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  1. Joshlm69

    Reliable supplement companies besides SNS CEL etc

    Saying a supplement is a scam because you haven’t felt anything after 1 week is hilarious. Herbs take a while to build up & work. How is it you didn’t see results on injecting test until week 2-3, but your herbal supplement has to work in 1 week or is a scam 🤡🤡
  2. Joshlm69

    Nutrabio supplement test positive for Ostarine

    Obviously spiked it himself. Athletes at that level would surely get all their supps tested first before ingesting no? Especially when a positive test costs you untold millions
  3. Joshlm69

    Prime XT - Natural Anabolic Muscle Builder - Available Now!

    Either 2 caps 8am 2 caps 10am PWO 2 caps 1pm Post workout or 3 caps 8am 3 caps 1pm Its probably better to split dosing up throughout the day but I dont take anything past 1pm due to my shitty sleep. I'm sure prime doesn't effect sleep, but given how paranoid about it I am, I'd rather do...
  4. Joshlm69

    Prime XT - Natural Anabolic Muscle Builder - Available Now!

    I’ve gone up more weight today overnight than I have since I started gyming again from Jan - May…
  5. Joshlm69

    Prime XT - Natural Anabolic Muscle Builder - Available Now!

    I’m PBing every single chest movement this session increasing the weight EVERY single set. Wtf is going on. I feel like fucking superman
  6. Joshlm69

    Prime XT - Natural Anabolic Muscle Builder - Available Now!

    Yes. And I’m very non bias with my reviews. If something doesn’t work for me I will report it as I have done in other threads, even if it pisses people off. This is the real deal 👍
  7. Joshlm69

    Prime XT - Natural Anabolic Muscle Builder - Available Now!

    Okay, I’ve been on prime for 3 weeks now. Have seen nothing for 3 weeks. Suddenly today I added +22lbs to my incline bench compared to 5 days ago, wtf. Edit : just added another 11lbs next set and got 8 reps still wtfffffff Edit 2 : just added another 11lbs for 6 reps. Basically +44lbs since...
  8. Joshlm69

    Left shoulder pain when benching

    I’m currently going through this exact injury, went to a very knowledgable chiropractor yesterday. It’s your rotator cuff/bicep tendon. You need to be doing a lot of palm up/turned outwards exercises to open this up and fix it. Cables are great for it. Also practise the movement of during sword...
  9. Joshlm69

    Couple questions for those who’ve taken anabolic xt

    Saw palmetto definitely can…
  10. Joshlm69

    ⚕ 🏥HEAL - Topical Peptide Repair Formula

    In Order to keep full transparency, my Mum came back to me today and asked me to order her more. So while it may not have helped for my father & I, it does seem to be providing relief to my mum. I don't want people thinking I'm out to cause drama etc, just being fully transparent
  11. Joshlm69


    @farrk007 this is sage advice
  12. Joshlm69

    ⚕ 🏥HEAL - Topical Peptide Repair Formula

    Remarkable you have all of these reviews yet the 4 people I know, that have used your product unbiasedly have seen nothing from it. Enjoy my money I guess, will stick with reputable brands like SNS from now on
  13. Joshlm69

    Couple questions for those who’ve taken anabolic xt

    For what its worth, I used BLR Follidrone which is ecklonia cava for 4 years straight & it didn't hurt my libido & I'm very sensitive to things hurting libido. Keep us updated when you start, I'm looking to run this in 6 weeks or so :)
  14. Joshlm69

    SNS Magnesium Creatine Chelate (Creatine Magnapower) Back in Stock

    Just checking, is 2.5g daily the standard dose or is it 5g?
  15. Joshlm69

    ⚕ 🏥HEAL - Topical Peptide Repair Formula

    Sorry this isn’t going to go down well but all 3 of us have gone through a bottle each and no party has seen a single benefit. If it was just 1 of us I’d feel it might be a non responder type situation but for all 3 of us to get no benefit I feel massively scammed to be honest, given the...
  16. Joshlm69

    What is the go to Sleep product?

    I think Steve said his upcoming one doesn't contain melatonin....hope its released soon
  17. Joshlm69

    What is the go to Sleep product?

    I’ve found that products with Melatonin, although incredible at the start, seem to start having the opposite effect around the 2 week mark, and my sleep quality is hindered, mostly waking up several times in the night. Really sucks as pretty much every sleep supplement contains melatonin
  18. Joshlm69

    Myostatin inhibitor long term, any issues?

    I actually found it made my recovery longer, purely because I was able to do significantly more volume due to the endurance boost
  19. Joshlm69

    Myostatin inhibitor long term, any issues?

    I found for the first few weeks the endurance aspect is very pronounced, but levelled off after 6 or so weeks. Didn't notice anything towards muscle growth but I would say its more of a health product than an anabolic/test booster
  20. Joshlm69

    Prime XT - Natural Anabolic Muscle Builder - Available Now!

    I may aswell directly send you my pay cheque at this point Steve :D. AXT it is