Recent content by Foxx13

  1. If you could only take 1 natty anabolic substance, what would it be?

    I definetly agree, some people make detailed explainations and others write long drawn out posts for the sake of stroking their ego, but to each their own I guess.
  2. If you could only take 1 natty anabolic substance, what would it be?

    This is hilarious. Even your cliff notes are long AF.
  3. If you could only take 1 natty anabolic substance, what would it be?

    So what’s the verdict on the soybean squabble??
  4. Exclusive Launch Special - Save 25%!

    So the reviews in fact are not for this product, they are for an older version. It’s not what I am “probably” seeing, the reviews are on the website under this product when in fact they are not reviews for this version. Seems deceptive to post reviews about an older version for the newer version.
  5. Exclusive Launch Special - Save 25%!

    How is this a launch sale with reviews from 2020 on this product? Either this product has been around since then or those reviews are not actually for THIS product…. What’s going on here??
  6. How To Get Great TRT Results? How Come Some People Look Better Than Younger?

    if you can train hard for an hour and aren’t sore or fatigued the next day, want to keep training, or can multiple days in a row without a problem your not training that hard. At the end of my 6-week cycles I’m training hard enough that I’m glad when the sessions are over. I know it’s my last...
  7. Losing visceral fat on a treadmill

    I did a cut last year and I found that just increasing my steps helped a lot. Over the course of a year I average out at about 8000 steps a day. So when I cut I try to get in 9000+ a day. I purposely do more sports type of activities with my kids. If I had the time I too would hike more. Food...
  8. How To Get Great TRT Results? How Come Some People Look Better Than Younger?

    What is your program and nutrition look like? What is your daily and weekly routine outside of training like kids, work, sleep, etc… there is no such thing as overtraining just under recovering. It’s all the same ****, you either over train or you under recover. if you did transformation...
  9. How To Get Great TRT Results? How Come Some People Look Better Than Younger?

    you just answered the results question here. You don’t work hard anymore so don’t expect great results. Twenty years ago is irrelevant to what you do today. 3-4x a week is fine but it’s the effort within those sessions that matter. I would even say 3-4 sessions of hard work is better than 6-7...
  10. Clen/Tren

    Well if she gets these kind of results good make for a very interesting Only Fans Page. I say go for it, might work out for you.
  11. Is It Harmless to Do Cardio Every Morning, Moderately?

    I don’t do any cardio. I don’t have the time. I train hard 4x a week and average 8000 steps a day and when I cut try to hit as close to 10000 steps everyday at work. I used to run 3-5 miles 3x a week because I enjoyed it, but my daily steps were much lower. I don’t honestly believe that either...
  12. Is It Harmless to Do Cardio Every Morning, Moderately?

    No it will not hinder your progress. Personally, I think the whole cardio will hinder progress is way overblown. Yes, if you are running 10 miles a day and trying to squat 500 pounds there is some merit to this. BUT for most people not competing it’s not going to hinder you and may in fact help...
  13. Black Friday 2023

    what companies/sites are marking up their prices to then discount at the lower price?
  14. Fix my calories please!

    I would increase protein to 200-250g/day. Not sure what you are at. What’s your carbs and fat macros?
  15. Fix my calories please!

    Your phone calculates steps for you, at least mine does. If your doesn’t invest in a step counter. Walking/steps is what you need. You don’t need less calories you need more activity. Three ten minute walks is better than 100KB swings a day. I’d also take off the weighted vest, your joints don’t...