Search results

  1. Cheat meal damage control

    I recently ran out of my stash of Defuse. Are there any products on the market that can mitigate the damage from cheat meals and occasional alcohol consumption?
  2. Helios and Resveros questions

    Hello, I just started utilizing Helios a few days ago. I've started at 0.5 ml twice daily. What is the expected effective duration of each treatment of these topicals? Is it beneficial to split dose a few times a day or would taking the entire dose all at once be sufficient to last the entire...
  3. Creating your own Nerve Restore formula

    This is a question specifically for Dsade and others who have experienced nerve related issues and been able to find relief. Recently I am suffering from peripheral neuropathy, and am busy waiting to see a neurologist to hopefully get to the bottom of the issue. I'm located in Canada, and the...
  4. USA Cycle Support/Post Cycle, PH, Pre-Workout, Sleep Aid (Canada) - first post updated with items for sale

    I have an assortment of cycle support, OTC post cycle therapy, PH's, preworkouts and sleep aids for sale. I am located in Canada (I had to pick a drop-down location, that's why it shows USA). Shipping costs to be covered by buyer. Items include: Post Cycle/Cycle Support Products 1x Sup3r PCT...
  5. Any feedback for reformulated Ignit3 yet?

    I see Ignit3 has been reformulated. I personally like the new formula as I'm not a fan of using heavy stimulants all day long. The original product was far too strong for myself, and this is something that looks like I could use it for a month or two and not be completely hooked on stimulants...
  6. Shipping to Canada

    Do you ship to Canada? I am unable to pick my location in the shipping pulldown menu.
  7. Gut Health and antiobiotics

    I most likely have strep throat which I caught from my daughter. What is the best practice with probiotics in regards to usage with antibiotics? Should I discontinue the use of Gut Health during the course of antibiotics, or is it ok to continue with the Gut Health during antibiotic treatment...
  8. Nerve Restore in PCT

    Hello, I am 3 weeks into pct, and am using Nerve Restore as an addition to maintain my strength gains. I have found that I am in fact continuing to make new strength gains, the first week in particular was pretty crazy, the strength gains were almost as good as they were on the cycle. I am just...
  9. Androcrine during pct

    Hello, I am nearing the end of a 6 week RPN Havoc/Sup3r-dhea cycle, and intend to incorporate Androcrine during my pct. What is the recommended dosage for use during pct? The product writeup suggests a low dose. Am I incorrect in thinking that full label dose would be of more benefit during this...
  10. Help needed, unable to check out

    As mentioned in the title, I am unable to proceed to the checkout process, I simply get bounced back to the home page. I suspect this has something to do with international shipping issues, as the site is unable to process a shipping cost for me.
  11. Joint Force for Thumb Sprain

    Hello, I suspect I sprained my thumb a few days ago. I'm still waiting for a diagnosis from my physician next week to find out for sure. Is joint force of use in sprain injuries? I have been using it, and definitely find it works nicely for relieving the pain in the injured area, however from...
  12. Gyno flareup from supplements after surgery

    Hello, I recently had gyno surgery back at the beginning of August. The gyno was originally caused after using M1T (horrible stuff) without sufficient post cycle therapy. I simply dealt with it over time until finally years later I finally had it removed surgically (I had a small lump under the...
  13. Joint Force for muscle strain

    I believe I just strained an abdominal muscle today. Will joint force be of any use to promote healing of muscle tears, or is it strictly of use for connective tissue only?
  14. Dermatherm Target for VAT Attack

    I just have a quick question for the Primordial Reps, does Dermatherm Target work to specifically target VAT? I've had good success with Napalm for this purpose in the past, but it tends to cause me some pretty bad skin irritation after a couple weeks of use. I would prefer to use the Dermatherm...
  15. Hyperdol Detailed Write-up

    Is there an advanced write-up available for Hyperdrol X-2? I already have 2 bottles on hand, which I will be starting about a week from now. I am simply curious about the method of action of some of the ingredients contained within Hyperdrol X-2. Things like fulvic acid and cnidium for example...
  16. Stacking Drive/RPM with Activate Xtreme

    I have an interesting stack in mind. I've just started using Activate Xtreme, along with RPM during my workouts. I'm waiting for my Nutraplanet order to come in, which contains another bottle of Activate Xtreme and a couple of bottles of Drive. I'll be running the 3 products together for a few...
  17. Synthesize with Whey

    I just have a quick query regarding Synthesize. Would it be alright to take it with whey protein only? I follow a slightly modified Scivation cut diet, and typically my last solid meal is eaten 2.5 hours meal prior to my workout. About half an hour prior to the workout I eat a tablespoon of...
  18. Nausea from Poseidon

    I just took my first dose of Poseidon today. It consisted of 1 scoop mixed in 10 ounces of water. I sipped the mixture over a time span of a couple of minutes, and left home. I first noticed a pretty intense flush effect, which wasn't anything I couldn't handle, however the flush was also...
  19. Liver safety of toremifene vs. tamoxifen

    It seems that general consensus on this board is that toremifene citrate is a safer compound than tamoxifen citrate, however I've never seen any kind of substantive information to back this up. I've done a bit of research on my own, and found the results of 3 major clinical trials. Upon reading...
  20. Laxative effect of Chaos

    First off I'll state that I love chaos, it's the best pre-workout energizing product that I've used, as I start feeling effects within 5-10 minutes of taking the product. The fact that it contains a nice mix of volumizers puts it over the top. I do however have one effect from Chaos, while not...