5 Things to Consider When It Comes to Conditioning



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The fitness industry is full of buzzwords. When we think we understand one, another one pops up, leaving us to do some online research. Conditioning is a word that seems to be thrown out there, but several people are getting confused.
You have bodybuilders talking about their conditioning, which is totally different from conditioning as it relates to training. This article is NOT going to get into bodybuilding conditioning – we’ll save that for another article.
So, what exactly is body conditioning? It’s a term often used to describe various types of training and sometimes the name of specific fitness classes. But is body conditioning really the revolutionary method for achieving top-notch physical fitness? Or is it another way to talk about the exercises we’re already familiar with? To answer all your questions, let’s learn more about body conditioning.
In this article, we are going to dive deeper into conditioning and how it comes into play with your training and results.

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