Looking to understand Natural anabolics


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Hi all,
Let me say first that I am new to the forum and have been searching the threads and overall internet for some weeks now.

My profile
Age: 28
Weight: 182.5
Bf: 14
Workout: 4-6x a week. 45-75 mins
Minimal cardio, low reps, heavy weight

I have always been an ectomorph and the only way I gain weight is if im in the gym. From what Ive tested, I need to eat roughly 3.5-4k calories per day to gain a pound per week. It’s rough.
I’ve put on about 20 pounds this year, 15 of that muscle. Only taking whey isolate, bcaa, and glutamine.

With that said.. im very interested in taking more potent stuff. But I see all this “natural anabolic” vs saarm vs “real gear” and cant find a good breakdown of the difference between the 3. I do not want to inject anything and ideally dont want to PCT, but wouldnt mind doing so as long as there is no injection necessary.

I have also been looking for a coach in the NYC area but cannot find/not sure where to look!

Can anyone help me get started in the right direction to continue my research? Thanks!
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Also, I am 5’10, lift intensely, and am happy to take a slower, safer approach. I just really dont understand all the acronyms and such.

My ultimate goal would look like 190-200 lbs at 9-11% bf in a consistent maintained state.


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Natural anabolics can help one meet their goals - without any hormonal side effects (and in most cases any side effects whatsoever). SARMS will cause hormonal suppression - some more to a degree than others and will come with other side effects. SARMS (no matter what you hear) will require PCT just like 'real gear'.

If you have not gone down the SARM or 'real gear' road, I would try natural anabolics first. You already have a track record of being able to put on weight (good job finding and keeping this up - its not easy).

The top natural anabolics for someone that wants to put on weight and likes working with heavy weights would be:
These will offer you strength and make it easier to put on lean mass.

1) ARA (SNS xgels) - you can run two bottles of these at 4-6 caps preworkout only, but have to take a couple of month break in between 'cycles'. They have a side effect of increased inflammation which may cause your joints to feel crappy (many can tolerate it just fine).
2) BMP (evomuse) - no side effects whatsoever. You can use this year around
3) Vector (Black Lion Research) . You can use this year around.

Their are a few other main ones that work well with or without these. Folks like to stack them as well. My stack for the past two years is: BMP, Vector, Folidrone (also from Black Lion research) and Top Muscle (a topical in which I use on a lagging body part). Feel free to PM me for more info. Good luck....


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This is what I was hoping to learn, thank you!


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Natural anabolics can help one meet their goals - without any hormonal side effects (and in most cases any side effects whatsoever). SARMS will cause hormonal suppression - some more to a degree than others and will come with other side effects. SARMS (no matter what you hear) will require PCT just like 'real gear'.

If you have not gone down the SARM or 'real gear' road, I would try natural anabolics first. You already have a track record of being able to put on weight (good job finding and keeping this up - its not easy).

The top natural anabolics for someone that wants to put on weight and likes working with heavy weights would be:
These will offer you strength and make it easier to put on lean mass.

1) ARA (SNS xgels) - you can run two bottles of these at 4-6 caps preworkout only, but have to take a couple of month break in between 'cycles'. They have a side effect of increased inflammation which may cause your joints to feel crappy (many can tolerate it just fine).
2) BMP (evomuse) - no side effects whatsoever. You can use this year around
3) Vector (Black Lion Research) . You can use this year around.

Their are a few other main ones that work well with or without these. Folks like to stack them as well. My stack for the past two years is: BMP, Vector, Folidrone (also from Black Lion research) and Top Muscle (a topical in which I use on a lagging body part). Feel free to PM me for more info. Good luck....
Sorry to say the stuff your using is garbage and won’t do anything, my coach is one of the top supplements formulators in the business and he has 2 natural products that are the hold standard in my opinion. One is Progenadrex for and size and the other is Synthagen which is suited to recomp or cutting phases, you can get these at Predator Nutrition and Bodybuilding Supplements.com Synthagen has the most potent ectysterone found anywhere on the planet. Topical DHA is also probably the best natural test booster available but I haven’t used it yet. Adaptogen N at BS.com is also an excellent product with the most potent Tribulus found anywhere. Hope this helps.


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Sorry to say the stuff your using is garbage and won’t do anything, my coach is one of the top supplements formulators in the business and he has 2 natural products that are the hold standard in my opinion. One is Progenadrex for and size and the other is Synthagen which is suited to recomp or cutting phases, you can get these at Predator Nutrition and Bodybuilding Supplements.com Synthagen has the most potent ectysterone found anywhere on the planet. Topical DHA is also probably the best natural test booster available but I haven’t used it yet. Adaptogen N at BS.com is also an excellent product with the most potent Tribulus found anywhere. Hope this helps.
lmao - troll.

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