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  1. PhantomReaper

    Who's Hungry..???

    Got to eat to Grow.. Today I'm being lazy, except in the kitchen.. Dehydrating some sirloin tips,got a beef brisket in the Insta Pot.. About to put a pork lion on my new rotisserie.. Some food Porn.. More after today.. Z...
  2. PhantomReaper

    Anyone Ever Ran DHB with Trest..??

    Just curious..on paper it looks Pros...Cons..?? Z...
  3. PhantomReaper

    A Tuff Decision Ahead..!!

    Well..finally got an apartment.. Now I can control what I'm eating. And can start getting some solid rest and Recovery.. Back on 3 months off..."F".!! Just the thought of it working..Pumps Me..!! some things to really deep dive into soon.. I'm 💯 sure in a week I'll be 50%...
  4. PhantomReaper

    Gentlemen..It's Been My Honor..!!

    I recently Signed Off...on my home Forum ASF..My physical condition is rapidly declining.. And Honestly, I doubt I have 6 months ...if that..!! I came over to AM to "Give Back"..share some experiences, ideas and laughs.. I hope I get to a better place physically..but it's not looking like...
  5. PhantomReaper

    I Hope I Helped a Little..!!

    Well Gentlemen... I'm coming to the End it seems..Monday was extremely close..I don't know how I am still breathing.. I came here to repay a debt I had.. To give back, enlighten and a few laughs.. I have had..One Hell of a Ride.. Wide Open Throttle is all I know..!! I have a few great friends...
  6. PhantomReaper

    Which Super or Hyper Car is Your Favorite..??

    Can't start this discussion without mentioning the McClaren F1.. The P1 is unbelievable.. The Porsche 918.. And so many More..!! Z...
  7. PhantomReaper

    Post Up Doggy Pics..

    This is my 30% Wolf-Hybrid..nearly 11yrs old..almost completely deaf.. I've had to leave him with a friend lately.. Sadly, he's an Off-leash Service Dog..but where I'm staying, no dogs allowed.. He's saved my life too many times too count.. Tuff times for Z..but Gabriel will never suffer.. Z...
  8. PhantomReaper

    Merry Christmas AM..!!

    Too AM.. Merry Christmas.. And A Huge Happy New Great Year..!! P.S. Thanks for Having me Here..!! ZION
  9. PhantomReaper

    Happy Thanksgiving AM..!!

    Happy Thanksgiving AM..!! Hope everyone is Good..and looking forward to Family, Food and Fun.. We should all be Thankful for something this year..I'm extremely happy to be there at AM.. Happy to still be Kicking..!! Happy to have some great friends that have been by my side during some of the...
  10. PhantomReaper

    Just Wanted to Show My Best Friend..!!

    This is my Boy.. A 131lb Wolf-Hybrid ...Gabriel.. He's actually an Off-leash Service Dog..!! It took 4 years of Training, but He's gone and gotten me help many times when I've been totally unconscious.. I have two C's,one terminal..and server neck nerve damage and stomach issues the Dr.s can't...
  11. PhantomReaper

    Anyone Ran DHB as aTest Base with Trest..??

    I ran my first Trest run earlier this year..Outstanding results and I'm grinding the Numbers.. Question came up..would DHB be a better choice than Test E or C..?? With it not only being stronger and less needed but no conversion.. Z...