Lack of libido on t500



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So here's the deal.
Last year I did t500 w/ hcg 500iu per week and everything went great.

This year I'm doing t500 w/o hcg. I've had low libido the whole time and I've had to fight to keep my estrogen in check.

Is the lack of hcg my issue or could it be something else? I'm significantly leaner this year as well. 5'11 200lbs whereas last year I started cycle at 215lbs.

I'm on trt year round. So basically blast/trt. I dropped the hcg because I thought it was becoming pointless and thought I should save my money but now I'm starting to wonder.

I've found SOME information saying hcg with trt can increase libido but nothing that goes too far in depth into how or why?

Does anybody have any experience or knowledge with this?



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I took it because it was originally prescribed to me when I was going to a clinic to get my stuff done.

Got off of it because I didn't know it would make a difference (or if it even does).

Apparently for some people hcg makes a big difference in libido. So I guess I'll go pick it up from the pharmacy and give it another try.

There's a HUGE night and day difference between my sex drive last year and what I've got going on this year. Idk what it is or why but I'm trying to figure it out because this sucks. Lol


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I took it because it was originally prescribed to me when I was going to a clinic to get my stuff done.

Got off of it because I didn't know it would make a difference (or if it even does).

Apparently for some people hcg makes a big difference in libido. So I guess I'll go pick it up from the pharmacy and give it another try.

There's a HUGE night and day difference between my sex drive last year and what I've got going on this year. Idk what it is or why but I'm trying to figure it out because this sucks. Lol
Maybe your test is severely under dosed and your just shutdown. If your test is actually t500 meaning 500mg/ml then it's definitely underdosed and full of toxic solvents and crap. Lots of systemic inflammation can have a negative effect on libido if your body is all stressed out


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Maybe your test is severely under dosed and your just shutdown. If your test is actually t500 meaning 500mg/ml then it's definitely underdosed and full of toxic solvents and crap. Lots of systemic inflammation can have a negative effect on libido if your body is all stressed out
Nah it's actually t250. I get bloodwork done and it's definitely the real deal. I've battled high estro here and there but last time I didnt. I just can't figure out why I'm soo different this time around than last.


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Nah it's actually t250. I get bloodwork done and it's definitely the real deal. I've battled high estro here and there but last time I didnt. I just can't figure out why I'm soo different this time around than last.
Ya that's odd, can you think of any variables outside of the gear


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Ya that's odd, can you think of any variables outside of the gear

Well outside of gear? No, not so far.
The only other gear related matter was that during that last cycle I tried Deca but didn't like how it made me feel (I think it was bad carrier oil maybe) so I tapered to a micro dose before coming am the way off of that but even beforehand my sex drive was through the roof and afterwards as well.

I went to the pharmacy today and picked up my hcg. Another forum seems to all agree that's my issue. So we shall see. I'll report my findings on that while I try to figure things out.

In the meantime I've lowered my test dose to 350 just to do away the aromatization and see what happens there.

At this point in my cycle I've accepted that it's all gotten away from me about mid-way through and I'm just trying to learn some lessons from it on the back end to better prepare myself for next year.
But who knows, maybe I get lined back out rather quickly and finish strong.

Thanks for your replies.


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Ya that's odd, can you think of any variables outside of the gear
I switched from almond Milk to regular whole milk.
I've heard some say regular milk is bad because it's "estrogenic" but haven't found any "concrete" information proving its true..


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I'm on my second shot of HCG 500iu/wk and things seem to be going better.

I'm not full blast yet, but I'm starting to become more interested mentally and slightly physically.

Will continue to post updates.


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One of the other things I had stopped taking was my daily DHEA supplement of 25mg. I'm reading that it also plays a role in libido. I'll resume that dose as well and continue to report.


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One of the other things I had stopped taking was my daily DHEA supplement of 25mg. I'm reading that it also plays a role in libido. I'll resume that dose as well and continue to report.
That could help for sure. Vigorous Steve always talks about pregnenalone and dhea for hormonal health and I believe libido as well


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Here to report that after resuming hcg and dhea while on blast I have regained libido. Getting estradiol under control has definitely helped, but not near as much as the hcg and dhea. Even when my e2 is high I still have the sex drive.

Thanks everybody for your input and advice on the matter!


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Did you space them out enough to tell which had the bigger impact?

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