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  1. BCseacow83

    Reliable supplement companies besides SNS CEL etc

    Well if you are SO unhappy with this board, after being here for a whole 15 or so days, THEN KEEP IT MOVING. You wonder why we promote and suggest a company that actually gives a **** about the board? Are you challenged in some way? Why would we support brands that A. Don't offer a DAMN THING...
  2. BCseacow83

    Nutrabio supplement test positive for Ostarine

    What are the odds that BOTH of the "sports supplements" from TWO COMPLETELY DIFFERENT companies just happened to have ostarine?????? F*ck this guy, got caught and is taking ZERO responsibility. (UNT.
  3. BCseacow83

    Couple questions for those who’ve taken anabolic xt

    For crying out loud, I will no longer even joke about absolutely ridiculous things as it's a waste of Steve's time to have to explain that I am joking. FFS Basically proving what we are talking about.
  4. BCseacow83

    Endorphain Finally completed...kind of.

    Any updates on ProSynthesis-BUILD re-stock? Thank you.
  5. BCseacow83

    Fish Oil Bad? New Article

    Something I always consider is how many people start taking something like fish oil and then they actually lead an even unhealthier lifestyle due to the "protection" they now believe they have? Not saying everyone does this but I could absolutely see this happening. We see it all the time with...
  6. BCseacow83

    Couple questions for those who’ve taken anabolic xt

    So you are saying that saw palmetto and lions mane are not really going to cause permanent epigenetic changes and give me life long post finasteride syndrome? Because there is a dude on reddit that seems really really convinced of such, lol.
  7. BCseacow83

    Couple questions for those who’ve taken anabolic xt

    I have a VERY unique set of "issues" and have some very NON-Standard reactions to somethings. I will very often NOT mention them publicly as I know that the likelihood of others having said issue is basically zero. Knowing this I also know if I mention some weird one off "side effect" it has the...
  8. BCseacow83

    Couple questions for those who’ve taken anabolic xt

    My libido starting point is TRASH, and that is on TRT. On a good day, which are few and far between, I will have "desire." Anything that lowers libido, even in the slightest, is very noticeable. For example if you make $7.00/hr you sure as hell notice Netflix raising it's prices by a few...
  9. BCseacow83

    Really Old School Supplement- activate.

    With the exception of ma huang, which is an actual herbal, all the "lost" products were simply drugs being sold as supplements. Having been in this industry since 1999 I can assure you the ACTUAL DSHEA complaint supplements we have today blow the old actually compliant options out of the water.
  10. BCseacow83

    Blast from the past supplements ( Pics )

    Start at 1:00 to see a 2002 supplement store flashback. I spent HOURS in that little store sitting in that metal folding chair asking Art Atwood every stupid question you can imagine. I also trained for almost 2 decades at that gym, Animal House. I am feeling very nostalgic right now, I have...
  11. BCseacow83

    Question about TRT dose frequency

    Try it the twice a week way and then try it daily or EOD. You will have your answer and since this is for life you have plenty of time to dial it in. Moving forward ALWAYS EXPRESS AAS DOSES IN MG. .5ml tells us nothing as concentrations vary, some people live in countries with Sustanon, which...
  12. BCseacow83

    enclomiphene long term

    IMO one COULD see "gains" were they to be truly hypogonadal(say total test of 150d/dl) and the serm gets them to say 950. They would only really be gaining the muscle they would have were they to have healthy test levels. There is going to be a ceiling, and once you hit it taking more SERM is...
  13. BCseacow83

    enclomiphene long term

    IMO if you NEED to take enclo longterm you actually NEED to be on testosterone. As an option to attempt jump starting ones production, no issue IMO. But longterm use of a synthetic estrogen is a poor idea when it's a half ass measure to correcting the problem. If you are truly hypogonadal the...
  14. BCseacow83

    The Peloton Brand is Riding Without a Helmet

    Most people waste money on home equipment, they use it for a couple weeks and then hang clothes on it. The last thing they need is one with a monthly NEVER ENDING bill. Fu(k that thing.
  15. BCseacow83

    2nd week blood test results- roast me or coach me

    Had a guy at our store show me his labs. He stated he was "on nothing" which was actually 350mg/wk test cyp(apparently thats "nothing" these days, now I would not call that a ton but it is NOT "nothing." lol) Anyways his TOTAL TEST was like 800ng/dl. I told him the same thing, your gear is...
  16. BCseacow83

    apex upcoming sale?

    It can actually be better depending on what you select. There are price differences between the different items and the BOGO will give you the free item of lesser value(as it is everywhere that does this type of sale NOT knocking the deal whatsoever.) So if you want say Hyperion and Flash Point...
  17. BCseacow83

    Xtreme Performance Gels DHEA-50 Gel - Now Available!

    I'll add to this, if one has been on TRT for any length of time, 15+ years here, then they MAY have low levels of DHEA. My most current set of labs had low DHEA(I have not been using any) and I can ABSOLUTELY tell a difference. Going to be adding in some DHEA gel from XPG. I also have an older...
  18. BCseacow83

    Really Old School Supplement- activate.

    Wasn't the original ATD, I swear that was ATD for the first. If not does anyone remember the first solo ATD product? Also, maybe it's just me, but that does not seem that long ago, sigh.
  19. BCseacow83

    Will 15-20 minutes elliptical prior to lifting decrease gains at all?

    Very intensity dependable. Walking on the treadmill at 2.3 mph, especially with a preworkout meal about two hours ago is not going to matter IMO. Even less so if using an intra. If doing "cardio" for anything other than a warmup I would always choose post weights.
  20. BCseacow83

    Prime XT - Natural Anabolic Muscle Builder - Available Now!

    Following the label, so 3 caps twice a day.