Fish Oil Afib



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Can somebody please tell me what all this hoo-ha is about fish oil supposedly causing AFib now?

I've been taking fish oil for over a decade now and as far as I know I thought it was a very good supplement for cardiovascular health. Everybody seems to be dropping dead left and right now because of a certain thing that people were pressured to get but the system doesn't want to admit it so now they're trying to make everybody think that dying suddenly is just totally normal these days. Seriously though what the hell is the correlation between AFib arrhythmia and fish oil? I'm sorry but it sounds goofy to me. Could anyone please explain the supposed mechanism of action? Please and thank you


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Can somebody please tell me what all this hoo-ha is about fish oil supposedly causing AFib now?

I've been taking fish oil for over a decade now and as far as I know I thought it was a very good supplement for cardiovascular health. Everybody seems to be dropping dead left and right now because of a certain thing that people were pressured to get but the system doesn't want to admit it so now they're trying to make everybody think that dying suddenly is just totally normal these days. Seriously though what the hell is the correlation between AFib arrhythmia and fish oil? I'm sorry but it sounds goofy to me. Could anyone please explain the supposed mechanism of action? Please and thank you
Serious question. We've all been taking fish oil for like thirty years and everyone's fine. The The body builders from the nineties used fish oils by the bucket load. So why bother scratching your head about it.

It's not even worth looking into, fish oil is a super health supplement and the stuff your talking about I've heard a few ppl say 15 years ago. It's nothing new, it's also not completely tru


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And you just prove my point……cut back on the tren and maybe that’ll help
Relax your being overly sensitive based on your own personal opinion. I refer to myself as a boomer since my kids became teenagers. It's not worth being upset about
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