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  1. Mass Shift ~ Na-R-ALA

    Awesome man thanks for the tips.
  2. Tell Us What You Would Like to see From SNS, CEL, Muscle Addiction, & XPG (2024 Edition)

    These are all reasons I can actually feel good about spending as much of my overall supplement budget on Steve's products as I do. Pepti-plex has my wonky tennis elbows feeling the best they have in like a decade, and Api-plex in addition has me experiencing some of the best sleep I have in...
  3. Kombucha and the brain

    Part of it could be related to the healthy dose of B vitamins in Kombucha. If I recall correctly it's rich with vitamins B6 and B12.
  4. Tell Us What You Would Like to see From SNS, CEL, Muscle Addiction, & XPG (2024 Edition)

    Steve is downright killing me financially with all of these sales and new product releases. I'm finally able to use most supplements after several years of not being able to do so due to various health related issues and I literally want to try everything that's out there now. That's on top of...
  5. Mass Shift ~ Na-R-ALA

    I'm thinking of giving my wife my Mass Shift stash to help with her overall body goals (general fitness and mild weight loss). She just finished a cut and I'd like to assist her with keeping the pounds off where possible. Her diet is never likely going to be great given her sweet tooth but I'm...
  6. Tell Us What You Would Like to see From SNS, CEL, Muscle Addiction, & XPG (2024 Edition)

    Ah man my bank account is never going to recover at this rate. :ROFLMAO:
  7. apex upcoming sale?

    Based on my early results from Arimahex I might need to subscribe to that as well once my stash runs out. I've started with 5 pumps a day first thing in the morning and the energy boost I've received is off the chain. I actually found that I need to skip an evening application as the energy...
  8. apex upcoming sale?

    Hmm I don't know how I missed the fact that you can subscribe, as Helios has become a staple product for me that I don't want to run out of. For me the best part about sales is saving a bit on shipping as that quickly adds up when shipping to Canada for a single bottle vs an order of 3 bottles.
  9. DCP restock?

    I recently ordered a few bottles of DCP from Flexit so they may still have some in stock.
  10. SNS Amentoflavone XT - Now Available!

    Can this be taken with food? I have a small meal about 30 minutes before my workout and I'd like to take the recommended 2 cap dose at this time.
  11. Apex-Alchemy ARIMAHEX Restocked!!! 40% OFF Celebration is Now LIVE!!!

    Hey there, quick question for you. Is there any concerns regarding absorption if there is a bit of overlap with a few different topicals? I utilize nitrile gloves for applying Helios. Is it likely fine to use the same gloves to apply Arimahex afterwards, or should I consider using a different...
  12. Apex-Alchemy ARIMAHEX Restocked!!! 40% OFF Celebration is Now LIVE!!!

    I'm getting a little low on Helios and need to stock up a bit myself. I find that it's an amazing topical as I've been receiving a lot of localized benefits on my trouble spots with regular applications. Unlike most other topicals there is minimal odor, and I've never experienced even a slight...
  13. Prime XT - Natural Anabolic Muscle Builder - Available Now!

    LOL I just realized I listed the wrong product for my mild cycle. I will be using Epi-Andro 300, not Epi-Plex so I can see the reasons for the confusion. 🤪
  14. Prime XT - Natural Anabolic Muscle Builder - Available Now!

    I had a bit of a brain cramp there. I should have said Epi-Andro, not Epi-plex as there would obviously be no need for a PCT from Epi-plex. I've read the reviews stating that suppression is very mild from Epi-Andro but I'm in my late 40's and intending to test out some different test boosters...
  15. Prime XT - Natural Anabolic Muscle Builder - Available Now!

    I'm just getting back into heavy supplementation after several years of minimal supplement use due to various health issues. I'm already running Evomuse Myosynergy, BLR Androgin, SNS Pepti-plex and a few other odds and ends so I'm well covered in the herbal anabolic angle for the time being. I'm...
  16. Prime XT - Natural Anabolic Muscle Builder - Available Now!

    I'm having a really hard time not jumping on this right away. My plan is to use it starting during PCT from a mild Epi-Plex cycle. I plan to run Epi-Plex for 6-8 weeks at 600 mg daily and then I'll likely use Prime XT for a 3 month run starting a week or two before PCT starts in hopes of the...
  17. Prime XT - Natural Anabolic Muscle Builder - Available Now!

    Your order puts mine to shame as I "only" ordered 6 bottles of Prime XT. 🤣
  18. Prime XT - Natural Anabolic Muscle Builder - Available Now!

    This sounds like a topic that could make for an interesting thread of it's own as you seem to have a lot of knowledge on the subject.
  19. Leaky gut

    I think you sort of missed the gist of my post. I was enquiring whether there is a legitimate place to buy BPC-157 that isn't from some sort of grey area research chemical website.
  20. Leaky gut

    I too suffer from leaky gut as well which was diagnosed by a functional medicine practitioner. I was tested for food sensitivities and performed an elimination diet to verify which of the foods were actually problematic for me. My leaky gut symptoms include inflammation issues such as joint...