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  1. akboom87

    SkRaw85 Training Log

    Kick ass man!
  2. akboom87

    Weights up, scales down…

    I do catch myself doing the knee lockout at times, so that’s a cue I have to focus on a little more.
  3. akboom87

    Weights up, scales down…

    Great question, so this is the video I used and still use and how I perform my RDL.
  4. akboom87

    Weights up, scales down…

    Also I feel like this program I’m running would be great with 300mg of test a week added in 😂
  5. akboom87

    Weights up, scales down…

    Also hyper extension if you have access, those have helped me a lot to I feel like.
  6. akboom87

    Weights up, scales down…

    I feel like they have really made a large improvement on my deads and just my back in general.
  7. akboom87

    Weights up, scales down…

    Gym time 5:10 am -6:10am deadlift (60% of 1RM) 190lbs x 10x10x10 Romanian deadlift BB (6-7 rpe) 135lbs x 10x10 Good morning (6-7 rpe) 135lbs x10x10 BB row (6-7 rpe) 105lbs x15x15x15 Seated hamstring curl (6-7 rpe) 100lbs x15x15x15 hanging leg raises 15x15x15 So week 1 completed. I feel...
  8. akboom87

    AK’s all in- logging Iconic Formulations All Out Ultra- Sponsored Log

    Good morning! Wake up time 4:30 am 1 scoop of All Out Ultra with 10-12ounces of water. Funny thing I have not felt any tingles so far but this morning they kicked in, nothing bad but I could feel it and I was ready to go! Gym time 5:10 am -6:10am deadlift (60% of 1RM) 190lbs x 10x10x10...
  9. akboom87

    HokiePride...{The Return}...2016

    Dang man sorry to hear that, hoping you have good luck picking up a new job!
  10. akboom87

    6ish week cut cycle

    Did the same wife set out some brand and it worked, don’t remember the brand.
  11. akboom87

    6ish week cut cycle

    When I ran the Alpha 7 I did get a rash from it just running the standard amount on the bottle. What I had to do was after an applied later on in the day use a moisturizer lotion. A few days it cleared and never had an issue after, while keeping up with the lotion.
  12. akboom87

    Weights up, scales down…

    Off day today, I almost went in but I knew it would be a complete waste as I’m definitely feeling sore. Tomorrow though got deadlifts so I’m excited! I’ll probably quickly retreat and retract that statement coming week 2 and 3. Next week is 4x10’s then week 3 is 5x10’s. 🤣😢 Weight still...
  13. akboom87

    6ish week cut cycle

    Hell yeah looks like a great session! I’m going to have to look up what a pile squat is though?
  14. akboom87

    Segansational's Motivation Log

    Damn man sorry to hear that! Where you mix grip or double overhand? Don’t give up, like Hyde said might be a good time to go with the flow heal up and come back stronger and smash those PR’S!!
  15. akboom87

    Weights up, scales down…

    So yesterday was the growth scan. We did make progress! She is 35 weeks yesterday, he was basically 5lbs. According to there measurements and however they come up with the calculations he is now at the 8th percentile, we came up from the 5th. We were hoping to see the 10th percentile, but none...
  16. akboom87

    AK’s all in- logging Iconic Formulations All Out Ultra- Sponsored Log

    Never had the OG Jack3d so can’t speak for that. Definitely seems to get and hold me in the zone very well. Definitely allowing me to push and get done more work then I would with out.
  17. akboom87

    To Infinity.... and Beyond!

    Yeah my experience with retaining walls is yes they do work, you better have a big fat wallet ready though. I’d go for the deep root plants, cover grass to hold it. Sounds like that’s your plan. awesome looking session you got in!!
  18. akboom87

    Weights up, scales down…

    Same as usual up at 4:30am this time I decided to try 1/2 scoop of All out Ultra with 8 ounces of water. Flavor a little more mild with 1/2 scoop but still really tasty! Also applied.5 mil of Iconic AET and Iron Legions VII-KT pre workout. Also a cup of coffee. BB OHP (60% of 1rm) 80lbs X...
  19. akboom87

    AK’s all in- logging Iconic Formulations All Out Ultra- Sponsored Log

    Good morning!! Same as usual up at 4:30am this time I decided to try 1/2 scoop of All out Ultra with 8 ounces of water. Flavor a little more mild with 1/2 scoop but still really tasty! Also applied.5 mil of Iconic AET and Iron Legions VII-KT pre workout. Also a cup of coffee. BB OHP 80lbs X...
  20. akboom87

    Hyde’s Strength Odyssey

    Nice PR! Some strong pressing for sure!