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  • Renew1
    Renew1 reacted to BamBam54's post in the thread Donald Trump running for president with Like Like.
    They call Ron Paul an idiot, because he thinks if we don't break other people's windows that the world's violent and murderous dictators won't break ours. Hitler, Pol Pot, Stalin, the Ayatollah...
  • Renew1
    Renew1 reacted to BamBam54's post in the thread Donald Trump running for president with Haha Haha.
    The party of principles. Well..... at least The Party :ROFLMAO:
  • Tunaking14 replied to the thread Donald Trump running for president.
    Wil While I agree what will happen if the demonrats win and it Trump wins, why do you want to protect or give money to Ukraine or Isreal? Ukraine and Zelensky in particular is a fk'in criminal...
    Cistanche XT - Back in Stock For a limited time, save 20% off with coupon code: backinstock20 Cistanche XT: Normal price: 34.99 Price w coupon code: 27.99 (save 7.00)...
  • jimbuick
    jimbuick replied to the thread Jimothy's Back (and worse than ever).
    Tried to run into the gym and do whatever leg work I could get away with, but forgot the gym closes early on Fridays. Gonna shift my plan up one day in the week to do Sun/Mon/Wed/Thu going forward.
  • jgraves31
    jgraves31 reacted to sns8778's post in the thread SNS Pine Pollen Capsules (New Release) with Like Like.
    I researched that to death and heard different opinions too. I have a very bad pollen allergy and got allergy shots for years and pollen is a bad allergy of mine, so I was initially hesitant to...
  • jgraves31
    jgraves31 reacted to larkham's post in the thread SNS Pine Pollen Capsules (New Release) with Like Like.
    Funny I just asked Steve the same question recently as I’m sure I’m allergic to pollen. I’ve been taking the full dose over the last week and thankfully I haven’t had any reactions.
  • jgraves31
    jgraves31 reacted to sns8778's post in the thread SNS Pine Pollen Capsules (New Release) with Like Like.
    For most people, pollen doesn't have a contact allergy with the skin, so it wouldn't likely work quite that way. I think starting off with a lower dose just to gauge it would likely be a better...
  • SBH
    And Ursa-Gel would also be a good idea. Ursolic acid is a good way to protect the prostate from dht and has a nice natural anabolic effect itself.
  • SBH
    SBH reacted to nikosktm's post in the thread Has anyone used EpiAndro from Muscle Addiction? with Like Like.
    next time i will run 900 along with creatine and aswaganha for lean bulk
  • SBH
    SBH reacted to Dustin07's post in the thread Has anyone used EpiAndro from Muscle Addiction? with Like Like.
    AXT and A Effect are subtle in day to day life but your lifting sessions seem to turn up a notch. I do feel like I stayed fairly lean this summer while adding a few lbs back to the scale. I PR'd...
  • Smont
    Smont replied to the thread House of Nutrition Trenavar cycle.
    Definately, theres also Whatever that thing is that makes people want something they can no longer have or have easy access to. I actually havnt used much outside traditional steroids in a while...
  • Rad83
    Rad83 reacted to Smont's post in the thread House of Nutrition Trenavar cycle with Like Like.
    If you look hard enough you can still find pretty much everything. But traditional steroids are often easier to find, and less expensive, and if you choose wisely they can be less Detrimental to...
  • Rad83
    Rad83 reacted to Stacks1's post in the thread House of Nutrition Trenavar cycle with Like Like.
    This is true for the most part. There were some things that came out from that era that will now forever sit alongside regular gear. Notably something like superdrol. But overall, you can get...
  • Stacks1 replied to the thread House of Nutrition Trenavar cycle.
    This is true for the most part. There were some things that came out from that era that will now forever sit alongside regular gear. Notably something like superdrol. But overall, you can get...