Superdrol cYCLE ?


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tell me if this is a good cycle and pct
pct 30/30/15/15nolva along with 12.5mg aromasin e3d?


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Literally no way to know

it’s unlikely to be a good cycle as you have nothing to address the estrogen pathway among other problems but first up

what have you run before?
What are your main stats (height, weight, lifts etc)
Cycle aim - what do you want from it?


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This ^ plus Tudca.


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Superdrol does not convert to estrogen, why will it need to adress it?


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tell me if this is a good cycle and pct
pct 30/30/15/15nolva along with 12.5mg aromasin e3d?
Here is what I did with my 1st superdrol run.

1st 4 weeks
600 mg's of stano (no longer legal so I'd go with epidandro)
20 mg's of s-drol.

2nd 4 weeks
50 mg's clomid

You shouldn't need any aromasin. Just my opinion.
This run was truly amazing. Did this in my late 30's after more than 10 years of not taking anything. Wish I had pics. Went from dad bod to bodybuilder in 4 weeks. Also, kept progressing during the 4 weeks of pct as well.


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You wouldn't make it past week two with 20 mg super, and no support supplements or TEST base. IMO with oral SD, the faster you make gains the faster you will lose them. This happens with MOST methylated oral steroids, as they convert more readily into IGF - 1 during first pass in the liver. Even with a perfect pct, you will still lose at least half of your gains. Anadrol, Dianabol, Halotestin? They are great "performance enhancers" but unlike injectable AAS, they have very temporary and fleeting effects. Even amongst all AAS, testosterone is the only hormone you will make and KEEP your gains from. This can be argued, but even the supposed "strongest" AAS for example is Trenbolone. However although Tren works through multiple different pathways, it's ability to increase IGF - 1 is the major factor. So again upon discontinuation of this drug, size and strength gains, muscle hardness and that cosmetic 3D look will almost vanish overnight.

Not knowing your stats and assuming your from EU, and can't take test.. Just run 10 mg superdrol for four weeks and pct. 20 mg is way too strong without knowing your stats. If you access to real testosterone, then I suppose you could stack them. 500 mgs of test for 12 weeks. Kick start with 10 mgs of Superdrol for three weeks, and if your cycle is going smoothly you can finish the last three weeks with SD as well. Again only 10 mgs, not 20! Take your exemestane with your test, but only IF you need it. Estrogen needs to be in check, meaning not too high (bloated/ gyno) and not too low (dry joints/ low libido). Avoid all AI's during pct, unless you are having trouble with gyno.

Again. Don't run SD without support supplements for your liver, and for your lipids. Otherwise it can really mess you up and cause permanent damage. Tudca, NAC, even milk thistle for your liver. Celery seed extract is good for reducing high blood pressure and as antioxidant. A healthy diet, regular exercise AND cardio to keep lipids/ blood glucose in check! Do more research and be safe whatever you decide


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Superdrol is toxic af - not sure why anyone would want to run it unless they have plans of competing. I ran it a long time ago and regret it as I just wanted to look better and that was very ignorant of me.

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