Usually takes up 2 hrs of the day and I like to train around 1pm. It was really difficult to have a normal job.

Now I'm massively more financially successful but I can't even afford the time to go to the gym. I had to build one at one of the warehouses.

Something I didn't factor in until relatively recent was how much being sore and beat up effects work.
Last year around this time I hurt my back and stopped training. I felt so good not being sore and run down I just continued to not train.

Now I'm just easing back into it and it immediately effects my ability to work.....there is always a tradeoff in my experience.

Finding the balance is tough but it can be done. Just keep plugging forward. You are making really good progress.
Once upon a time, 3 kids and a serious career ago, I was able to train from 2:30 PM until 5:30 PM. It was great and I was putting up impressive numbers, but alas times change as do priorities. At this point I am just thankful to be recovering well from my surgery and losing weight while managing my professional life and being a dad to three little critters.


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You are definitely making solid progress!
Like I mentioned Ill gladly sponsor your next bottle. Let me know when you are ready.


Back from a week away for work. Managed to stave off any weight gain with selective choices at nightly dinners and fasting. Current weight is 293 from my check in photo below.


Incline DB Bench sets of 8-10 rack run from 50-90

Flat bench, sets of 5 135, 185, 205, 225, 245 for 2 only, a post surgery PR

Peck deck 3 sets to failure with 4-2-4-0 tempo, 3 additional sets without tempo to failure

Tricep cable pushdown 60lb 4X16 with tempo

Cross body tricep extension 25 4x12 with tempo


Pendlay rows all for 10 135, 225, 225, 275, 275

RDL all for 8 225, 225, 275, 275

Deadlift 275, 315, 365, 405 all for 5

Triple superset:

Hammer machine iso pull down 2 plates per side 3x14

Hammer iso row 2 plates per side plus 25 3x14

Chest supported supinated row 2 plates 3 to failure



Been a tough week at work, apologies to anyone following for the scant updates. Picture below is from monday, weighing in at 291 pounds. I'll save the detailed stuff for when I can post more regularly again day of, but the highlights are below

SSB squats hit 385 for a set of 6, felt good squatting again since I tweaked my back last time

Bench press hit 275 for a set of 3 and incline db hit the 95s for a set of 8, both post surgery PRs

Deadlift, hit 545 for a single this AM and everything held together. I have been falling apart diet wise as the professional pressure is immense presently and my stress levels are really very high. Pulling it together today and hope to carry that through the weekend and hit my stride with food intake next week to get things back on track




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Dang that's a strong deadlift for sure!

Thank you for the kind words. I am trying my best to keep things in perspective as in the past I'd have gone 495 to 585 making my way to my working sets in the 600+ range, but everything is different now lol. That said, I am thankful I am working my way back up in the weights I can pull. Trying to get back to a double overhand 585 pull before I start using a weight belt and hook grip as I feel the grip is likely to fail before my shoulder.


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Check in pic below. My indiscretions last week have me a pound up from last monday at 292.

Overhead press 120, 140, 170, 190, 210, 230, 230 all for 3

Seated arnold DB press 50s. 55s, 60s, 70s, 70s for 10, 10, 10, 8, 6

Shoulder shockers, 3 sets, using 35lb db for front raise and 17.5lbs for side raise and clean/press

Tightening things up dietarily this week, going to get the scale moving the right direction.




SSB Squats sets of 5, worked up to 425

# sets of leg extensions and ham curls to failure, 150lb on both machines

No training today as I was at work by 5AM


Wanted to shout out @brundel and BLR for the bottle of incimderine they sent me. I have enough now to make my run 12 or so weeks, and for that I am very grateful because I really am enjoying using this supplement, and I would recommend it to anyone who wants a bit of help with cutting. It has worked well for me thus far and I am looking forward to getting down even further in my body weight.

Check in photo from today at 288 pounds. Scale moving the right direction again and training going fairly well.

Trained deadlift and back/biceps today, and didn't have a lot of gas, but did what I could do with the time that I had

Deads sets of 3 135, 225, 315, 405, 455, v495, 495, 495

Pendlay rows all for 8 225, 225, 275, 275, 295

Lat pull down sets of 10 170, 170, 190, 190 drop to 170 for last 2 reps

Feeling low energy right now, likely due to life stress and trying to get ready for the holidays




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Wanted to shout out @brundel and BLR for the bottle of incimderine they sent me. I have enough now to make my run 12 or so weeks, and for that I am very grateful because I really am enjoying using this supplement, and I would recommend it to anyone who wants a bit of help with cutting. It has worked well for me thus far and I am looking forward to getting down even further in my body weight.

Check in photo from today at 288 pounds. Scale moving the right direction again and training going fairly well.

Trained deadlift and back/biceps today, and didn't have a lot of gas, but did what I could do with the time that I had

Deads sets of 3 135, 225, 315, 405, 455, v495, 495, 495

Pendlay rows all for 8 225, 225, 275, 275, 295

Lat pull down sets of 10 170, 170, 190, 190 drop to 170 for last 2 reps

Feeling low energy right now, likely due to life stress and trying to get ready for the holidays
BLR folks and their products are top notch. Glad we carry a lot of them at Strong Supplement Shop to!


Apologies to all following for disappearing for a couple of weeks. My car's head gaskets needed to be replaced, and between that and the holiday I had little and less time.

Check in today is at 289 pounds. Given the holiday and everything else going on I am happy enough with that result. Today's work was quick as I got little sleep due to sick kids and it took some doiung to get moving this AM

Bench Press sets of 5 except final set 135, 185, 205, 225, 245, 275, 295, 315X2

Happy about this as I met my goal to bench 3 plates before years end

DB Incline bench 75s, 80s, 90s, 95s, 100s, 100s all for 8




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Keep at it brother


Deadlifts were not moving today, but I got some solid work in anyways

Deads 135, 225, 315, 405, all for 3, 495 five singles

Axle bar pendlay rows 120, 170, 210, 260 all for 10, 280 for 6, 2, 2

Axle bar cleans 120, 170, 190, 210 all for 3

My first outing for axle cleans since the surgery, and they moved well, happy enough with that for the day. Weight still at 289



Axle OHP 120, 140, 170, 190 all for 5 210, 230 for 5 and 1 respectively

Seated arnold BD press 55s, 60s, 65s, for 10 70s, 75s for 8

Rear delt fly 30s 5x10

Tennis backhand on cables 30lb 4x10 per side

Shoulder shockers 3 sets

Really need the children to sleep, feels like walking up a sand dune just to get sub par numbers in right now. Made it in at least.


Scale was at 287 this AM. Trained legs today and it went poorly lol. Sleep is an issue these days with the 7 months old, but I made it in at least

SSB Squats 155, 245, 295, 335, all for 5, 385 6 single sets of 1 rep. My right knee was being creaky and I couldn't seem to get my form right this AM

Bulgarian split squats, 5 reps per leg 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 140, 140

That was all I had time for today. Check in pic below



Hit chest today, and it went pretty well

Flat bench: 135, 225, 245, 275, 295, 315 sets of 3

Incline DB bench 80s 90s, 95s, 100s all for 8

Cable chest fly 4-0-4-0 tempo, 20lb on stacks 4x10

Tricep cable pressdown 60 4x10

Tricep single arm press down cross body 30 4x8 per arm


Check in pic again at 287, I need to get my act together on the weekends, as I am drinking too much beer and undoing my progress.

SSB Squats 155, 245, 295, 335, 385, 405 all for 5

Bulgarian split squat 110, 120, 140, 150 6 each leg

Hamstring curl. 3 sets to failure, 11 on stack, 12, 13 with some additional negative reps at the end, all done with 4-2-4-0 tempo



Shoulders today, and it went pretty well. Weight was 285.5 this AM

Axle OHP 120, 140, 170, 190, 210 all for 5 230 for 2 and one puish press

Seated arnold press 70s, 80s, 80s, 70s for 10, 8, 8, 8, these got pretty grindy

rear delt raise 25s 4x10 lying on incline bench facedown

Tennis backhand raise 25lb 4x10 per arm

Shoulder shockers (seated) 3 sets with 35 front raise and 17.5s for side and clean and press


Deadlifts today 135, 225, 315, 405 all for 5, 495, 545, for 3, 585 for 1 (a little over 2X body weight, which pleases me)

Axle bar cleans 120, 210, 230, 250, 260 all for 3

Superset w/above: Axle bar pendlay rows all for 8 120, 210, 230, 250, 260, 260

Bicep curl alternating hammer and regular, drop set from 50s to 12.5s for more reps than I counted



Bench press all for 5 135, 185, 225, 245, 275, 295, 315

Incline DB bench all for 8 80s, 90s, 95s, 95s

Tricep cable push downs, 60, 70, 70, 70 all for 15 superset with:

Single arm DB tricep ext. overhead to failure 25, 25, 20, 20


SSB Squat, all for 3 155, 245, 335, 355, 385, 405, 425

Ham curl and leg ext, all 4-2-4-0 tempo to failure 3 sets each

Quick one today because early work meetings

I'll do a check in photo later this week but I am sitting at 284 post workout as of this morning. I'd love to credit incinderine, but I am pretty sure its just because I got sick after the kids got sick over the holiday break. Lack of sleep is killing me right now, so I am hopeful the littles recover well and we can all get some sleep


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Bench press all for 5 135, 185, 225, 245, 275, 295, 315

Incline DB bench all for 8 80s, 90s, 95s, 95s

Tricep cable push downs, 60, 70, 70, 70 all for 15 superset with:

Single arm DB tricep ext. overhead to failure 25, 25, 20, 20


SSB Squat, all for 3 155, 245, 335, 355, 385, 405, 425

Ham curl and leg ext, all 4-2-4-0 tempo to failure 3 sets each

Quick one today because early work meetings

I'll do a check in photo later this week but I am sitting at 284 post workout as of this morning. I'd love to credit incinderine, but I am pretty sure its just because I got sick after the kids got sick over the holiday break. Lack of sleep is killing me right now, so I am hopeful the littles recover well and we can all get some sleep
Man wish I could hit 5 by 315 on bench! Nice work.


Man wish I could hit 5 by 315 on bench! Nice work.
Thank you for the kind words. It is hard for me to keep in perspective because of where I have been in the past I think. When I was younger and had less responsibility and more time I hit 225 for 52 on bench and also 315 for 21 reps in various contests against my buddies. Hitting a solid set of 5 is good for the training progression now, but the frame of reference I operate in is skewed lol. At any rate thank you for following along, I know this is not likely a very exciting log, and my life seems to be plagued with obstacles to my progress of late, but I do appreciate the likes and comments as they keep me coming back to check in.


OHP this morning. Had zero gas in the tank today, but pieced together some decent work

Axle OHP all for 3 120, 140, 170, 190, 210, 230

Seated arnold DB OHP 60s, 70s, 80s, 70s for 8,8,6,8

Rear delt raise facedown on incline 25s, 30s, 35s, 35s all for 15

Ran short of time there but some work is better than no work


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Had basically no gas in the tank today, but better to struggle some work in than to miss entirely I figure. Check in pic is below, sitting at 285 now post workout.

Deads for 5 each 135, 225, 3315, 365, 405, 425, 455

Axle cleans and pendlay rows, for 3 and 8 respectively 120, 170, 190, 210, 230

Curls, drop set from 55s to 15s, neighborhood of 60 total reps alternating hammer and regular curls


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