akboom87's latest activity

  • akboom87
    akboom87 reacted to rodefeeh's post in the thread In the Mail .... with Like Like.
    Nothing sexy here just some Memorial Day sale goodness.
  • akboom87
    akboom87 replied to the thread SkRaw85 Training Log.
    Kick ass man!
  • akboom87
    akboom87 replied to the thread Weights up, scales down….
    I do catch myself doing the knee lockout at times, so that’s a cue I have to focus on a little more.
  • akboom87
    akboom87 replied to the thread Weights up, scales down….
    Great question, so this is the video I used and still use and how I perform my RDL.
  • akboom87
    akboom87 replied to the thread Weights up, scales down….
    Also I feel like this program I’m running would be great with 300mg of test a week added in 😂
  • akboom87
    akboom87 replied to the thread Weights up, scales down….
    Also hyper extension if you have access, those have helped me a lot to I feel like.
  • akboom87
    akboom87 replied to the thread Weights up, scales down….
    I feel like they have really made a large improvement on my deads and just my back in general.
  • akboom87
    it's a timing thing for me, lol. I always pound my preWO either at work on my way to the gym, or when I get to a certain part of the high way from my house if I go on the weekend. If i hit it too...
  • akboom87
    akboom87 replied to the thread Weights up, scales down….
    Gym time 5:10 am -6:10am deadlift (60% of 1RM) 190lbs x 10x10x10 Romanian deadlift BB (6-7 rpe) 135lbs x 10x10 Good morning (6-7 rpe) 135lbs x10x10 BB row (6-7 rpe) 105lbs x15x15x15 Seated...
  • akboom87
    akboom87 reacted to Dustin07's post in the thread Weights up, scales down… with Like Like.
    so funny man, that was me the last 2 years and all the sudden lately my mindset has completely changed and I'm throwing in my deads to try not to lose them, but starting to get more excited about...
  • akboom87
    Good morning! Wake up time 4:30 am 1 scoop of All Out Ultra with 10-12ounces of water. Funny thing I have not felt any tingles so far but this morning they kicked in, nothing bad but I could feel...
  • akboom87
    akboom87 replied to the thread HokiePride...{The Return}...2016.
    Dang man sorry to hear that, hoping you have good luck picking up a new job!
  • akboom87
    akboom87 replied to the thread 6ish week cut cycle.
    Did the same wife set out some brand and it worked, don’t remember the brand.
  • akboom87
    akboom87 replied to the thread 6ish week cut cycle.
    When I ran the Alpha 7 I did get a rash from it just running the standard amount on the bottle. What I had to do was after an applied later on in the day use a moisturizer lotion. A few days it...
  • akboom87
    akboom87 replied to the thread Weights up, scales down….
    Off day today, I almost went in but I knew it would be a complete waste as I’m definitely feeling sore. Tomorrow though got deadlifts so I’m excited! I’ll probably quickly retreat and retract that...