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  1. enhanced

    Any car audio buffs here??

    I recently purchased a 2019 Mercedes benz GLC 300. It came with the Bermester system, which is their premium version. It really does sound great, but it's missing bass in the rear end. I got myself a 10" powered sub & LOC to put in the back. The trunk has a false floor, which has a thin layer...
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    I'm Back!

    Well, after months away, I'm finally back.. I had a spinal fusion (L5-S1) on July 18th. I put it off for years & dealt with the pain.. When it finally started messing with my sleep, I gave in & got it done. BEST decision ever!!! To be able to stand up straight and walk without pain is amazing...
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    So, I literally cannot take the pain, and trying to hide the pain from family and coworkers any longer. I've become an emotional trainwreck, trying to hide the pain these past months.. I'm tired & weak. I met w/ a neuro here in Baton Rouge, that claims he's the best at what he does, and the...
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    Couples Bodybuilding still a thing?

    I remember back in the 80's, I saw a contest on NBC that had I think Lee Haney and some lady whose name I don't remember doing a couples routine on stage. The song they used still reminds me of that show every time I hear it. Obsession by Animotion.
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    Leaky Joints

    Anybody ever heard of this? It's technically called a Ganglion Cyst. I was diagnosed with it on my finger. In a nutshell, it's basically synovial fluid leaking from a joint and forming a cyst. Initially, I didn't know what it was! My Dr diagnosed it as a wart & said Compound W will clear it up...
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    Summer recomp with R-Andro (sponsored)

    What's up everyone! I was one of the lucky few to be chosen to log this new product called R-Andro. Huge thanks to @LeanEngineer and @Afi140 for their generosity. I'm not new to the 7-k-dhea or epiandro, but have never used the Ara, so I'm super excited to see how this all works together. I...
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    Peptide storage

    Just curious. After I've mixed my peptides, is it absolutely necessary to store them in the fridge, or is my medicine cabinet good enough? Are they really that fragile?
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    Exterior house cleaning

    With the warmer spring weather upon us, I'd like to clean the exterior of my house. A couple years ago we had it painted white. (Stucco and brick). Now, every little spot or mark shows up. I've seen different cleaning solutions available. What solution or method do some of y'all prefer?
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    USA Evomuse Alphaburn

    I just got this last week. I've only taken 2 pills. I forgot how much this screws me up. It says non stim, but it just makes me feel more shakey than clen.. $20 shipped domestically.
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    March Madness!!

    Anybody else out there following? Anybody fill out the bracket?? I actually forgot. I absolutely love this tournament. I'm a Michigan fan. Go Blue!! Happy to see Kentucky just go down to #15 Saint Peters!!
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    Fasting and autophagy

    Anybody out there familiar with this? I took a fall of my mtb back in September, followed by a torn acl in November. I haven't been able to lift or ride. I've gained a ton of weight... I don't know how I fell upon this, but it looks very interesting and challenging. I just hit 50 and realize...
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    I Sneezed!!

    Any of y'all ever hurt your ribs while sneezing?? I sneezed this morning and now I'm in so much pain!! Like right below the rib cage.
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    Iconic Formulations All Out

    A couple guys on here asked me for a review of Iconics new preworkout that I received in the mail yesterday. I haven't used a true preworkout in probably a few years!! I usually just use a caffeine pill and either agmatine or cialis. I'm super sensitive to stims, so I have to be careful...
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    Car Audio

    I have a 2020 Jeep Wrangler that I'm looking to upgrade the sound system. The issue with this is that I know pretty much nothing about car audio these days... I have an aftermarket head unit and will be replacing the speakers in the soundbar with 6.5s.. Without breaking the bank, I'd like to...
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    Bloodwork results

    My story: I've been on trt for about 4-5 years now. Dr has me at 200mg a week. I do blast & cruise. I haven't blasted since last summer. My last pin before my bloodwork was roughly 3-4 weeks.. I've been taking Iconic Formulations Alpha Seven during that time. Here's my bloods: Test - 1264...
  16. enhanced

    Test E & NPP

    After doing some research, I've purchased some NPP (already on TRT & have plenty of test e). I plan on a blast coming up soon. I did bloodwork this morning & am quite sure that test levels are low or at lest where the Dr wants them. I'm on 100mg a week.. I'm meeting w/ the Dr next Friday...
  17. enhanced

    Test/NPP blast coming up

    I'm considering a winter bulk/blast. I've never used npp or deca. I tried a test/tren blend earlier this summer, but it was making me sick, so I quit after roughly 4-5 weeks. This winter, I'd like to see how much size/weight i can pack on. From what I've seen, it looks like test/npp is a...
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    Ok, so I'm into my 3rd week of 300mg tren e, 300mg test e, and 200mg mast. Dose is split x2 Monday morning and Thursday evening. Also taking .5 caber on pin days and .25 Exemestane eod. This is my first time using tren. I figured 300mg would be a safe start. Here's what I'm experiencing thus...
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    Full body recomp workouts?

    Now that I'm in a different gym, and because of my work schedule, I'm no longer able to do my 4am workouts before my day shifts.. Like, this week, I worked today 530am-530pm, and I'll do it again tomorrow.. After I get off work, the last place I want to be is the gym.. I feel like I need to be...
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    Becoming ICONIC with Icon One (sponsored)

    What's up AM family!!?? Back with another log. Huge thanks to @delsolrob and the rest of the crew @ Iconic Formulations for giving me this opportunity to log their newest product, Icon One. For those of you that don't know me, I'm currently sitting at 48 years old, 5'7" and 192. I've been on...